How To Unlock A Duke's Heart

Por liaapeaa

75.7K 3.6K 179

This story takes place in England, 1760, some years before lady Georgia sadly married Lord Walter Pearson at... M谩s

How To Unlock A Duke's Heart
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 24

2.6K 131 7
Por liaapeaa

Richmond House
London, England
The Duke of Richmond's Ballroom

After being escorted down from the carriage with the help of nearby footmen, the fresh air of the night caused lady Georgia to feel mystically surreal. It almost felt as if she were in some dreamlike, fanciful state until reality settled into the very pit of her gut and caused her to nearly stop and shudder in her tracks. The temperature outside had dropped considerably, however the light breeze was mostly calm and soothing in contrast to Georgia's flayed and erratic nerves. She decided to take a few deep breaths to steady the uncontrollable pounding of her racing heart.

She decided to wear deep, emerald silks. There was a gold insignia sewn into the front of her dress making her appear more regal. Traditionally, long, white gloves covered her arms. Her dark locks of hair were pinned near the nape of her neck tied in a fancy chignon and a lone curl drooped off her shoulder in a single fashion, while two small braids wrapped around her head in crossing. Tonight, she felt more than breathtakingly beautiful and was escorted by none other than her brother, George, who had also bathed, dressed, and groomed for the occasion.

She had already informed him of her condition when she returned to Pearson hall that same evening and promised that after this night they would both go and see their father laid to rest properly. She was thankful for finally being able to have the opportunity to meet her brother's lovely wife, whom she already was hearing so much about. As well as her nieces and nephews. Life was most unexpectedly looking up in other ways. Not only that, but she also couldn't undermine the freshly renovated cottage that was gifted to her from Lady Edna Pearson.

She now had the deed and the keys in her possession, but she suddenly remembered something her ladyship had stated right after she placed the deed paperwork in Georgia's hands. "The choice is yours, my dear." Lady Edna said. "Choose wisely."

Georgia's heart lept at the possibility of a chance that this may very well be the night that her fate would either be sealed to a lonely cottage life or turn into something else entirely different. However, on this particular night much about the air just felt different. She admitted that much to herself as she and George were greeted by two women at the front of the house. One of the women was much older than the other. The younger woman, lady Georgia noticed, seemed to be an exact replica of the older woman standing right next to her.

"The widowed Lady Pearson, and her brother Sir, George. My ladyship." The footmen announced and everyone began exchanging the normal formalities for titled families of the ton. Georgia caught George's side-eyed look out the corner of her eyes, though. She had assumed it was from the incorrect use of title which was called during the introductions. George would now be referred to as the new Lord Danvers, but the members of the ton were all not yet aware of their father's passing.

"May I introduce, the Duchess of St. Gerrad and the Duchess of Kent." The footmen called finishing the last of the introductions.

The older woman smiled at Georgia before she spoke . "Lady Pearson and Sir George, what a pleasure it is to have you both. I hope that you will surely not be disappointed. The Duke has quite outdone himself with the ball's the preparations. Please do enjoy yourselves. Thelma, will show you to the ballroom."

Georgia's stomach dropped to her knees as her heart danced uncontrollably at the near mention of the Duke. She was in fact very anxious to see him after speaking with the two ladies that greeted them at the entrance hall. She also noticed during the brief exchange that the woman who was introduced as the Duchess of Kent seemed to be the daughter of the older woman who was also introduced as the Duchess of St. Gerrad. She couldn't help but to feel something eerily familiar about them both with their prominent, blue eyes and dark, golden curls. Somehow, she got the idea that they had to be somehow related to the Duke.

Lady Georgia didn't have time to dwell on the two ladies for much longer as she and George were now entering into the ballroom a few paces down from the entrance hall. They were both announced before proceeding down the stairs and she noticed the instant reactions from families she had not seen in some years. George led her over to a servant holding a tray of French champagne and offered her a glass to calm her nerves.

All her senses seemed to be heightened. She felt as if she were a hot, clammy, and anxious ball of nerves. Her stomach felt as if it were doing summersaults repeatedly. She had assumed that it was the child within her that was causing the sudden dreadful emotions to well up inside her, trying their best to push to the forefront. She had to remain in control or this night would most certainly turn into a disaster. She refused to let those impulses cause her this night. This was all she had hoped for.

George was saying something to her, but she could barely make out a word he was saying. Many people buzzed about. Chatters, whispers, and clinking wine glasses filled the entire room. Georgia was captivated by all that was happening around her. It wasn't until she felt George tug at the dance card dangling from her wrist, which helped her to realize that he was saying he wished to dance the first set with her. It had been so very long since they last had danced together. In those days they both were children, really, and now they both had, had children and families of their own.

Her eyes continued to scan through the excessive bushels of orchids tied with white ribbon, beeswax candles lining the walls, silken drapes dusting the overly polished floors which were tied back elegantly with rope, high baroque ceilings, and dainty chandeliers. Even the cutlery seemed evermore expensive than normal. For some reason, lady Georgia had the notion that this ball wasn't just any ordinary ball. Everything seemed so fanciful and over the top. All the details were beginning to stand out her. Even, the fact that she had yet to spot Francis which was causing her to become more anxious by the second of his impending arrival.

Biting down on her bottom lip she reminded herself why she even came here tonight. It wasn't because lady Vivienne, her dearest friend, had asked her here. It was because in her heart of hearts she knew very well she had to out with the truth to Francis of her condition. One which was acquired by the deepest passions of the flesh that she had ever known, if not love. At least, she was no fool in that department, but the longer she waited for the Duke's arrival, the more she felt like a fool indeed.

What was she thinking? She had utterly disgraced herself. Now, here she was with child and out of wedlock. Would he provide for them? Would he still care for her and the child? She wasn't even really sure anymore. The emotions that were welling up inside her where becoming to difficult to contain. She was feeling not herself at all. Her chest began to throb and felt oddly heavy, but she continued to push through the night.

From over across the room Lord and Lady Hackett spotted Lady Georgia and Sir George hovering near the champagne table and made their way over for conversation. They were both secretly given another task by the Duke of Richmond. They didn't know exactly how they had ended up in the middle of the man's sordid love affairs, but were nevertheless happy to do his bidding.

Their first task was already complete by notifying the Duke of Georgia's arrival. From where he stood on the balcony conversing with few aristocrats, he couldn't help the slight pang of jealousy that unexpectedly came over him as he watched all the couples find their places on the dance floor, including Sir George and Lady Pearson, for the first set which was a coalition. He had only been waiting on the perfect opportunity to approach her since she'd arrived and couldn't help but to notice that she seemed quite anxious as he carefully observed her coffee, brown eyes searching through the crowd once more after the set had ended.

Had she been searching for him the way he was yearning for her? After extricating himself from another group of guests who beckoned for his attention he began making his way down the balustrade trying to remain unseen. He had assumed all this time that there was a great possibility that she may very well despise him. He couldn't tell if he had broken her heart or not. Did she love him? Would she ever?

He took a glass of sherry from a nearby footman which he preferred over French champagne any day. The music for the second set, a quadrille, began to spark up and he noticed a random gentleman sign his name on Georgia's dance card before escorting her to the floor once more.

Fancy that, he was making way to her and at the very same time she was being swept up in the arms of another. Drat it all! He finished the cup he had in his hands and proceeded to ask the first lady he saw to dance this set with him. He felt that it was now or never. He had wanted to approach lady Georgia all evening long, but he hadn't known where to start with his words and explanations. So, he watched her from afar just to see where his lack of action had got him.

Glancing down at the young lady who he chose as his partner, whom he did not even take notice of before, caught him utterly by surprise. The young lady was quite overweight and had blushed immensely before he suddenly looked away again. Now, this must be the precipice of desperation. He placed himself and his partner two couples down from where lady Georgia and her escort were standing purposefully to attract her attention.

He looked over to where Georgia was standing with her arms at her sides. He needed to speak with her. He need the feel of his body pressed to hers. He wanted her to notice him, finally. He wanted to know what it was that was between them both and had she felt the same exact way that he did.

It was almost as if he willed her with his mind to look up and meet his eyes. Suddenly, that very thing occurred. Georgia looked up and met Francis' gaze with the look of shock plain as day written all over her face. He let his gaze penetrate through hers for the moments before the dance began and when the music struck the beginning chords their eyes were ripped away from each other's involuntarily.

He did not want his staring at her to come to an end. After every twist and every turn he sought her ought. He found her gaze and watched her gasp in amazement at the profound effect that he knew he still possessed over her. The partners began to take their turns about and switching out as the dance continued on and eventually they ended up being each other's partners for the briefest of moments.

He had purposely made sure that it would be so with how he positioned him and his partner two places down from her. The moment his hand held hers and she looked over at him he watched a blush slowly creep up her neck and flush over her cheeks. Her mouth was still partly open in surprise which made him yearn to kiss her there and everywhere. Just a mere touch caused him feel hot and heady all over, and oh, how he wished he could bring her hands to his lips too, and kiss her soft ample skin hidden below the fashionable, white pair of gloves.

They continued to dance together with no words. There was only the longing of unrequited glances and arousing feelings of shared intimacy with the coming together of mere flesh. Their encounter was so very brief and ended as quickly as it began before they both exchanged partners once more and circled back around returning to their original partners.

The dance had ended and the young lady remained proudly at Francis' side until he escorted her back to the spot he had found her. A few ladies and their daughters were beginning to draw near to him as he looked for a way out. He spotted lady Georgia being escorted to the outside garden area with the gentleman she had arrived with and whom he watched her dance with as well. He wasn't too sure of who the gentleman was since he missed the introductions, but he had a feeling that they both resembled each other greatly.

"Pardon me," The Duke said prying himself away from the flittering ladies that gawked about the room waiting to be noticed and approved by him. He had no intentions on leading the young ladies hearts astray when his heart had belonged and longed for another. Ignoring their disappointing looks he continued to make his way out into the gardens. He was still interrupted on his conquest, but politely excused himself from each individual until he stepped out into the cold, chill of the night.

At the stone bench he spotted Lady Pearson sitting and waiting she seemed to be. Her hands lightly clasped over the other. Her leg shaking out of sheer nervousness. Georgia had already sent George back into the ballroom and promised to join him again after a few moments of respite. She heard the grass crunch beneath Francis' boots alerting her of his arrival and she looked up abruptly blinking through the moonlight.

"Francis..." she said self consciously looking up at him through full dark lashes before instantly avoiding his gaze and folding her arms over her mid section.

"I have waited so very long for this moment." Was all he said. Surprised by his words, she looked back up at him again. There was something so different in his expression. Something that she never saw before.

"As have I." She admitted letting out a deep breath. She didn't know where to begin with all she needed to say to him now that they were looking upon one another. Feelings washed over her that she thought had died and been buried for the last two months were becoming ever so clear to her now. She could not resist him even if she tried. For, she loved him, but was afraid of saying so.

"Lucia Balmonte was her name." He said after clearing his voice. "That was the woman whom you seen me with at the Cashwell's tea party."

Georgia's face twisted into a confused expression and she opened her mouth to say something, but the Duke continued on.

"I fancied myself in love. She was betrothed to another during our entire courtship. She had left me for him. She had never even looked back. There was no explanation for the pain she had caused. For years I chased her, foolishly. Even after her husband died she still went and chose another besides I to marry again. She never loved me and after that day I made a vow to myself to never love again."

It was all coming back to her. The beautiful woman who she had asked Francis about a few months prior. At first, he was not open to having any conversation explaining who the woman was to him. And, now here he was was admitting the very things that he wished to keep from her. Her thoughts were confused as to why he decided to tell her these things right now. She opened her mouth to speak again, but was quieted by him once more.

"Please allow me to finish." He knelt down clutching her hand in his staring directly into her eyes. "The very day that I saw you out in the gardens something in me changed." He said searching her eyes. "I thought that I would never be able to love again."

"Francis, what are you saying?" Georgia said quite overwhelmed with confusion. All the emotions were getting to her betterment. She took another deep breath. "Before you answer that question I have something I need to confess as well."

A tear rolled down her cheek and she looked away. With the cup of his hand Francis turned her gaze back towards him meeting her eyes with his. He smiled and they both smiled at each other weakly clouded in the wake of emotions.

"Whatever it is, I promise it will not change the way I feel about you, because... I love you, Georgia." He cupped both sides of her face in his hands now as more tears tumbled down her cheeks.

"Why do you cry?" He asked curiously concerned when she still said nothing at all. It seemed she had not taken the revelation of his love for her well. The thought nearly pained him. "Do you not feel the same?"

"Yes," she answered quickly to his relief. "I do. I love you so very much. Oh, Francis! How I have tried to rid away of these feelings for good. Yet, I cannot... Perhaps, it is the...child within me that has made my love burn so strongly for you."

"Child?" He asked looking down and placing a hand over her non existent belly. "You are with child? H-how do you know?"

"Because I am a lady. Trust that a lady knows her own body, your grace." Georgia said returning back to her usual witty self. A half smile playing on her lips. "I've seen a doctor, it has been confirmed..."

He let his hand linger there over her belly for a few more moments and then looked up and into her eyes noticing her tears matched his own. He could tell that through those dark brown depths she was almost afraid of what might be his response.

"Well, then I guess we'll have a wedding to plan." He smiled at her unsure of where his happiness truly began or ever ended. All he knew was that it only grew in her presence. His heart would forever be melting for her. She unlocked all of his fears about love and was the very key to the life he desired and the love they both had deserved.

No one could stop this moment for them. He brought his lips to hers finally in a passionate kiss.

Georgia smiled at him through the happiest tears. Hand in hand they walked back together through the ballroom doors to make the announcement.


Thank you lovely readers you guys got this book to 2k I am forever grateful for all those who have read and supported and continued be a fan of my work. This was my baby. I started this book Jan 1,2022. And now it's almost complete. Stay tuned for the epilogue to see just how Georgia and Francis' life turned out and how many children they will have so on and so forth😘 thank you again beautiful readers without your views and support I would not be motivated to continue my work.

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