Uɳιϙυҽʅყ ʂρҽƈιαʅ || Hermione...

By HogwartssBitch

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Meet Y/n Y/l/n, a talented, gifted and quirky witch that transfered from Ilvermorny, a born Legilimens who so... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapitre 17
chapter 18
chapitre 19

chapter 4

575 27 7
By HogwartssBitch

    So far my first class of the year is quite boring. Even after my many attempts, Hermione refuses to talk. Harry is sitting behind me but he's just staring into the air.

It's easy for me to get distracted but I always do well grade-wise. Except in potions, it seems I am unable to read instructions entirely without skipping a part.

As professor McGonagall is explaining how to turn a hedgehog into pincushion I turn my head to the right to see Hermione looking super focused. Even if Voldemort attacked the school she would still be focused on listening to our professor. She's quickly scribbling down notes on her parchment, sometimes scrunching up her nose.

It seems like she felt my gaze on her. As soon as she turns to look at me I look away.

"Now that I have given you the instructions, you will attempt to perform the spell." She says.

Everyone in the class is failing, a fair amount of hedgehogs look like nothing I've ever seen before and some just stay the same. Turning a hedgehog into a pincushion is harder than one would think.

My fourth attempt was the one. Hermione is the only other student that succeded, which professor McGonagall hasn't failed to remind the others.

I find myself staring at Hermione again thinking. "Why won't you talk?" I ask her.

She turns to me "I will not be distracted." She says.

"Not even to talk to me?" I joke

"Bold of you to assume it's a pleasure to talk to you." She retaliates with a smirk, I laugh in response. "Nice one Granger."

I hear Harry struggling to perform the spell behind me.

"I am going to snap this wand I swear." Harry says getting frustrated.

I turn around to face him. "You're doing it wrong Harry, just relax your hand." I tell him, and so he relaxes his hand looking at me.

"That's not the only thing he's doing wrong." Hermione says, her eyes still skimming her notes.

"Well please, enlighten me, mione, what am I doing wrong?" Harry asks.

"You're saying the incantation wrong." The witch answers.

"Here we go again." Harry rolls his eyes.

"Mister Potter, miss Granger and miss Y/l/n, if you insist on chatting together so much, you won't mind doing so in detention." Professor McGonagall reprimands us.

"Sorry professor." The three of us say almost in synch.

"Ten points from Gryffindor and five from Slytherin, and you will assist Hagrid in the forbidden forest after school for detention." The professor sternly states.

Fuck. What if we come across Elvis, I'll be screwed with that know-it-all tattletale.

"This is all your fault." Hermione snaps at me.

Totally unjustified though, a conversation requires more than one person, otherwise it's called a monologue.

"How is this my fault." I ask her offended.

"You're the one that gave into Harry's whining." She explains angrily.

"Excuse you I was just helping a friend, all you did was tell him he's doing it wrong." I retaliate in the same tone now. The bushy-haired huffs and ignores me.

Real mature.


    Here we are. Walking through the forbidden forest, after hours, out of our uniforms. The darkness and various noises of the forest make it a terrifying experience.

"What are we looking for Hagrid?" Harry asks the tall bearded man.

"A wounded hippogriff." He responds.

"Why are we always looking for wounded creatures?" The Gryffindor girl questions.

"We just need to find it, so I can make'im drink the remedy. Tried earlier bu'he ran away." He explains. "Just gimme a shout if you find'im. I'll go with Harry, you two stay together." The half-giant explains, gesturing to the both of us.

Hermione doesn't even give me a glance. "Let's just get this over with." She says letting out a sigh.

The four of us part ways part ways into the dark forest.

We continue to look around, Hermione holding a lantern and me waving my wand around after using the spell 'Lumos'.

Making our way deeper into the forest Hermione trips on a vine and falls onto the cold ground. She groans after the impact. I can't help  but let out a small giggle.

"Oh is this funny to you?" She asks me still on the ground.

"A little." I laugh as I offer my hand for her to grab on. She reaches for it so I can help her up. Once back on her feet she dusts herself off while still holding my hand.

I don't think she's noticed.

"Uhm, Hermione."

Breaking from her thoughts, she turns to me with a look of confusion and curiosity.

"You're still holding my hand." I tell her looking down at our interlocked hands.

She immediately lets go of my hand, with a blush painted on her face.

We haven't spoken for about fifteen minutes now, it's getting really long.

Where is that damn hippogriff, I need to get the hell out of here.

I'm desperate to find the wounded hippogriff, partly so we can leave but I also don't like the idea of a vulnerable animal in a place like this. I heard those giant spiders are real bitches.

As we continue walking I notice a familiar ball lying on the ground. It has red and blue stripes.

Oh no. That's Elvis's ball.

I pray that Hermione hasn't noticed it. As if God hated me she bends down to pick it up. "Why is there a ball here?" She asks turning to face me.

"Don't know, maybe accromantulas like to play ball." I shrug.

"Don't be daft, how could they possibly obtain a ball like this." She looks at me as if I were stupid.

"Don't look at me li–" a low growl halts my sentence.

Shit shit shit shit.

Adrenaline runs through my veins as fear settles in me. We look at eachother, her eyes are wide with fear. We frantically look around us, trying to locate the source of the growl.

And there it is.

A pair of yellow eyes creeping through the darkness suddenly become visible.

A freaking werewolf.

"We're screwed. I don't know how to fight a werewolf" She tells me.

"Just stay calm and rational." I try to reassure her even though I'm currently feeling the same thing.

"Easier said than done." She whisper-yells at me. "What do we do?" She asks as the large canine approaches us.

"No clue. Fuck!" I panic, my mind going blanc.

"Point your wand at it." She orders me.

"What do you want me to do, blind it?!" I sarcastically say.

"This is not the time to be funny." She exclaims.

Suddenly the towering wolf charges at us with ferocious speed, causing me to brace myself for excruciating pain.

I am suddenly tackled by Hermione, my body crashing to the ground beneath her weight as she covers my body with her own, a sense of panic gripping me at the suddenness of her actions.

He leaps towards us and I prepare for a painful death, but fire takes over our vision.

And there he is.

Elvis stands in front of us, protecting us from the creature. He spits out more fire to scare off the werewolf.

And then I remember the Homorphus charm, supposedly can transform a werewolf back to its human form. I yell out the incantion as I point my wand to the werewolf.

Hermione grabs me and drags me back on my feet. "Come on we have to go now!" She shouts.

"I can't." I let out.

"Why not?!" She looks at me now as if I was crazy.

"Because, he's mine." I answer in the same shaky tone.

"What are you babbling about, have you gone mad?" She yells still trying to pull me away.

The spell slowly starts to work, the werewolf is still walking towards us but it's slowly and painfully transforming, becoming smaller.

"I won't leave him, you can if you want to but he's my dragon." I tell her.

"You can't jus–ahhhh." Elvis had thrown me onto his back, I grabbed Hermione in the process.

Almost instantly we were lifted in the air above the trees, but not high enough to be spotted.

The girl behind me latches onto me hastily. "Put me down now!" She yells.

"We'll be on the ground in a moment just enjoy it." I tell her.

She stays quiet for the rest of the ride.

Once we had reached the ground Hermione immediately demands explanations. "Why do you have a dragon? Are you seriously stupid? It could kill you. And on school grounds, you are putting everyone in dang—"

"Could you shut up for a second?!" I interrupt her rambling. She looks at me bewildered.

"His name is Elvis, he's a miniature dragon and has already fully grown so he won't get any bigger. My parents got him for me when I was seven as gift, they had come across an egg during their auror duties. Anyways, he's trained and won't hurt anyone unless I tell him to or if I'm in danger. I didn't want to be apart from him so he just lives in the forbidden forest during the school year." It's my turn to ramble.

"Please don't tell anyone, he's not a, threat to anyone, I promise." I basically beg her.

"No but I have to, we can't just keep this from McGonagall and Dumbledore, it breaks so many school rules." She says with a look of sympathy on her face.

"No! You can't tell anyone!" I panic. I slowly raise my wand, pointing it at the older witch.

"Y/n what are you doing?" She asks noticing my raised wand.

"If you don't keep this between us, I have no other choice than to obliviate you." I inform her with regret in my voice.

"Y/n think about what you're doing, the spell could backfire, you could erase my entire memory." Her eyes look back in forth between my wand and my eyes as she attempts to change my mind.

"I won't let you take him away from me, he needs me and..." I look her straight in the eyes my breath getting heavier. "I need him." I let out. She closes her eyes covering her face with her hands momentarily.

She approaches me carefully. "Please lower your wand, I-I won't tell anyone." I look at her with a doubtful look. She sighs. "I promise."

"I need you to tell me a secret, one that could get you in trouble, for insurance." I nod my head to the side, considering her words.

She huffs and rolls her eyes "Alright, give me a minute to think." The Gryffindor girl sighs.

I nod accepting her response.

She bites her lip trying to think of one. "I have one. Last year, professor McGonagall intrusted me with a time-turner, for my studies, it's how I got to take so many courses, but, I used it to save Buckbeak. If anyone from the ministry found out I'd be in a lot of trouble." She admits her secret.

I put my wand away, knowing she's telling the truth, having glimpsed into her mind. "I'm impressed Granger, you are quite the daring one." I proclaim. She chuckles.

"Thank you though." I tell her in a sincere tone. She nods in acknowledgment.

"We should, probably get back to the castle." She speaks while eyeing me.

"Yeah, we should." I agree.

The miniature dragon walks over to me and lowers his head cutely. I smile and pet his head. A few pets after he slowly walks towards Hermione. I can tell she's scared. "He won't hurt you, I promise." I say wanting to reassure her.

He lowers his head in front of her.

"Go ahead." I encourage her. She raises her hand to his head nervously.

Her breath hitches when her hand meets his head. She slowly rubs his head to which he nuzzles himself into her hand in appreciation.

"See, he isn't that bad right?" I question looking between the two of them. She smiles at me.

They look adorable.


    What a load it was to discreetly make my way back to my dorm without getting caught.

I take off my hoodie letting it fall on the floor. I grab my pajamas to change behind my bed. I discard my pants, shirt, socks and shoes, being left in my underwear and bra.

"Hey there." Pansy greets me in a whisper voice.

"Pans What are you doing up, you should be sleeping." I remarked in the same voice. She makes her way behind my bed where I'm still changing.

I don't feel weird anymore changing in front of my Slytherin doormates, since we've already seen eachother bare many times.

"Couldn't sleep, how was detention?" She wonders.

"Not great, we came across a werewolf in the forest, legit thought I was going to die for a minute." I reveal to her.

"Oh my. Are you alright?" She gasped laying a hand on my shoulder while looking me up and down to check for injuries.

"I'm okay don't worry." I assure her.

"Of course I worry, you're one of my best friends Y/n." She says as her hand slides down to the top of my chest.

She's the best.

"So um, I've been curious about something," She starts, I nod raising my eyebrows to show I'm listening,  "I just want to know...to know what having you-know-what feels like," her hand slides further down in-between my breasts, my eyes following her movement. "but with someone I'm close with not a random person." She continues.

"I'm confused, are you referring to me?" I ask making sure.

She chuckles "Yes dummy. I can't stop thinking about it ever since you revealed that you did it." She admits.

"I don't know if that's the best idea for our friendship Pansy." I tell her honestly.

"It'll just be sex with a friend, nothing more." She says shaking her head. I stop, taking a moment to consider it.

"Alright, let's do it."

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