RWBY: The War (PART 1)

By St4rkiller2001

9.5K 129 20

I do not own RWBY or Star Wars More

Films and Games that will take place (Timeline Order)
Dante's BIO
Prolouge (Before Schnee (Kenobi))
Chapter 1 (AOTC)
Chapter 2 (AOTC)
Chapter 3 (AOTC)
Chapter 4 (AOTC) (Very Short)
Chapter 5 (AOTC) (Extremely Short)
Chapter 6 (AOTC)
Chapter 7 (AOTC) (Short)
Chapter 8 (AOTC) (Short)
Chapter 9 (AOTC)
Chapter 10 (AOTC) (Short)
Chapter 11 (AOTC)
Chapter 12 (AOTC)
Chapter 14 (AOTC)
Chapter 15 (AOTC)
Chapter 16 (AOTC) (Short)
Chapter 17 (AOTC)
Chapter 18 (AOTC)
Chapter 19 (AOTC)
Chapter 20 (AOTC)
Chapter 21 (AOTC Finale) (Extremely Short)
Dante's New Bio
Ahsoka's BIO
Crimson's BIO
My OC Team
People and their roles (Republic Era) (Only Replacements)
Chapter 22 (TCW) (Short)

Chapter 13 (AOTC) (Short)

114 3 0
By St4rkiller2001

(Y/N) was asleep and having a nightmare about his friend, Skyler, dying.

(Y/N): No. No. Skyler, no. No!

(Y/N) wakes up and breathes heavily. In the morning, (Y/N) was meditating at a balcony, and sensed RWBY, JNPR and STRQ walk in. They were about to leave but (Y/N) stops them.

(Y/N): Don't go.

Tai: We don't want to disturb you, son.

(Y/N): Your presence is soothing.

Yang: You had another nightmare last night.

(Y/N): Jedi don't have nightmares.

Summer: We all heard you.

(Y/N): I saw my friend, Skyler. She's suffering. I saw her as clearly as I see you all now. She's in pain. I know I'm disobeying my mandate to protect you all. But I have to go. I have to help her.

Pyrrha: I'll go with you.

Weiss: So will I.

Jaune: And me.

Ruby: As will I.

Ren: We'll all go with you.

(Y/N): I'm sorry. But I don't have a choice.

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