Demon Slayer kimetsu no Yaiba...

By TrollipopLollipop

1K 9 3

A cold winters chill thrashed against the house, a dark presence hovering in the air as the sent of metallic... More

Character Inderduction
Prologue:The Start
The End of One life, The Start New
Training, New Master
Final Selection
Lower Moon 2 Life or Death
Butterfly Mansion
New Home, New People
Second Mission, The Bloody House
Meeting My Kids, Danger Mountain
1rst Hashira Meet, In Trouble
Readers Update

Meeting the Master, Hashira??

47 1 0
By TrollipopLollipop

Sence 7

As Hecate stood before the man with a women and the two children from Final Selection, Hecate kneeled bowing his head in respect, surprising the others the Hashira also bowed to there master.

"Greetings Master I wish you a happy and healthy day"Mitsuri said " we brought you Hecate as you ask Master".

"My children what a beautiful day the sun feel especially warm today, thank you Mitsuri. Hecate it nice to finally meet you I have head may things about you from Kenpachi and from my girl from the exam". Kagaya Ubuyashiki spoke.

Hecate shot his head up in surprise, shocked that Master Kenpachi had been communicating and that his children spoke about him too. "I'm guess from you silence Kenpachi hasn't told you, but from what I have been informed about you from the start, only a little while ago was the Final Selection and my children first felt your power, and when we found out about lover moon 2 we were surprised you were still alive yet also able to kill the demon and survived".

Hecate was filled with different emotions pride, surprised, and wonder why Master Kenpachi and Master Kagaya took a interest in him, watching him. "Master what is that you want from me". Hecate spoke in a whisper looking up, Hecate eye grow big when he see Master Kagaya Infront of him.

"Hecate for you braver, your strength and courage I ask you tell us your story please". Hecate eye wide pain filled them as he grew angry his eye apear dark red for a second the smell of a demon reached as a certain Wind Hashira nose. Smash "ahhhh' Hecate was thrown in tree away from master.

Gasps we're heard as everyone turned to Sanemi who had a snarl on his face, "Sanemi What The Hell" Rengoku Shouted "Shut up you idiot he's a fuckin demon" He Shouted out. Snap everyone head they turned twords Hecate who was now sitting up, coughing out blood Hecate shakily stood up gripping his side.

As the wound on Hecates Hip healed a sword was pointed at his throat. "How dare you show your face here filthy demon, pretending to be human, Die". Shouted Sanemi.

"Stop Sanemi" Kagaya said calmly spoke stop Sanemi blade a inch from Hecate neck. "I know Hecate is a demon, I allowed him to become a demon slayer for a reason". "Master please what your speaking for us to do is against the corps rule why is he excepted". Uzui spoke next.

Kagaya spoke again" Hecate I know you don't wish to relive that painful night but they must know, please tell them your story".

Hecate clutch his fist, pain filled his eyes and he head the scream of his family in his head looking down he takes a breath. Nodding he'll do it.

Flash back
A beautiful day, snow fell from the sky. A cold shiver flow through his veins as he took a breath in inhale..... exhale.... Cold ice air took into his lungs as he exhale he could see his breath, relaxing to the smell of the forest as he saw deer grazed throw the snow for food. It was peaceful day. It was home.
(Imagine it cover in snow.)

"He....Heca....Hecate hey Hecate pay attention" smack "Ouch" a boy with red hair rubbed his sore head, "Father why did you hit my head" as the boy look up at his father Daich glaring as his dad smiled at him.

"You weren't listening, son remember focus on our ancestor teaching, Our family is special we all have destiny's, focus on not the senses from scents to sights this is are great strength along with are great powers, demons and those who wished to use our powers for evil would do anything to hunt us down, "Now pay attention" smack another bump appear on his head "Ahhh ok ok I'm sorry" Hecate yelled at his father, rubbing his poor head sweat dropping.

"Boys dinner time" a soft and sweet voice of his mother Hana calling him, smiling at her husband and sons actions her checks pink with a smile on her face her nose red from the cold.

Standing with his mother was his two younger siblings Daiki & Hinata who was clutch onto her mother side.

Brother, brother how was training with Papa" Hana asked
"Papa when you going to train me" Daiki spoke.
"Haha haha come children we given your mother enough trouble let's eat.
"Coming mother" Hecate spoke, Walking into his home his favorite food place Infront of him Spicy Miso Ramen with pork it looked delicious, it was the family's favorite meal.

what he didn't know was after that night he hate spicy food with all his heart. Laughter filled the house, such a calm apmishpere the warm of food, the warm of family the spark of life that runs through him was peace and it was all gone in a instant.


Crunch... Crunch black boots stood in the deep cold snow staring at the house in the distance, light shined lightly through the trees. "Humm so this is wear you been hiding Daich haha ... haHA... HAHAHAA So so you will die and I'll have what's mine". A cruel cold smirk appeared on his face as his red slit eye darkened in madness.

(⚠️ Blood, gore and Death and Sexual Harassment don't like skip ahead)

At the estate

CRASH the door broken into splitters as it fell to the floor time slowed, SLAM Daich was thrown into the wall, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" as Hana and Hinata screamed.

"Noooooo die you filth" Daich yelled standing up shaking giving a cry of war he  grabbing a knife ran at the demon he raised the blade slamming it into the man, the man stood still not moving, looked down and see   blood on his shirt he narrowed his eyes, releasing blood lust into the room Hecate slammed to his knees.

The demon griped his father head suddenly ripping Daich head off his neck, the body dropped to the ground in a splat blood spilled on the floor the man now holding his father's head smirked as he stared at Hecate straight into his eyes.

"AHHHHHHHHH MY LOVE NOOO DAIKI, DONTTTTT AHHHHHHHH" Hana screamed quickly grabbing Hinata pulled her daughter behind her; screaming for her youngest son who picked up the discarded knife running towards the demon foolishly thinking he could kill them man not know it was the most powerful being at the time.

Slash, organs and blood colored the floor as Daiki stomach was slit open his body hit the floor with a sucking Splat, Hana screamed loudly sobbing for he youngest son scream Hana shouted "DAIKIIII NOOOOOO MY BABYYYYY".

The demon annoyed with Hecate mother suddenly Infront of her crush her head with a crunch Hecate felt sick throwing up his dinner he looks at the demon frozen in place so he starts shaking,
"No.... nooooo please.... not my sister sh... She's all that's lef..ttt please sob sob kill me ins..tead shhe..s just a baby..yyy...please I'll do anytt..thing" Hecate begged, the man stood for a few seconds looking down at Hecate.

A dark sinister smile spears the monster laugh. "Anything, anything just for me  hahahaha how pathetic if your father had listen to me when I came to him, haha haha, I asked for his assistants and he rejected, he had to pay for his betrayal" the demon slow lifted his sister into the air by her neak, "How sad that your beging me to let you sister live, but not for your self I'll have to change that," it went quite till a pure terror scream echoed through the entire woods there stood the most terror scene.

Drip, slash, munch
Eyes widen in horror his sister throat had been ripped out, her arm torn from her body, an eye missing as blood spilled acros her face dripping to the floor. The demon face and teeth riped flesh from her body as he crunched into the little innocent girls body devaring her Infront of Hecate destroying Hecate mind.

Eyes that once help hope, the warmth to live, died that night. "WHHH... WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS, YOU BASTARD YOU KILLED THEM YOU KILLEDDD NO NO NOOOO MOM , DAD HINATA DAIKI". SLAM AHHHHHHHHH"; Gagging as the Demon Muzan Kibutsuji made Hecate swallow a peace of human flesh from his sister; shocked, frozen he shoved his fingers into his throat gagging, horror filled him as he throw up a peace of his sister finger.

Gaging and spitting he backs away from his sister body as fast as he could, splash, slip his hand slid into the pools of blood on the floor blood of his family as it cover him from head to toe.

"PLL... PLEASE GOD KILL ME, ALLOW ME TO JOIN THEM PLEASE I BEG OF YOU KILL ME YOU BASTARD " Hecate shouted Muzan stares at him and smirked. As he grabbed Hecate throat pushing him against the wall, as his teeth ripped into Hecate neck blood ran down his neck as he screamed in pain"AHHHHH, Muzan riped out of the boys neck looked at him blood ran down the milky white flesh as the blood made his amber eye glow the horror on his face, Muzan slams his lips onto his causing Hecate to fill with horror.

Muzan griped Hecates side bruising his hips and ass as it turned a shade as purple. Muzan shoving his long tongue into Hecate's mouth forcefully, causing Hecate to choke, Muzan moans into Hecates mouth turned on at the blood on the poor boy, he starts to rip Hecate clothing off.

Hecate scared bit Muzans tongue causes it to bleed pushing away from Muzan. Hecate shouted " NOOOO STOP LET ME GO ". Thrashing against Muzan who's tolerance ended he griped Hecates cheeks.

Hecate head meets the wall as his vision blackedout, losing consciousness 'no..o III fa..illedd the..ree gone' he starts to fall looking up the last thing he see is the evil red eyes of Muzan Kibutsuji and blood that covers the floor.

End of Flash Back

"When I came too it was a bloody massacre and I was a demon, I sob for my family when a man name Kenpachi Bloody told me he would become my master and train me to become a demon slayer". Hecate whisper out sadness thick in his voice.
As the Hashira heard Hecate story some had tears, some clutch there fist in angry, some prayed for his soul that saw so much darkness, and Sanemi stood shocked the blade still at Hecate neck.

"Shut up your still a demon that should die" Sanemi yelled in anger. Swosh Hecate stood Infront of Sanemi push the blade against his own neck Hecate spoke" Do.... Don't you think I want to die, I had to see my entire family be torn and devoured Infront of me, I WAS FORCED TO EAT MY OWN SISTER FLESH, I WAS TOUCHED BY THAT MAN, I DONT FEAR DEATH. I WISH THAT I WAS ALSO KILLED THAT NIGHT BUT I WASN'T. I WAS TURNED INTO THIS MONSTER, NOW IN WAR WITH MYSELF THAT I CANT ESCAPE FROM BY THAT BASTARD MUZAN". Pushing the blade harder into his neck as it stung as blood appeared he whispered " You think I'm afraid of this blade then go ahead kill me but if you don't know that I won't stop till I have killed MUZAN so please by all means allow me to join the dead my only hope is I'm allowed into hell were I belong".

Everyone was in a state of shock, how can he go through so much yet still continue even if he craves his own death. Suddenly movement happen. "If you can't do it I'll do it for you" Hecate said gripping the blade harshly he push his weight to the blade at his throat cutting deeper into skin red liquid flow from the cut, three hands stop him from taking his life.

Rengoku who had pulled him into his chest with strong arms, Giyu who had a tight grip on his arm pulling the blade away and another one hold Sanemi arm, Muichiro who was holding it tightly cause it to brake making Sanemi drop the blade in pain.

Hecate eye widen as he saw them holding him back from killing himself, "wh...... Why did you stop me" everyone's eyes were on Hecate as he spoke. Rengoku spoke" You are not a monster, your brave and courageous. you were forced into being a demon yet you have not eaten anyone, you trained and became a Demon slayer, you deserve nothing but happiness I'm sorry this has happened but please don't take your life".

Hecate felt hot as his heart skipped a beat warmth fill his heart as he heard the Flame Hashira speak to him.

Hecate could only nod accepted looking down know that he was no allowed to take his life. "Hecate I apologize for Sanemi, Not many people could survive and still be sane after what happened, to continue to fight demon for your family it is a owner that I give you title Blood Hashira for your braver, courage and strength defecting lower Moon two" Kagaya spoke bowing to Hecate.

Shooting his eyes up the widen as Hecate looked at Master Kagaya who was bowing and shattered "Ple..asse ge.t up don't bow to me I'm not worth that much master" discouraging himself. 'How could Master asking him to become a Hashira he wasn't worth he's a demon for crying out loud, he was broken so why'.

Tears threatening to fall, as Rengoku spoke roughly but strong "Stop doubt yourself" Hecate looks behind him at the Flame Hashira, surprised he knew what he was thinking.

Hecate closed his eye for a second, then looked up "Yes master I accept the position of Blood Hashira". Kagaya smiled turn around he walks away with his wife and children 'Yes the future is looking up, we will defeat you Muzan that boy is strong, stronger then me he can kill you be ready because this was is coming to a end'. Kagaya thought glade his children see reason.

New status: Blood Hashira completed ✅

Hey guy hope y'all enjoyed hopefully will update more soon!! TrollipopLollipop out bye.

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