Battle Scars (Yang x Male Rea...

By Darkdragon647

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It was now time for the Vytal Festival to begin. You and your teammates were all eager to begin fighting in t... More

Meeting Her Family
The Festival Begins
Winter's Arrival
Walking on Ice
Too Early to Celebrate
Fairy Tales
Familiar Faces
An Unexpected Turn
A Monster Again
In the Shadows
Divide and Conquer (Part 1)
Divide and Conquer (Part 2)
Divide and Conquer (Part 3)
Beginning of the End
An Unhappy Ending


287 11 2
By Darkdragon647

Shortly after the fight between team JNPR and team BRNZ it was time for the next fight to begin.

Professor Port: *Over intercom* Team NDGO of Shade is certainly a crowd favorite. But these lovely ladies are going against some of the toughest, testosterone-filled, teammates we've seen so far. I'm of course talking about... Team SSSN! Sun Wukong and his team are certainly a force to be reckoned with. And although he'll be representing the Mistral academy of Haven, I'm sure his friends and family back in Vacuo will be cheering him along. 

Sun and his teammates, Sage, Scarlet, and Neptune all stood across from Nebula and her teammates, Dew, Gwen, and Octavia. You all saw some fangirls hold up signs of the faces of Neptune, Scarlet, and Sage with hearts around them while another fangirl held up a sign of Sun's abs with hearts around them. 

y/n: *In stands* Looks like they're famous.

Yang turned to you.

Yang: *In stands* Don't worry babe. You're way more handsome than they are.

You chuckled a bit at Yang flattering you.

y/n: *In stands* And you call me a dork.

Yang giggled a bit.

Yang: *In stands* Only because you are.

Yang side hugged you and rested her head on your shoulder. You side hugged her back.

Weiss: *In stands* Good luck, Neptune!

Neptune was waving to everyone in the crowd before he looked at team NDGO in front of him. He then started flirting with them. 

Neptune: *Flirting* Ladies.

You and Yang: *In stands* Ouch!

Weiss got mad and pointed her hand out to Neptune.


Neptune then tried to flirt more as he gestured up his body.

Neptune: *Flirting* Ok ladies. Try to remember. Hands... above the waste.

You and Yang: *In stands* Ewww.

Sun then placed his hand on Neptune's shoulder.

Sun: Ignore him. For he... Yeah, he's dumb.

Weiss scoffed as she pouted.

Weiss: *In stands* I've noticed.

Neptune winked at team NDGO and they all looked away in disgust.

The arena then began to set itself up. Team NDGO's side was set up as a badlands biome with an artificial Sun. 

Nebula: Alright, home field advantage!

Sun: Don't get too cocky, that's my turf too.

The arena then began to set itself up on team SSSN's side.

Scarlet: I hope I don't get sand in my shoes.

Neptune: Be cool man.

The randomizer for team SSSN's side selected an ocean biome.

Gwen: Hey! The ocean!

Neptune: Huh?

Neptune looked behind him petrified as the ocean biome set up behind his team.

Ruby: *In stands* Uh... what's wrong with Neptune?

Blake began to hang her head sadly.

Blake: *In stands* Oh no...

y/n: *In stands* What's wrong?

Blake turned to face you.

Blake: *In stands* Neptune's... afraid of the water.

y/n: *In stands* Oh... that's a problem.

Neptune proceeded to stand like a statue as the countdown then began.

Professor Oobleck: *Over intercom* Three, two, one, begin!

Neptune immediately zoomed past team NDGO and climbed on top of a mountain behind them.

Sage: Neptune! What are you doing!?

Neptune: Oh you know, just getting to higher ground. 

Sun: On the enemy's side!?

Neptune: They would never expect it!

Dew: He's not wrong.

Nebula: Open fire!

Team NDGO then all began running after Neptune. The rest of team SSSN began chasing after them from behind. 

Sage went after Dew. Sage attempted to attack her with his weapon Pilgrim. However, Dew was able to parry his attack as the collision of their weapons pushed them about twenty feet from each other. Dew then waved her spear over the sand and created three small tornados with the use of the wind dust crystal in her spear. The tornados disoriented Sage before combining and the high winds carried him out of the arena taking him out of the arena. The buzzer then went off signaling he was now defeated.

Professor Oobleck: *Over intercom* And NDGO gains the advantage.

Octavia was then facing Sun and Scarlet. Both Sun and Scarlet looked ready to fight but, Octavia spun around with her dagger and with the use of her fire dust in the weapon sent a blast of fire at their feet. A large cloud of smoke then went flying towards them disorienting them both. Scarlet tried to brave the smoke but Sun turned and ran the other way as he called out to Neptune.

Sun: Neptune!

Neptune jumped down from the mountain he was standing on and pointed his weapon Tri-hard at Octavia. Octavia again threw a blast of fire with her fire dust near Neptune's feet but Neptune put on protective goggles and began shooting at Octavia. Octavia managed to deflect his shots, however, Sun attacked from above from the direction of the artificial Sun. Sun kicked Octavia in the face and knocked her way causing her to stumble. She then tried to attack Sun with her dagger but Sun then pulled out his weapon Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang in staff mode as he parried her attack and then pummeled her with his staff. Sun then made one last blow hitting her in the face with the end of his staff greatly damaging her aura and defeating her.

Professor Port: *Over intercom* Oh! And we're down to three on three!

Scarlet was trying to fight Dew but she took advantage of her wind dust crystal again and launched him away with a small tornado carrying him to the ocean side of the stadium. Scarlet fell towards the wrecked ship and managed to catch himself with his weapon Hook as he flipped up and stood at the top of the mast next to the eagle's nest. Nebula and Gwen then began running after him. Nebula shot an arrow at the mast with her crossbow-like weapon Gwen caught the arrow and threw it with greater precision into the mast. Nebula then leaped onto the arrow and used it to spring herself upward so that she could reach Scarlet. The two of them were now on the same level as each other. Nebula then converted her weapon into a sword and began attacking Scarlet. Nebula slashed at Scarlet a couple of times as Scarlet parried her attacks. Nebula then bashed Scarlet in the face with the hilt of her weapon. Scarlet staggered being careful not to fall and then kicked Nebula causing her to stagger back into the mast behind her but she managed to maneuver her way around it. Scarlet followed after and Nebula attacked again as the two found themselves in a blade lock. Scarlet managed to break his way out and bash Nebula in the face with the hilt of Hook as she was knocked off the mast and fell to the ship. 

Scarlet then turned his attention to Gwen who was throwing knives at Sun. Scarlet took advantage of the fact she had her attention on someone else and pulled out his other weapon Darling as a grappling hook shot out of the handle and wrapped around her ankle.

Scarlet: Gotcha.

Scarlet then jumped down from the mast and as he did the grappling hook pulled Gwen up by her ankle. She was now hanging upside down trying to hold her skirt up to keep it from falling over her. But she wasn't able to keep her knife holders up, so all of her knives fell out towards Scarlet beneath her. Scarlet then posed carefully as the knives fell by him just barely missing him. 

Yang: *In stands* I guess you could say, he got the POINT!

You chuckled at Yang's pun but the others all shook their heads in frustration at it.

Dew jumped onto a small island facing Sun who was also now on another small island. Sun looked worried for a moment but then he punched the tree next to him and two coconuts fell down as Sun caught them. Sun then threw them both at Dew but she wacked them back at him with her spear causing them to catch fire. Sun ducked out of the way of the coconuts but Scarlet was first hit in the head by one and the other managed to strike him right in his manhood.


Scarlet collapsed and his aura dropped to the point where he was considered defeated.

Sun: Aww. Nuts. 

Yang: *In stands* Aww man, I was gonna say that!

Blake: *In stands* Thank the gods you didn't.

Yang: *In stands* Hey! At least I'm trying!

Dew then sent a small tornado after Sun. 

Sun began running away from Dew as he called out to Neptune.

Sun: Uh, Neptune!? Could use some help buddy!

Neptune was standing in the center of the arena trying to avoid going near the water.

Neptune: Uh, ya know, it would probably be better if you came over here! Yeah! I can guard this... sector! We're in lockdown mode!

Neptune turned to face the badlands area even though no one was there.

Sun was now being chased by the rest of team NDGO.

Sun: What are you talking about!? There's nothing to lock down!

Neptune turned to Sun.

Neptune: Lockdown! Right! You got it!

Dew attempted to leap and attack Sun but he jumped out of the way.

Sun: I know you're afraid of water but you gotta- 

Dew attempted to leap and attack Sun again but Neptune shot her out of the air with Try-hard.

Neptune: There, I helped! Are you happy now!? Also, I am not afraid of water and do now know what YOU are talking about!

Dew began to get up and Nebula and Gwen ran up next to her ready to fight Sun.


Neptune: Ok, fine! Just get out of the water!

Sun jumped up next to Neptune and Neptune converted Try-hard into glaive mode with an electric charge at the end. Neptune still look terrified of the water and slowly and carefully crept up to it while Sun was giving him a frustrated look. Neptune then dipped the shocking part of Try-hard into the water and an electrical current then made its way to team NDGO electrifying them all and depleting their auras.

Yang: *In stands* We'll that's a SHOCKING finish!

Ruby, Weiss, and Blake all got frustrated.

Ruby, Weiss, and Blake: GOD DAMN IT YANG!

Yang laughed nervously. You then placed your hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

y/n: *In stands*  I thought it was funny.

Yang smiled at you and you both looked down at Sun and Neptune.

Professor Port: *Over intercom* And with that team, SSSN moves on to the doubles round. 

Neptune and Sun both then began doing a victory dance. 

Ruby: *In stands* That was a close one.

Yang: *In stands* Looks like those dorks made it to the next round.

Blake looked down at Sun and Neptune. Sun stopped his dance and looked up to Blake and did finger guns as he winked at her. Blake blushed nervously.

Blake: *In stands* Emphasis on dork.

You decided to patronize Blake a little.

y/n: *In stands* You seem to like that dork.

Blake's face went red with embarrassment.

Blake: *In stands* Oh shut up!

Professor Oobleck: *Over intercom* That concludes the matches for the day. Please leave the colosseum IN A CALM AND ORDERLY FASHION!

You all were startled at Professor Oobleck suddenly yelling but you all also expected that from him. You all the started to get out of your seats

y/n: Well, how about we go congratulate them?

Ruby: Alright, let's go.

While you all began making your way out of the stands you began to think about the upcoming match with you and Weiss. You remembered how she had said before that she wanted to be a huntress to uphold her family's honor. But as you thought about it, it began to feel like it was an excuse.

y/n: Hey Weiss?

Weiss: Yeah?

y/n: Did you mean it when you said you wanted to become a huntress to uphold your family's honor? 

Weiss went silent and looked off to the side for a moment. She then turned back to face you.

Weiss: Yes. I meant it.

It still felt like she was hiding something but you couldn't tell what. Weiss then looked up and smiled. You looked up as well to see what you recognized to be Winter's ship. 

Weiss: She's here!

Alright, that's the last of the full team fights. I hope you enjoyed them. I'm looking forward to the doubles flights. Now before anyone asks mostly because I'm pretty sure it's obvious by now. I will be making Sun and Blake a couple later down the road. I felt like that's the original direction the show was going anyway even the moment Sun was introduced emphasized that. Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for all your support!

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