British boy // dnf

By duckylovesyouso

1.5K 31 163

Probably discontinued :( I'm not good at descriptions so I hope this is ok😭 George was the new British kid... More

Duckys note :]
Meet the characters🤑 or just know that they r both of age
1 ~ Her
2 ~ First school day
3 ~ The movie
4 ~ Always with Dream
5 ~ Our firsts
6 ~ Under the stars
Numbers to call because i love you<3
8 ~ All i want is you, now
9 ~ Pretty boy

7 ~ In the rain

114 2 11
By duckylovesyouso

I'm gonna start putting emoji combos bc Veri has got me attached to them💀


August 25th

George fluttered his eyes open to the warm beaming sun into his eyes. He groaned and sat up, taking his phone out of his pocket and checking the time, being 8:20. He only had 20 minutes till school started, but he was literally right outside of the building.

He didn't want to remember last night. But he did. The messages. The blade. The blood. Tears started to well in his eyes but he wiped them away, he couldn't shower so he looked like shit, no point in making it worse though.

"George?" A familiar voice called from behind him.

He turned around and saw the tall blond towering over top of him, looking a little worried.

"O-oh hey Dream!" George forced a smile and happy tone of voice, not wanting to output his emotions to his.. best friend? George didn't really know what they were.

"What are you doing out here? It's 8:20, school starts soon and usually your already there" he asked, sitting down next to the brunette.

"J-just a morning stroll before school" George's teeth chattered as he spoke, he was freezing, and couldn't hide it, trying his best to stop his arms and legs from shaking, from his lips from turning blue.

"George, why are you so cold? It's like- 18 degrees. Come here" Dream put his arms out and pulled George into his lap, giving him his warmth.

Idk how to write that so u get a picture, do u like my drawing skills🥺🫣💀

"George your fucking freezing! What did you do?!" Dream asked worriedly after taking one of George's hands in his own. There was no reason, in his mind, for the boy to be this cold, he had just come for a morning walk and it was quite warm out.

"I uh— I feel asleep in the field last night, got a bit cold.." George explained, not wanting Dream to be worried for him, but still snuggled closer into the blond boy, warming him up slightly.

"I'm taking you home" Dream started to stand up, carrying George with him.

"Dream! Stop I want to go to school, I need to go to school! Do you know how many days I've missed?!" George protested as Dream held him in a bridal position.

"I don't care George, your freezing." Dream made his way out of the flower field and down the street. George huddled into him, taking the warmth of the blond. If he couldn't get out of this, he might as well take advantage of it.

Dream opened the brown door to his house and the cool air from a fan blowed at George's face, making him groan a little.

"We're here, Georgie" Dream spoke as he placed the brunette down on his feet. George looked up at Dream, not knowing where to go.

Dream chuckled slightly, "cmon love" he started to make his way to the stairs, George following behind him.


George loved Dreams house. It smelt like him, and it felt like home, like when he was in it Dream was always embracing him. Loving him truely like nobody had done before.


They headed into Dreams room where everything smelt like him. The sheets, the pillows, the air. It was like heaven to George. (Idfk what to write bro)

Dream opened the door and stepped aside for the brunette, the flush of warm, Dream smelling air rushed to his face. He slowly walked over to his bed that had a grey duvet, and 4 grey pillows. George pulled the blanket back and sat on the bed, placing his foot on his knee and started to untie his shoe. Dream walked over and got down on one of his knees, untying his other shoe that sat on the floor. He placed his hand on the back of the brunettes leg and carefully pulled it up, then pulling his shoe off and placing it aside. Dream took the shoe from George and placed it next to the other one.

"Do you wanna change?" Dream asked once he stood up, looking down at the boy who sat in front of him, looking up with needy eyes.

"I don't know, do you have a hoodie and like sweats or something?"

"Yeah sure, does it have to be a hoodie? I've got shirts that would look good on you and are comfy" Dream spoke as he turned around and walked over to his wardrobe.

"Yes please, I'm kinda cold" the brunette fidgeted with his fingers, looking down at them.

"Alright" Dream grabbed a black hoodie with a skull and some words on the back, along with skateboard wheels on the arms, on the front there was a simple small white smile. He also took some grey sweats and threw them at George, who wasn't paying attention so was startled by the other.

"Put those on, just take them off if you get too hot though" he smiled softly. "I'm going to the bathroom I'll be back in a second"


Dream made his way over to the door and opened it, leaving the room and closing it behind him. George quickly took his shirt off and chucked it on the floor, slipping the hoodie over his head in a rush to make sure Dream didn't come back and see his arm. It would be embarrassing. He would be ashamed, Dream wouldn't like a 'depressed emo bitch' like him.(L💀)(POV me😱😘)

George undid his belt and unbuttoned his pants, letting them slide down his legs; stepping out of them. He grabbed the sweatpants and stepped into them, pulling them up and kicking his pants to where his shirt sat on the floor. The door opened and a slit of light shined into the dimly lit bedroom, the warm sun beaming through closed curtains was the only source of light.

Dream stepped into the room and closed the door behind him.

"Can I lock it?" the blond asked.

"Yeah? Why'd you ask?" George questioned as he sat down on the bed.

"Because other people that've been over thought it was weird and always ask me to unlock it" he shrugged slightly, walking over to his bed.

"Go on that side" Dream pointed over to the wall side of the bed. George scooted over and lyed down the bed, under the blanket. Dream got in next to the brunette and covered them both with the covers some more.

They layed there for a moment in awkward silence, both looking at the roof and not wanting to move to touch each other, not knowing what to say.

"Why are we going to sleep?" George whispered to the other, breaking the silence and turning over on his side and looking at him.

"I don't know, what else were we meant to do?" Dream whispered back, mocking his actions.

"I don't know, go out or something"

"We did that like— 2 days ago, and plus, your cold so I want you warm"

"Oh" George sighed, looking the blond in the eyes. His eyes brought George comfort, in the wrecks that he was in all he had to do was look at the others eyes and he would feel safe. He would feel that nothing else mattered and that everything was in slow motion, only they were in the right universe that lead to love and a happy ending.

The universe that was the only happy ending.

The universe that had said 'I love you', was Dream.

The universe said I love you.

"I love you, George"

Dream is the universe.

"..What—" George hesitantly whispered back.

"I love you, George" Dream repeated, putting more emphasis on the 'love'.

The words played back in George's head. I love you, George, four new words to the brunette that longed for someone to say them to him.

George blinked a few times, processing words Dream had spoken, twice.

"You don't have to say it back, I just want you to know that I love you" Dream whispered with a soft voice, coming across as sweet as sugar. He brought his hand up to George's face and placed it on his cheek softly, stroking his thumb along the boys soft skin.

"I—" George started, but looked down slightly after a minute, focusing on the blonds hand. He brought his hand that was tucked away in the covers up and attached it carefully to Dreams wrist. George thought about it for a moment, staring down at Dreams soft but strong hand. He slowly lifted it and his lips softly connected with the palm of the blonds hand, who layed there in awe, watching as the boy showed his love through actions. (Just like me frfr🥰)

"Your so romantic" Dream chuckled.

"You ruined the fucking moment." George chucked Dreams hand back at him while huffing, and puffing and blowing your fucking house down you slut.

"You ruined the fucking moment." George chucked Dreams hand back at him while huffing, turning on his back and looking at the roof.

"What? You want my love?" Dream questioned, you could sense his smirk from a mile away.

"No" George snapped back.


"Oh yeah?"

Dreams hand snaked to George's stomach, the brunette slightly flinching at the sudden, unannounced touch. His hand explored around the brunettes small body, who almost silently whimpered under the mesmerising touch of the blond. Dream hooked his hand to the boys waist that lay against the bed, pulling him closer to himself so that George's back lay against his chest.

Dream leaned up slightly, ghosting his lips against his ear. "You know you want my love, don't you George? You cannot resist my touch, the thoughts of what I could do to you, hm?" He spoke with lust while his hand rode up and down George's waist, who let out little noises that made Dream melt.

George's eyes pinned shut as he let the blonds words seep into his mind. The harmless words that were filled with lust that the blond let slide off his tongue as easily as taking candy from a baby.

"How right am I, George?" Dream whispered. His hand that still glide around on George stomach carefully made its way up to his well defined collar bone, tracing it left to right and back again, repeating his actions over.

"Your— your right." He softly gulped. "I do think of the things you could..- you could do to me. But I feel wrong for doing it because we basically j—just uhm just met" George partially stuttered, the blonds actions distracting his from words.

"I understand love, but that's ok, I like to move fast and your keeping up with me. Your the first person to keep up with me and like it, your so special, honey. But please tell me if I need to slow down,I want you to love every moment of this just as I do" Dream spoke with not lust, but love. Making sure the boy that lay beyond him understood every sound that was coming out of his mouth.

"Thank you" George whispered, the love that too left his mouth, mixing with the words that left Dreams. They lay content, their breaths being covered by the soft rain and the spread out quiet claps of thunder.

"Dream? Is it thundering?" George brought his hand up to where Dreams lay on his chest, making circles with his thumb, and placed his own on top, softly tightening his grip.

"Yeah, wanna go watch it?"

"It's prettier at night"

"True.. wanna go lay in the back garden?"


"Alright cmon, I'll give you clothes after"

Dream slipped out of the blankets with George following behind him, copying his actions. He followed Dream out of the room and down the stairs, out to the back door that lead to the fenced in garden with bright green grass.

Dream slowly slid open the door, letting George step out, following behind him after and closing the door.

"It's cold" George complained in a whiny voice.

"It's fucking raining what would you think"

"Don't be such a dick"

"My dick is so big it basically is me"

"Don't be such an idiot then, lower your ego too dumbass" George scoffed, the wind starting to pick up and make him colder than before.

At least we'll get to cuddle after, bitch can't resist me

George scoffed to himself, catching the blonds attention.

"What was that" he chuckled, and started walking towards the grassy part of the garden.

Bro I was writing then Vere told me to go to sleep, it's only 1am stfu. But I have to go to sleep now bc I listen to Vere I'll write more tomorrow

"Nothing, just thinking of how you can't resist me" George smugly smiled at himself, following Dream across wetting concrete and to the soaking grass.

"Is that so? You think I can't resist you?" Dream smirked, stopping in his tracks when he got to the middle of the garden, letting the heavy downpour soak his hair, turning it a darker blond. George walked around the taller so he was in front of him, watching the drips of rain fall from his hair.

"I know you can't resist me" George let himself grin back at the boy. As the storm started to get closer the rain began to fall heavier, both of their clothes slowly becoming as soaked as the sea.

Dream brought his hands to the brunettes waist, placing them down on his body softly and slightly pulled him closer. "You and I both know that it's the same on your end too, George" he smiled softly while speaking into the others ear, feeling him slightly tense up under his hands.

"We were weren't talking about me.." he slightly whispered back.

"Oh but George, I say what's on my mind, and you love, are always on my mind" Dreams voice came down to a whisper at the end of his words, slowly tightening his grip on the others waist as he processed the words from Dream.

"Just lay on the fucking grass with me" George harshly whispered in defeat, looking down at his feet. Dream chuckled, taking his hands off George, and lowered himself down to lay on the wet grass with George copying his actions beside him.

"It's getting in my eyes" George whined once he was laying down.

"You want a medal for complaining? Want an umbrella?" Dream slightly scoffed.

"Yeah get me both— please"

"I can't get you a medal, but" Dream stopped in the middle of his sentence, turning over and positioning himself on top of the brunette, holding himself up.

"I can give you an umbrella, better?" He smiled, clearly proud of himself.

"Better" George smiled back, bringing his hand up and placing it on the back of Dreams neck pulling him down and connected their wet and cold lips.

"Much better" he mumbled into Dreams lips once they had parted, their noses rubbing together as a form of love.

"Your eyes are really pretty, there's a hint of dark green in the middles" Dream spoke softly while still examining the others eyes.


"Yeah" he whispered back, this boy had him in a chokehold.

"Kiss me?" George asked quietly as the heavy rain hit the ground around them, the blonds eyes staring into his own with so much love.

"Anytime love"

He loved the brunette laying beneath him.

That was a fact.

Word count: 2658<3

Omg look at my fav emoji combos 🤍🧸🔒,
🎧🍄❤️‍🩹 <3

This chapter bro☹️🫶

Bro I really am a depressed emo bitch like George😱

Apparently in writing u use letters for numbers not the numbers🖕🖕🖕🖕


I love you so much, make sure to eat drink and sleep. You deserve everything in the world and you are way more than enough, remember that<3

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