Forever Lily

By summerdummer

5.2K 329 105

When 18 year old Lily Reed moves to a new school, she has no idea of the huge changes in her life. Especially... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 19

193 10 7
By summerdummer

"Y'all can stay for a little bit, but later it's just going to be us girls."

"Why can't we stay?" Drew whines.

"Because it's a girl's night." I reprimanded.

"Fine." He groans.

We had all got out of the pool by now, and we're in the theater room trying to discuss what movie to watch and why the boys have to leave, so us girls can have a sleep over.

"What about Pet Cemetery?" Derek asks.

"I've never seen it." I tell them.

"I almost peed my pants watching it." Megan says with wide eyes.

"All scary movies make you pee your pants." Halley snorts.

"Well we are watching Pet Cemetery." Drake says before snatching it out of Derek's grasp and putting in the DVD player.

We all grab our boyfriends and find a spot to sit. I snuggle into Drake's side. While everyone else sits on the bottom row. "I'm scared." I whispered to Drake.

"The movie hasn't even started yet." Drake chuckles.

I stick my tongue out at him and the movie starts. I look at the screen and try to watch the movie without hiding my face into Drake's side the whole time. About half way in the cat pops up unexpectedly and I hear a scream before I see popcorn fly everywhere. Halley pauses the movie while Derek laughs his butt off at Megan's reaction. "Y-you have a-a-already seen it. H-how are you scared? You s-s-saw that coming." Derek stutters out in between laughter.

"Well I think us guys should go make some more popcorn since someone spilled all of it." Drake says giving Megan a pointed look while she blushes. They leave the room and I sprint to go flip on the lights before I jump in between them on the bottom row. I am not about to sit by myself. What if a monster comes.

We sit there whispering to eachother about random things. Why are we whispering you ask. If we talk too loud we might wake the dead. Duh. I hear a a loud bang coming frome the kitchen before someone yelling. What the heck is going on? "Guys?" I call out.

No response. "Go check on them." Halley says.

"What? Why me?" I ask incredulously.

"It's your house." She shrugs.

I shake my head profusely. I'm not about to get murdered. All of a sudden all the lights shut off. "Anybody have their phone?" I ask weakly.


"Mines dead." Is all I get from them. Well crap.

"Guys, if your messing with us it's not funny. You scared us now come on out." I hear nothing in return.

I sit there with wide eyes in a huddle with Megan and Halley. We hear a groan behind us. I freeze and shut my eyes, saying a silent prayer. All of a sudden hands come and grasp us from behind. We each let out a piercing scream before the hands move away and the lights flip on. All of a sudden we hear uncontrollable laughter.

I stop screaming and slowly turn around. Low and behold it's Drake, Drew and Derek. They are so dead. "What the hell?" I shouted at them.

"Y-you should h-have s-s-seen your face." Drak says in between laughter. They sure have been laughing a lot at us.

I grunt in response before crossing my arms. "Y'all are jerks." I mutter.

"Don't hate the player, hate the game!" Drew says trying to act ghetto, but failing miserably.

"No." I say flatly. "Just no."

He grins in return. "I think it's time for them to go." Halley says. I nod in agreement.

"What? No!" Derek says hurriedly.

"Oh yes." Megan says with a smirk. We all grab them and lead them to the door before saying our goodbyes and shoving them out door. They bang on the door for a little bit, but after a while I think they get the message and leave.

"Girl time!" Megan shouts with her arms raised.

We change in our pajamas and sit down in the living room floor. "So what should we do first?" Halley asks.

"Let's just talk because it feels like I don't ever see y'all anymore." I offer.

They nod in agreement. "So what's been going on guys?" I ask.

They just shrug their shoulders. Someone's not telling me something, but I will let them tell me on there own "Hey Megan can I ask you a question?"


"If you don't mind me asking, what happened to your mom?" I ask softly.

She takes in a sharp breath. "You don't have to tell me!" I rush out.

She shakes hers head. "No it's okay...My mom had cancer...and she d-didn't make it." She says choking back a sob. I rush over to her and pull her into a tight hug. I shouldn't of brought it up.

She pulls away and wipes her remaining tears. She gives me a shaky smile. "So what's been going on with you?" She asks trying to change the subject.

I think about her question...I could take this so many ways. Well first off I'm tutoring Leo, I keep having nightmares about the party, and my mom is gone half the time. "Well, Drake and I have this bet going on." I settle with.

"What kind of bet?" Halley questions.

"He thinks he can go without kissing me longer."

"That is the worst bet ever." Halley states.

"You only say that because you were basically making babies with Drew in my pool." I say with a look of horror.

She opens her mouth to say something, but she closes soon after because she knows I'm right. As always. I look over at Megan and see she has tears in her eyes. I go sit by her, and she turns and buries her face in my shoulder while crying.

She tried to be brave, but her mom is gone and she won't be coming back. I know it's hard to lose someone you love, so I just hold her an let her cry until she falls asleep. I lay her gently down before turning around and see that Halley is asleep too. I silently tip toe out side and lean against the railing to my porch.

I look up at the stars and immediately spot the big dipper. My dad use to bring me out outside and we would gaze at the stars and he taught me the constellations. My mom would join sometimes and we were all one big happy family. I feel something wet hit my cheek, at first I think it's raining, but I'm actually crying.

I can't fake it any more I miss my dad. Why did he leave us? Why does my mom ignore me? Why did Mia have to die, she didn't even get to see the light of day. By now I'm sobbing in my hands. I sit down and lean against my front door. I think back to Megan's mom and how she couldn't beat the cancer.

I soon realize we all lose something we treasure in life, but I just wish we could get a warning ahead of time, so we could be some what prepared for the unthinkable. Death.

My dad's not dead though, he can still come back. He has the option on if he wants to be in my life or not, Megan's mom had to leave , it was her time to go. Just like Mia. Does that make him a terrible person, since people would so greateful to be in his place, but instead he left his family for who knows what.

I don't want to think of my dad as some heartless person who abandoned me, but the longer life goes one, the harder it gets to hold onto the good memories.

After a while my crying stops, I look up because I had my hand buried in my hands, and just see Megan and Halley standing there. Once they see me look up they come over and pull me in a group hug.

I pull away a say, "Come on lets go look at the stars." I stand up and grab there hands before pulling them off the porch onto the grass. I lay down and they follow suit. Our heads are all touching with spaces between us. I start telling them about the constellations and stars before I fall asleep.


I slowly open my eyes, and I see that we are still outside. I go to sit up, but I'm weighed down. I look over and see Drake laying beside me with our heads touching. I look over and see the rest of the guys in the same position. Those jerks came back last night. I decide to lie there and watch the clouds.

One by one everyone wake-up, but doesn't have the will power to get up. For the rest of the morning we sit there watching clouds go by and it's one of the most peaceful things I have done.

I feel my self being pulled, and I soon realize it was Drake, so I snuggle closer to him.

"Why do you have have dried tear streaks?" Drake asked while rubbing my cheek gently.

I look up at him before burying my face in his chest.

I guess he understood I didn't want to talk about it, so he just rubbed soothing circles on my back. I look up and see that all of my friends are gone. "They left a while back." Drake answers my unasked question.

I just look at him and get lost in his eyes. I see so many emotions flowing through his eyes. Admiration. Happiness. Love. He deserves better, but I'm way too selfish to give him up.

"Drew's parents are divorcing." Drake states while he lays on the ground, with one hand under his head and his other arm around me.

"That must be tough on him. I mean your parents splitting up can be brutal." Trust me I know. I mean look at my mom it's been years since my dad left her, and she didn't even once ask if I was okay. I'm mad at my mom for making me the one to pick up the pieces, but I'm even more mad at me dad for causing all of it.

He gives a dry laugh. "Are you kidding me? He is ecstatic. He's been waiting for them to divorce, since like eighth grade."

Drew is such an easy going guy, I've never even seen him mad. Derek is another story he is the most sarcastic person ever, the only person I have seen him genuinely smile at is Megan. I hope Megan's okay, I wish she would open up more. "What are you thinking about?" Drake interrupts my thoughts.


He gives me a small grin before I see my mom's car pull into the driveway. She storms out of the car before slamming our front door. I cringe at the noise. I turn to Drake and give him a long slow kiss. We finally pull apart, and he gets on his motorcycle before speeding off.

I walk in the house and stop in my tracks. My mom is sitting at the counter looking at my baby pictures. She hears me come in, before she looks up and and rushes over to me. She pulls me in a bone crushing hug. "I'm so sorry Lily. I have failed as a mother." She sobs.

I squeeze her tight. "No you didn't, we just hit a rough patch."

"I love you." She says through tears.

"I love you too." We hug and say goodnight before I make my way to my room. What was that all about? Well I hope things are different now. I fall on my bed before instantly being consumed with sleep.

I wake up to my phone buzzing.

Remember your tutoring me today at the docks, since we don't have school.

I read Leo's text. Oh crap I forgot. I hurry and get ready since I'm running late. I take the stairs two at a time before stopping dead in my tracks at the end of the stairs. What I see makes me intake a huge breath. "Dad?"

Sorry for the wait guys:) So there was a lot of crying and laughing in this chapter. So what the heck is her dad doing here? I hope y'all enjoyed! Like, comment, vote;)

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