Darkness' Eternal Bride (Gast...

By xsfolia

23.1K 964 690


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 24

451 22 10
By xsfolia


New Home was built quickly, along with all the other villages and cities.

Unbelievably, three years had passed, and lots of things had happened: Asgore asked Toriel to marry him and she gladly accepted, and after a year, a baby was born, whose name was Asriel. And it was almost like the War never happened for the majority of Monsters. Everyone was pretty happy nonetheless.

Everyone, except for a skeleton.

Three years had passed since your disappearance.

Gaster started writing everything down on a diary, mostly about his life on the surface. Mostly about you.

He honestly didn't know how to feel about you anymore: sometimes he would wake up in the middle of the night after nightmares of you dying, and he would immediately start crying. Dreams where you died and all he could do was watch.

He only wished for the nightmares to stop. It was depressing him. The nightmares were depressing him. Your absence depressed him.

Your "death" depressed him.

To distract himself, he decided to rebuild the Core: the same Core that you helped him working on. He would often think about you when organising his blueprints, but he always tried to shake the thought off.

And most of the time, he clamorously failed.

He even carried with him all the time the photo you had taken after your bookstore date, and he had written "Don't forget" on it.

He wanted to forget the suffering, but the inner part of his soul pleaded him not to.

And here we are now: his subordinates had decided to build the Lab in Hotland, near a river that could be traveled to reach the new city in the snow, Snowdin, and the ciry between the waterfalls...Waterfall.

Asgore was often laughed at for the choice of names.

Gaster woke up in his house in New Home, after another nightmare in which, this time, you burnt in front of him, and your screams still filled his ears. He woke up, gasping for air, and when he realised that he was in his home, alone, without you sleeping beside him, he brought his hands to his eyes and started sobbing.

He couldn't take it anymore.

He needed someone to comfort him.

But who?

After collecting his thoughts and gaining back his composure, he stood up from the bed and got dressed, still wearing his black lab coat and his white-cream turtleneck.

He walked in the kitchen, where the two containers still stood, who got dusty from being unopened for a bunch of years by now.

He looked at them, wondering how they could still be intact for years by now. And then he remembered that their creator was you, so of course they were so resilient. Plus, there was magic flowing in them. Gaster's magic.

He shook his head, looking away from them, and got out of his house, to the site of construction of the Core.

He could have simply teleported to the site, but he was used to walking along with you. Plus it would have tired him a lot.

And he was a lot tired after all those nightmares.

On the way to the site, he would often obtain curious looks by some Monsters: it was true that he was the Royal Scientist, but there was still a lot of mystery around him.

And generally, he looked scary.

And you were the only one that didn't find him scary: another reason for him to fall in love with you.

Even his subordinates now didn't know how to treat him: when he was with you he was a lot more cheerful and he would often joke with them, but when your "accident" happened Gaster became again the scientist he was in the past.

But of course, you shattered across time and space, so no one except him remembered you. Hence his subordinates didn't know why he was so cheerful with them.

They weren't scared, but rather...confused.

The lab's door opened, revealing Gaster's figure entering the lab. He directed towards the bathroom door, which in reality didn't conduct to the bathroom but was an elevator that could go to his True Lab.

He was just about to enter the elevator when he heard some voices whispering coming from the upper floor, where there was a little recreation room.

He silently got upstairs, and heard two of his subordinates' voices.

"What do you think we should do?"

"We should help him. I don't know, but he hasn't been the same ever since we fell here"

"Well, it should be understandable: we had everything up there" the second one said, pointing with his finger towards the ceiling of the lab.

"It's not about that, it's just...it's almost like he has lost something really really important"

"Perhaps a lover?"

That hit deeply in Gaster's soul, and he rashly inhaled, making his scientists acknowledge his presence there.

"D-Doctor Gaster?! H-how much time did you spend there?"

"How...did you know...?" Gaster simply said, as he collected back his composure.

The two monsters looked at each other, and then nodded with a sad gaze.

"Doctor...we are seriously worried for you. Has something happened that you can't tell us?"

"Yeah, you can tell us...are you perhaps feeling alone?"

Gaster wanted to stop them. One more word and he would have broken up right there, right in that place.


But then something that he didn't expect happened. His scientists refused to hear him.

"We won't. We're tired of seeing your face like that, at least, please, return to be that scary scientist you once were. We feel like the answer you're searching for is inside your very soul. You just need to search it"

For the first time ever since coming down in the underground, Gaster's eyes fully opened in surprise.

They were both right: the answer for his problem was right in his soul.

The two scientist smiled when they saw that he had captured their message, and left, still smiling, leaving their superior right there.

Gaster looked down, searching for an answer: he had lost the only person he could consider family; he had lost family. What he needed to be happy again was a family.

But there was no way he could love another being.

The only solution was...

He took away the note you had left for him right that day from his pocket, and looked again at some words:

"...please, once times get better after the war, I want you to be a father figure for them. It is my only wish"

He sighed, shaking his head.

"No way. No way. That won't happen. How can I possibly be a good father...?"

He was scared.

He got downstairs, where he first entered, and exited from the lab. He needed some time alone. Plus, his dark circles totally didn't help.

He needed to sleep. To have a good sleep. Without nightmares. But he didn't want to resort to drugs or something like that: he was afraid that he would have needed them for eternity.

Soon enough, he was even tired of walking.

"Screw it" he said, and directly teleported into his own home. His dark, cold home.

He fell on his king-sized bed, his back facing the ceiling. He was too tired to breathe anyway.

Perhaps thanks to his regular breathing, he fell asleep.




"Gaster? Gaster, love, wake up!"

Gaster suddenly opened his eyes, hearing a voice he craved for too long. He looked up and saw your joyous face, hit by sunlight.

"...Y/N?" he said, not believing to his own voice, looking at you with a bewildered face.

You looked at him, puzzled. Had something happened?

But in the end, you just smiled.

"Yeeah? That's my name. Honey, you've been sleeping for a lot by now. Have you overworked again?" you said with a tender smile.

Gaster could not believe it. He was on the surface, hit by the usual sun in the bedroom, in his home where he once lived firstly alone and then with you, and...you were alive?

Please, if it's a dream don't wake me up.

You snapped your fingers in front of his face, bringing him back to reality, along with some noises coming from the living room.

You turned your head to the living room door with an annoyed look.

"Oh my god...they didn't seriously start creating a mess again, did they?"

"They?" Gaster asked.

You turned your head once again at Gaster, this time with a surprised look on your face. Why was your husband like that?

"What do you mean "they"? Our kids of course!" you said as if it was nothing.


You pulled his hand, making him stand up and dragged him to the living room.

Once you opened the door, the noises stopped. Two little skeletons looked at you as if they knew they had just done something awful. Actually, it was just one of them, the one wearing a light-blue shirt and sport pants. He looked at you terrified, meanwhile the little one, who was just a toddler wearing an orange pajama, looked at his brother with a puzzled look, and he just copied him.

You tapped your fingers on the doorframe, as you held Gaster's hand with your occupied hand.

"Well well well. What have we done here?" you asked.

The skeleton with the blue t-shirt started sweating with a nervous smile plastered on his face, looking anywhere but at you. That's when Gaster noticed that he was hiding something behind his feet.

You groaned and rubbed your eyes with your free hand.

"Sans, stay right where you are"

You left Gaster's hand and walked towards the little skeleton, and he suddenly felt a warm feeling leaving his hand.

He could not believe it.

He still had his wife, his life on the surface and now two kids.

That's when he felt something pull the hem of his trousers. He looked down, and saw the skeleton with the orange pajama looking at him with a playful smile.

"Dada" he mumbled.

If his soul had to blow up, it blew up right in that moment. That little orange skeleton WAS JUST TOO CUTE.

He kneeled down and picked up the toddler, who was playfully moving around in his grasp, and examined him.

"Isn't he cute?" your voice called him, making him turn his head to face you. He looked at you as you cleaned the floor from what looked like a broken vase, as you carried around the other kid, whose name was supposedly Sans, not to get him hurt stepping on the broken pieces.

A big smile involuntarily creeped on Gaster's face, as the little skeleton in his arms now started playing with his fingers.

"Mom, what are you possibly saying?! Of course I'm the cutest one!" Sans said in your arms, hugging your neck with his arms.

"Yeah yeah, of course you're the cutest one!" you said giggling and looking at your husband at the same time.

A tear fell from Gaster's eye, and he closed them to prevent other tears to fall.

"Hey, Gaster..." you then said with a melanchonic look, causing him to open his eyes and look at you with a questioning gaze.

"...breathe, Gaster. Wake up"

And he woke up.

Gaster woke up from the first, beautiful dream he had for a long, long time.

He caught his breath again, as he was dreaming with his back facing the ceiling, hence with his face in the sheets, making him unable to breathe.

He sat down on the bed. On his cold, lonely bed. In his house. Underground.

He rubbed his eyes and eventually sighed, as a tear started falling from his eyes.

But he quickly wiped it, as a new feeling grew in his chest.

I won't cry anymore. I won't suffer from nightmares anymore. I will be happy.

I will have my family.

He stood up from the bed and walked towards the kitchen with a steady pace, and immediately recognised the two containers. He quickly grabbed one of them, and only then he realised that the cell in it had a blue hue.

He then checked his watch, now being unable to recognise the hour by simply looking at the window: there weren't sun or moon there.

It was 10 p.m.

The perfect hour to work alone.

He quickly teleported to the lab, not caring about possibly being tired after doing such action: he just needed to get to his office in Hotland.

Once he arrived, he quickly walked towards a private room, where only he could access. He opened it and with his magic, he started creating all the necessary for his experiment.

After preparing everything, in the center of the room there was now a cilindric, transparent tube filled with amniotic liquid, perfect for a baby to grow.

He looked at the cell still in the container, and with a bit of hesitance, he put the cell inside the tube.

He knew that he would have had to wait 9 months for his first son to be born.

But he could wait.

For the sake of his family.

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