Unmasking Souls

By ladylia257

27.4K 1.5K 590

Joseon Era. A prince who pretends to hate his brother the King and has a bad reputation fell for the daughter... More

A Very Convincing Performer
The Evil Prince Asks For You
A Web of Intrigues
Living in a Gold Cage
A Devil or An Angel?
His Sanctuary
Behind His Mask
Tear Your Own Heart
Heaven and Hell
The Worst Kind of Torture
The Wheels Are Turning
The Limits of Certain Things
Before the Storm
The Banquet
After The Banquet
Standing on the Crossroads
Nothing But The Truth
A New Chapter of Their Life
20. Loved Entirely

Through The Layers of Your Mask

1.1K 90 37
By ladylia257

Author's Note:

Thank you for being patient with the cliffhanger from the previous chapter, hahah.


He had kissed women a thousand times before, did a hundred other physically satisfying things with them, but nothing could compare to the feeling of kissing Lady Go Eun for the first time. Her lips felt cold and motionless underneath his, and the only thing it caused was to burn him, wanting unbelievably more. So he cradled her nape and chin, aiming to enjoy those lips more.

She must have moved without him realizing it, because the next thing he knew was a cold feeling of metal on his throat.

He let her lips go and pulled back a little.

Lady Go Eun was holding a small blade in her hand, her eyes were horrified, and the sharp end was only an inch away from his skin.

Min Ho was utterly shocked.

For a split second, the thought that she was an assassin sent to kill him crossed his mind. But it can't be. If she's an assassin, she wouldn't refuse the marriage.

"Go Eun-ah. What are you trying to do?"

"I told myself that I must endure this," she said, only a little louder than a whisper, "I should endure this. But I can't. Apparently, I don't want to. Because heaven help me, I hate you so much!"

It must be insanity, but the frantic words of hatred made Min Ho held her closer.

"Then kill me. Go on. If you have the courage to start it, finish it!"

He saw her expression turned to determination and she touched the sharp end to his neck.

"You're a horrible man. If you don't exist, maybe it's better for this world."

"Then what are you waiting for?"

She tried to press the edge to his skin.

But her hand started shaking and her eyes were filling with tears of anguish.

Maybe the thought of taking someone's life was too much for her to bear, and in the end she couldn't do it.

Oh my lady......how long ago was it that I had the doubt of taking a life? If only you know for real how many people I have ordered to kill in order to guard my brother's throne.......

"An attempt to murder the royal blood deserves punishment worse than death. You know that, right?"

"I do," she said quickly, turning the sharp edge to her own throat in a split second, pressing it without a doubt, making a little scratch of blood on her white neck.

His heart stopped beating for a second.

And then he roughly grabbed the blade from her hand and threw it behind him. He pushed her down on the bed afterwards, his hands gripping her wrists, his weight imprisoning her.

"NO!" she screamed.

"Lady Go Eun. Listen to me. Your life is mine. I forbid you from stealing it from me. If you dare do so, you wouldn't even be able to imagine how I will torture your dear family to death."

She was crying, shaking and trembling uncontrollably in fear, trying to take her hands off of him.

This girl is completely terrified, Min Ho thought.

She was shutting her eyes, face to the side, tears streaming down, wetting the silk sheets.

The cut from the blade on her neck was small and hardly noticeable, but bleeding nevertheless. Min Ho wiped the blood clean, making her flinched and tried to shrink away.

"Jeongmal shiro (You really don't want to)?" he asked quietly.

She opened her eyes and answered firmly, "Shiro (I don't want to)!"

"..........Ahrasseo," Min Ho finally said, sitting up and pulling her with him.

"I am not used to deny myself from taking the women I want, Lady Go Eun. However, I'll tolerate this time."

She stared at him in disbelief.

"Temporarily. Do you understand? It's your duty as a wife to satisfy me. So I will wait for one month. You better arrange your thoughts and behavior properly, because I will take you when the month pass, whether you are ready or not."

She felt so relieved. Utterly, completely relieved, exhaling loudly and Min Ho almost smiled in amusement.

"Come here, I'll help you undress."

She froze, "didn't you say—"

"Yes. But you don't expect to sleep in that wedding dress, right? It's completely uncomfortable. Nawa (come here), I'll take off that heavy dress and hair coiffeur."

"I....m—my maid can help me."

"In the eyes of the world, we still need to maintain the image that we have our wedding night tonight. Or else I'm afraid Jo Yeong won't stop in killing you. He treats every insults to me severely."

He pulled her close again, moving behind her to take off hair pins and jewels from her hair.

"Stay still. Don't move. I don't want to accidentally prick you with the pins."

Her hair was styled in an intricate, elegant knot, decorated with jewels of precious stones and jade. It was complicated, but experience made him able to lose it all in no time, leaving her hair in a long braid. He actually didn't need to lose it too, but well, he wanted to. So he took off the tie at the end of the braid and spread her hair, making it fell on her back.

She had long, black hair with a sheen of brown, reaching past her waist like silk. Her hair smelled so good he wanted to bury his head in it, inhaling and kissing the length from the top of her head to the tips below his waist.

What's the point of scaring her more, though?

"Turn around, Lady Go Eun."

Hesitantly, she turned around and faced him.

She was gripping a handful of her dress, eyes staring down at the sheets.

He caught her chin again to make her look at him.

"This will be so much easier if you're standing."


Min Ho got up and stood beside the bed, signaling her to follow him.

Naturally, she didn't move at all. So he had to pull her again to obey him.

Standing in front of him, not knowing where to look at and almost not breathing at all, she felt helpless. Powerless. As if she was entirely living under his mercy.

His fingers took off her wedding robe, untying her belt so he could pull down the next robe off. She was busy stepping back, avoiding his touch in reflex, but he held her back steady so she didn't move anywhere out of reach.

At the back of her mind, she acknowledged that he was good at this. He was undressing her faster than Sung Kyung ever could.

For a while, the only sound in the room was of clothes falling to the floor. As a rich noblewoman, she wore many layers, even more so on her wedding day. He reached her long sleeved blouse and untied the sash, taking it off pass her shoulders. Next, he concentrated on taking off her gown. The beautiful red gown fell to the floor, and he took the gown underneath off too, one after the other, until she finally stood with her white silk dress.

If he went further, he would be taking off her under garments.

Thankfully, he stopped there.

Min Ho applauded himself.

I have more strength than I thought.

She stood in front of him with a thin white dress that showed every curves of her body perfectly, hugging herself in embarrassment. Add it all with her long hair, framing her flawlessly in his vision.

Ironic. He had never wanted a woman this much, and yet, he ordered himself to wait.

Why not? She's my right anyway. Why not satisfy my needs now?

But she had started crying again, albeit struggling not to make a sound.

"Lie down on the bed, Lady Go Eun. And try to sleep"

She climbed the bed, lying at the farthest end, covering herself to the chin with the blanket, facing the wall.

He inhaled deeply before he undressed, leaving only the last layer. He proceeded to blew half of the candles in the room, making the room dimmed with yellow lights, before he lied down on the bed too.

She was cowering with terror at the other end. A part of him wanted to comfort her, longing to make her believe that he wouldn't harm her that night. But he felt that further contacts would just make her more scared, so he didn't say anything more.

She couldn't believe that she would be entirely safe that night. She lied distressed for a long time, intending to be awake for the whole night. But her fatigue betrayed her, and she fell asleep in the end.

He lied awake with many kinds of thoughts running inside his head.

Is it wise to marry her? If my façade were found out, would she be in danger? Yet would I choose the other option and let her free? No. Never. I want her. Whatever happens, I knew I would just choose the same choices.

Should I tell her the truth or not? Will she be able to keep it a secret if I tell her? Would she understand me, or would she still consider me a sinner?

Her breathings went calmer after almost two hours. He knew then, she fell asleep.

He smiled. She must have wanted to stay up the whole night, disbelieving that she would be safe if she fell asleep. But she must be so tired today, so she slept anyway.

Min Ho moved beside her, gently pulling her body so he could see her face.

She was sleeping deeply, forgetting all of her fears and troubles.

This girl, really. What is she doing to me?

She looked even more.............angelic up close. Angelic and desirable at the same time.

Even gentler, he slipped his hand under her waist and pulled her body closer to him, embracing her in his arms.

He scrutinized her expression.

She was having a dreamless sleep.

In his opinion, only the most innocents could have a dreamless sleep. Because they were all free of sins and promises they didn't keep.

He fell asleep like that, holding her close, eyes admiring her face.

It turned out to be the most peaceful sleep he ever had in a long while.


Min Ho woke up as the sunlight streamed through the rice papered windows, blinking sleep away. The first thing he saw was Lady Go Eun sitting awkwardly beside him, unsure of what to do as he lied barring the way to leave the bed.

He lied staring at her for a while. She was indeed one of the most beautiful being he had ever seen. It's a pity she had to tie and knot her hair, because it looked perfect like this, framing her slim figure.

What should I do? Why isn't he leaving yet? Why did he hold me when I slept?

"Good morning, Prince Min Ho," she tried.

"......Good morning, Lady Go Eun."

"Don't you have.......things to do?"

You can't wait to get rid of me?

"Not really..........I can stay here all day if I want to."

"I am sure a Grand Prince has a lot to do."

"This is still early anyway."

"My Lord, this is nearer midday than sunrise."

"Lady Go Eun........I'm sleeping in my own palace, on my wife's bed.....where's the fault in that?"

She didn't know what to retort then that his sleepy voice had turned into something bothersome.

Min Ho sat slowly, somehow getting too close with her face.

"One month, Lady.......Remember. And then I'll take what's rightfully mine, whether you're willing or not."

She moved back to the other edge of the bed, unable to form an eligible answer, until he got up and called Jo Yeong and his courtiers.

In the eyes of everyone present, it looked like a consummated wedding night. Their layers of clothes were thrown near the bed, and the Princess sat blushing, only in her under dress.

The only one who saw the blade on the floor was Sung Kyung and she took it quickly, hiding it on her sleeve.

His courtiers helped Min Ho dressed properly and once done, he said, "Rest well, Lady Go Eun."

His courtiers and guards bowed at her, and they left her chamber.


"Agassi? Are you alright?"

Go Eun nodded shortly at Sung Kyung.

"Did he?"



"He didn't take me last night."

Sung Kyung was confused. She didn't want her lady to get hurt, but it was inevitable. She couldn't understand how her lady could escape her fate.

"Why didn't he?"

"Because I said I don't want to."

"...........and he just listened to you, Agassi?"

"I also don't really understand. But yes, for a short period of time."

"Which is?"

"One month, he said."

Sung Kyung was lost as she knelt beside the bed. The cruel Grand Prince Min Ho was willing to wait for her lady? He could just force her to serve him last night, but he didn't. This didn't fit to all the information she got about the prince.

"I want to take a bath, Sung Kyung-ah. Please prepare it."

"Ne, Agassi. But, should I call you with another name, now?"

"Just follow what everybody calls me. It doesn't matter to me, but you might be labeled as impolite if you still call me Agassi."

"Princess, then. Your bath will be ready soon, Princess."

Sung Kyung gathered her lady's clothes from the floor and bowed, then left the chamber.


Min Ho had one more role that month, the head of the special force team established to compile evidence to fight the Park clan legally. They worked mostly at nights, establishing their own team of investigators. The meetings were held at the Jung House. The oldest son of the family was murdered by Park Hae Soo. The case was unsolved because there was no concrete evidence. He was the smartest scholar in his year of all the Sungkyunkwan graduates. He was going to be appointed as the junior minister in the Left Ministry.

And then suddenly, he died in his sleep and Park Hae Soo got his position as the second best in their year.

The Jung Family could do nothing. Yet, they had never let go. Through the years, Min Ho knew Jung Il Woo, the second son, fought tirelessly to gather evidence and would do anything to destroy the Park Clan. When Min Ho offered him to be the member of the special force team, he agreed immediately, and even offered his own house as their headquarter.

"I'm doing this not only to seek justice for my brother, My Lord. I want the crime of the Park Clan to be stopped, so there would be no other suffering families like mine."

Min Ho fully agreed to that, finding a friend with the same views after he didn't know how long.

He still attended meetings (or parties) with the opposition men, watching more dances by pretty courtesans and drinking more wine. Smiling at Hae Soo's joke and listening to his brother's getting insulted to hell and back again.

He came home from the meetings at the Jung's house sober and optimistic, but he came home from the parties with the opposition disgusted and nauseous.

"Is there such thing as the good defeating the bad, Yeong-ah?" he asked one night, after spending one whole day with Hae Soo and his circle, exhausted beyond belief.

"I believe in that, My Lord. Or else what are we fighting for?"

"..........you sound like you don't know the world."

"You are tired, My Lord. Have some rest. It's been several days since you have a proper sleep."

"You're right. The world maybe will look brighter tomorrow," he said.

And he fell asleep even before Jo Yeong finished his last bow.


"He went to meetings, Princess. Lots of it. But I notice something. When he went to the opposition meetings, he dresses like what he is. A grand prince. But on the other meeting, he wore a commoner's clothes. It was as if he came to those meetings as different persons."

Go Eun sat thoughtfully listening to Sung Kyung's information. She had ordered her to spy on the prince, in order to know more of what he was doing.

"What I can't understand was, The Jung Family is famous for their righteousness and thirst for justice. Why is the prince associating with people like him while he is also close to the Park clan?"

Go Eun had no answers. The more she heard about the prince, the more confused she became.


He hadn't met his wife for several days. He went out when she slept and he came home and slept when she's awake. It was midday and miraculously, he had no meetings that day.


Jo Yeong appeared beside him out of nowhere.

"Prepare my lunch"

"Immediately, My Lord."

"At Princess Kim's chamber"

If Jo Yeong was surprised, he hid it well. He only bowed and began to walk away.

"On second thought, no. Not in her chamber. Prepare it on the gazebo in front of her chamber."

"Understood, My Lord."


Kim Go Eun waited in the gazebo like she was ordered, sitting quietly listening to the sounds of the garden. She stood up when the prince walked closer and bowed formally when he's near, "Good afternoon, Prince Min Ho."

"Good afternoon, Lady Go Eun. Do sit down."

She felt awkward in front of him, trying to eat her meal though she knew she was being stared at.

"How are you spending your time?"

".......I read your books. You have a great library, My Lord."

"It's not mine. My father the former emperor was the one who owned it. He loved to read and this palace was one of his favorite summer residences when he was still a crown prince."

"Ah....." she nodded.

"And then what else? What else did you do?"

"I.......played my gayageum. And walked around this palace. This is a beautiful place."

I'm glad you like it. It's yours now anyway.

They went silent again, enjoying their lunch.

"How do you spend your days, My Lord?"

Min Ho looked up, surprised that she actually had the courage to ask him back. Most ladies only talked when they were asked by men. Lady Go Eun had proven herself different in many ways.

"......the usual things I do."

"I suppose you have your duties too."

Min Ho drank some water from the ceramic glass.

"What do you think my duties are, Lady Go Eun?"

"............guarding the nation. Tending for the poor. And erasing injustice."

Min Ho was completely still for several heartbeats. Before he broke out in laughter.

All the guards, servants, and courtiers looked up at him in a hypnotized surprise before they hurried to look down again.

"So much naivety! Lady Go Eun........you speak like an idealist child!"

She was fairly looking at him, her expression was serious and determined, "But those are your duties as the Grand Prince of this nation, right, My Lord?"

Are you lecturing me? Are you, really?

"Those are my duties, theoretically," he agreed.

Then are you fulfilling it? Go Eun couldn't help wondering about that.

"We all have duties for being born, haven't we? I have mine and you have yours."

She was starting to eat again, but he managed to grab her full attention once more.

"You have your duties as a wife too, don't you? If I have to be a good prince, don't you have to obey your husband too?"

The rice turned bitter in her mouth, as she knew very well he was referring to her resistance on their wedding night.

He knew the meaning of her changed expression and smirked in satisfaction.

She didn't say much anymore until the end of their meal and he was laughing inside. He felt thoroughly entertained. It was strange how he could feel like that with a girl, without having to take her clothes off and climbing a bed. There really was something extra ordinary with Lady Go Eun.



"Ne, My Lord?"

"I have an order for you. Make sure you have everything ready and it has to start tomorrow."

"What is it, My Lord?"

He motioned his loyal guard to come closer and they conversed seriously for a while in great detail.


Sung Kyung went to the market and was shocked to see the crowd. There were announcements plastered everywhere on the walls.

Hundreds of people were queuing in line. And there were people kneeling to the announcement papers, as if it was a magical paper from a temple that had power to grant wishes.

"May Princess Kim live a thousand years!" they were saying. Some were even crying while uttering that.

"May Princess Kim has many blessings from the heaven!"

Extremely curious, Sung Kyung fought her way to read the announcement. She couldn't believe her eyes.

She took off one, planning to give it to her lady.

"Hey! Why are you taking the paper off? It has Princess Kim's name on it! It's sacred!"

"P—please! I just want to remember this day for many years to come!"

The man was quiet for a while before finally nodding. "I understand. Go on. This is really unbelievable. Of course we have to remember this day."

Afterwards, she ran home to her lady in great haste.

"Princess Kim! You wouldn't believe this! Come! See this! I wouldn't believe a word of it if I didn't see it being carried out with my own eyes!"

"What is it, Sung Kyung-ah? Why did you run?"

Sung Kyung gave her lady the white paper, and Go Eun read it.

By the order of Princess Kim, the wife of Grand Prince Lee Min Ho of Joseon, everyone who are in need will be given rice and dried meat for his whole family every seventh day of the week. Please take what you need in the prepared stalls at this market, today and on the same day from now on. May health and happiness always follow you.

It was stamped with the prince's official seal.

".........is this real? The prince is really giving food to the poor?"

"But Princess Kim, have you asked him to do this?"

".........I haven't."

"Ne? That's strange. It was said here that you ordered it. Princess, everyone was praising your name like you are a goddess at the market! It was really overwhelming!"

Go Eun didn't know what to think for a while. Her mind was running on all directions to interpret the meaning of this.

When did I ever ask him to do this? I never did! The only thing related to this was our discussion about duties yesterday......Could that conversation pushed him to do this act of............generosity? But why did he use my name, as if wanting me to be valued by the people? Why didn't he use his own name? Surely if he did this to gain sympathy in order to win the throne, he better used his own name?

However, giving rice and meat to the poor is very.....noble. It's hard to believe that he has such.....compassion.

No matter what the intention, the people had the benefit from this.

She tried so hard not to feel anything. But inevitably, she felt grateful. When she thought of those poor families who might not have anything to eat yesterday and had enough food for a week today, she felt her heart was warming.


Min Ho was reading accounts of the Park clan's crimes given by the injured victims at Jung Il Woo's house when Jo Yeong came and whispered him the news.

Princess Kim's maid, Sung Kyung, saw the announcement and food provision at the market. She brought the announcement home and Princess Kim has read it. It was said that the Princess seemed to approve it very much, since she folded the announcement neatly and put it beside her during lunch, and even reread it again several times.

The news brought a wide smile to the prince.

"Oh? Has something good happened, Your Highness?" Jung Il Woo asked, halting from cross- checking documents.

"Ne. Something good has happened."

Il Woo looked at him before he chuckled.

"I've never seen you smiled so wide before, Your Highness. It must be something you really like."

"Oh, yes. Very"

Il Woo didn't ask further and only nodded, resuming his task.

The prince, predictably, had the best of mood for the next hours of work.


"I'm liking this new white campaign you're doing," Park Hae Soo said languidly, as they sat on yet another courtesan house. The party was on going with music and singing and seductive women dancing at the hall, while Hae Soo and Min Ho retreated to one of the sitting rooms.

However, they were not really alone. Four of the prettiest courtesans in the house sat with them, wearing only a light underdress that revealed everything instead of covering anything.

"I knew you would praise me."

"It's a really good idea, building a good image and storing those poor wretches' sympathy. They will rejoice when you finally get the throne."

"Strategy has many faces," Min Ho responded smoothly.

"It was a genius to use your wife's name. As if you own a real benevolent goddess in your house. She would be a good candidate for the next queen."

"I think so too."

"But you really are ready for this, Min Ho-yah. I mean, you're even willing to sacrifice your gold to give food to those dirty children......"

"It doesn't hurt to feed those children. And it doesn't reduce much of my gold. I will get more after the crops anyway."

"But really, some children just don't deserve to live long"

"Hmmm......" Min Ho responded lazily, nibbling on the barbequed lamb in front of him.

"Like that Prince Jin for example."

A chill ran down his spine.

"Prince Jin? You don't like him?"

"Well, just the fact that he's the emperor's son irks me. But he annoyed me a lot yesterday."

"Jjinjja? Tell me."

"I was going to the usual ministries' meeting yesterday with all the officials and the emperor. During lunch break, I passed the young prince's garden and he had the nerve of throwing a rattan ball at me, dirtying my clothes. You know how it rained the day before, right? The ball was wet and full of mud, and it made big stains on my clothes. Had the emperor didn't visit his son too, I would have slapped that kid right then and there!"

He was only two years old, for God's sake! He didn't know what he was doing!

"Dirty clothes could be so much trouble" Min Ho said drily.

"Very true. Tsk! Kids are a bother. Especially the emperor's son. May he grow stupid and weak. Ani, ani. May he not grow at all and die soon," Hae Soo laughed, half-drunk already. "Come to think of it, we could arrange that, couldn't we?"


"Ah. I'm glad I don't have to see my son a lot. It's my wife's job to educate and raise him. I'll just use him in the future when I need to. Meanwhile, I don't need to distress myself with his existence," he said, untying the belt of the courtesan on his left.

"I think it's time for you to do your job," he said to her.

The courtesan swiftly sat on Hae Soo's lap, pressing her naked front on his body, kissing his neck and grinding her hips.

Hae Soo grinned at the courtesan, pushing her underdress up and slipped into her though he was still fully covered in his expensive attire.

"Aren't you going to choose one, Min Ho-yah? Don't bother moving to the bedroom. Too much trouble. But I'm using the table and you can take whoever you want on the floor."

"Thank you. But I have to pass on this entertainment tonight. I'd rather go home and enjoy my wife."

"What? Don't leave! What I am supposed to do with these girls?"

"I don't know. Take them in turns? Exercise is always profitable, right?"

"Tsk. Fine. Some wife you have there. Is she that good?"

"She is. I'll see you soon."

Hae Soo could do whatever he pleases in this high class brothel, I've had enough holding on not trying to cut his head with my sword.

The air outside felt refreshing, and he inhaled with relief, entering his carriage.

Take me away. Take me away this second from this sinful place, that sinful man, and this murderous feeling.


Min Ho sat frozen in his room, unable to sleep, eaten by the worry of his nephew's life. He didn't know how long he contemplated there. Candles were burning in his room and it was bright. Yet, it was so dark and suffocating for him.

What kind of world is this? How come it's possible for actually thinking to kill a child who barely can walk just because of his name and title? Why should I endure this on and on and on? When will this ever end?

He had enough and walked out of his chamber. With quick steps, frantic and almost breaking into an actual run, he blindly sought the way to Go Eun's chamber.

The guards and courtiers were more than startled to see him there. It was way past midnight and nobody expected him to appear.

"Open it quietly," Min Ho ordered to Jo Yeong, who as usual, followed his master like a shadow.

Jo Yeong nodded and pushed the doors slowly, leaving nothing except an unnoticeable creak.

However, Sung Kyung woke up as if someone was burning the palace, ready with a long knife in her hand even before they stepped in.

Sung Kyung never left her lady's side, even in sleep.

"Leave us," Min Ho said to Sung Kyung.

She stood frozen for several seconds, disobedient enough to be punished. But she had no right to defy the master of the palace, so she bowed low and went out soundlessly.

Jo Yeong closed the door behind them, retreating to stand by the wall.

"What does the Grand Prince want, Jo Yeong-sis?" she asked in a low tone.

Jo Yeong glared to Sung Kyung.

"Know your place. It's not your concern to ask questions."

Gritting her teeth, Sung Kyung bowed to Jo Yeong and retreated to the opposite corner beside the doors.


Go Eun opened her eyes slowly, taking time until she gradually focused and saw the ceiling. It's sunrise. She could already smell the fresh morning air seeping into her room. Inhaling deep, she stretched her arms up and sat.

"Hmm......Good morning, Sung Kyung-ah............."

"Good morning, Lady Go Eun."

Had she was struck by thunder, she wouldn't react any stronger.

Min Ho was sitting beside her thick mattress, looking calm and composed as if it was the most ordinary thing in the world.

"P–prince Min Ho? W—what are you doing here?"

".......isn't this my palace? I own the place, including this chamber."

She dug her brain, trying to figure out his intention.

Are all men so complicated like him? Abeoji and Sung Jae are simple beings. Why is this prince so hard to understand?

"Haven't you slept at all?" she asked.

"No, I haven't," his voice sounded distant, as if his mind were wandering elsewhere, "I tried, but I failed miserably."

"Why? Did you have a nightmare?"

Min Ho smiled. Cynically, but a smile a nevertheless, "I see nightmares when I'm awake, Lady."

"Jeongmalyo? Is that possible?"

"You have no idea."

Go Eun frowned, trying to follow his train of thoughts.

He felt satisfied there, watching her. He had been doing nothing for the last three hours, except sitting there and watching her sleep, trying to forget the horror outside by following her inhales and exhales, counting how many times she turned and listening to her incoherent murmurs.

And like that, in the stillness of dawn, he realized what drawn him to her.

She carried an aura of peace and self-contentment. It was peaceful to be around someone who felt content with her life.

It was what he was craving the first time he met her. He longed for her to give him that peaceful feeling he wanted so much.

"My brother Sung Jae used to have nightmares when he was younger. I always pacified him and usually I succeed."

"Really? How?"

"Shall I try?"

"By all means. If you know how to chase nightmares away, show it to me."

Go Eun was hesitant for a while, but decided that she might as well give it a try. After all, a person who could give food to the poor couldn't be entirely bad, right?

She moved closer to him and reached his hands.

Min Ho was surprised that she dared to touch him at all.

I thought you were disgusted with me?

Go Eun held his hands and joined them together, and then she rubbed it quickly, as if trying to stop him from being cold. Furthermore, she said the usual words she said to help his brother survive bad dreams when they were children.

"You're awake now, there's nothing to fear," she said with much faith.

Min Ho looked down at their joined hands, feeling warmth spreading into his blood.

Next, she reached his cheeks and held his face, "It's going to be alright. Nothing and no one will hurt you. I promise."

He was definitely, entirely mesmerized. Being this close with her and looking into her eyes, drinking every single word she said, he could almost believe that there was no evil in this world.

"What do you think, My Lord? Is it working?"

"Yes. Yes, it does.........."

Smiling, she let go of his cheeks, but he caught her wrists and pulled her into his arms. The next thing she knew, he was burying his face on her neck.

He just wanted to hold her. Just for a while.

Yes, it's going to be fine. He will fight to make it so. He will warn his brother and they could increase the security level of young Prince Jin. He will work hard to compile the evidence, and in the end, he would be able to destroy the Park clan.

Peace is not impossible, he told himself.

On the contrary, it's entirely possible.

".......My Lord, gwaenchanayo (Is everything alright)?"

"Ne. Just don't move."

Go Eun didn't really understand, but she let herself be held. Because he looked different when she saw him a few minutes ago. He looked lost and broken. He didn't look like himself.

"I hope this will be a good day for you, My Lord."

"We'll eat breakfast soon, and then I will sleep. And you can play your gayageum or walk around the palace. Very soon."


But he didn't let go.

And it didn't feel like the right time to resist or push him away.

She couldn't explain it, and he didn't wish to tell anything.

That morning, they shared warmth.

Something only a sincere human could give to another.


Author's Note :

Somewhere, there is the right person that could make your life worth living, no matter how dark you thought your world is.

I think that's the best way I can say to explain this chapter.

This felt like a heavy chapter and I hope you could still digest it.

Maybe you were expecting an intense wedding night directly, but it wasn't him.

I know they turn sweet after such a rocky beginning.

But he had never been in love. And this was how he apparently treated the girl he loved.

I know this chapter is a little similar with The Extraordinary Lady Kim. At least the one month wait. And the donations.

But actually I wrote Unmasking Souls a decade ago, for another ship. So Lady Kim was actually inspired by the lady in this story, not the other way around.

Tell me what you think about this chapter too!

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