Vanishing Dragon Hero: ALBION...

Bởi LightninNelly73

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{My Hero Academia x Male Reader} In a world where superheroes and quirks reign supreme with 80% of the popula... Xem Thêm

Character BIO
Prologue: Birth of a New Hero
Chapter 1: Izuku Midoriya: Origin
Chapter 2: Training for UA
Chapter 3: The Starting Line to Passing
Chapter 4: What Can Be Done for Now
Chapter 5: Izuku Midoriya vs Katsuki Bakugo
Chapter 6: Truth Confession and Premonition
Chapter 7: White Dragon Emperor Cometh
Chapter 9: Roaring Sports Festival
Chapter 10: Let the Calvary Battle Commence!

Chapter 8: First Day of U.A.

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Bởi LightninNelly73

~Midoriya Apartment~
*(Y/N) Midoriya POV*

It's been a day since the incident at the USJ with the LOV, League of Villains, attacking the USJ with the plan to kill All Might, but thankfully, I was there to at least prevent that from happening. I was successful, but I also fought side-by-side with All Might against that "all-powerful" Nomu that Shigaraki bragged about. I will admit, it was a tough challenge, but it wasn't too hard once Albion and I divided Nomu's power every so often. Nonetheless, All Might and I prevailed and stopped the LOV, but in a fit of rage almost watching Izuku get killed by Shigaraki, I snapped and tore off Shigaraki's left arm off. I was in a fit of rage; I couldn't think straight. Of course after all that went down, I was taken in for questioning, which I had no intention of resisting. Then it was just Nezu, All Might, Detective Tsukauchi, and yours truly talking about the incident while I gave out my secret of my "Quirk" and Albion's origins since All Might trusted Nezu and Detective Tsukauchi with the information of One-For-All. This all lead to one of the most important decisions of my life...

Now, the day after the incident, I was reading a book while Izuku was sitting next to me with a bandaged hand and mom was in the kitchen doing dishes. That was until the news came on regarding yesterday's incident.

"Up next, an update on yesterday's incident at the U.A.'s rescue training center where hero course students were attacked by a gang of villains," The reporter reported. I stopped reading and looked at the screen with Izuku and mom watching. "According to new police officials, the criminal forces called themselves, "The League of Villains." Investigators have reportedly uncovered this group have been plotting to kill U.A. teacher and popular hero, All Might, since the spring of this year. Police arrested 72 villains at the scene, but the league's leader escaped. His whereabouts are unknown. In other news, a new vigilante appeared within the U.A.'s rescue training center and assisted All Might with suppressing the League of Villains and protecting the hero course students. We only have a name, and he was referred to as, "The White Dragon Emperor.""

I merely looked at the screen and I knew mom was happy for me saving everyone. I looked back towards her, and she gave the expression of "thank you." I nod to her as I looked at the screen again.

"I'm just glad to hear everyone was safe and unharmed," I said but looked at Izuku. "Well... Almost everyone. How's your hand and legs doing?"

"Better, thanks," Izuku replied and looked onto the screen. "There was something I don't get."

"And that is?" I asked.

"The White Dragon Emperor," Izuku replied, and I cocked an eyebrow. "When he wasn't fighting villains or fighting with All Might, he would protect me. I don't understand why. That reminds me. (Y/N), do you know of anyone with an armor Quirk, or anything related to a dragon Quirk that trains at the Lin Kuei Fighting Dojo?"

I jolted a bit as he asked that. I didn't want to admit right away that I was the White Dragon Emperor. I had to come up with something fast.

"Well... Now that I think about it," I replied. "I think there may be a few people that I recognize that had an armor Quirk, but nothing related to any dragon Quirks. Sorry, Zuku."

"No, it's fine. I just wanted to know why he would protect me above everyone else," Izuku said as I looked at him. Izuku gets up and began walking to his room. "I'll be in my room lifting weights."

Izuku walked away as I let out a heavy sigh and Albion came out.

"That was a close one, partner," Albion told me. "I was certain he would have figured you out."

"I was thankful to come up with that answer right away." I replied as mom came around and hugged me out of nowhere. I shrugged my shoulders and hugged mom back.

"(Y/N), honey, thank you," Mom thanked me. I was a bit confused until she continued. "Not only did you save Izuku, but you also saved Momo, Mina, Kyoka, and your friend Shoto, and, even if you hate him, Katsuki. We're all thankful for that, even if Mitsuki and Masaru don't know about your Quirk yet. When are you going to tell them?"

"I'll tell Aunt and Uncle soon, but I want to do it after Baku... Bakugo knows, which will be soon." I replied until I felt my phone go off. I was confused until I opened my phone and saw a text from Principal Nezu.


All-Knowing🐕 Principal🐻 Nezu🐁: Good day, Mr. Midoriya. I hope this day fares you well. Now I am contacting you regarding what we discussed yesterday. The teachers and I, with Detective Tsukauchi, are going over our findings with the League of Villains and I am 100% certain you'll be brought up as, "The White Dragon Emperor," and I believe it is imperative that you should make an appearance during this time. I suggest coming to U.A. right away. I'll send you the room number where the meeting is to be held at. Come in as your "Balance Breaker" and I'm more than certain the teachers will be shocked, minus myself, All Might, and Detective Tsukauchi. You do have that pass to enter, and you have my blessing. Please do come right away.

Of course, Principal Nezu, sir. I'm coming right away. See you soon. :Me


I put my phone away and grabbed my jacket but stopped by mom.

"Honey, where are you going?" Mom asked me. I looked over where Izuku's room was and made sure he wasn't around.

"Mom, remember what I told you about yesterday after the USJ incident?" I whispered to mom, and she nods. "Well, Principal Nezu requires my presence since I was there at the time. Adding to fact, they'll be talking about the incident and the topic about me will be brought up. He says it was imperative that I made myself known to the U.A. teachers there, minus Aizawa and 13 of course."

"Oh, okay honey," Mom replied as I got ready to leave but stopped again. "What should I tell Izuku? He'll know your gone."

"Um... Tell him that Grandmaster needed me at the dojo, and I had to go right away," I replied as mom agreed to the lie. I opened the door but turned to mom once more. "I'll see you after the meeting. Bye!"

I left the apartment and headed towards my truck and got in. I revved the engine and left towards U.A. for that meeting that was going into play. I knew this was going to be interesting at the very least.

~U.A. Conference Room~
*Narrator POV*

Within the Conference Room of U.A., we find most of the faculty, minus Aizawa and 13, meeting with Detective Tsukauchi regarding the USJ Incident with the LOV. Attending the meeting was Principal Nezu, All Might, Snipe, Midnight, Vlad King, and of course, Detective Tsukauchi.

"Our investigators are trying to learn everything they can about this so-called, "League of Villains,"" Tsukauchi began the meeting. "We've made some progress, but we can't find anything about this Shigaraki so far. We've searched all our records for men in their 20's or 30's who are registered having some kind of disintegration Quirk. So far, we've come up empty. Same for the Warp Gate villain, Kurogiri. So their not citizens or they're using aliases. Hard to find, either way."

"So what you're really saying is, we don't know anything." Vlad King assumed while getting a bit upset.

"We've got to track them down," Snipe suggested also annoyed. "I shot their ringleader, but the White Dragon Emperor tore off his entire left arm. When he heals up, he'll try something like this again. What a pain."

Everyone in the room agreed as All Might sighed grabbing Nezu's attention.

"He did seem like the type." All Might added in.

"Something on your mind, All Might?" Nezu asked All Might.

"The attack on the USJ was... too bold. No sane adult would ever attempt it," All Might began as he remembered Shigaraki's attack. "The ringleader kept monologuing about the reasons he was there and about bragged Nomu's many Quirks, but never said a word about his own powers. When things didn't go his way, he was visibly upset. Like he was going to throw a tantrum. Well, I guess bragging about Nomu's Quirks was a quick way to draw me out into a fight."

"That might be true, yes, but strategically, it was foolish to reveal his Quirks instead of keeping them a secret." Nezu agreed as Detective Tsukauchi nods in agreement.

"Shigaraki made wild, immature claims, but did so with a completely straight face, and he talked about Nomu like he was some kind of a pet," All Might continued. "It's like he was never told "no" before like he thought things would go his way no matter what. He has a personality of a spoiled little brat. A man-child."

"A child with incredible power, though." Vlad King added to "man child."

"It's possible he never got the Quirk counseling students receive in elementary school." Midnight chips in an idea.

"Either so, but it doesn't really matter now." Snipe says ending that topic.

"In all, there were 72 villains arrested in the aftermath after the USJ attack," Tsukauchi continued his report. "They were all small-time thugs who usually lurked around back alleys. What worries me is that this "man-child" got them all to follow in his crazy plan and viewed him as a real leader. Criminals are starting to feel more pressure now the world is brimming with heroes. That could be why they were so quick to back such a simple-minded villainy."

"Guess that makes sense." Vlad King agrees while taking the thought to consideration.

"There are plenty of people out there looking for a cause to get behind." Snipe adds into conversation.

"So what can we do to stop them?" Midnight asks.

"Well, it is thanks to you heroes that we have the time to devote ourselves to this case," Tsukauchi says while thanking the heroes. "We'll expand our investigation and continue searching for the perpetrators who planned this attack."

"A man-child, huh?" Nezu questions the thought.

"But his plan did go downhill quicker than anticipated though," All Might speaks grabbing everyone's attention. "His plan never anticipated the arrival of The White Dragon Emperor."

Just speaking, "White Dragon Emperor," made everyone, minus Tsukauchi, All Might, and Nezu, think twice about the spoken individual.

"While we're on the subject, what do we know about him?" Vlad King questioned while Tsukauchi went through his notes.

"As far as we know, The White Dragon Emperor has no ties to the League of Villains," Tsukauchi replied while looking through his notes. "The White Dragon Emperor was nearby when the incident occurred and jumped into action. Other than the fact, he's 17 years of age."

This bit of information shocked Snipe, Vlad King, and Midnight.

"Wait... Only 17 years old?" Midnight questioned the age and Tsukauchi replied with a nod. "I had figured him to be at least in his 20's or 30's, but someone so young with a Quirk like that..."

"Do we have any information about his Quirk?" Snipe questions. "I thought it was an armor-type Quirk, but I saw him emit some flames and lightning which threw me off."

"Let's not forget about the villains that were prisoned by those chains." Vlad King mentioned.

"Well, why not ask the young man himself?" Nezu replies getting a confused stare from Snipe while getting confused looks from Midnight and Vlad King. Nezu turns over to the door. "You may come in now."

It was certain that Snipe, Midnight, and Vlad King were not prepared to see (Y/N) walking into the room in his Balance Breaker, but to the three heroes, he was the White Dragon Emperor. This was an utter shock to them.

"Well my, my, my," Snipe says after watching (Y/N) walk in. "The White Dragon Emperor graces us with his presence."

"A good day to all of you heroes, and to you as well Nezu and Detective," (Y/N) greeted everyone in the room. "I hope the day fares you all in good hopes, regarding the attack at the USJ yesterday."

"Well, this is a surprise." Midnight spoke with a surprising tone.

"It is, and we were just talking about you, White Dragon Emperor." Vlad King chipped into conversation.

"Nezu figured as such and contacted me about this meeting," (Y/N) replied as he looked at Nezu and the two nod to each other. "Now, I assume you want to know about my Quirk?"

"Why, yes," Snipe replied. "I thought it was an armor-type of Quirk, but the fire, lightning, and ethereal chains say differently."

"Ah, yes, my Quirk," (Y/N) said while looking at the heroes. "Well, this question will be answered not only by me, but also by Albion."

"Who?" Midnight questioned until (Y/N)'s wings glowed brighter indicating Albion was about to speak.

"He was referring to me, Midnight," Albion spoke making the three heroes look at the wings in shock. "Greetings heroes and detective, I am Albion. My partner's Quirk, and we both will discuss about the Quirk, "Divine Dividing.""

The next few minutes the heroes, mainly Vlad King, Midnight, and Snipe, all listened to Albion and (Y/N) as they discussed about (Y/N)'s "Quirk," "Divine Dividing." From the main power to the "Sub-Quirks" as (Y/N) refers to the additional powers as. Little to say, they three were beyond shocked by the sheer power of Divine Dividing. As the discussion was finished, the three heroes had different expressions. Vlad King merely looked down onto the table thinking about Divine Dividing and how powerful it was.

"My God..." Snipe said while holding his head on his hand. "A Quirk like that is unheard of. Just thinking about it seems unbelievable."

"I agree, but we all seen what it can do," Midnight agreed until looking at (Y/N). "Unbelievable or not, it's an impressive Quirk. No doubt about it."

"That's kind enough of you to say..." (Y/N) spoke until he decided to pull a string. "...Nemuri."

This caught Midnight in shock unknowingly (Y/N) knew her real name.

"How do you know my real name?" Midnight questioned until (Y/N) chuckled a little. "What's funny?"

"I guess the fun is over for now," (Y/N) replied until his armor started to glow. Midnight was going to question further until (Y/N) revealed himself making Midnight stop in her tracks and stared at (Y/N) disbelieving and in utter shock (Y/N) was in front of her. Midnight had no words. "Guess what, Nemuri? I have a Quirk!"

All Might was snickering on the side with Nezu while Tsukauchi shook his head with a grin.

"Well, isn't this somethin'?" Snipe said until Midnight's eyes were shadowed and getting up from her seat. Midnight not saying anything walked over to (Y/N) as her eyes were still shadowed.

"Um... N-Nemuri? Is something wrong?" (Y/N) asked until...

"OOWWWIEEEEE!!!" (Y/N) cried out in pain while Midnight was pulling on his cheeks. "Nemuri, what are you doing?!"

"DON'T "NEMURI" ME, (Y/N)!!!" Nemuri shouted all annoyed and upset. "You had a Quirk this entire time I've known you, and you kept this a secret from me?!"

"OWOWOWOW!!! N-Nemuri please...." (Y/N) pleads to Midnight, but unsuccessful. (Y/N) decided to plea for the men for help. "Guys! Please help!!

"Yeah... Sorry, kid. Not getting in between... whatever this is." Snipe rejected while looking away.

"I agree, I'm not getting into this." Vlad King agreed.

"Sorry Young (Y/N)," All Might replied. "You may have helped with Nomu, but you're going to have to fight this one on your own."

"I'm sorry, (Y/N), but when it comes to women, it's best you deal with it on your own." Detective Tsukauchi tells (Y/N).

"This is some good quality TEA." Nezu speaks as he watches the scene unfurl.

"Albion! You're my only hope. Help me!" (Y/N) begged Albion for help, but Albion...

"YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!" (Y/N) shouts until Midnight stopped and cupped (Y/N)'s cheeks and made him look into her eyes.

"Why didn't you say anything about your Quirk?" Midnight asked, in a more caring tone. "Didn't you trust me about it? How long have you had your Quirk?"

"Well, you know that day with the Slime Villain that All Might stopped?" (Y/N) asked and Midnight nods. "I've had Albion a few months before that incident."

This shocked everyone knowing (Y/N) had his Quirk for that long time period.

"I know you must be wondering why I've kept Albion a secret," (Y/N) continued. "That's because my Quirk can beat All Might and Endeavor at the same time, and that's not arrogance talking. That's the truth. If I went public earlier about my Quirk, villains would try going after me for my power or try forcing me against everyone. Plus, I was afraid those I cared about would be used against me. Plus, Midnight, you are among some of the people I consider important to me."

This caused Midnight to blush out in red as she looked away a bit.

"You're not supposed to tell a woman such a thing... It's rather... embarrassing..." Midnight said while trying to hide her blush, but (Y/N) chuckles a bit. Nezu, however, decided to break up the moment.

"As interesting as your interaction may be," Nezu spoke making (Y/N) and Midnight look at Nezu. "Now, this young man is now a student here at U.A."

This caused some surprise, but not exactly surprised. Midnight, however, was ecstatic by the idea and pulled (Y/N) into a comforting hug as she was happy to be able to see (Y/N) more often.

"And what class is the kid going into, Nezu, sir?" Snipe asked.

"It should be obvious, shouldn't it?" Nezu replies until looking at (Y/N). "This young man will be in Class 1-A starting tomorrow."

"Oh boy," (Y/N) says until he smirks. "They're going to be in one hell of a surprise tomorrow. Wait... Does Aizawa know about this?"

"No, he does not." Nezu replied to (Y/N) who had a bigger smirk.

"Good, keep it a secret from him," (Y/N) requested. "I want to see, or at least get a good look at, the expression on his face when he finds out I was the White Dragon Emperor."

That, however, was only the tip of the iceberg.

~Timeskip Next Morning~

The next morning came around, as (Y/N) woke up way earlier than Izuku as he was now wearing a U.A. uniform and getting ready to leave. (Y/N) got his shoes on and looked at Inko as she was smiling at him.

"I'm so proud of you, (Y/N)," Inko told (Y/N). "You have come a long way since we adopted you from the orphanage. Look at you now."

Inko walked over and hugged her son. (Y/N) smirked and returned the hug as the two stayed like that for a few minutes before letting go.

"Albion, please make sure (Y/N) is safe, and Izuku too, if you can." Inko requested Albion until he appeared behind (Y/N).

"Of course, Lady Midoriya," Albion took the request. "I'll do whatever I can to help."

"Just Inko is fine, Albion," Inko told Albion as he faded away. "Let me guess, going into U.A. earlier and discuss some things with the principal?"

"That and an incredible introduction into 1-A," (Y/N) replied as he opened the door. "Oh... and tell Izuku that Grandmaster needed me again regarding some... students needing more guidance and that he'll have to walk to school."

Inko agreed with another lie as (Y/N) walked out and left for U.A. before anyone else could arrive. Once getting close to U.A., Midnight and Snipe were at the gates waiting for (Y/N).

"Ready for today, partner?" Albion asked (Y/N) who had a grin on his face.

"You better believe it," (Y/N) replied and drove into the U.A. parking lot. "Today is the day the White Dragon Emperor takes his first steps to become a hero."

~Class 1-A Homeroom~
*Izuku Midoriya POV*

I had to walk my way to school since (Y/N) had to help Grandmaster with some students, but I had Ashido and Jiro walk with me that was until Yaoyorozu picked us up in her limo on her way to U.A. In Class 1-A, everyone was discussing about either being on the news or thinking about what would have happened if the teachers didn't show up, but my mind was thinking about the White Dragon Emperor. Why did he protect me above everyone else? What was his Quirk that made All Might decide to let them fight together? These thoughts went around my mind, and I guess Jiro was trying to get my attention.

"Hey, Izuku." Jiro tried getting my attention, but I wasn't listening until Sero shook me.

"Huh? What? Hey, Jiro." I answered Jiro after being shook.

"What's up with you, Izuku?" Jiro asked me. "You've been spacing out a bit."

I could feel everyone's eyes on me, except Kacchan.

"W-Well, I've been thinking about the person who helped at the USJ," I replied. "You know, the White Dragon Emperor?"

As soon as I said that...

"Wait, wasn't he the guy in the white armor that helped All Might fight that bird guy?" Sato questioned as he threw his fists into the air. "That guy was super strong, and they still beat him!"

"Oh him! Man, was he cool!" Kirishima spoke. "Just his outfit and the way he fought was so manly! He looked exactly like a white dragon. It was awesome!"

"His Quirk... I thought it was some kind of armor Quirk or perhaps a dragon Quirk, but..." Todoroki added his thoughts. "He also used fire, lightning, ice, and those ethereal chains. Could it be possible he has multiple Quirks?"

"I don't know if this helps," Kaminari spoke this time. "We were in the mountain zone, and I was held hostage by a villain until he was blasted by something and knocked the villain out."

"Now that you mention it," Kirishima brought up the "blast" for Kaminari. "That White Dragon Emperor threw an orb of some kind over your way, maybe it was him."

"Man, that helped," Kaminari said. "I didn't know what to do. I was afraid that villain would have killed me."

"Jiro and I had to put our hands up since Kaminari was held hostage," Yaoyorozu added. "We should be thankful he did that or else... well..."

"I don't want to think about it," Kaminari stopped Yaoyorozu. "But I'm definitely going to thank him for the save."

It seemed like Jiro and Yaoyorozu were in agreement until Mina shot up from her desk.

"He also knew (Y/N)-Bae's fighting style! Let's not forget that!" Mina shouted. I thought about it more and tried piecing it together.

"Wait, if he knew (Y/N)'s fighting technique, but he said he knew a few that used armor-type Quirks and hardly any dragon Quirks," I thought to myself. "Plus, he was very defensive about me... He even tore off that villain's arm off when I almost... eh..."

I was thinking more about it until we heard Iida come marching in.

"Attention! Homeroom class is about to begin!" Iida announced as he marched himself in. "Everyone stop talking and take your seats!"

"Uh... We're all sitting." Kirishima told Iida.

"Yeah, you're the only one standing." Sero added which made Iida look down embarrassed and a bit taken back. Iida went to his seat as he was grumbling about what happened.

"Dang it!" Iida groaned as he sat in his desk.

"Don't sweat it." Uraraka tried calming Iida, but it only helped a bit.

"Hey, Tsu." I heard Ashido ask Asu- I mean Tsu. "So... AHH! Who do ya think's gonna teach class today?"

"No idea," Tsu replied. "Mr. Aizawa's still in the hospital recovering from his injuries."

That was until the door opened and we all saw Mr. Aizawa standing at the door.

"Morning, class." Mr. Aizawa greeted us.

"Mr. Aizawa, what are you doing here?!" We all asked in shock thinking he was still in the hospital.

"Whoa! What a pro!" Kaminari said with some shock as some of us are still wondering why Mr. Aizawa was here.

"Mr. Aizawa, I'm glad you're okay." Iida told Mr. Aizawa as he was slowly making his way to the podium.

"You call that "okay?"" Uraraka questioned Iida's choice of words. I mean, Mr. Aizawa looked pretty bad.

"My well-being is irrelevant," Mr. Aizawa told Iida until he got to the podium. "I have two announcements to make. First, what's more important is that your fight isn't over yet."

"Our fight?" Kacchan questioned.

"Don't tell me..." I said thinking of the idea.

"Not more bad guys!" Mineta said scared.

"The U.A. Sports Festival is about to start." Mr. Aizawa told us as Kirishima got excited while the rest of us...

"UGH! Why would you scare us like that?!" We all questioned Mr. Aizawa but nonetheless, we were excited for the sports festival.

"Let's go kick some ass!" Kirishima shouted until Kaminari cut him off by shoving his face away.

"Wait a second..." Kaminari spoke.

"Is it really such a good idea to hold the sports festival so soon after the villains snuck inside?" Jiro asked. I mean, I had figured the case, but...

"They could attack once we're all in the same place." Ojiro added after Jiro.

"*sigh* Apparently, the administration thinks this is a good way to show that the threat has been handled and our school is safer than ever," Mr. Aizawa replied clearing confusion. "Plus, they're beefing up security compared to the past years. This event is a huge opportunity for all students at U.A. It's not something we can cancel because of a few villains."

"Uh, I'm sorry, but why not?" Mineta asked scared more. I turned around to him and I knew (Y/N) wouldn't like him. At all... "It's just a sports festival."

"Huh? Mineta, don't you know how important this competition is?" I asked him.

"Of course, I do! I just don't want to get murdered." Mineta replied and I definitely knew (Y/N) would not like him.

"Our sports festival is one of the most watched events in the entire world," Mr. Aizawa continued. "In the past, everyone obsessed over the Olympic Games but then Quirks started appearing. Now, the Olympics have been drastically reduced in terms of scale and viewership. For anyone who cares about competition, there's only one tournament that matters: The U.A. Sports Festival."

"That's right!" Yaoyorozu spoke. "And top heroes everywhere will be watching. This is where you get scouted!"

"Sure, unless you're dead." Mineta spoke, once again scared.

"She's right," Kaminari agreed with Yaoyorozu. "After graduating, a lot of people join pro agencies as a sidekick."

"Yeah, but that's as far as some people go. They miss their chance to go indie and stay eternal sidekicks," Jiro replied and turned to Kaminari. "Actually, that's probably where you're headed. You're kinda dumb."

Kaminari gave a face of shock and annoyance.

"Ouch, Jiro... That was a bit harsh..." I thought to myself.

"It's true that joining a famous hero agency can garner you greater experience and popularity," Mr. Aizawa agreed with Yaoyorozu, Jiro, and Kaminari. "That's why the festival matters. If you wanna go pro one day, then this event could open the path for you. One chance a year. Three chances in a lifetime. No aspiring hero can afford to miss this festival. That means you better not slack off on your training."

"Yes sir!" We all agreed, but there was one thing on my mind...

"Mr. Aizawa," Iida spoke up while raising his hand. "You mentioned a second announcement."

"Yes, well..." Mr. Aizawa replied until the door opened and Principal Nezu walked in.

"Good morning Class 1-A," Principal Nezu greeted us. "I hope you are all doing well, regarding the villain attack at the USJ. Aizawa, did you mention Class 1-A's new student yet?"

"WHAT?! NEW STUDENT?!" We all shouted in shock. I looked back and I just noticed the desk behind Yaoyorozu.

"I was about to tell them, Nezu." Mr. Aizawa told Principal Nezu.

"Pardon me, Principal, sir," Iida spoke up once more grabbing Principal Nezu's attention. "Forgive me, but isn't it a bit late in the semester to accept new students?"

"Normally yes, Mr. Iida, but this is a special occasion," Principal Nezu replied until he looked at the door. "You may come in now and do introduce yourself to your new classmates and teacher."

The door opened again, and we were all surprised in shock to see HIM here. He walked past Principal Nezu and stood in front of Mr. Aizawa.

"Greetings Class 1-A," He spoke greeting us, but we were too much in shock to reply. "You all know me from the USJ, but you know me as The White Dragon Emperor."

Here he was... The White Dragon Emperor. The one who fought several villains by himself and fought alongside All Might against the Nomu. Even Mr. Aizawa was surprised. Of course, Ashido broke the silence.

"Okay, bub! I want to know how you know (Y/N)-Bae's fighting style!" Ashido was the first to question him.

"(Y/N)-Bae? Oh, you mean (Y/N) Midoriya, yes?" The White Dragon Emperor questioned as Ashido replied with a nod. "That's easy, I trained with him at the Lin Kuei Fighting Dojo."

That caught most of us by surprise. It did confirm he trained at the same dojo as (Y/N).

"What is your Quirk?" Todoroki questioned next.

"My Quirk? Oh, well, it's best if I had my partner answer that with me," The White Dragon Emperor replied making us confused by "partner." "Albion, care to help explain?"

"Who's Albion?" I asked in thought.

"Why of course, partner," Another voice spoke and the membranes of his wings glowed brighter. "Greetings, Class 1-A and Aizawa, I am Albion. My partner's Quirk, and it's called, "Divine Dividing.""

"Divine... Dividing..." I said in thought thinking about the Quirk name.

"Now, my Quirk is a powerful one," The White Dragon Emperor told us. "It allows me to divide anyone's Quirk's power in half every 10 seconds, and that divided power goes to me and makes me stronger, but I would have to make physical contact for my Quirk to fully work."

That explanation itself made our jaws drop just from the idea of his Quirk.

"His Quirk... It's stronger than any Quirk in existence..." I thought. "Could... Could he beat All Might? If he's dividing power every 10 seconds, then All Might... He would lose..."

"Then could you explain the fire, lightning, ice, and ethereal chains?" Yaoyorozu questioned about the additional powers he had.

"Those would happen to be my partner's "Flames of Supremacy," "Glacial Devastation," "White Dragon Lightning," and "Division Chains of Divinity,"" Albion replied for the White Dragon Emperor. "It's what most people would consider as "Sub-Quirks." An example, a person with invisibility, who trains hard enough can possibly make objects and other people turn invisible or can bend light rays as an attack or to blind enemies."

We all turn our attention to Hagakure who was the only known person with invisibility. I couldn't take it anymore and stood from my desk.

"There is something I want to know." I said as the White Dragon Emperor looked at me.

"Then speak away, Midoriya." He told me.

"I want to know..." I replied. "I want to know why you protected me more than anyone else? Why me?"

There was silence until he laughed.

"What's so funny? I asked a question." I told him.

"I know, and you want to know your answer?" He asked me as he suddenly started to glow. "Well..."

The armor shattered as if it was glass and in front of all of us was someone I never expected to see in U.A.

"It's an older brother's job to protect their younger siblings, don't you think, Zuku?" in front of me... was my adopted brother, (Y/N). I wasn't the only one shocked, the entire class was in shock, even Mr. Aizawa.

"Kid?! You're the White Dragon Emperor?!" Mr. Aizawa questioned (Y/N).

"That's right, Aizawa... Oops, I mean, MR. Aizawa," (Y/N) replied before turning to us and bowing with his wings still out. "Let's redo my introduction. Greetings, Class 1-A. I am your new classmate starting today. It's a pleasure to meet you all in person for my name is... (Y/N) Midoriya."

"WWWWWHHHHAAAAAAATTTTTT!?!?!?!!?" Me and my entire class shouted in disbelief and utter shock. "(Y/N)'S THE WHITE DRAGON EMPEROR!?!?!?"

*(Y/N) Midoriya POV*

I look at Class 1-A, and I couldn't help but laugh my ass off by their reaction, even Albion laughed.

"Partner, their reaction was better than either of us expected." Albion spoke shaking everyone from the shock.

"I know, Albion, actually made my day in fact," I agreed while some were still staring at me in shock. I clapped my hands as everyone shook back into reality. I looked back at Aizawa, and he was surprised I had a Quirk. "So, Mr. Aizawa, surprised to see me?"

"Surprised is an understatement." Aizawa replied until I heard some comments flying around.

"Whoa! Midoriya, your brother is the White Dragon Emperor?!" The one I believe was called Sato asked Zuku.

"Yeah, Midoriya, your brother is manly!" The one I believe to be Kirishima, from what Ashi told me.

"Hey, thanks for the save in the Mountain Zone. I didn't know what was going to happen if you didn't send that attack." The guy I assumed to be Kaminari, from what Kyouki told me. The comments would have continued, but Ashi spoke up.

"You had a Quirk this entire time?!" Ashi asked me as I nod. "I... I don't know what to say..."

"Maybe save the rest of your questions until after class, yes?" I replied and everyone agreed. "Cool, so Mr. Aizawa, I assume my desk is behind Yaomo?"

Aizawa replied with a nod as I walked over to my new desk. I rubbed Izuku's head as I passed by and gave a smile at Yaomo as she was still in shock, I was in U.A. for good. I sat in my seat and let the class continue.

~Timeskip to Lunchtime~

It was around the time for lunch as Cementoss left the classroom, after a bit of his own shock I was the White Dragon Emperor. Of course, I was now playing a bit of catch-up with the rest of everyone else since they were ahead of me in lesson-wise, but that didn't stop me.

"Man, everyone's reaction was still hilarious as hell." I said as Albion came out.

"I agree, here come some of your friends. Good luck, partner." Albion told me as he faded away. I looked up and saw Zuku, Yaomo, Ashi, Kyouki, Shoto, Iida, and Uraraka around my desk.

"I knew this was coming," I said as I cleared my desk. "Go on, ask away."

"How long have you had your Quirk?" Shoto asked me.

"You all know about the Slime Villain incident, right?" I asked and they nod. "Well, I've had Albion a couple months before that incident."

"You've had your Quirk for almost a year?!" Iida questioned in shock while doing some weird movements with his hands and I nod. "That means you could have entered the entrance exam and passed! Why didn't you enter the exam then?"

"Well, there was no doubt I would have excelled the entrance exam with my Quirk," I replied. "But I had a gut feeling and a premonition to hold off my Quirk until that day. Plus, I was still getting a hang of my Quirk since I was considered a late-bloomer."

"I see. That's understandable." Iida agreed while adjusting his glasses.

"Who else knows about your Quirk?" Kyouki asked.

"Well, there's Grandmaster. He was the first to know," I replied going down the list. "When the premonition was nearing, I told Fuyu and Nats next--"

"Fuyu? Nats?" Ashi asked confused. "Who are they?"

"My older siblings, Fuyumi and Natsuo," Shoto replied. "(Y/N) gave them nicknames since he became friends with them and myself."

"Yeah, after them it was mine and Zuku's mom, Yaomo's parents, Kyouki's parents, Ashi's parents," I continued the list. "Then after the USJ incident, all the U.A. teachers, minus Mr. Aizawa and 13 at the time, and now you guys and Mr. Aizawa."

"Our parents knew before us?" Yaomo asked and I nod in reply. "Why didn't you tell us about your Quirk? Didn't you trust us?"

"Of course I trust you guys," I replied. "Think about it this way. My Quirk is powerful... Powerful enough to defeat both All Might and Endeavor at the same time. That's not arrogance talking. That's the truth."

"Yeah, arrogance isn't your strong suit," Kyouki agreed until looking at Baku-Bitch and nudged her earphone jack towards him. I chuckled since I knew who she meant. "So? Why?"

"As you already heard from me, my Quirk, aka Albion, could beat both All Might and Endeavor," I continued. "If I went public about my Quirk when he came into play, villains all around would come after me and would attempt to make me a villain. Plus, I was afraid they would use those I care about, those important to me, against me for Albion. That's why I never said anything. I do apologize for not saying anything."

"You never said anything... for our sake?" Uraraka asked.

"Yes, because the people around my desk right now," I said while looking at my friends around me. "You guys are important to me."

Just saying this made Yaomo, Kyouki, and Ashi blush for a moment. Zuku looked like he was about to cry, along with Uraraka. Iida and Shoto just smiled knowing that. That was until Zuku decided to pull out one of his notebooks.

"(Y/N), what more can you tell me about your Quirk?" Zuku asked as I comically felt a sweat drop, but I knew this was coming.

"Zuku, relax. Here..." I said while pulling out some papers and handed them to Izuku. "I knew once I gave out my secret, you would ask me nonstop about my Quirk. Go fanboy crazy."

Zuku felt embarrassed as I said that and looked at the notes about Divine Dividing and the "Sub-Quirks" followed after. We saw Zuku's expression, and he looked at the notes in awe.

"These notes... They're so organized! I can see each note perfectly!" Zuku went into fanboy mode and looked into each of the notes. I chuckled a bit knowing this would have been the reaction I was expecting. That was until I heard everyone talk about the Sports Festival and how they were trying to get themselves noticed, more so for Hagakure. Albion decided to come out again to speak as he heard all the commotion.

"It seems everyone in this class is getting more riled up by the second," Albion spoke getting my friends' attention. "I have heard this festival happens to be a big opportunity, but the level of nervousness and excitement is overwhelming."

"Of course it is, Albion was it?" Iida replied while asking.

"Yes, Sir Iida," Albion replied. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"Just Iida is fine, Albion," Iida told Albion while making more hand gestures before talking more. "We enrolled at this school with the sole aim to become heroes. So naturally, we're all getting fired up!"

Iida suddenly began doing what I thought were dance moves, but I think it was just Iida doing random bodily gestures.

"Those are some nice moves, Iida," Ashi commented Iida's gestures thinking they were dance moves. "Almost reminds me of the times (Y/N)-Bae and I danced with each other."

"What?" Yaomo and Kyouki questioned.

"I believe it was that "Dance, Dance Revolution" arcade game Lady Ashido and (Y/N) played together." Albion replied to them as now I was in the spotlight.

"Damn you, Albion..." I groaned until Yaomo and Kyouki looked at me. "Uhh...."

"You have to dance with us next, (Y/N)!" Yaomo told me.

"Ehh... What?" I questioned.

"Yeah! There's no way out of it either!" Kyouki agreed with Yaomo.

"Okay! Okay! You both win!" I told them and they seemed happy with their victory. "What the hell just happened?"

"Ooh~ That was interesting~ Oh, Albion! Just call me Ashido, okay? Being called "Lady" makes me sound old," Ashi told Albion. "But I get to call you Albi!"

"Hm... That is a proper idea. Very well, Ashido." Albion agreed and Ashi decided to jump onto my desk.

"Yes!" Ashi cheered. "I'm just so happy that we get to see (Y/N)-Bae every day!"

"You see me every day." I said confused a bit.

"I think she meant see you all the time." Yaomo rephrased Ashi's words.

"Okay, makes sense," I agreed getting the idea. "Well, I'm glad to see you guys too."

I smiled as everyone else did too until Iida questioned me about the festival.

"You have to be excited too, right, (Y/N)?" Iida asked me.

"Of course, I am," I replied. "It'll give me a chance to actually go out with my abilities, minus the USJ Incident. What about you, Zuku? You excited?"

"Well, of course, I am," Zuku replied before looking up. "And also nervous."

"That's a normal feeling, Izuku," Albion assured Zuku. "The best you can do in the festival is show what your made of, do your very best, but also to have fun. I, myself, wish for everyone in this class good luck."

This made everyone smile until some of us were called out by Uraraka.

"Deku! Iida! (Y/N)! Albion!" Uraraka called us out as we looked at her, and I was shown a whole new side of Uraraka.

"Let's do our best in the sports festival!" Uraraka told us in the fiercest face I've seen on anyone. Hell, there was an overflowing pink aura around her.

"WHOA! Uraraka?!" I questioned in shock as Iida looked at her. Yaomo, Kyouki, and Mina were surprised by the sudden change in her personality. Shoto merely looked at Uraraka with a blank face. "Did someone flip a switch on you?! This is a whole new Uraraka!"

"Uraraka, what happened to your face?!" Zuku questioned as he was scared a bit.

"This is odd. I assumed Uraraka was the most laid-back girl in Class 1-A," Albion assumed. "Was I wrong in this assumption?"

"No, Albi, you are right," Ashi replied to Albion. "This is a totally new Uraraka."

Uraraka suddenly stomped her foot on the ground while raising her fist into the air as part of her face somehow was shadowed completely and her eyes were white for a moment.

"Everyone! I'm gonna do my best!" Uraraka shouted.

"Yeah!" Each of us agreed and raised out fists.

"Is this becoming Ten Thousand Fists where we raise our fists in the air?" I asked as Kyouki chuckled a bit. That was until Uraraka turned towards Sato, Sero, Kirishima, and Tokoyami with the same stance and aura.

"I said, I'm gonna do my best!" Uraraka shouted again as the four mentioned slowly raised their fists into the air confused.

"Yeah..." Kirishima said confused. "You okay?"

"It's official, she's totally lost her mind." Albion said making everyone let out a chuckle.

"Wow, Uraraka got dissed by Albion," I said chuckling some more. "This was the highlight of my day, HA!"

~Lunch Rush's Eatery~

Now deciding to have some lunch, I sat at a table that was by myself until Yaomo, Kyouki, and Ashi sat down at the same table. Yaomo sat to my left while Ashi and Kyouki sat across from me. I was at least happy they decided to sit with me.

"(Y/N)," Yaomo grabbed my attention. "How is U.A. treating you so far?"

"Honestly?" I replied. "It's great so far. Besides, I got you guys to keep me company, along with Zuku, Iida, Zero-G, and Shoto."

"Zero-G?" Ashi questioned until she thought about it. "Oh! You mean Uraraka?"

"Yeah, that's kind of my nickname for her," I replied. "I'm still thinking of a nickname for Iida though, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there."

"So, what are Todoroki's siblings like?" Kyouki asked.

"Fuyu and Nats?" I asked as she nods. "Well, Fuyumi, or Fuyu, is the second oldest of them. She is kind and caring, and she teaches at an elementary school. She's pretty awesome. I think you guys would like her. Natsuo, or Nats, is the second youngest, but older than Shoto. He attends a college and comes around their house from time to time, but he's a pretty cool guy."

"They sound like wonderful people." Yaomo said as she took a bite from her rice.

"They really are," I replied as I took a bite from my food. That was until I saw Iida and Uraraka coming by, but no Zuku. "Hey Iida, Zero-G, where's Zuku?"

"Oh, Midoriya is having lunch with All Might," Iida replied to me. "If its no trouble, may we sit with you?"

"Of course, more the merrier," I replied and moved over with Yaomo and Uraraka sat next to me as Iida sat next to Kyouki. "So, Zuku is eating with All Might, huh? Pretty cool."

"You should have seen All Might," Uraraka said as she laughed a bit. "Had a blue bento box and everything. He looked like a maiden for the moment. Also, Zero-G?"

"Oh, my nickname for you, Uraraka," I replied. "Nothing wrong with that is there?"

"No! No! I like it!" Uraraka said. "But can I ask something?"

"You already did." I replied with a smirk, and I heard a chuckle from Ashi and Kyouki.

"Haha... Very funny," Zero-G said to me. I rolled my eyes a bit but gave her my attention. "I have to know, what is it like trained under Sub-Zero? When Deku told us you trained under him, I was a bit jealous."

"Yes, I am curious as well, (Y/N)," Iida added his curiosity while adjusting his glasses. "Not only do you participate at his dojo but you were trained personally by him. It's truly such an honor."

I looked at Yaomo, Ashi, and Kyouki and they had the same expression wanting to know.

"What is it like training under Grandmaster?" I asked and they all nod. I chuckled a bit and leaned back into my seat. "Well... All I can say, it's been one hell of an experience. Not only was I thankful, but I'm eternally grateful that Grandmaster saw potential in me and took me under his wing. Of course, it wasn't easy being personally trained, but I powered through his training with heart and willpower. He may be my Grandmaster, but there have been times where I saw him not as my Grandmaster, but as a father-figure. He was there when I was troubled or confused and he helped me. My adopted father, Hisashi Midoriya, wasn't around and I never met him, only Inko, my adopted mother, and Izuku. Grandmaster Kuai Liang practically filled the role as my father. I'm grateful to know him as my Grandmaster, but also someone I can call my father."

After I said all that, the girls looked like they were about to tear up while Iida seemed touched by Grandmaster's impact on my life.

"Not only a retired pro hero or a grandmaster at his famous dojo, but also a perfect father-figure," Iida commented as he wiped his eye a bit. "I have great respect for him, and I have even more respect for him. It was very touching to hear."

"Thanks, Iida." I said as I took another bite.

"Hey, (Y/N)," Kyouki called to me. "Do you think it's possible if you could teach us some moves?"

"I don't see much of a problem, but why?" I asked.

"Well, you see..." Yaomo replied. "While we were surrounded by the villains, most of them almost overpowered us, but we managed to get through... barely... If it's not too much trouble..."

Yaomo sounded like she was asking as she grabbed my hands and held them tightly. I felt my face get a bit red since Yaomo was holding my hands.

"If it's not too much trouble, could you please teach us some techniques?" Yaomo asked.

"Yeah, I think it would help us greatly if we learned some things." Ashi agreed. I thought about it for a moment and looked at them.

"I have no problem teaching you guys a few things," I replied, and I pulled into a hug by Yaomo and my face was now getting more red. I looked over and saw a jealous face on Ashi and Kyouki until Yaomo released me from the hug. "I'll talk to Grandmaster about it, but I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem."

This gave them hope and a bit excited to hear that. I looked at Iida and Zero-G.

"What about you two?" I asked them. "If I get permission and teach Yaomo, Ashi, and Kyouki, would you both like to join?"

"Heck yeah!" Zero-G replied as she got excited. "Besides 13, Sub-Zero is one of my favorite pro heroes!"

"I'll take your offer for consideration," Iida replied. "I suggest asking Sub-Zero first before anything."

"Of course, I planned on talking to him anyways before doing anything crazy." I assured Iida as my phone came out a bit with a small ghost charm that hung from my phone.

"Uh... (Y/N)-Bae, what is that?" Ashi asked me. I was confused until she pointed out the ghost charm on my phone.

"Oh, this?" I asked while holding the charm up showing everyone.

"Aww... It's so cute!" Zero-G gushed over the charm.

"Where did you get that charm, (Y/N)?" Yaomo asked me.

"Actually, it was given to me by an old friend of mine back at the orphanage a long time ago," I replied. "Her name was Reiko. She was at the orphanage at the time because her parents left her there for reasons unknown. Reiko was bullied because of her Quirk by some of the other orphans."

(A/N): I know the characters have their own parents, but in this story, I'm having Reiko Yanagi as a former orphan with a history with the MC. So, no confusions, okay?

"That's horrible!" Iida spoke up. "Did you happen to know her Quirk?"

"Mhm... It was called "Poltergeist,"" I replied and continued. "Reiko could telekinetically move objects around her, but the downside of her Quirk happened to be weight limit of her Quirk, which was roughly the same weight as an average person. When some of the other orphans found out about her Quirk, they called her names like "ghost," "freak," sometimes "Ghostfreak," and several other names. Of course, I stood up for her time and time again. During our time at the orphanage, we became best friends until... Until she got adopted, but she gave me this charm to remember her by and for her we both had a picture taken so she would remember me. Sometimes I wonder how she's doing."

"Do you miss her?" Ashi asked.

"Yeah, I do," I replied. "She was my best friend, and I do hope to see her again. Maybe as pro heroes in the future, who knows?"

The table was silent as I looked at the charm.

"I'm sure you'll see her again," Yaomo assured me. "Maybe she's at U.A. and you both have yet to cross paths."

"Maybe you're right, Yaomo, thanks," I thanked her. "Hey, Zero-G, can I get out? I want to grab something."

"Oh, sure." Zero-G replied and moved out for me. I walked over towards the nearby machines while thinking about Reiko.

"Rei... I wonder how you're doing..." I thought to myself while looking at the ghost charm.

*Reiko Yanagi POV*

Normally I would be eating my lunch with my friends Kendo, Tokage, Kodai, and Gremory, but I was thinking about my first best friend who never judged me because of my Quirk. I pulled out the picture when we were both orphans. I held a sad face remembering leaving him.

"(Y/N)..." I said softly as I remembered back when I was bullied at the orphanage.

~Flashback 10 Years Ago~

Once again, I was being bullied just because of my Quirk, "Poltergeist." I was cornered by them as they approached me.

"P-P-Please... Leave me alone!" I shouted at them, but they still kept coming towards me.

"No way, Ghostfreak!" One of the bullies told me. "You'll never be a hero with a Quik like that!"

"Yeah! Who would want a freak like you for a child?" Another insulted me and it reminded me the day my parents left me. I felt as if nobody wanted me until I felt a shadow over me and I saw a brown-haired kid in front of me with his hands up as if he was about to fight.

"Leave her alone! I won't give you another warning!" He told the bullies and I wa surprised.

"Oh, lookie here! It's the Quirkless Freak!" One of the bullies called him.

"Quirkless? Him?" I thought as I looked at him.

"I may be Quirkless, but that doesn't mean I can't fight!" The boy told the bullies. "Why are you bullying her anyways?"

"Her Quirk makes her a freak. She's nothing but a ghost." The bully said making me sadder.

"Really? That's why? That's pathetic," The boy said catching me off guard. "Bullying her because of her Quirk, that's stupid. The Quirk doesn't make a person; it's how the person makes their Quirk!"

I stared at the boy and let out a tear after hearing what he said. Maybe there are still some good people after all.

"Grrr... Forget the freak. Get him!" The bully said and they ganged up on the boy, but he fought back. After a bit, the bullies were on the ground while he still stood standing. He walked over to me and held a hand out for me.

"Hey, are you okay? They didn't hurt you, did they?" He asked. I shook my head for an answer.

"Um... N-No, they didn't..." I replied and took his hand and he helped me up. "Th-Thank you..."

"(Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)," The boy named (Y/N) said his name and he had a smile making me smile a bit. "What's your name?"

"R-Reiko Nagase," I told him my name. "Th-Thank you again."

(A/N): "Reiko Nagase" was her name during the orphanage before she was adopted in this story. No confusion.

"No problem," (Y/N) told me. "What is your Quirk that made them bully you?"

"Um... Promise not to judge?" I asked him.

"I promise."

"W-Well... My Quirk is Poltergeist. I can make objects float around me, but I have a weight limit to whatever I can float in the air." I told him my Quirk and I waited for the judging, but...

"That's so cool!" (Y/N) said to me and I was surprised someone thought my Quirk was cool. "I wish I had a Quirk like that, but... I'm Quirkless, but that won't stop me from protecting people. Lesser Quirk or no Quirk."

I smiled as I felt happy with (Y/N), someone who didn't judge me for my Quirk.

"So, do you want to go play?" (Y/N) asked me.

"Yes!" I replied and I followed him to play. The next few weeks were the best for me, and both (Y/N) and I became best friends and took an interest in spooky stories, but all good things had to end. It was the day I got adopted by two nice people. I was happy to be adopted, but... That meant leaving my first best friend I ever had and that made me sad. I had my things packed and I found (Y/N) watching everyone else play. I walked up to him to tell him I was leaving. "Hey, (Y/N)..."

"Hey Rei," (Y/N) called me by the nickname he gave me, and he noticed how sad I was. "Are you okay? Are you being bullied again?"

"No! No, I'm not. It's just..." I replied trying to tell him. "(Y/N)... I got adopted."

"That's great!" (Y/N) cheered for me and hugged me, but soon realized what that meant and let go of the hug. "That means... you're leaving?"

I sadly nod as I let out a few tears. I didn't want to leave my only best friend I had. I hugged (Y/N) tightly and he hugged me back.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N)..." I apologized to him. "I don't want to leave you. You're my best friend."

"I don't want you to leave either, but we all get adopted at some point," (Y/N) said to me and I cried. We separated our hug and I look at my best friend. "I want you to show everyone what your capable of. I will miss you, Rei."

I felt bad having to leave him, but I dug out a little ghost charm I had won from a little game at the orphanage. I held it up and gave it to him.

"I want you to have it, so you don't forget about me," I told him and he accepted my gift. "You're my best friend. Promise that we'll see each other again?"

"I promise, Rei." (Y/N) promised me but he wanted to give me something to remember him by. Soon, the headmistress took our picture and gave it to me so I would remember (Y/N). I left the orphanage as I looked at my best friend one last time and waved goodbye. He waved goodbye also until the orphanage was far away.

~End of Flashback~

I had gotten better using my Quirk, but I wondered how (Y/N) was until Kendo brought me back to reality.

"Hey, Yanagi, you there?" Kendo asked me.

"Huh? Y-Yeah, I am," I replied. "Did you say something?"

"I was asking if you were okay. You were spacing out there for a while." Kendo replied as I looked at the photo again.

"Yanagi, what is on that photo?" Gremory asked me. I showed my friends and they looked at the picture.

"Is that you, Yanagi?" Tokage asked me.

"Yes, it is," I replied. "Back when I was at an orphanage."

"Oh, right, you mentioned you were an orphan before," Gremory said before looking at (Y/N). "Who's that boy in the picture?"

"Yeah, I've been wondering that too." Kodai added to Gremory.

"That's (Y/N), my first best friend I had at the orphanage." I replied as I held the picture again.

"How long has it been?" Kendo asked.

"10 years since I left the orphanage," I replied with a sad tone. "I miss him."

"What was he like?" Tokage asked.

"Well, he was always the one protecting those with Lesser Quirks, "Villain" Quirks, and Quirkless alike, even though he was Quirkless himself," I replied as my friends listened. "I was bullied because of my Quirk, and I was called "ghost," "freak," and sometimes "Ghostfreak" many times. That was until (Y/N) stepped in and protected me. When I told him about my Quirk, I thought he would be like the others, but no, he was different. He said my Quirk was cool and later on we became best friends. Until..."

"Until you got adopted and he didn't?" Gremory asked me. I sighed for an answer.

"10 years since I saw my best friend," I said while looking at the photo more. "I miss him so much. I wonder if he got adopted when I left or if he still remembers me."

"I'm sure he does," Kendo assured me. "I'm certain you'll see each other again."

"Plus, the way it sounds, he's your knight in shining armor, Yanagi." Gremory teased me and I blushed a bit.

"G-Gremory... please..." I said while hiding my blush.

"Gremory, you're wrong," Tokage told her as I looked at her, but she had a grin on her face. "More like a spectral knight in shining armor hehe~"

"Tokage... Not you too..." I said as I got up from the table and brought my picture with me. I knew they were teasing, but still... I looked at the photo again. "(Y/N)..."

I wasn't paying attention and bumped into someone, and I fell onto the floor.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry, are you okay?" The person I bumped asked me, but the way his voice sounded.

"Hey, are you okay?"

I was about to answer the guy until I noticed the photo wasn't in my hand and I started to look around for it. I saw the photo next to his foot until the guy picked it up.

"Hey... Huh?" I tried getting the picture back, but I saw the boy's face and he looked really familiar somehow. The boy looked at the picture and he smiled.

"I remember this day..." He said and I took a closer look at him.

"No... It can't be..." I thought as my eyes widen in shock.

~Few Minutes Prior~
*(Y/N) Midoriya POV*

I left my table to go towards one of the machines for a drink until I bumped into someone, more like bumped into me. I knew it was a girl because I heard her groan a bit until I looked at her, but something about her felt really familiar.

I couldn't put my finger on it, but I decided to help her up and help out my hand for her.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry, are you okay?" I asked her and she seemed to be in a trance, and I immediately had a sense of Deja vu for the moment. "The hell was that sense of Deja vu?"

The girl then began looking around like she dropped something until I saw a photo on the ground and picked it up.

"Hey... Huh?" I heard the girl say, but I looked at the picture and it was a picture of me and my best friend, Rei, back at the orphanage before she got adopted. I held out a smile remembering the memories with her.

"I remember this day..." I said with a smile until I looked at the girl and at the photo. I moved my head back and forth several times before thinking. "Wait a minute..."

I looked at the girl once more until I felt a brief memory of my best friend Rei as a young girl at the orphanage until now.

(A/N): Switch Yuki Nonaka with Reiko for effect.

I looked at the girl once more and she was looking at me with wide eyes.

"R-Rei? Is that you?" I asked and she nods her head. I smiled brighter as I was feeling ecstatic to see my best friend from the orphanage here at U.A. "Rei! It's you!"

Rei got up and quickly hugged me and I hugged back after being apart for so long. I heard some sniffles coming from Rei as I look at her.

"Hey, hey now. No need to cry," I told her as I wiped her tears away. "I'm just so happy to see my best friend after all these years."

"I have missed you, (Y/N)," Rei said to me as she hugged me once again. "Is this a dream?"

"No, Rei, it's not," I told her as we hugged for a bit longer. "I'm glad to see you made it into U.A."

"I'm happy to see you too, but what are you doing here?" Rei asked me. "Last time I remembered, you were Quirkless, even though U.A. got rid of that rule needing a Quirk for entry."

"Well, turns out, I'm a late bloomer," I told Rei and she was surprised. "You want to know my Quirk, huh?"

Rei nods her head interested.

"Since you are my best friend, I can trust you with my Quirk. I was on my way to the machines for a drink. Care to join me?" I asked her.

"Yes," Rei replied. "I think we need to catch up after these years."

"You are so right, Rei," I agreed and walked over to the machines with Rei, and we talked along the way. From my Quirk, what's been going on since getting adopted, our adopted families, etc. Little to say, I was happy to reconnect with my best friend from the orphanage after 10 long years. We continued to talk until we had to go back to our tables. "Rei, I'm glad we met again after all these years. Perhaps we can meet up outside of school?"

"Mhm... I'd like that. Here..." Rei agreed and gave me her number for later. "I should go back to my table. My classmates are probably wondering where I am."

"Mine too," I agreed. "What class are you in? I forgot to ask that earlier."

"I'm in Class 1-B," Rei replied. "You?"

"Class 1-A," I told her, and she was a bit surprised. "We may be in different classes, but you're still my best friend from the orphanage. Plus, I want to see you surpass me and my Quirk."

"I'll take that challenge," Rei agreed and hugged me once more. "See you around, (Y/N)."

Rei let go and walked back to her table. I smiled and walked back to my table with my friends.

"It must have been nice seeing her after all these years, huh, partner?" Albion asked me.

"Yeah, it was," I agreed. "And she's gotten pretty cute over the years."

"Don't let Yaoyorozu, Ashido, or Jiro hear that," Albion told me. "They'll be jealous."

"Yeah, yeah, bite me," I told Albion as I got close to the table. Zero-G saw me coming and moved out of the way for me. I sat back next to Yaomo and I noticed the stares on me. "What?"

"(Y/N)-Bae, who was that girl who hugged you?" Ashi asked me with a hint of jealousy.

"You guys remember that girl Reiko I told you about?" I asked them and they all nod. "Well, that was her. Rei did get into U.A., but she's in Class 1-B."

"Wait, that was your best friend from the orphanage?" Zero-G asked me.

"Yup, I was a bit surprised at first until I saw the photo she carried," I replied. "I was happy to see her again."

"I can say for everyone here, we're glad you met your best friend from the orphanage," Yaomo spoke for everyone. "We should continue eating before class begins."

After that we continued eating with a bit of small talk here and there until it was time for class again.

~Timeskip to After School~

Now it was time to leave the school, however...

"What the honest hell is this?" I asked rather annoyed. Why? 'Cause the damn door was blocked by a crowd of other U.A. students.

"U-Um, why the heck are you all here?!" Zero-G questioned loudly and annoyed. Everyone else looked at the door confused or also annoyed.

"Do you students have some sort of business with our class?" Iida asked while being Class Rep for 1-A.

"Why are you blocking our doorway?" Mineta questioned. "I won't let you take us hostage!"

While this went on, I sighed in annoyance. Shoto stood next to my desk as he looked at the door.

"Same thoughts?" Shoto asked. I got up from my desk with my bag over my shoulder.

"Yup," I replied popping the "P." "They're scouting us."

"Even so, they're rather bold scouting in plain view." Albion chipped into the conversation. "Not only are you all a class that fought with real villains, but you also have the White Dragon Emperor in your class now."

I looked at the door and I saw a commotion and who would have guessed it came from Baku-Bitch instigating his arrogance.

"Oh God help us from this angry Pomeranian..." I groaned until I heard a voice from the crowd.

"So this is Class 1-A. I heard you guys were impressive, but you just sound like an ass," A guy with purple hair spoke while making himself known. "Is everyone else in the hero course delusional, or just you?"

This immediately made Iida, Zuku, Mineta, and Zero-G hold their hands up while shaking their heads trying to make the guy rethink his words, but Baku-Bitch was about to explode.

"How sad to come here and find a bunch of ego maniacs," The guy continued. "I wanted to be in the hero course, but many others here, I was forced to choose a different track. Such as life. I didn't cut it the first time around, but I have another chance."

This part of this guy's speech piqued my interest.

"If any of us do well in the sports festival, the teachers can decide to transfer us into the hero course," He continued. "And they'll have to transfer people out to make room."

This made everyone around gasp and tense up. I believe this was my time to cut in.

"I believe that is enough out of you," I spoke and walked over passing Iida, Zero-G, Zuku, and Mineta. I looked at Baku-Bitch. "Bomb Threat, I suggest you leave."

"Tch... Whatever. Move you damn extras!" Baku-Bitch shouted and left the class. Now I was in front of the crowd.

"I can assure you that none of us are like the Exploding Pomeranian," I assured the crowd. "He's the only one with an egotistical mind. From the sound of your words, you're declaring war on us. Am I correct?"

"Yes, I am," The guy replied. "I'm letting you know if you don't bring your very best, I'll steal your spot right from under you. As you mentioned, this is a declaration of war."

I looked at everyone behind me and they were a bit taken back while I looked at the guy.

"What's your name?" I asked him.

"Hitoshi Shinso." The guy replied.

"Well, Shinso, let me tell you this," I said as I looked around. "Yes, we are the class that faced off against real villains, and we survived at that. But here we are... no more than children learning to become heroes. That battle is over. Our fear we had facing them, is gone. And now all that we have coming, is the sports festival. And training after training, battle by battle, fighting side by side. Together."

I turned around towards my classmates until looking at Shinso once again.

"While you see so-called "ego maniacs," and while several others see us as the ones who got into the hero course the "easy way,"" I continued while looking at my classmates again. "I see fellow heroes in training who worked their hardest and put their fullest efforts to show they deserve to be in this class. A group who swore to train through hell before they'd ever... EVER turn their backs and quit. I see a group willing to fight tooth and nail and give blood and sweat to keep their spot in this class. So, Hitoshi Shinso, be mindful of your words. We don't like to be attacked. We didn't asked to be attacked. I, however, accept your declaration of war, and we will show you, all of you, that we deserve to be in the hero course."

After finishing my speech, I shot out my wings and brightened my membranes showing I meant business. There was some silence as I saw Shinso give out a smirk and left followed by several other students until there was one left.

"And you are?" I asked while fading my wings away.

"I'm from Class 1-B next door to you," The guy replied. "We heard you fought some villains, and I came to see if that was true. Plus, you guys have the so-called "White Dragon Emperor" in this class. At first I thought you were all just a bunch of brats who think they're better than us."

"I can assure you, like I told Shinso, we're nothing like that Exploding Pomeranian you all met," I assured the guy from Class 1-B. "Regarding the White Dragon Emperor, you're speaking to him. I guess Rei never said anything about my Quirk."

"From your wings just now, I can see it," The guy said. "Oh, the name's Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu."

"Well, Tetsutetsu, name's (Y/N) Midoriya," I replied and held my hand out. Tetsutetsu was a bi hesitant but shook my hand regardless. "I not only wish you and Class 1-B luck in the festival, but I hope to see what your made of."

"Heh, right back at ya." Tetsutetsu returned the gesture and left. I turned around to my class and they looked at me in awe.

"What?" I asked them.

"Dude! That was an awesome speech! So manly!" Kirishima said and I could have sworn I saw an ocean wave behind him. I shook that off as Ashi got close.

"(Y/N)-Bae, that was awesome!" Ashi told me until she hugged me tightly. "You helped turn their minds from us being like Bakugo."

I hugged Ashi back as I looked at Iida.

"Such a moving speech," Iida said as he clapped his hands. "Bravo! Bravo!"

"Damn, didn't think you had it in you, (Y/N)." Kyouki said while looking a bit jealous at Ashi. I poked Ashi's sides, and she gave off a small giggle. I was confused until I poked her sides again and she let go out of fear I was going to tickle her.

"I may have swayed their minds from us," I told everyone. "The war has merely begun. We have two weeks until the sports festival. Now, let's fight tooth and nail and keep our spots. Who's with me?!"

"YES SIR!" Everyone replied now ready for war.

"Oh, Iida," I said while looking at him. "If there's a position for Class 1-A's "Enforcer," call on me."

Now with the hallway cleared, we all left the classroom and headed home for the day and prepared ourselves for the upcoming sports festival, and that's the day I'll debut myself more as the White Dragon Emperor. This was going to be tough, but I shall prevail.

[End of Chapter 8]
[Next Time on Vanishing Dragon Hero: ALBION]
[The Roaring Sports Festival]

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