How To Unlock A Duke's Heart

By liaapeaa

73.1K 3.5K 179

This story takes place in England, 1760, some years before lady Georgia sadly married Lord Walter Pearson at... More

How To Unlock A Duke's Heart
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24

Chapter 23

2.2K 111 0
By liaapeaa

Henley House
London, England

Saturday next had come sooner rather than later. The entire ton was abuzz with anticipations of a splendid evening hosted by one of the ton's elite and most eligible of bachelors, that any marriage minded young lady would steal for a chance to have a Duke's attentions set upon them for a mere night, with the hope of flirtatious lust turning the evening into much more.

It was still quite early, though. Lady Edna advised Georgia over breakfast that she would see to Luella and her studies on this day leaving Georgia free to make calls and finish readying for tonight's ball, but Georgia had not really felt up to going, and wasn't really sure if it would be wise for her to attend. She was more tired than ever in the last coming weeks and not only that, the weather was becoming more noticeably cooler by the passing days.

Lady Edna also had some promising news to share with Georgia. She revealed over biscuits and tea that same morning that all the renovations for the small cottage had been finished and were ready for her and Luella's arrival. Her heart nearly dropped out of her chest. That was what she had decided was best for her and her daughter.

A quiet life, away in the country, away from civilization. Her own farm, and animals, a handful of maids, and house servants was all they would need. She would bring her daughter up in a modest country home, surrounded by love, their God, and all that was ever good.

And, in that very same instance she wanted Luella to have some sense of familiarity with the gentle bred ladies of the ton and have some idea of what married life could be like for a titled young lady. She wanted her to know more than just a humble, little cottage abode. She wanted for Luella what she wanted for herself and probably would never have, or be able to give her, even if it were the very desires of her heart, which was still shattered immensely.

Yet, she still held on for hope of a better life for her daughter's sake. It was foolish of her to still believe in this notion of true love, especially after everything that had happened that summer, so without even thinking twice on the matter Georgia expressed to Lady Edna that she would be pleased that all the necessary arrangements should be made in haste for her and her daughter's arrival in Sheffield.

There was only a matter of time before she would be leaving her old life behind her and settling for the new. Beginning a new era of peace and serenity. She had already busied her mind with all the ways she wished Luella to be instructed in her education. After a while, she was going quite mad with rigorous ideas of educated materials. She wished her daughter to be trained in a manner of things, not just what was intended for gentle bred ladies as she was once previously taught.

The thoughts came and went to disguise her true feelings of heartache over the Duke of Richmond. Her whole entire being craved him. She though that in perhaps time the unreturned feelings would dissipate into nothing but mere painful memories, yet they did no such thing. She remembered painfully, wanting everything that had already transpired.

After breakfast, lady Georgia excused herself and decided she would pay a call to her nearest and dearest, Lady Hackett. Vivienne was her closest confidante and the only woman in her life that she would call a friend, true and rare. She wanted her to be the first to know of her plans of moving to the country and starting a life there.

The carriage ride wasn't long. Half and hour at most, then Georgia was shortly escorted into Hensley house by a butler by the name of Broderick.

"The parlor, my lady." Broderick said holding the door open for lady Georgia. "I shall let my mistress know of your arrival, ma'am."

"Please, that would be most-..." lady Georgia couldn't even finish her sentence for an uncontrollable bout of sickness came over her and threatened her morning breakfast.

"My lady? How can I assist you? Are you well?" Broderick asked hurrying to her side and walking her over to a set of Queen chairs to steady her.

"Thank you, Broderick. I assure you all is well. Please have Lady Hackett attend me at her earliest convenience." Georgia breathed deeply unnerved through each word and Broderick's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets from fear and surprise as he hurried to do as he was bid.

What was happening to her? She was beginning to see stars for a minute right before lady Hackett burst through the parlor doors.

"For the love of God, Broderick, please send for Dr. Roberts immediately! Go, now!" She ordered before running to Georgia's side.

"Oh, my dear, you're so pale. Broderick told me you weren't feeling well." Lady Vivienne told her placing a cold hand to Georgia's cheeks and she flushed all the more.

"Magdalene, please send for Thompson and the other male footman to help me move lady Georgia to more comfortable chambers." Lady Vivienne gave orders to the maid who seemed frightened to death in the corner over by the door, who also scurried off to do as she was told.

Georgia's world faded to blankness and for a short while she thought she were dreaming, but the dream that was playing over in her mind was no dream at all. It was quite vivid and extreme. It was a dream of her first husband right after Georgia gave birth to their daughter. At first, he seemed pleased that the child was a girl.

Then soon after, Georgia slowly noticed his smile turn into a deep scowl and the room that was once filled to the brim with daylight darkened with his anger as he squeezed and crushed their daughter's tiny body beneath his fingertips. She watched and she cried out in agony for him to stop, yet he did not.

Then she heard voices talking above her and beside her. Opening her eyes she noticed she was not in any place that she knew and a very old man, nearly hairless and quite round stood over her inspecting her.

"Oh, how delightful. You've awakened." Dr. Roberts chuckled showing his one front tooth. He was a silly looking creature.

"And, you are?" Georgia asked straining to sit all the way up. She rubbed her head. Had she too much wine this morn? She had heard of people falling ill at such over indulgences.

At that moment Lady Hackett stormed through the door as did she were a stampede gushing deeply.

"Oh, thank heavens! You're alright." Lady Hackett stated. "I was deeply worried for you. I couldn't stop crying hysterically so I excused myself to let Dr. Roberts do his examination. He is a silly old fellow, but he is quite thorough in his work."

Vivienne crouched to Georgia on the bed and hugged her tightly. The hugged lasted for a while before Dr. Roberts cleared his throat.

"Viv, I promise if you do not let me go I shall be ill all over again!" Georgia exclaimed and Lady Hackett finally let go of her.

"It's just, I was quite worried, my dear." She said straightening up from the bed a repositioning her skirts. "So, Dr. Roberts, where you able to determine exactly what may be the cause of this ailment of my poor friend?"

"I believe, I do." Dr. Roberts stated before ruffling his hair. "My lady, may I ask when's the last time you  bled your monthly courses?"

Georgia's chin dropped and she stared directly at the man. The most bewildering part of it all was that she could not remember when that was. Was he saying that...? No, that couldn't be it. If so, this changes everything.

"Well, from your reaction I would say about two months along are you now and from what I can speculate. You are certainly with child, my lady, and are experiencing early bouts of sickness that shall pass in the coming days."

He continued, "I'd recommend to eat for nourishments of the child and drink plenty fluids. If anything untoward occurs you may have to see confinement early."

"Thank you, Dr. Roberts. My butler will see that all of your accounts are settled. Good day to you." Lady Hackett said as Dr. Roberts bowed to them both and Broderick showed him out.

As soon as the door was closed leaving lady Georgia and lady Vivienne alone, she still could not bring herself to speak. She was in complete and utter shock of the doctor's prognosis. She was with child. Of course, that only made sense. The child was made out of her love for Francis, unexpected as it may be, but somehow she wanted to cherish the fact that she would still have some small part of him always and forever.

Lady Georgia remembered the nightmare she had just previously had before waking up and finding herself in this room. What if the child was another little girl? Surely, Francis would have nothing to do with her. Even bastard boys received more attention than a girl of high standing.

"I know you may not believe me when I tell you this, but a child would be a blessing, Gi." Lady Vivienne told her and heard Georgia sigh frustratedly. She sat next to her on the bed and urged her friend to meether gaze.

"I would do anything for you, dearest. So, that's why I must confess that the Duke of Richmond came to my husband and asked of him to find it in my heart to convince you to go to his ball. I will not take no, or any excuse for that matter as an answer. You have his child now, Georgia. What comes next is between you and him, but alas I think you both have some very important news to share witch each other."

Georgia instantly did not believe her. Why would Francis not insist to her, himself that her attendance was mandatory at the ball later than evening?

"Your eyes tell me, that you do not believe me." Vivienne said quickly and it was no surprise to Georgia. For, her friend had always been very keen on observing. "But, I swear it. I would never lie to you, Gi. Please, think clearly. What is that you want?"

Georgia thought for a moment then a whisper fell from her lips. "Him." Was what she had said. What she wanted was him. Had he wanted her all along and was just too afraid to admit it? Or did he want to look upon her one last time before truly and utterly breaking her heart to pieces.

No, no, no. This. This changes nothing! She would be angry with herself to allow him near her again. It would be best for her and the child, especially if it may be a girl. Men only cared for heirs. This dream was not her dream.

She shook her head broken with tears. "It can not be, Viv. If he doesn't love me now, he never will nor this child."

"Do not say such things! You have yet to hear him out. There's a reason he has went out his way to request your presence and tell you naught. Go to him. I'm sure you will not be disappointed. Please, take all the time you need to rest and think on it. I will send a maid in to check on you. Rest now, I shall take my leave. I hope to see you there tonight. Now, please do as I bid and rest."

Lady Hackett left Georgia to rest in her comfortable guest chambers. The rest came quickly and went. When she awoke she heard the sound of the maid Lady Hackett promised to send in knocking at the door.

"I'm very sorry, my lady. Please excuse me. I did not know you were doing still resting. Should you need anything please ring for me. My name is Holly." The young maid stated before curtsying on her way back out the chamber.

"Actually, Holly, yes there is something you can do for me. I wish return home at once and ready for the evening."

"Well done, my lady. I shall let my mistress know the good news and make all necessary arrangements, please excuse me." Holly said scurrying out the door. No doubt, she was told to bring her mistress any news of the lady Georgia attending tonight's entertainment. The thought brought a smile to Georgia's lips.

Even though, her heart still faltered at the thought of meeting Francis once again. Yet, she did not know she held the key to his heart.

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