Random Anime One shots!

By 1Kodzuken5

600 29 22

random Anime one shots requests are open just comment on the request chapter (please note I'm only doing one... More

💜Requests and info!💜
❤️Smiley x reader❤️
💚Inui Seishu x male reader💙
❤️Vanitas x Fem reader💚
💙Toge x fem reader❤️
💙Chuuya Nakahara x fem reader💙
💜Author Note💜

💙Karasano x reader💙

27 3 0
By 1Kodzuken5

HEY Y/N! Shoyo yelled out happily Before Sugawara hushed him, "did you hear we are having a practice match with Nekoma in a few days It will be great I swear we will win that match tomorrow" the boy with orange hair started to whisper yell." He sat next to you and hummed softly "did you hear Kageyama is starting to become even nicer? he even smiled at me saying I did a good job" Kageyama quickly cut him off angrily "Oi! shut up about me Hinata you should not say that stuff about me" his face Flushed as he heard it. Suga sat down with you this time and he smiled at the two boys with him before Shoyo grabbed Kageyama's sleeve and pulled him out, Shoyo Knew of Senpai's crush on Y/n so he wanted them to have some alone time. Suga now smiled down at your soft face not long after softly petting your hair "Y/n we will win this practice match and I will make sure of it I shall keep you updated on the events for that" He looked at his phone looking at the time "Hey Y/n got to go I'll see you soon" he leaned down and kissed your forehead softly "The whole team is here so everyone is here to bug you some more, but before I get out of here....Did I tell you yet? But you look beautiful, goodbye" he waved off and let Daichi in "Hey N/m long time no see how are you hanging in? Hopefully good as I'm not so good I think I'm in love with Sugawara, Y/n but he loves you..." He let out a few tears before just walking out of the room while Yamaguchi walked in a bit nervous before he sat with you with a nervous cough as he placed down Dino stuffed toy in your hand "this is from Tsuki he will be a little late but he will be here hope you don't mind also he should be coming with something else but he Never told me what" he mumbled the last part as he looked out the window and smiled some "Y/n I think he likes you even though he likes to make fun of you and bully you, he seems to really like you" hey Y/n hope it's okay to let Noya and Tanaka see you" he smiled and waved and let the boys in not long Noya jumped onto the spot next to you giving you a large hug out of joy while Tanaka watched and smiled at his best friend "Noya don't be so jumpy and loud okay Y/n might not like that and we must respect our beautiful manager along with Kiyoko" Noya stood up and bowed to you before saying "I am so sorry mama's don't want to annoy you too much" he smiled brightly as he petted your hair softly and looked up at Tanaka "Tanaka, Asahi is supposed to come in next right? we should let him in now" Tanaka nodded as the boys let in a shy Asahi who nervously sat with you and rambled about his whole day and even about his whole team and how they all treat him even how happy he was to have his team and then he said "Y/n I am glad to have you as our manager it made things a lot brighter and people are a whole lot less tense about upcoming games and I fell in love with you" He Blurted out the last part only to run out of the room, His whole team had eyes on him wondering what happened but only to see him sit down and relax as his face was a bright red. Yamaguchi stood up when he saw Tsukishima walk in and he said no words just walked by and right to where you were as he shut the door and watched you for a bit before he left you a note and left

~Time skip~
The Practice match has begun! The coach for Nekoma announced for the boys to start playing. Ukai sat down next to Kiyoko as they watched the gameplay out with Karasano in the lead for the win. Ukai got a call so he left the gym. "Hello?" he spoke listening to who was calling "Is this Y/n's dad?" Ukai knew he was not their parent but they had none so he fit in as their dad or at least adoptive father "Yes it is, Is everything alright? Ma'am." The woman on the phone spoke softly "No sir Their Health Has taken a turn for the worst and They will not make it, I'm sorry" "no thank you for telling me we will be on our way right now" Ukai walked back in and yelled "Team come here now!" with that the ball has dropped and all of karasano looked at their Coach with hearts shattered and fear to what is to be heard. As they all grouped up "boys Y/n she will not make it. And I Will allow everyone who wants to come to come and those who wish to say can stay. As I know this will be hard on all of you in all different ways" "ILL COME I HAVE TO BE THERE!" Shoyo yelled out tears streaming down his face as he felt hurt more than he would feel after losing a game "we will come as well right Tsuki?" The blonde male nodded to his friend. Kageyama stayed quiet as he would not be going, along with Daichi and Tanaka. Noya and Asahi Both wanted to come along, and Kiyoko and Sugawara did. When the group got there they reached your room and saw you were barely alive

Asahi pov
My heart...it hurts looking at them knowing I did not get to hold them...or let them know of my feelings... I was the first to rush over to them as I sat on the floor clinging to their hand Almost letting go as I felt how cold it was in my hand. I Cried out "Y/n please....don't go I need to see you graduate next year after me so I could give you a bunch of flowers...and see you happy and to see you smile again" I cried out to her hoping she can hear me but knowing, even more, she might not hear me at all..."Y/n if you can hear me...please I love you and please be happy wherever you go from here goodbye..."

Shoyo pov

I walked in after Asahi seeing his puffed-up eyes from how much he was crying in the room with Y/n making me a little too nervous to even see Y/n but when I did I could not help but to start crying hard when I saw them barely alive, the heat monitor sounding weaker "Y/n please...no not now we need you here ....the the whole team needs you please don't leave yet" I soon felt a hand placed onto my sholder as I turned around and looked up to see it was Noya his hair looked to be a mess and his eyes no longer looked so bright "Noya...They won't make it"

Noya pov
Looking down at them hurt but he knew who was hurting a lot more right now and he wanted to leave quickly
"N/m thank you for making everyone happy... and thank you for taking care of us before you can even take care of yourself" He teared up and looked at shoyo who was still crying his eyes out before the both of them walking out with their heads hung low and tears falling down

Suga pov
I walked in and I fell to my knees seeing you laying there broke me into so many pieces as all I did was gab onto your hand feeling the warmth no longer be there as I try hard to warm you back up "Y/n.... I love you... why must you hurt me like this and leave.... Before I ever got the chance to ask you on a date... well better late than never...Y/n will you go on a date with me in our next life? I will make sure you will love it more than anything" My voice cracked as I spoke out to you hearing your heart pace even slower than before as I was slowly losing you right Infront of my eyes "I love you... good bye we will see each other sooner or later"

Yams pov
I walked in before tsuki would so I can say my goodbyes quickly when I got in you looked so at peace already and I knew you were going to be okay even if you are passing... "Y/n I promise I will take care of tsuki so don't you worry about that okay? And I will make sure the team will be okay when you are gone...even if I am not the captain or anything special" I bowed down before walking out holding back my tears for untill I have left the room

Kiyoko pov
I stayed outside of the room praying to you as I could not see my dear friend pass... It felt selfish but I wanted to remember you when you had a smile and you were happy because I would be able to move on a little more easy that way

Tsuki pov
Walking in I sat on your bed and grabbed the note I left from last time I was here I wanted to read it to you if you could not read it yourself as I looked down at you I placed your dino right next to you as I started to read "Idiot you are already running away? Was it because I was mean? Or because I was the one to trip you on your first day here? Is it my fault you got hurt and sick? I hate you... you were always to happy even when you were crying on the floor when you would fall. Did you know...I love you? I loved your stupid self and I hated when you cried or yelled at me but that was the only way you every paid attention to me. You were always with someone else and making them smile...but never once have you made me smile like that...even though I always left the gym...Because I was always smiling when I would heaR you laugh....I hope you get better...so I could say sorry... if not...well this is my sorry note...Im sory I fell in love with your stupid face-" Beeeeeeeep tsuki was soon cut off eyes wide he stared down at you before lightly shaking you tears briming his eyes "h-hey y/n? no...." he yelled out a painful scream while shouting "no" over and over

Everyone rushed in even doctors trying to get you back to life only for them to fail "I am sorry to say....but Y/n is gone" the room was silent and the first to leave was suga and everyone else slowly all left last to leave was ukai as it felt like he actually lost his own kid he said "see you y/n when you get buried away...Im sorry"

(sorry everyone for a shitty thing....But I am back <3

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