LMK Sun Wukong x Reader Onesh...


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Hehehehe here's one of the promised surprises~ Enjoy this very long Oneshot! Love you all~ More

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Baby Fever~

7.8K 118 1.4K

A/N hehehehehee here it is~! One of two surprises! Hope you all like it! Also you might have noticed I made this specifically mature, well that's bc things get heated and I mean more heated and spicy then anything else I've written~😏enjoy my lovely's!~ On to the oneshot!

      You walked into the main cave room after getting done with your meditation session. The little ones close to you, all gathered in your little closed off water cave to join you in your relaxation time. Now that mediation was done, they clambered after your figure as you made your way down the halls. Todays session you kept finding yourself getting distracted by the little monkey's behavior. Finding some napping to be utterly adorable while some simply lounged in your lap deeming you the napping place.

    All in all, you were not focused on meditating at all. Ugh! Why do they always have to be so cute?! Your thoughts were proven true as they ran happily by your feet before dashing off and playing. The scene brought a tender smile to your face before your eyes widened seeing Mk talking to your husband. It seemed they just finished wrapping up today's session and Mk was about to head home. Picking up your pace, you quickly made it to the two before enveloping the sweet boy into a hug. "Mk! I'm so glad I didn't miss you leaving yet! How was your training?"  

     The boy only smiled happily before returning the hug and excitedly saying, "It was great! Monkey King says I'm making great progress towards my fighting and focusing skills!" You smiled at his excitement before saying, "That's great sweetie! Oh!" Looking at him you pulled away from the hug at an arm's lengths, "Would you want to stay for dinner? I noticed it was getting late."

     At your proposal, Mk only smiled apologetically, "Man, I wish I could, but Pigsy's making me do deliverys tonight. Sorry, but maybe next time mom?" You nodded while your heart cheered at what he called you, "Of course! I understand, and yes definitely next time. Goodbye dear!" Mk waved you back before taking off back home; sighing softly, you turned away before two arms wound around your waist and pulled you into a strong chest. "What's with the long face my love? What's got my beautiful Queen down?~" Two fingers gently lifted your chin and lead you to meet your husband's worried gaze. You chuckled lightly before winding your arms around his neck, "Oh it's nothing Peaches, I'm perfectly alright..." His unconvinced face only made you snort before stating, "Alright, alright. You caught me. Was I slightly disappointed Mk couldn't stay? Yes. But is it really that big of a deal, or am I just focusing on minor things? Who knows. But I'm fine."

    You smiled weakly before your lover hummed, "Well it seems to me my dear, that you have a bad case of the lonely." His words brought a huff of laughter from you as you gave him a grin, "Really? And how does one cure the lonelys?" Your words bring a wide smirk to Sun's face before he sweeps you off your feet and turns. Moving to the little house in the center, your husband looks to your eyes while saying, "Well only by having some quality time with your husband of course! Come on, I can either order us dinner or cook it." You thought before replying, "Cook. I'd rather have stir fry then noodles tonight." Satisfied with your answer, your lover made his way inside before gently placing you on the couch outside the small kitchen.

    Confused you turned as he walked to the kitchen before musing, "Uhhh, dear? This isn't the kitchen." Your words bring a smile from him before he says, "Of course it isn't love. I'm cooking us dinner while you just sit back and relax.~" You huffed, "Sun I'm perfectly capable of helping." You made to raise up but your lover pointed at you while fussing, "Nuh-uh! No! You just stay there beloved, I'm gonna treat my wife tonight whether she likes it or not."

      His actions only made you roll your eyes in amusement before complying with his wishes. Wanting to tease him a little, you softly sighed, "Ohhh~But if you're in there! Who's gonna cuddle with me while I wait?~This couch is rather lonely~" You can hear the smirk on his lips as he says, "Aha! But you see I've already thought of this! While I make the food," a clone of your husband poofs in front of you before grinning and settling on the couch with you before pulling you into his lap. You were cuddled close to his chest within seconds and found it was much cozier now then it was before. "This guy will keep you, my lonely wife, company. And don't feel shy to give him some cuddles either!"

     Laughing softly at how Sun seemed to have it all figured out, you turned in the clones arms before settling with your head on his shoulder. Sun 2.0 rubbed your back comfortingly while wrapping both your tails together. Ahhhh~This is nice, and so sweet of him. You leaned up to press gentle kisses to Sun 2.0's cheeks and face. He seemed to enjoy your little ministrations before returning his own; since you were pressed to his chest, you felt a soft rumble coming from the center. How cute! He's purring~Might as well join him! Sun 2.0 was pleased hearing you return his purrs with your own.

     Placing more kisses on your cheeks before they moved to your lips. Soft kisses and pecks would be littered to yours, though they never stayed too long to grow deeper. Deciding you wanted those pecks and kisses somewhere else, you tilted your head to the side. Baring your neck to the clone, you slowly blinked up at him. Eager to please you, Sun 2.0 happily placed kisses leading from your jaw to your collar. Each kiss always staying light and sweet, never delving into more passionate ones. Since this wasn't the time nor what you wanted currently. 

     Through the cozy haze you had come to find yourself in, the sounds from the pots and pans clicking as well as knives cutting came from the kitchen. While Sun 2.0 cuddled and lavished you with affections, your lover hummed while he cooked dinner. Before long you found your eyes growing heavy, Sun 2.0 sure knew how to keep you relaxed and comfy. You would've fallen asleep had it not been for your lover to enter the room carrying two plates. He saw your drowsy face half asleep, before chuckling while saying, "Come on love. It's time to eat, after that we can get you cleaned up and then sleep." You blinked and rubbed your eyes before your nose twitches at the delicious smell.

      Sleep fading from your system as you leaned up, licking your lips at the heavenly aroma. "If your reaction to the smell alone is anything to go by, I think I did pretty good." Your lover laughed before Sun 2.0 lifted you up and placed you sitting down on the couch. He disappeared with a poof, before two strands of Sun's hair floated down. Joining you on the couch, Wukong handed you your plate, before the both of you dug in. The taste was amazing, sparkles shown in your eyes as you happily munched down on the meal. Before you knew it, the both of you had finished the meal quickly. You tried to get up and put the dishes away, but your husband beat you to it. "Sun, I can help y'know?"

     He only smiled while drying the dishes, "I know that hun, but you're normally the one that does this stuff, so I just want to pay you back for being such a good wife." His words earned a soft smile from you. After he was done, he asked if you wanted to watch some shows; you shook your head saying, "No, I think I'd rather enjoy a hot spring bath and then cuddle in bed for the rest of the night." Sun only beamed at you before picking you up in his arms. "Then bath time and after, cuddle to your heart's content my beloved." He carried you towards the hot spring room. It was a cave that held natural springs of various sizes; most were little pools of water while there was one giant one in the center.

    Placing you down, you breathed a sigh of relief before moving to undress. Removing your last piece of clothing, you walked into the warm water. The relaxing sensation causing your shoulders to drop as all the stress left your body. Submerging your form deeper, you leaned against the rock wall; your eyes opened to watch your lover disrobe before he caught your gaze and smirked, "Like what you see?~" Smiling at his words, you only sent him a playful grin, "Mmmm~ Perhaps~" After your words, you sunk deeper til only your eyes, nose, and ears were visible above the steamy water.

    Your playful comment caused his smirk to widen even more before he finally entered the spring. He looked around for you before his eyes settled on your face peeking out from the water. Smiling big, your lover waded before submerging down into the water. Your eyes tried to pinpoint where your husband disappeared to through the dark and steamy cave. Your search was ended as two arms wrapped around your waist from underwater. Letting out a tiny yelp, your body was lifted up out of the water and was against Sun's chest. His face held a cocky grin as water droplets dripped down his fur. Rolling your eyes in amusement, you brushed his fur back before wrapping your legs around his waist. He dropped back down into the water with you in his lap now.

     The two of you soaked in silence, the only sounds being when you placed gentle kisses on the other's face or ran your fingers through their fur.  Soon you both started washing the other off, gentle scrubs and massages that ended with one or the other purring in happiness.  After both of you were cleaned and relaxed, Sun got out first to bring the towels for you. As he got out, your eyes traced his dripping figure in appreciation, before quickly darting your eyes as he turned around. Ahhhh! I'm so lucky to have been blessed with a handsome husband~

    Sun dried himself off first before motioning for you to get out. Raising up, you carefully got out the spring before moving in front of your lover. You expected to receive your towel, but he surprised you as he dried you off himself. He would tap you to lift an arm or leg for him, before twirling his finger for you to turn around. While you were perfectly capable to dry yourself off, you did find it sweet that he wanted to do it. Turning around, your back faced him before you felt him softly dry you off; first your shoulders, then back. He took extra care with your tail and waist before moving to your legs. After it was all done, you turned back around before he wrapped the towel around your form. You smiled as he then pulled you close to press a kiss to your lips.

    "Thank you dear~" He only hummed, "Ofcourse my love." before he moved to pick up the discarded clothes the both of you shed. Handing you yours, the two of you then redressed yourselves before exiting the hot spring cave. After steeping out the door, you were immediately swept right back up into Sun's arms. Seeing as he had already done this twice before, you didn't give as much fight in his actions. Instead you only curled comfortingly in his hold as he moved the two of you to your shared bedroom. Opening the door, he made his way to the bed before setting your form down gently. Having been relaxed fully from the bath, you only payed back and melted into the sheets. Wukong moved to take off the armor pieces he always wore before slipping into his more comfy attire to sleep in.

    Turning back to you, he only smiled seeing your lax form on the bed. Shaking his head lightly, he then gathered your nightly attire and walked over to your body. Climbing on the bed, he sat beside your semi-conscious form before softly patting your arm, "C'mon love, let's get you into some comfier clothes." Your body moved on autopilot as your raised up slowly. Only nodding with a small hum at his words before he gently undressed your clothes. After they were removed, he then tenderly dressed you in your sleepwear. Finishing, he rose to put your other garments away before coming back and lifting you up gently. "Let's get to cuddle and sleepy time now sweetheart."

    He positioned your body in one arm while using the other to lift the covers. Setting you down carefully, he then joined you under the sheets. Making sure you were covered well, your lover pulled your drowsy form close to his. Your eyes were heavy as you only nuzzled into the warmth his hold provided. Mmmm, so cozy. Seeing your blissful expression, Sun only grinned lovingly before placing feather light kisses to your face. Pulling away, he only cuddled closer to you before he softly murmured, "Sweet dreams my love." You only smiled before whispering, "Goodnight darling." The two of you were swept into dreamland as the calm atmosphere surrounded you.


    "Mama! Papa was being mean to me!" You looked up from your mediation spot as small foot patters were heard moving down the hall. A close voice calling after, "I was not! You're lying little troublemaker!" You only smiled as your son barreled into the cave, he spotted you and dashed into your lap. "Mama!" You smiled softly before brushing through his fur, "Hmmm? What is it my little one?" Your son quickly pouted up at you before pointing behind him at his father's approaching figure. "Papa was being mean to me and said I couldn't help big brother Mk with his training! Wahhhh!" His hands rose to his eyes as small tears sprouted; lifting your gaze to your nervously smiling lover, he only sputtered, "Bud, you're still too small to help train with your big brother Mk. We don't want you getting hurt. Now c'mon, let's leave Mama to meditate in peace." He reached for his son only for him to grip onto his mother's form tighter, "Noooo! Mama!!!"

    You only brought your little boy into a hug while shushing, "My little warrior, it's alright. I know you wanna help your big brother train, but your Papa's right, you're still much too little. However, why don't you help Mama out? I'm done with my meditation and could use some help around the cave room?" Your words brought a small frown to your lover's face as he mumbled, "My love, you shouldn't be exerting yourself so much." He watches you struggle to stand up before quickly helping you up. His arms rested around your waist protectively while one hand caressed your swollen stomach gently. You held your first born in your arms while rolling your eyes at his comment.

     Giving him a 'really' expression, you stated, "Dear, I'm pregnant, not helpless. Plus I'm tired of all this 'rest' you've been making me take. I'm capable of doing things myself I'll have you know." Your comment only brought an amused smile from Sun before he leaned down to place a kiss to your lips, "Yes, yes, I'm more than aware of that fact, but still my sweet. I want you to be careful and what better way than to just leave everything to your trusty husband!" His words only further annoyed you, before you sighed while grumbling, "Says the one who isn't tending to MK's training." He only blinked before leading you out the room, "Ehehe. You got me there my love."

    You only smirked before looking back to your pouting child while cooing, "Besides, I'll have this little helper with me so you don't have to worry." Hearing your words, he only sighed before relenting, "Okay, okay. I give in, but only if you promise to relax on the couch 90% of the time while Huizhong here helps you out." You nodded your head happily before he led the both of you out and to the main cave room. Huizhong hearing the agreement only cheered before hugging you happily. "Mama help! I'll be the best helper you've ever had!" You and your husband could only smile at his antics.

————----------------------------------------—Dream End————-------------------------------------------

     Mmmmm? Your eyes blinked open blearily before adjusting to the darkness of the room. Your breath was steady as your mind recalled the events from your dream. What was that? It had to be so sweet. And kids? With Sun? Your eyes traced your lover's facial features at the thought. Well, maybe~ After all, a wife can only wait so long before baby fever consumes her. Might as well get a head start~ Smirking lightly, you took in Sun's deep and steady breathing as well as his peaceful sleeping face. His arms were wrapped around you protectively and he had you against his chest in a warm hold. Slipping a hand up, you gingerly traced his jaw and cheeks, brushing through the fur on his head softly. He only seemed to appreciate the soft caress as he sighed out in his slumber.

   Enough appreciating my sleeping lover, it's time for us to get busy~ Wriggling yourself closer to his form, you placed soft kisses on his face; each one lasting longer than the other. He only seemed to hum before you finally connected your lips. Pulling away once you felt him sleepily return it, you only smirked as he opened his eyes confusedly. "Wha? What's that for? Teasing someone while they're asleep and then not giving it to them when they wake isn't very nice you know." You only chuckled before muttering, "Heh. Had to wake you up somehow love~ And you should be happy I wasn't so mean as to really tease you." He only pressed you closer against him before mumbling, "Really? Well thank you for taking pity on your helpless husband then. Now, why did you decide to wake me up so nicely? ~"

    You only chuckled before tracing shapes into his chest while humming, "No reason. Just had a dream is all." He rubbed your side comfortingly, "Bad? Or??" You only hummed, "It was a great dream actually, but it just got me thinking." He looked to you, "About?" You smiled before shyly replying, "Little one's....More specifically, our own little ones..." Your statement seemed to take your lover by surprise as he blinked dumbly, eyes wide. You refused to meet his gaze, cheeks blushing in embarrassment as you sputtered, "I mean! Never mind just!..Just forget I said anything about it!" You turned to move away but he quickly held you close before turning your head to him. You still didn't dare to meet his gaze making him only murmur, "Love, look at me please."

    You only breathed in nervously, before shyly meeting his gaze. Instead of any panic or judgement, you were blown away by the tender look he held. His hand only caressed your face as he breathily asked, "Do you really want to have children? With me?" You only paused before nodding your head firmly, "Yes...I..I do Sun. I want little ones of our own to have and love. I cherish the little monkeys we have on this mountain more than anything, but I wish to have my own. And those feelings have only been strengthened by the amazing dream I had." Wukong only gleamed at you before asking, "What was the dream? I wish to hear all about it!"

     You smiled before excitedly retelling the tale, "First off, it started in the meditation cave I usually use. Then from down the hall I heard soft feet running towards me followed by little cries of, 'Papa being mean! Mama help me!' My eyes watched as this adorable little boy ran in and climbed into my lap. He was so cute!~Then you ran in huffing out, 'Not true! Mk is training and you're too little to help out.' Then you said for you both to leave, 'Mama alone while she relaxes.' Which I apparently didn't find amusing as I got up with our son in my arms." Sun only listened on in adoration, watching how your eyes lit up with joy and love, "Turns out you were worried about me resting because I was pregnant! We were having a second little one and oh! Wukong it was absolutely the best dream I've ever had! I almost wish it didn't end!"

   Your lover only smiled before adding, "And that's when you woke me. But why? To tell me your dream?" You only shook your head while lightly biting your lip, "Mmmm, not exactly? I.... I really wanted to see if you wanted to....try and uhhh....get a head start?" Sun blinked before pausing, trying to decipher exactly what you meant. You only watched nervously and shyly as his eyes widened comically at finally grasping what you meant. Your gaze was filled with hope and trepidation as you softly mumbled, "We...we don't have to dear if you don't want to...that is unless you do?" You only twirled your fingers nervously before blinking in shock as you were suddenly under your husband's form.

    Your eyes trailed up to his sure smirk as he leaned down and whispered, "What are we waiting for then my love? After all, practice makes perfect right~?" You gulped before smiling lovingly, "Yes, of course love. Let's try to get it right then." He only smiled before pressing his lips to yours chastely. You only hummed into the kiss before wrapping your hands around his neck and pulled him closer. He appreciated your hands carding through his fur as he gently bit your lower lip. His actions brought a small gasp from you before he moved his tongue to meet yours passionately. Moaning softly you lightly gripped his fur bringing a groan from him. The two of you fought for dominance before he ultimately won with cheap tricks. Meaning he brought a hand down to your chest and gave a small squeeze. You let out a surprised gasp that was quickly swallowed by him.

    He only pulled away with a smirk and chuckle. Leaning to her neck he littered lovebites while cheekily mumbling, "I know all your weak spots my sweet~ Don't try to hide your beautiful sounds from me." You only arched your form closer with soft sighs and purrs from his ministrations. He smiled impishly before returning to his work; one hand stealthily moving to around your back and softly grabbing your tail. The gentle and sudden touch plus his love bites sent chills down your spine before your eyes closed as your head tipped back with a low moan.

    Your sounds seemed to please your lover as he only kissed harder and gripped your tail more intensely. Your moans grew louder as you softly panted, "Sun! *Moan* Sun please! You're playing *soft groan* Playing dirty!" His chuckles were the only reply you received before his nimble fingers pushed aside your sleepwear. Now having clear access to your assets, he grinned before leading his trail of kisses and bites down. Bringing his lips to one breast, he kept his eyes locked with yours before placing a delicate kiss to your nipple. The blush that rose to your cheeks caused him to grin cockily before he wrapped his lips around the teat. His action brought a soft cry from you as you arched your body up. Not wanting to leave the other out of his actions, he brought one hand up to flick and twist the little nipple. His dual actions of sucking and touching caused your head to reel in pleasure.

    "*Low moan* Sun! So good. Don't....Don't stopppp!" You only felt his teeth lightly graze your teat before he let go with an audible *Pop!* while the noise would've embarrassed you, your brain was only swarming with moans and purrs from pleasure. Switching his actions to the other nipple, you could only sigh with moans. After a bit he pulled away to admire the numerous marks and bites he left. Nodding his head at the sight, he then met your blown pupils before lowly muttering, "Can't wait for your breasts to swell my dear. *groped them gently* Be so full with your delicious milk for our little one." His words made your heart hammer in your ears while blood rushed to your face.

    He only grinned at your reaction before he quickly removed your other clothing, leaving you bare to him. Your breathing was shallow with anticipation as he trailed kisses and little bites from your breasts down your stomach. Stopping there, he softly caressed your belly while mumbling, "Our little one will grow healthy and strong here with your protection. I can't wait to be able to feel their kicks and talk to them. You'll be glowing with our child dear." You felt small tears prick your eyes at his tender words. He was able to quickly change the way things were going, now this moment was more slow and intimate then fast paced and frenzied.

     Placing delicate kisses to your stomach he lifted his gaze to your teary one. Bringing a hand to your face he softly wiped away the tears before humming, "Don't cry my love, I'm only telling you the truth. I want this to be special and sincere than just any regular passionate session." He moved back up to place a chaste kiss to your lips before returning to his place. You watched him as he gently lifted your legs up and laid them over his shoulders. Your breath was coming out in short pants of anticipation. Seeing your frenzied gaze on him, your lover only smiled softly before pressing a kiss to the inside of your thigh. Causing you to breath out a long sigh from the amount of tenderness behind the action.

     Pulling away, he moved to the other thigh and placed another little kiss. Before softly nibbling down cheekily; his little nibble brought a short gasp from your throat as your hands covered your face in slight embarrassment. It seemed your lover was displeased with your actions as he lightly slapped the bottom of your butt that was hanging up in the air with your legs. The slap made you jolt slightly as he tutted, "Take your hands away from your face love, I want to see and hear every reaction I get from you." You breathed hard behind the safety of your hands before a warning tap was felt against your other cheek, causing you to remove your hands shakingly. Pleased now that your face was out in the open, your lover rubbed where he slapped you gently in reassurance.

     Once he deemed you were okay, he smirked lightly before teasingly blowing a breath of cold air onto your aching core. The surprise of the cold wind brought shivers up your spine while you felt yourself clench in want. It seemed Sun also saw this as he chuckled and lowly teased, "Hmm~It seems I got you quite worked up my love. Oh~You're practically dripping for me!" You only bit your lip before whining as he used some of his fingers to swipe up the evidence of your arousal. Your eyes caught the slight gleam on his fingers with the low light as he playfully rubbed his fingers together.

    Your heart felt like it was gonna combust as he lifted the fingers up to his mouth before licking them clean. He made sure to keep direct eye contact with you through it all the while too. After he deemed them spotless, he took them out before lowly teasing, "You taste exquisite my love~ I'm sure you wouldn't mind if I got a second taste?~" The little smirk he had on his face only made you melt even further. The little keen you let out encouraged him as he lowered his face to be even with your soaking petals. You waited with baited breath before your eyes rolled back while you let out a long drawn out moan. You felt shivers dance up and down your spine as your lover simply chuckled into your core.

    Your body felt like it was floating as Sun unabashedly ate you out. Each swipe and suck on your little Pearl of pleasure made your chest heave with gasps. Your hands found their place in his fur and gripped it as each lick sent you into overdrive. " *long moan* Sun! It *gasp* Right there! Gods!" Following your breathless orders, Sun flicked his tongue right where it made you curl your toes. Your shaky thighs quivered as he soon sucked down long and hard. Your hips unconsciously began rocking against his face, trying to get as much as he was willing to give.

    The feeling of his tongue rolling into your entrance and tickling your fluttering walls drew a high keen from you. Small tears pricked your eyes as the pleasure built up and up until the coil that wound so tightly in your form quickly snapped. Once it snapped you only threw your head back with a loud drawn moan, "Suuunnnnn!!" Your climax caused your juices to coat your lover's face; to which he only lapped up any and all that he was given. As you came down from your high with short pants and a racing heartbeat, Sun kept sucking and licking you spotless.

    Each new swipe against your core made your body ache from overstimulation. Your legs unconsciously tried to close to get away from the pleasurable sting. But Sun was quick to keep them open with his strength while he kept lapping up all your release. "Sun! Stop! It *whimpers* it hurts!"  Your lover only chuckled before mumbling, "Cmon my dear, you can give me one more. Gotta make sure you're nice and wet for me okay?~" You only moaned lowly in response as he pulled his mouth away and replaced it with a finger.

     Thrusting it in slowly and then moving it out, he repeated the motions over and over. Feeling his digit brush against your walls and making a 'come here' gesture, you only moved your hands to fist the sheets tightly. There was just no end it seemed, as he slipped another finger in alongside the first. Each thrust made your head swim as you moaned for more. Your hips soon beginning their rocking against his fingers to get them even deeper than they were. "Feel good love? I bet it does~ Gotta make sure you're all nice and relaxed for me." You only whimpered while rocking back onto his fingers, "Feels so good...*moan*wan...want more! Please!!"

     Hearing your unabashed pleas and begging, Sun only smiled before adding a third finger and speeding his ministrations up. This made you moan in satisfaction while rocking back to meet his fingers. "You look so good like this my love, all needy and demanding~ You're so tight too! And these hips, perfect for bearing our children~" His sweet praises and comments only made you moan louder before mewling as his other hand pinched your little bud roughly. It seemed that was the last straw to break your back as a wave of euphoria washed over your form.

    Feeling your walls clamp down onto his fingers, Wukong only cooed, "Good~ Just like that my love! You're perfect~" His fingers pumped some more to help you ride your high before he pulled them away slowly. The amount of slick that coated his fingers made him grin before he moved them to your lips. Your eyes blinked with wide pupils before he said, "Suck." Grabbing onto his hand gently, you opened your mouth and started sucking them clean. "Taste yourself my dear, you're far sweeter than any heavenly peach~ In fact, I think I'll have another taste too~"

   You only groaned while swirling your tongue around his digits as he stuck his head back between your thighs. As you cleaned his fingers spotless, he returned the favor by licking and sucking all your essence that was spilled. Your poor pearl was puffy as he pinched and gently nibbled it between his lips. Sparks of stinging pleasure ran up your spine causing you to pull his fingers from your mouth with a whine. "Sun! Too much!" Your hand reached down and threaded through his fur before gripping it. You tried to pull his head from your dripping entrance and abused bud, but it seemed he was a man on a mission.

    Your face grimaced as the stinging only increased, tugging at his fur harshly, you hissed, "Wukong! Stop!" He gave one last suck before pulling away and licking his lips. He met your teary gaze with a small smile, "Sorry love, but you're just too sweet. I couldn't help myself~ Besides~" He moved back up to you before slotting his lips over yours and giving you a deep kiss. The faint taste of yourself on his lips made you groan into his mouth. Pulling away with a chuckle, Wukong whispered, "I had to make sure you were ready and prepped for me to do this~" Just as you were about to ask what, the sudden feeling of Sun thrusting himself inside you made you moan pitifully.

   Your lover only chuckled above your form breathlessly before he groaned softly at the tight squeeze your walls held him in. Panting softly, he pushed deeper into your core until his hips gently slotted against yours. Having him stuffed down to the hilt inside of you, you could only arch your back up into his form; trying to feel him even closer, you wrapped your legs around his waist before breathing in with a shaky whine. "Sunnnn! *Soft groan* Warn me next...time!" Your whine brought a chuckle from your husband before his lips settled on your bared neck.

     Pressing small lovebites and kisses to it, he murmured, "Sorry love, I'll try to keep that in mind next time. But I couldn't help myself with how tantalizing you looked~ I couldn't wait another second to sink into your warm embrace." You only sighed softly as he peppered more kisses and nibbles; figuring you had enough time to adjust, he began an experimental roll of his hips. The motion drawing a low keen and moan from you as his hips pulled away slowly before returning back to sink deep into your heat.

     The next few hours were spent with moans and groans. Hushed praises and whispered kisses pressed against the others ear while pants filled the air. It was the most passionate lovemaking session the two of you had ever done; besides the yearly mating season that is~ After everything was said and done, the two of you lay together. Breaths trying to slow down and calm while wrapped in each other's arms.

    Your entire body was heavy from your actions. There was a moment where it got much more heated and you had the marks to prove it. Seeing them, Sun apologetically rubbed your muscles that had been tensed during the more wild part. Each mark or light bruise he saw, he would place a delicate kiss to it while mumbling soft apologies. You only breathed out a chuckle before pulling him up to you, "My love, it's perfectly fine. I didn't mind in the slightest." He only sighed before placing a kiss to your cheek, "I know my sweet, but sometimes you get me so worked up that I forget my own strengths. The last thing I'd want to do is hurt you." You only smiled lovingly before nuzzling into his neck, "I know, that's why I love how considerate you are dear. Now let's cuddle and sleep, I'm not sure I can stay awake any longer after that."

    He only smiled at your words before bringing you close to his chest. Curling his tail with yours, he then wrapped his arms around your waist comfortably. Pressing small kisses to your face and lips, he then whispered goodnight in your ear. You were already passed out by the time he had done these things, but he didn't mind in the slightest. Pulling you closer, he then joined you in dreamland.

————-----------------------------------------The Next Morning———----------------------------------------

   Soft coos and noises rang beside your ears bringing you out of your slumber. Blinking your eyes blearily, you rubbed your face before scrunching your brows and taking in what woke you up; multiple little ones were clambered all over you, some sleeping on your chest and some licking through your fur nimbly. It appears the little ones wanted some quality time with their Queen as they initiated a snuggle and grooming session. Chuckling softly, your amusement only increased as they took notice of your awakened form. All cheering in glee, they crowded your face with nuzzles and purrs.

    Grabbing some of them, you placed little kisses on their cheeks. They only squealed at your actions before more tried to receive the same treatment. Giggling at their actions, you only obliged to their requests before they seemed satisfied. They settled down around your head and chest while you only sighed softly and laid back down. You were still tired from last night's activities so you didn't want to push your body past it's comfortable zone. Closing your eyes, you breathed in deeply trying to catch a few more zzzs; that is before the door opened and a voice rang, "I thought I told you all not to bother her!"

    The little ones all squeaked in surprise before letting out soft coos. The tell tale voice of your lover sighed as he made his way over to the bed. Waving his hands at the monkeys, he shooed them away, "Go on. Get! You can snuggle with her later, right now she needs rest." You tried not to laugh as you felt the many little forms jump off you and leave with disappointed grumbles. After they were gone, you opened you eyes and softly stated, "That wasn't very nice of you dear." Sun turned his head at your voice and blinked before smiling as he joined you on the bed. He placed little kisses to your face while snuggling your form close.

    You laughed as he peppered smooches to your face while mumbling, "Goodmorning my love. Or I should say good afternoon that is. How are you feeling? Any soreness?" You pushed his face away lightly while shaking your head, "No. I'm fine dear, I promise. You took care of that before we went to bed last night." He only nodded his head with a hum before pulling away. Brushing your fur softly, he asked, "Hungry? Mk is supposed to show up within the hour, I could get him to pick something up for you." Tracing shapes on his chest, you thought for a moment before humming, "Some of Pigsy's noodles sound really good right now."

     Smiling at your answer, Sun nodded, "Pigsy's noodles. Alright then I'll let Mk know right away." His eyes glowed brightly before a holographic image of Mk appeared. The kid only yelped out, "Monkey King?! You gotta stop doing that! Or atleast give me a warning will ya?!" You only chuckled at MK's fright before he asked, "Anyways, what is it? Are we not doing training today?" Sun shook his head before replying, "Nah Bud, we're still on for training; no I called to ask if you could bring some of Pigsy's noodle over. Y/N's just woke up and she wanted some noodles."

    You only smiled while cuddling her lover closer, Mk only nodded before saying, "Can do! What kind does she normally like?" Sun looked back down to you before you whispered, "Regular please, I don't wanna eat anything too heavy since I just woke up." Nodding at your words, Sun looked back up to MK's waiting form before replying, "Regular will do just fine." Nodding at his words, Mk waved before cutting out and ending the telepathic call. Turning back to you, Sun curled around your form with soft kisses and gentle purrs. "Ya sure you're feeling alright love? You don't normally sleep this late, though I guess last night we both stayed up later than normal."

     You only chuckled at his comment before nodding, "Yeah, I'm fine, just tired is all." He hummed before cuddling your form close, "Would you want me to keep a clone in here so you can cuddle with him while I train with Mk?" At his offer, you blinked before nodding your head with a smile. "That sounds wonderful, yes please. I fear I may not have enough energy today so I'd rather just stay in bed and rest." Your lover nodded his head before placing a tender kiss to your lips, "Of course my love. Now, let's just relax and bask in each other's hold." Right after he said that, the door burst open with many little monkeys dashing through. Seeing their King and Queen cuddling together, they all jumped up onto the bed to join them. You laughed at their actions before bringing them in for hugs and snuggles.

    Sun only blinked before sighing, "Ah yes, just me, my wife, and the numerous amount of little monkeys. It's everything I wanted." You giggled at his blank face before nuzzling closer in his arms, "Aw, lighten up love. After all, this'll make for great practice for when we hopefully have our little one!" Your husband smiled at your words, "Yeah, you're right, this is just practice to help us prepare." The two of you basked in the others presence plus the little ones. After awhile, Mk eventually showed up ready for training; his hands held a to-go bag of Pigsy's noodles. Looking around the cave room, he paused at the emptiness. Raising a hand, he called out, "Monkey King??? Hello???"

    He was only answered by silence as he walked around. "Where the heck is he??" Just as Mk mumbled that he saw a few monkeys happily move down the hall. Following them with a light smile, he came to a door, "Huh. Didn't know Monkey King had rooms here. Guess you learn new things everyday." Pressing a hand against the door, he slowly opened it as the few monkeys outside dashed in beside him. His eyes blinked before adjusting to the darker lit room, he saw the little monkeys jump up and join a giant mass of more little monkeys. "The heck??" Mk gave a small scream as his mentor's head popped up from the many little bodies, "Bud! Good you're here! Sorry about not meeting you outside, Y/N wanted to cuddle some more so I had some of the little ones lead you here."

    Mk pressed a hand to his racing heart and caught his breath before Sun said, "Well don't just stand there Bud, come on over!" Sighing at almost having a heart attack, Mk walked over with a few soft grumbles. Standing beside the bed now, he only blinked at all the little ones curled up on Sun and what he thinks he made out to be Y/N's forms. "Uhh where's Mom?" At hearing his confused tone, you popped your head up from the cuddle pile, "Hi sweetheart! Sorry if you weren't able to see me, I didn't expect all the other little ones coming in to join our cuddle pile." Mk only gave a light chuckle before shaking his head, "No problem Mom, here."

   He hands you your noodles to which you take with a thankful smile, "Thank you dear! Now you two go ahead and start his training, I'll be fine here with these little ones and your clone." Mk frowns softly before asking, "You're not gonna watch me train Mom?" Sighing gently, you shook your head, "No, I'm sorry sweetie. I'm just a little too tired today, but I know you'll do great!" Mk nodded with a smile before saying, "Well, I'll make sure to work extra hard then! I hope you feel better after eating Mom!" You smiled as he ran out the room, to go get ready. Turning to your lover, you giggled, "Best not to keep him waiting love." Sun only grinned before nodding his head, "I suppose so dear, but first~"

    He pulled you into a sweet kiss before breaking away and plucking a strand of fur off. Summoning a clone in his place, your lover got out of bed before following after his student. He called, "Get some rest my love! I'll be back as soon as trainings done!" before he walked out the room. You shook your head with a soft chuckle before opening up the to-go bag of noodles and internally cheering at the pleasant smell. "Ahhhh~. Time to dig in!" As you chowed down, your lover's clone gently wrapped around your form in a cuddle. He'd press small kisses to your head and neck every so often. After you finished your meal with a satisfied sigh, you gently set the bag and stuff on the floor before cuddling closer to the clone.

     The little ones around the two of you only purred as you settled into a warm pile. Pressing more kisses to your face, Sun 2.0 only smiled at each soft hum you made before holding you close. Everything was so warm and soft, that you felt your eyes begin to droop in sleepiness. Deciding rest was the best option, you ultimately succumbed to your slumber.


    "Mama. Mama wake up! Mommy!" Your eyes blearily opened before adjusting to the dark lighting of your bedroom. Sun's arms were slung around your waist and his hand was gently pressed against your swollen belly. "Pssst! Mama!" Your ears finally registered whose voice that was while your eyes zeroed in on the two little ones peering right back at yours over the edge of your bedside. At seeing your gaze, the small pair of identical eyes crinkled into what could only be a big smile on their owner's face. Standing up on their tippy toes, the rest of their small face appeared over the edge.

    "Mama! You're awake!" At Huizhong's attempt of a whisper, you softly chuckled before whispering back, "I am now sweetie~ What is it?" At your question, your son's face shifted into a small frown before big tears welled up into his eyes. His little voice whimpered, "Had a bad dream, and wanted to sweep with you!" Frowning at his little cry, you reached a hand over before gently wiping away his tears and cupping his cheek. His little hands held onto yours as he nuzzled against your touch. Your brows furrowed softly as you cooed, "Aww baby, I'm sorry  that happened to you. Let's get you up here yeah?"

    Your little boy only nodded his head with his little pouty face. Smiling gently, you raised your tail up before wrapping it around his little form and pulling him up. As soon as he was on the bed, he immediately latched onto you. Chuckling gently at his actions, you pulled him up closer to your chest, so he didn't have to reach around your big bump. He dug his head into your neck before soft sniffles were heard. You shushed his little cries as you softly rubbed his back up and down. "Honey, you're alright. Mama's got you." Huizhong only whimpered before nuzzling deeper into your embrace. "It was scary Mama, I...*hic* I saw you and Papa get taken away from me. I...*whimper* I didn't know what to do!"

    Your heart broke at his little cries before you held him tighter and pressed little kisses to his head. "Shhhhh, shhhh, my little warrior. You're the bravest little monkey I know, and I promise nothing will ever happen to me or Papa." Huizhong lifted his head from your neck, big fat tears rolling down his cheeks as he stuttered, "You...*sniff* you promise?" Smiling down at him gently, you nodded your head before wiping his tears away, "Of course my love, Papa and I will never let anything take us away from you." He only nodded his head at your words before you cooed, "Do you want Mama to give you kiss?" At your question, he nodded his head with a small grin, "Mhm~!"

    Smiling at him, you peppered little kisses all over his chubby cheeks and little face. His little giggles sounding through the air. Pulling away, he smiled before giggling, "Mama's turn! Mama's turn!" You grinned as he leaned up to press his own little kisses to your cheeks. "Oho~? What's this? Are we having a kissing Mama party and you didn't tell me?~". At the sound of your lover's amused sleepy voice, your son pulled away from his kisses with a happy gasp. "Papa!" His little body tried to climb up and over your swollen belly before Sun lightly chastised him. "Woah buddy! Calm down!" His tail reached over before wrapping around his little boy and pulling him into the air.

    Dropping him on the other side, your lover softly scolded, "We don't do that around Mama's belly okay? I know you didn't mean to, but you gotta be more careful next time. Both your Mama and little sibling could get hurt if you crawl over them like that." Huizhong looked down guiltily before twirling his fingers and softly sniffling, "M'sorry Papa, didn't mean to." Sun only smiled ruffling his fur, "That's okay bud, just try to think about that next time alright?" Your little boy nodded his head before Sun hummed, "Now why don't you give Mama and baby some kisses to apologize?"

    He nodded with a grin before Sun pulled him up and held him in an arm. Turning back to your smiling form, Huizhong mumbled, "M'sorry Mama." Smiling at him gently you cooed, "It's alright sweetie, I know it was an accident~" Your lover smiled before his son pressed a kiss to your cheek in apology. Pulling away, Sun replaced his form and pressed a sweet kiss to your lips while humming, "Hello my love~" You chuckled before pulling away with a smile, "Hello dear~" Sun smiled before leaning down and placing a kiss to your swollen bump, "Hello my little one~ Papa's here!" Huizhong looked down before humming, "Me next! Me next Papa!" Sun pulled away with a chuckle before gently setting your son down near your belly.

    He placed his little hands on it before leaning and pressing a little kiss to it. "Sorry baby." You smiled at his actions before pulling him up into your arms. "It's alright honey, both the baby and I forgive you." He only hummed before smiling, "Papa hasn't gotten his kisses yet!" You giggled before humming, "That's right! He gave me mine, but he hasn't gotten any yet!" Sun smiled at the two of you as he leaned down before both you and Huizhong pressed kisses on both sides of his cheeks. "Mwah! There Papa got his kisses!" You cheered along your little boy as Sun looked at you both with a loving smile.

—————----------------------------------------Dream End————------------------------------------------------

     Huizhong, what a nice name~ Your eyes furrowed before gently opening and looking around. Another dream, though this one showed something else. Why do I keep having these dreams? You broke from your thoughts as you were suddenly hit by a wave a nausea. Oh gods! I need to-! Raising your body up as quickly as you could without getting lightheaded, you dashed on shaky legs towards the hall bathroom. Throwing the door open, you quickly leaned your form over the toilet before emptying your stomach of all its contents.

    Coughing at the terrible aftertaste, you heaved before gagging once more. Whyyyyy?! This cycle continued another two times before it seemed your body flushed out whatever was making it feel bad. Your forehead was dotted with sweat while you panted over the toilet bowl. Spitting to rid your mouth of any excess taste, you then wiped your mouth off with a piece of toilet paper. Tossing it with the other contents, you then flushed before leaning back with a sigh. Thank gods that's over, but why do I still feel so queasy? The cold floor beneath felt like heaven to your worn-out frame as you pressed yourself against it. Where's Sun? I don't think I can walk back to the bed in this condition. If I move the slightest bit, I feel like I'll just throw up again.

    Your thoughts raced before a concerned coo sounded at the door. Opening your eyes you saw the forms of two little ones, they approached you worried before nuzzling against your face with small frowns. Their little coos trying to comfort you made you weakly smile. Raising a hand slowly, you gently pet their heads before rasping, "Hello, my little ones. I know you're worried, but I need you to go get Sun for me alright? Would you please do that for me?" They nodded before one took off while the other stayed to watch over you. It cuddled you softly to bring you some ease as you waited.

    Your eyes closed for only a moment to rest before your ears picked up the distant shout of your husband. "She what?!" Huffing out a light chuckle, you didn't have to wait long before the sound of rushing footsteps rang through the hall. The footsteps stopped as they made it to the door before you heard your husband's concerned gasp, "Y/N!?" He quickly approached your form before leaning down with worry. Brushing your fur back gently, he only murmured, "My love are you alright? What happened?!"

    You only raised your head weakly before replying, "I threw up. I woke up from a nap with an upset stomach before running to the bathroom." Sun only frowned before gently cupping your cheek, "Can you move dear?" You only paused before feeling the still present but slowly fading queasiness. Shaking your head softly, you hummed, "I'd rather not try to get up by myself, would you mind picking me up slowly love?" Sun only nodded his head before moving his arms under you gently. Being careful not to jostle your form, he picked you up bridal style delicately before pressing you to his chest. Your head leaned against his shoulder tiredly before your lover cautiously made his way back to the bedroom.

     Lifting your gaze up to his face, you softly asked, "I didn't interrupt your and MK's training did I?" Sun only gave you a soft frown before sighing, "My love, I just found your form collapsed on the floor mere moments ago and you're asking if you interrupted training? Only you would worry about others while you're hurt." He pressed a kiss to your forehead before adding, "But no, you didn't interfere with anything, in fact Mk left around two hours ago. It's currently about 5:30." You furrowed your brows before mumbling, "Why didn't you wake me then? I could've told Mk bye at least."

    Sun shook his head with a smile as he entered your bedroom. Walking to your side, he gingerly placed you down before joining you in bed. Wrapping his form around yours, he cuddled you close before answering, "Mk and I checked in on you before he left and found you sound asleep with my clone. Who, by the way, reported that you slept without waking once. So the kid said he'd rather let you get your rest and he went home." You only hummed before mumbling, "Then why weren't you in bed with me after he left?"

    Sun smiled before kissing your cheeks, "Because I was eating and I kept looking at that old mural we have on the wall. And I thought, hey that'd make a great breakfast nook! So I was busy figuring out the blueprints for it when all of a sudden, a little one comes running to me yelping about you collapsed on the bathroom floor. And I dropped everything to get to the bathroom where, low and behold, my wife was on the floor. Leading us to where we are now." His explanation brought a soft giggle from you before you nuzzled closer to his form. "Are you feeling somewhat better now my love?"

    You nodded your head and muttered, "I have no idea what made me so sick. I know it wasn't Pigsy's noodles, I've had no problems with them before." Sun hummed before brushing your fur back, "Maybe it was because of the noodles, I mean you haven't eaten anything today besides them. Your stomach might've not liked only having the noodles with nothing else." You nodded your head with a sigh, "Yeah, you might be right. But let's just forget about it for now, what's this about putting in a breakfast nook??" Your husband smiled before telling you all the details about it, to which you only nodded your head.

    "Yeah that does sound nice, but dear, are you sure you want to destroy that mural to put it in? I mean we could always find a different place for a breakfast nook." Wukong sighed before saying, "We could, but I really think the lighting would look great from that side of the mountain. I can picture you sitting there looking all cute drinking tea and reading books or...-" You only smiled as he began rambling before calling, "Love, look at me." He paused before meeting your gentle gaze as you asked, "It's the mural isn't it?"

    His silence told you all you needed to know, sighing softly, you gently cupped his cheek, "My love, I know how much you miss them. Your journey with them led to many great things, though, I will admit, having to wait 500 years and then some for your return wasn't something I was particularly ecstatic about." Your lover chuckled as he held your hand pressed against his cheek, "But grief is a natural part of life. So I want to make sure if getting rid of that mural is something you truly want." He pressed a kiss to your inner palm before nodding, smiling you said, "Okay, then we can put the breakfast nook there. But how are we going to demolish the mural? I'm not saying you're not capable of doing it, but it's gonna be a tad bit harder without your staff."

    Sun smiled before humming, "I'm thinking I'll have Mk do it for training. There's this new move I want him to learn, and I think him practicing the form through demolishing the mural will really help him get it down." You frowned before mumbling, "Leave it to you to make your own student do your dirty work love." You snickered at the offended gasp he let out before feeling his tail lightly whack you. "Excuse you! I'll have you know that I'm not making him do it just for my benefit! Like I said, it's for him to learn a new move plus, it'll help strengthen his arm muscle!" You only shot him an 'Mhm' look before shaking your head with a giggle and placing a kiss to his lips softly. "I'm just teasing love, I know you're only thinking of the best for Mk."

     He shot you a soft glare before rolling his eyes and grinning. He pressed kisses to your cheeks and lips while mumbling, "Of course I am, never doubt me again my love or else you'll be tickled to death!~" You laughed at his actions before cupping his cheek and pulling him into a sweet kiss. Sun hummed, happily returning the sentiment before he pulled away briefly to press a quick peck to your lips. "I take it that you're feeling much better now love?" You smiled and nodded, "Yes, I feel much better." He smiled before nuzzling closer to your form. His arms wrapped around your waist while his tail curled around yours sweetly. Relishing in his hold, you only found yourself purring softly.

     Remembering your dream from earlier, you mumbled, "Oh, I forgot to tell you, I had another dream while you were training Mk." Sun lifted his head with a soft smile while humming, "Really? Was it the same as the last one?" You grinned as you softly nodded your head; turning in his hold to face him, you started retelling the new dream. "So, it had the same circumstances as the last, so we had the little boy, Huizhong, and I was still very much pregnant. The dream started where we were asleep in our bed, you were cuddling me with a hand on my belly." He smiled at the picture as you continued, "It was quiet until I heard a little voice whispering, 'Mama!' After some attempts I finally opened my eyes and there he was, little Huizhong! Oh his little smile was absolutely adorable~ But, started crying because he had had a nightmare about the both of us being taken away from him. Oh Sun, his little tears broke my heart!"

    At your words, your lover only pressed a kiss to your cheek, humming, "Easy love, it's alright, what happened next?" You nodded before grinning, "You're right, okay so after he started crying, I pulled him up on the bed and held him close. After I comforted him, I gave him little kisses. He giggled before giving me some in return, at that moment you woke up. You said how we should've woken you up for the kissing Mama party. When Huizhong saw you were awake he got all excited before trying to climb over my bump."

    Sun blinked before humming, "Oh poor thing got too excited he wasn't even trying to be careful! Did dream me stop him before he could crawl over your baby bump?" You giggled with a nod, "Yep! Dream you grabbed him before he could proceeded to scold him softly. Huizhong was upset but he understood what you were saying. The rest of the dream was just a little cuddling session between all of us." Sun grinned before nuzzling his face against yours, "That sounded lovely dear, I'm happy to hear that your dream was as perfect as your last one. Though," he paused, "I wonder why you keep having these dreams? Could it be a sign? Or something?" You only hummed while brushing his fur, "I'm not sure love, maybe it's just my subconscious trying to fill my wish for little ones? I mean dreams are always strange things."

     He couldn't disagree with that, sighing he pressed you closer to his form. "Come my sweet, let's go to sleep." You pressed a kiss to his lips before cuddling closer. "Goodnight love." "Goodnight my dear."

—————----------------------------------------Two weeks later———----------------------------------------------
     The past two weeks had been crazy, you had been having stomach problems that caused you to throw up everything you tried to keep down. Sun grew worried as each day passed and your condition never got better. Though he did his best with helping you in the early mornings when it'd hit, he felt so helpless knowing you were sick. But what worried him the most was the thought of losing you if this never went away. Which another part of his mind rationalized that couldn't happen, you were immortal, he made sure of that. But doubts still plagued his mind enough to where he fretted over you each passing day.

     While you appreciated how attentive your lover had been these past days, you also were growing tired of his senseless worrying. You had an inkling of exactly what was causing your illness. You just needed to see a doctor of some sort, the only problem was, your loving husband had you on strict bed rest. But that wasn't going to stop you! You sighed as you laid in bed, some little ones were cuddling your form while others were happily playing while their Queen watched. Knowing you had one shot at this while Wukong and Mk trained, you slowly got out of the bed before rearranging the pillows to where it looked like you were sleeping.

   Nodding your head, you turned to the little one's confused and curious gazes. Smiling you cooed, "I'll need you little ones to keep this a secret alright?" They made soft coos of agreement and went back to like they were. You moved to the balcony they had before you looked back to make sure everything was just as it was before nodding in contempt. "Alrighty! Let's go to the city!" Bringing your hands in front of your chest, you used your powers to summon your own cloud. "Sun isn't the only one that can make clouds~Now on to the city I go!~"

    It didn't take you long to reach the city skirts before you decided to get off near the lower district. Just in case no one will see me as easily! Getting off your cloud, you poofed it away before summoning a disguise. I'll need to appear more human like if I wish to go through the city without being recognized. Wrapping your tail around your waist, you poofed into a more human appearance. You looked at yourself in a window and deemed yourself alright and started walking towards the inner city.

    Your walking didn't take too long before you came up to a small mart. Walking inside you made your way to the feminine aisle. Your eyes wandered the shelves before landing on the pregnancy tests. Aha! There you are! Debating with which to get for a moment, you decided on the best accuracy test. This is just for now, I'll try to book an appointment with a doctor without Sun finding out. Your eyes widened at your thought, snapping them to the nearest clock on the wall, it read ten after MK's training session usually ended. Shit! Making your way over to the counter as quickly as you could, you then placed the tests down.
    The cashier only sending you a small smile, "Expecting huh? Well don't get so torn up about the results, I recommend a professional visit on top of these tests." You only gave a rushed smile and nodded while paying for them. Waving them goodbye and thanks, you exited before dashing back to the city outskirts. Shit, shit, shit! Gotta get back before Sun realizes! Once you made it back to the outskirts, you wasted no time shedding your disguise and summoning your cloud. Without your knowledge, a fellow demon happened to walk out from their rundown building. Their eyes widened at the sight of you taking off at high speeds on your cloud. Your fur ruffling in the wind while your tail waved behind you. Humming to themselves, they softly smirked, "Well, well, well~ Looks like the elusive Queen came down from her safe haven of a mountain. I'll have to see her the next time she visits and have a lovely chat! After all, it's always nice to reconnect with old friends~"

--------------------------------------—————Flying Time Skip——--------------------------------------------------

    You had thankfully gotten back before Sun had noticed your absence. However, you raced to the bathroom in order to get the tests over with. Right as you clicked the door shut, you heard footsteps sound down the hall followed by the voice of your husband calling, "Y/N! I'm done with MK's sessions! I was hoping we could snuggle for a small nap!~" Rolling your eyes in amusement you quickly sat on the toilet before following the simple enough instructions. Wait five minutes? Okay, that won't take too long I guess, though I'll have to keep Wukong from seeing them.

    His footsteps passed the door before entering your shared room, "Love?-Y/N?!" At his yelp and panicked tone, you sighed before calling, "I'm in here dear!" At the sound of your voice, Sun paused before turning and leaving the room. You heard him come right up to the door before sighing in relief, "Oh Thank gods! I thought something happened to you-Uh, my love, why is the door locked?" You giggled, "I'm in the middle of something Sun, and I don't want you to see it." You could hear his confusion as he sputtered, "What? But it's not safe for you right now! You could fall ill and lose all your strength! What happens if you pass out in there?!" You only rolled your eyes while sighing, "Sun, I'm alright! I told you earlier that I felt perfectly fine!"

    You cracked a smile at his audible huff, raising up, you made sure the tests set undisturbed. Washing your hands to calm your anxious nerves, you then breathed out deeply and opened the door. Wukong was right on the other side waiting with a soft pout, but seeing that you were alright, he smiled softly. Closing the door behind you, you then took his hand and pulled him to the bedroom. He only blinked before casting a suspicious glance back at the bathroom door. "And just what was it you were doing in there that you didn't want me to see?~ Huh? Keeping secrets are we?~"

     At his light tease and small smirk, you rolled your eyes before pressing a quick kiss to his lips. He only blinked at the sudden affection while you hummed, "Not at all my dear, I'm just working on something of a delicate matter if you will. And I didn't want your handsome face distracting me~" Good job Y/N! Flattering your husband always makes him forget everything to focus on you! "Oho!~ So my handsome face would've been a distraction?~ Well I'm glad you finished otherwise I wouldn't be able to lavish my incredibly sweet wife with all my love and affection!~"

     You grinned at his words before saying, "I'll join you just as soon as I take care of that delicate matter in the bathroom." He frowned softly before cupping your cheek, "Has your illness worsened?" You shook your head while softly humming, "No my love, I'm feeling better now, but this does have to do with why I wasn't feeling my best." He only nodded before saying, "Alright than, I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. When you're done with your delicate matter, I'll be waiting for you in the bed."

     You smiled before watching him turn and enter your shared bedroom. Sighing out softly, you made your way back into the bathroom. The moment of truth, let's see if our hard work paid off~ You grabbed one of the tests and the instructions before reading, "Blah, blah, blah...Aha! Here it is, 'If there are two lines in the form of a plus, your test is positive and you are pregnant.' Simple enough." You held your breath as you looked to the test in your hand. Peering closer at where the symbol shows up, your breath hitched. "Oh my gods. I'm...I'm pregnant...."

    It took a second for that sentence to register with your mind before you smiled, "Oh my Gods I'm pregnant!" You then checked the other test to make sure this wasn't a fluke and sure enough, a fat plus sign stared right back at you. Your mind was buzzing with excitement while your heart soared with joy. Suddenly, you realized, "I have to tell Sun!" Placing the tests back down, you quickly dashed over to your bedroom. Your smile wide  while you giggled in glee. When you entered, Sun was laying down with a bag of peach chips in his lap. Hearing your laughs, he turned and rose a brow at what made you so giddy in such little time.

     Still, he couldn't help himself from grinning at you as you quickly jumped onto the bed and landed beside him. Chuckling at your smiling expression, your lover hummed, "And what's got you in such a good mood? Was it getting to snuggle with me?~" You shook your head before grabbing one of his hands in yours and stating, "Nope~! This is something entirely different!" He blinked before humming, "Is that so? Well don't keep me waiting! The suspense is killing me~!" At his teasing whine, you grinned while you happily exclaimed, "I'm pregnant!"

    Sun.exe has officially stopped working, the peach chip bag has fell to the floor, repeat, the peach chip's bag has fell to the floor. Seeing that you mentally broke your lover and enough for him to let go of his precious chips, you only giggled lightly. Placing a hand to his dropped jaw, you gently closed his mouth. His eyes were wide with disbelief and awe. Holding one of his hands, you softly called, "Hello?~ Y/N to Sun, is anybody home?~"

    It seemed he finally broke from stupor as he squeezed your hand while murmuring a soft, "Really?" His voice was so quiet and nowhere near the confident tone you were used to. His eyes shined with unshed tears as he reiterated, "Are you truly pregnant my love?" Smiling at him gently, you pressed a soft kiss to his cheek while whispering, "Really, truly darling. I just took two tests, that was what the 'delicate matter' was." He only stared at you with complete and utter adoration, you returned his tender gaze as he whispered, "Thank you."

    You blinked with a smile, "For what dear?" He only gave a small smile while holding your hands. "For giving me this opportunity, for blessing me little monkeys of our own, for-" You giggled while softly hushing him, "I get it love, and you're very welcome~" He only smiled before he placed a hand cautiously on your belly. His eyes filled with awe and wonder, "Our baby is in here, that's our baby!" You only giggled at how his words sounded so childlike and innocent. He positioned himself to where his head was close to your belly while his hands only gently caressed your stomach. Grinning down at him, you softly began brushing your fingers through his fur and hummed, "Yes darling, that's where our little one will grow big and strong~"

——-------------------------------------------Timeskip 4 months later—-------------------------------------------

     It had been four months since you had announced the big news to your lover, and he had been taking everyday in strides. He was so adorable in how excited and eager he was to please your moods. The morning sickness finally left you after your three and a half month mark. Now you dealt with the beginnings of your new cravings and mood swings, but Sun was there every step of the way. Like right now, Mk was training with him while you happily watched with some cuddly little ones. You rested in a hammock he had placed there closer to the ground so you wouldn't have much trouble getting in and out.

    Not with your little bump getting in the way, speaking of your little bump, he'd always tell his adventures to it each night before kissing both you and it goodnight and curling protectively around your pregnant form. You found his new attitude so adorable and couldn't wait till the little one's first kick. But right now, you were enjoying the little cuddle fest the other little ones initiated. Ever since your bump started barely showing, they've been super affectionate, more than normal. They'd always want to curl up by your belly and softly cuddle you close. It was the cutest thing and the coziest thing too~.
     "Ahhhh~I could go to sleep!~" You hummed as you gently swayed in the hammock. Mk huffed before finishing his training for today. Seeing your form relaxing, he smiled before heading over, "Hey Mom! How's my little brother or sister doing?" You smiled at his comment before humming, "They are doing great!~ Right now, they aren't that active, must be sleeping but you can feel them if you want?" He smiled before leaning over and pressing his palm against your belly. "I still can't believe you're having a baby! This is so exciting!"

    You smiled at his words before he took his hand off and waved goodbye, "Pigsy has some things he wants me to finish before the days up, so I'll see you next time Mom!" You smiled while waving him goodbye as he left on his own cloud. "And just how is my lovely wife doing?~ Hmmm?~" at the sound of your lover's hummed comment, a smile came to your face. "She's doing well love! A little hungry but relatively good!" At your comment, he gasped, "Well what does she want to eat? I'll go get it immediately!" You softly giggled before seeing his smiling face as he leaned down to press a kiss to your lips. "Mmmm~! I think the little one is craving some fruit!"

     He smiled, "Alright! I'll be right back my sweet!" You chuckled as he dashed away to get you and your little one their much needed snacks. The other little ones all snuggling your form peacefully. Ahh~! This is nice! Thump! At the soft and sudden sensation, you paused. What? Was that- Thump Bump! Gasping at what was happening, you eagerly pressed a hand to your bump. "Sun!!! Hurry!" From where he was presumably in the kitchen, you heard his yelp before he was beside you within an instant. "What?! Are you hurting?!"

    Shaking your head no, you quickly grabbed his hand and pressed it against your bump. "No! Love the baby's kicking!" He froze before pressing his other hand against your belly, his face drawn in concentration as he held still. Thump! Bah bump! He gasped with an awed smile, "They're kicking! And those are strong kicks! Oh my child will be a mighty warrior!~" You softly giggled before blinking as he joined you in your hammock. Gently brushing his fur, you grinned as he curled around your form. His head pressing against your bump as he excitedly listened to each little kick.

    "Hello little one~! This is your Papa! You're gonna be my little fighter aren't you?~" You smiled before humming, "Dear, let's not get ahead of ourselves, besides you still have Mk to train~" He lifted his gaze with a sigh, "Yes, I know that! But just imagine I'm training Mk and this little one is in a baby sling! Oh they'll be absolutely adorable~!" You giggled at the image before cuddling close to his form. "Love, let's just wait for that when the time comes~" He only smiled, "Of course dear, I'm just so excited!" You smiled before sighing as he held you close, his hands splayed over your bump to feel any more movement your little one makes. A little nap sounds lovely right about now~

     "Mama! Mama!~" You blinked before looking down at your little boy. Huizhong smiled before hugging your leg, he looked up and mumbled, "Mama! Papa is asleep and I wanna make him something!" At his words, you smiled before whispering, "What do you wanna make Papa?" He grinned before tugging your hand to follow him. You did so with a smile before your little boy led you past the form of your sleeping lover splayed in the hammock. He was worn out from training Mk and having to get up earlier with Huizhong while you got your much deserved sleep.

    Entering the kitchen, your son stood on his tippy toes to reach the counter. Seeing this, you gently smiled before picking his little form up and setting him on top of the counter. He giggled before kissing you in thanks. Brushing his fur, you hummed, "What do you wanna make Papa?" He thought for a moment before smiling, "Papa loves peaches, let's make him something with those!" You smiled before nodding, "Alright, let's see..." You leafed through the cookbook before stopping at cobblers. "Ooo~! Why don't we make Papa a peach cobbler?" Huizhong only nodded his head, "Yeah! Let's make that!"

     After you set the required ingredients down, you hummed softly while cutting the peaches up. Huizhong was tasked with plopping them into the dish when you finished cutting them. "Now, make sure they're spaced out among the pie crust alright sweetie?" He hummed while taking your words close to heart. You smiled before popping a little piece of peach into your mouth. Huizhong giggled at the sight before copying you, "Mama! These are supposed to be for Papa!~" You grinned, "I know baby, but Mama got hungry!~" He only smiled at your words before the two of you finished prepping the cobbler.

    Turning the oven on, you picked your little boy up and held him in your arms while waiting. "Will Papa be happy with our surprise Mama?" You nodded with a grin, pressing little kisses into his cheeks, "Yes my love, Papa will be very happy with your surprise!~" His smile made you grin before a soft beeping was heard. He made a soft gasp before excitedly mumbling, "Mama! It's time to put the cobbler in!" You smiled before placing him down. Moving to grab some oven mitts, you gently placed the cobbler inside before closing the oven.

    Setting a timer, you took the mitts off before picking your little boy up. "It shouldn't take long before it's cooked, why don't you go wake Papa so he knows to wash up?" Huizhong nodded happily before you gently placed him down. He quickly ran into the other room to wake his sleeping father. Sighing softly, you started cleaning up the dishes used. Humming softly to yourself as you did so until you felt two arms wrap around your waist from behind. A soft kiss was pressed into your neck with a hum as you smiled gently. "Hello love~ Was your nap good?"

    You felt him nod his head while mumbling, "Yes, it was, although it wasn't when two little hands woke me up~" Chuckling softly at his whine, you placed the dish you were washing down. Turning around in his arms, you pressed a kiss to his lips gently. He hummed before returning your affection, pulling away, you said, "Sorry about that dear, but your son wanted to surprise you with something~" "He did?~ Well, what is it?" You smiled before saying, "You'll have to wait for it to get done baking first~" Your lover pouted at your tease, his arms pulling you closer as he huffed, "That's not fair~! You can't just tease me with a treat and then tell me to wait! That's torture!"

    You smiled before chuckling, "Awww~ Is the Great Sage pouting?~" He only huffed before murmuring, "He's about to do a lot more if his cheeky wife won't stop teasing him~" You only laughed as he peppered ticklish kisses to your neck and collar. "Oh please! Have mercy Great Sage!~ Your wife's so sorry!" He only gave chuckles in response before continuing his ministrations; that is before a small voice called, "Papa! Stop that!" Hearing your little boy's voice, both you and Sun paused before glancing down at his small frowning face. Raising a brow in amusement, your lover only teased, "Oh? And why should I huh?~ As far as I know, she's sweeter than any tasty treat~" Huizhong only pouted while whining, "No! You can't have her all to yourself! Plus, we made you a sweet treat already!" 

    Sun only chuckled at his words before softly sighing, "Alright, fine~ I'll stop, but only if this treat tastes good!" Huizhong only nodded his head, "It will! Me and Mama made it special just for you!" Sun gasped dramatically, "Really?! You shouldn't have!" You smiled as he turned to pick your little boy up in his arms. Huizhong only smiled at his actions before his small gaze moved to you as he hummed, "Mama~ Is it done yet?~" At his question, you softly smiled before the small 'Ting!~' sound was heard. "It sure is sweetie!~ I'll get it ready while you and Papa go wash your hands!"

    He smiled before pulling Sun's hands, "Come on Papa! Let's go! I wanna see you get your surprise!" Wukong chuckled while letting his son lead him to the sink. "Alright buddy, I'm coming." You giggled while getting the cobbler out and placing it on the stovetop. It smelled amazing and you knew Sun would end up eating the whole thing by the end of the night. Putting your oven mitts away, you turned to see both boys coming back. Each had equally excited smiles from the smell. "It smells wonderful darling~! Come on bud, let's dig in~!" You chuckled while watching them chow down on the cobbler. Those dorks~

—————-------------------------------------------End of Dream————--------------------------------------------

       You blinked as you woke up, looking around you saw that you were still in the hammock and the little ones were still very much cuddling you. Your husband however, was nowhere to be found. Huh, wonder where my cheeky lover went? Maybe he's cooking or something?? You slowly leaned up, being mindful of the various small forms clinging to you. Your eyes looked around the main cave room in curiosity. Your voice was soft as you called, "Sun?....Sun where are you?" Only silence responded and it made your senses crawl with nervousness. Something was wrong, and your  lover was no where to be found.

    Your gaze moved to sky outside to find that it was foggy and dark. Somethings definitely not right! It was just bright and shining when I went to sleep?! You tried to remain calm and collected before blinking at seeing a figure standing near the open mountain wall. They were shrouded with the fog and darkness, but you were able to make out the impish smile they wore. Your blood froze at hearing the hushed voice call, "Well, well, well~ Aren't you just adorable with your little one~ I'm not gonna hurt you, but I will say this, I hope you're happy."

    Before you could speak or move, the figure vanished as quickly as it appeared. Your heart was racing after the event as the sky lifted its dark veil and the sunshine shined down once more. From the waterfall, you heard your lover's voice call, "My love I'm back! Sorry for leaving you like that, but I thought you might like to eat some fresh fruit from the mangroves and-" He paused at seeing you staring at the open mountainside with shaky eyes. Something had happened and he wasn't there. Rushing to your side, he gently cracked your cheek while softly asking, "Love? Darling is everything alright? Y/N, look at me dear!" You turned your shaky eyes to meet his worried ones before you wobbly whispered, "Sun, it was him. He...he was in here while you were gone."

    At your whisper, Sun only froze before his form lit with anger, "He what? He came here and broke into my mountain and thought he had the right to even talk to you?! I'll end him the next time he decides to quit his hiding. But my love, I believe that's enough of being here, let's go inside the small temple alright?" You only held his hand before nodding softly. Your husband had led you into the smaller temple building before helping you settle into the couch with cushions supporting your form. He quickly snuggled up to you and rubbed your belly softly. "Go back to sleep my dear, I'll be right here." At his soft hum, you only found yourself nodding before nuzzling his form as you snuggled closer. Sleep overcame you quicker than expected.

————--------------------------------------Small Time-Skip———--------------------------------------------------

    It had been around a week since that event and while Sun and yourself were still cautious, nothing else had happened since. Though there was MK's strange behavior lately, your lover had mentioned the breakfast book he wanted to put in where the mural was. And you had advised he shouldn't just ask Mk to do it, but he insisted it was a learning experience for a new move. When Mk was informed he was less then enthusiastic; you tried to cheer him up by giving him snacks and drinks after he worked hard. Then one day in the middle of the week, his strange behavior started. He began getting more snappy at Sun and got more aggressive in his moves. It wasn't until he suddenly exploded during training and broke a massive hole clean through the mural did Sun take heed to your concerned comments.

    Your lover had watched his successor stomp out, deciding his was fed up with his "training" lately. You only looked on with worry at your husband's hard stare to MK's back as he left. Once he was no longer on the mountain, you turned and softly hummed, "Love, what happened?" Sun turned to you before softening his gaze, "It's nothing darling, I'll make sure the kid is alright. You just need to stay here and rest for you and our baby." You had a small pout at his brushing your concern away before he placed a gentle kiss to your head. "Please? For me?~" At his cooed words, you lightly huffed, "Fine, but Wukong please, make sure whatever is going with Mk, you fix it." He nodded, "I will my love, now you just rest."

    You only sighed before he helped walk your waddling form to one of the various cushion pallets he made sure to set up around the mountain caves for you. Sometimes you need to rest and having to walk over to the nearest or closest hammock was too much. So problem solved with the cushions, the only downside was it was a little of a struggle for you to get back up after laying down. After ensuring you were propped up and perfectly comfortable, he pressed a kiss to your bump before placing another to your cheek. "Rest my love, I'll be back soon."

    You hummed before watching him leave and then chuckling as various little ones came up to you to snuggle and cuddle with their Queen. "Aww~ Thank you little ones, I appreciate all the cuddling we've gotten to do lately!" They all cooed in response before settling down. You joined them not long after in sleep.

————--------------------------------------------Small Time-Skip———--------------------------------------------

    It had been a couple hours since Sun had left his lover at their mountain. He had followed MK's aura up to a different section of mountains near the city. What he saw there made his blood boil; his student being pinned to the mountain by his own staff. It seemed he wasn't able to lift it like he normally would, and the reason was a snickering black furred monkey demon. Macaque! Not only are you targeting my student! You even came to MY mountain and approached MY WIFE.
The next events were a blur as the two faced off with angry snarls and shouts.

—————------------------------------------------Back w/ Y/N————------------------------------------------

   That event happened around three months ago and you were now 7 months along. You were getting more tired everyday and you couldn't seem to control your mood swings. However, your doting lover didn't let any of your outbursts phase him. He knew you weren't able to keep your emotions under control in your fragile state and didn't hold anything you might've screamed or cried at him against you. Currently, you were being snuggled by the little ones again as they only seemed to crave cuddles with you the farther you got in your pregnancy.

    Even while the adorable cuddle pile was happening, you had a grumpy pout on your lips. You weren't sure exactly why you were upset, but you just knew you were. "Oh my sweet and gorgeous wife~! I got those mooncakes you wanted~!" At your lover's call, you looked to the side to see him entering the main cave room. He smiled at your expression before moving to your side and placing a kiss to your pouty lips, "Aww~ What's got my darling so grumpy?" You only huffed before muttering, "I don't know, but now that you're here I'm feeling happier!"

    At your words, he only smiled before peppering kisses all over your face, "Aww~! You're so cute my love!" His kisses brought a smile to your lips, "Okay, okay! Wukong!~ Give me those mooncakes~!" He chuckled, "Ofcourse my love, here you are~" Handing them to you, he smiled before settling by your side and cooing to your belly while you hungrily munched on the delectable sweets. After you had finished your treats, you smiled down at your lover as he talked to your child.

    "Have you been giving your mama and easy time~? Hmm? Well you should be! She's been keeping you all safe and sound, so the least you can do is be nice to her~" You giggled at his cooed words, "They've been fine dear, the only thing I can complain about is how they keep moving around." Sun only hummed before smiling, "They probably missed their Papa~ Didn't you my little warrior~" Oh boy~ You chuckled before pausing as your body flushed with a certain feeling. Oho~ So that's why I've been feeling off~ You hummed while grinning down at your lover, "Mhm~ Peaches~ I'm craving something again~" He looked up with a grin, "Well what is it my love? Tell me and I'll go get it right now!"

     Oh why is he so adorable when he's this eager and clueless~? Oh well, I guess I'll just have to be obvious then~ You smiled before bringing your hand to cup his chin while flicking your tail against his crotch. He blinked with wide eyes as he gave a short gasp; leaning down, you purred, "Oh but darling~ I'm not in the mood for food, this is a different craving~" His eyes widened before he slightly sputtered, "B...but love you're pregnant, are you...are you sure?" You giggled before batting your lashes and cooing, "Mhm~ I'm very sure~"

    He only nodded before carefully sweeping you into his arms, he wasted no time making a beeline to your shared bedroom. He was quite literally a monkey on a mission~


    Ughhhh! I'm done with being pregnant! I can't even stand up by myself! Your pregnancy was at its end and you couldn't be anymore ready for your child to be born. Sure you were ecstatic as well was your lover, but you were also looking forward to being able to reach your feet, get up without having to be helped, and most importantly not have to pee every five minutes. Which, was exactly what you finished doing, you sighed before waddling out the bathroom. You waddled your way to the main cave room and moved to lay on your cushion palette.

    It was the New Years festival night tonight, there was to be a parade and fireworks down in the city. Mk had been talking about it for the past few days and it was interesting to hear. You laid down before sighing at the relief of being off your feet; your ears picked up the sound of two familiar voices as they walked into the room. "You did good today Bud, if you keep this up than you'll get to be almost as great as me~" You chuckled as both your lover and your adopted son entered the room. "Really?! That's so cool!"

    The two saw your form before Mk raced over and talked to your bump. "Hey little bro or sis! Tonight's the New Years festival! It's gonna be so cool!" You chuckled before humming, "Yes Mk, they know~ You've talked about it since last week." He only smiled, "Eheh, yeah I guess you're right. Anyways I guess I'm gonna get going going for the parade." He blinked as Sun hummed, "Actually bud, we wondered if you'd join us for our little firework watching?" Mk only had a confused look before Sun gently picked you up and into his arms and than walked out to where they usually trained. "Follow bud~"

    Mk only furrowed his brows while walking after the both of you out to where a New Year's set up was. Complete with food, cushions, and decorations; you smiled as your lover placed you down on the pile of cushions and joined you. Mk only gave a small frown, "Uhh this looks wonderful and all, but I should probably be heading...." He paused his words at the sad look both you and your lover displayed before smiling softly, "Actually I guess I can watch next years parade then, I'll stay." You and Sun cheered before he sat down beside you two. "Terrific Bud! I'm most excited for the fireworks! Out of all the things I've seen in my immortal life, fireworks are still one of my top favorites to enjoy."

    You chuckled before eating one of the peach mooncakes your husband had picked up specifically for you. Mk reached over to eat one of the many treats around the set up but you quickly whispered, "Sweetie most of these treats are made from Sun's fur, I don't recommend you'd eat them, but mine are real food." He only blinked before shuddering, "Ewww! That's disgusting, thank you Mom, but are you sure? I know how much you crave your mooncakes?" You giggled while offering one, "It's no problem love, after all I got plenty snacks to keep me satisfied."

    He smiled before taking one and eating it happily. Looking up at the horizon, you saw the sun's rays were at the horizon and about to dip below. "Darling, I believe it's getting close!" Sun only smiled before settling close to you and rubbing your belly as you all eagerly awaited the fireworks display. A faint whistle sounded before a firework shot up and exploded into a beautiful and intricate pattern. Seeing the bright colors and dramatic flair, all three of you oooed and awed at the display. "This is so amazing!" Sun only chuckled before kissing your cheek, "It is my dear, it's spectacular!" The dazzling show went on for a few more seconds before it suddenly stopped.

    All three of you paused at that, Mk only blinked before humming, "Do you think that was it?" Sun only frowned, "No it couldn't have been all there was, usually they have a grand finale, we didn't even get to the middle part." He carefully studied the far away sight of the city and muttered, "Somethings not right," right as he said that an explosion went off down in the city valley and the distant screams rang out. Both Mk and Sun frowned before quickly getting up; Sun saying, "Let's go bud, I don't want my New Years firework display to be ruined!"

    Mk only huffed, "Monkey King what about the people?!" You only rose an unamused brow as your husband only mumbled, "Yeah, them too..." You only rolled your eyes before humming, "Please be careful you two, and don't get hurt. I'll watch the mountain while you're gone." Sun only nodded before softly sighing as he leaned down to press a kiss to your bump and then leaning up to pull you into one. "We will be back soon my love, be careful okay, I don't want you overextending yourself while we're gone." You chuckled, "Don't worry love, we both will be fine, go save those people and come back." He smiled, "Yes M'am!~"

    You watched as the two took off on one of your lover's clouds and quickly soared down to the city. Their forms fading as they got in vicinity to the terrible scene. You softly sighed while trying to keep calm, "It's gonna be alright, everything's gonna be okay, deep breaths Y/N. In....and Out~" You kept repeating this until you relaxed and rubbed your belly gently, "Don't worry my little one, Papa and Bubby are gonna be fine." "How sweet~ Usually I wouldn't even think of messing with expecting mothers, but unfortunately for you lady, the boss has something in mind for you. She thinks you'll do fine as bait for the monkey powered battery." Your eyes widened at the rough voice before you were quickly picked up and taken away.

    You tried to kick and yell to alert your little monkeys but a cloth was pressed against your mouth and nose and you struggled before ultimately having to breath in the obvious chloroform. Your vision went dark and your form fell limp.


     Ughhhh my head-Your hands rubbed your head before you opened your eyes at the clanking jingle that followed your action. What the?? Your eyes widened at seeing chains on your arms and legs and that you were currently in some sort of giant mech. "Nice of you to join me miss Monkey Queen, hmm you and I aren't so different Y'know, I'm a Queen myself~ Well, unlike you, I don't require a King to make me one though." You only furrowed your brows at that familiar voice, but where have you heard it before?

    "Awww is the little Queen confused?~ Here maybe this'll help jog your memory!" You only gasped at seeing the smirking face appear in front of you and upside down. "Spider Queen! But you were said to have went into hiding!" At your words, the Spider Queen only chuckled before her form moved down to be right side up. "Oh darling, is that what they told you~? Bah what a bunch of lies! You see I was waiting and biding my time to reclaim my empire and glory that I once had before your husband came and defeated me!"

    Her form had been walking around yours as she spoke and at the end she had leered in at you. Before a wicked grin came to her lips as she hummed, "But my, my,~ Imagine my delight when I discovered from a particular noodle delivery boy, that his beloved mentor and his wife were expecting~ It was like a perfectly wrapped present was placed right into my hands and here you are~" You only glared at her insinuation, "So what, you expect to use me as bait in order to get back at my husband? Is that it??" She only grinned, "My you are as clever as they say~ Yes dear, I plan on using you in order to get the perfect battery for my mech. And lookie here~ it seems showtime's about to begin~"

     She pulled a lever and you only yelped as the chair you were on began rising up with a platform. You blinked as the outside light blinded you from the previous dark room. The sounds of screams and chaos met your ears and you only stared with horrified eyes at the sight of the city. "You....you did this?" She only chuckled, "Guilty as charged~ You like it?" You only felt your stomach turn before shaking your head and looking away, "It's....it's utterly despicable. How could you do this to those innocent people?!"

    She only narrowed her eyes, "Listen here little Queen, you probably have never experience any real hardship. Not with your meddling husband giving you everything. I had almost got everything I wanted when he came in and ruined everything! He desecrated my armies, humiliated me, and was the reason I was forced underground! So don't tell me little Queen, that my actions are despicable! These mortals are just as guilty as that lover of yours!" She scowled at you before turning and calling, "Now it's time to draw in your lover~"

    You only glared before wincing as you suddenly felt a sharp pain in your stomach and freezing at feeling liquid rushing down your legs. Shit! Nonononono! I can't do this right now! Come on little one! You couldn't pick a timing that I wasn't being held hostage?! You felt pain in your belly before gasping, "Ok you want it your way than! Just like....your father!" You groaned at the feeling while grabbing your bump. It seemed Spider Queen turned at your sharp gasp and quiet groan; seeing your state, she only blinked before realization dawned on her and she chuckled, "Oho this is absolutely perfect!" She quickly activated her mech's microphone and called, "Oh Monkey King!~ Come out, come out, wherever you are!~ I've got a nice little surprise for you if you do!"

    You only panted while trying to keep yourself composed, "No, please don't come Wukong. Please don't!" You let out a seethed hiss before groaning, "Okay, okay never-mind please come! Gods please come!" Spider Queen only chuckled before her voice carried, "Oh Monkey King~ I think you're gonna love this new toy I found, it's a two for one deal after all~"

——————-------------------------------------------W/ Sun——————----------------------------------------
    Your lover was busy scoping out the city and the giant spider mech before his form froze at hearing the Spider Queen's comment, "....it's a two for one deal after all~" He looked up to the where the Spider Queen was on her mech and his eyes widened while his heart dropped at seeing his wife's form chained to a chair and desperately clutching her bump. "No! Y/N!" He quickly raced to the mech and landed on her platform.

—————-------------------------------------------Back w/ Y/N—————----------------------------------------

    You gasped as you clutched yourself bump before the thud of someone landing on the platform alarmed you. Easing your shaky gaze up your eyes widened at seeing your husband, "S..Sun! You....you got to leave! It's....it's a trap!" He only shook his head while moving to break your chains off, "Absolutely not! I'm not just gonna leave my wife when-" the sound of your pained groan cut off his words. He only blinked before panicking, "Wait are you?!..." you only gave a shaky nod while gasping from the surge of pain. "Right now?!.." You only snarled, "Yes! Sun right now! So unless you want me to give birth while my husband is having a panic attack I advise you to, calm the fuck down!"

   He nodded before sweeping your wincing form up into his arms and jumping off the platform. However he didn't make it far as a web slung out and trapped the both of you. It swung to both of you back to the mech and infront of a grinning Spider Queen. She chuckled before her spider leg cut your form out of the webs. You only grimaced at the increasing pain you felt while your lover only glared before saying, "Webs?! You really think these will work on me-Agrrrhh!"

      You only saw your lover get electrocuted before gold lines appeared over the floor and it seemed the mech powered up even more. Spider Queen only cackled before calling, "Take them both down to where the other batteries will be! Oh and make sure he has a great seat to watch helplessly as she gives birth and ooooo!~ We might be able to use the child as a battery too~!" Some of her goons nodded and both you and your lover were taken down under into the mech's lower sectors.

   You only groaned at feeling the pain while your lover was strung up and electrocuted while his power was  pulled from his form and used as a battery pack. He only watched helplessly as you only winced, "Sun! It...it hurts so much!" He only found himself struggling against the webs while calling, "I know love! I know! But you've gotta hang in there! You're gonna be okay!"

     You only hissed before another yelp sounded as a new form was dropped in and used to power the mech. They only blinked before yelling, "Oh my gods are you giving birth?! I'm a mother! Here I can instruct you, but I won't be able to help more than that!" Sun only called, "No that's more than enough! Thank you so much!" They only smiled, "No problem! Now how long has it been since you started contractions?" You only groaned before panting, "A...about twenty minutes or so?...I'm....im not really sure!"

     She only nodded, "That's okay! I understand, so I'd say your about at the right dilation to start pushing! I'm gonna need you to start pushing when I say okay?" You gave a nod while gritting your teeth, "O....okay!" She counted down and you started pushing with all your might. Tears streamed from your eyes from the pain as you yelled out in agony. Sun only watched with teary eyes at not being there for you, he could only support you verbally. "You're doing great darling! You got this! Keep it up love!" He only struggled more and more, wanting nothing else than to be right at your side and help.

    The other demon only watched before calling, "Alright, take a breather! From what I can see, your little one has almost crowned! That's the hardest part yet," you only grunted before gasping for breath. Hearing your lover desperately trying to console you, "In and out dear! Like in those weird parent books I read!" Even when I'm a stressful situation, he still managed to make you laugh. Hearing your weak chuckle, he smiled, "You're doing great love! Just hang in there alright?" You only gave a small nod before getting ready to push again as the female demon counted down before you only grimaced as you pushed harder than ever.

    You hissed before snarling at the pain, yet you kept pushing as hard as you could until you suddenly felt all the pressure leave your body. You only gasped before the female called, "Great! Now just one more push and your little one will be fully out!" Nodding, you took deep breaths in and out before hearing your lover say, "You're doing wonderfully love! Just one more!" You only gave a shaky nod before pushing again with all your might. Until all of a sudden a wail pierced the air, "Wahhhhhh! Wehhhh!"

     Both you and Sun froze at the cry before he watched with teary eyes as you quickly cradled the little bundle close while wiping their body off with your sash. You had tears rolling down your cheeks at seeing their precious face. Sun only sniffled before softly calling, "Are....are you alright love?" You only gave him a soft smile and nodded, "Yes, oh Peaches they...they're perfect!" He only grinned, "Really?! Well is it a boy or girl?" You gently smiled at the little one before meeting your lover's eager eyes and softly humming, "A boy darling, a wonderful baby boy~"

    Sun only blinked before softly crying, "Oh sweetheart that's...that's wonderful! I'm so happy right now!" You only chuckled softly before it seemed the both of you remembered where you were as more demons got tossed in and used for battery life. Both you and your lover blinked at seeing Demon Bull King get tossed in too. "Well, well, well, they got you too huh?~" At your husband's tease, the other demon only gaped at seeing your lover's grin, "Shut it monkey! You're one to talk!" Sun only chuckled, "Well, at least I got captured trying to protect the city, unlike someone that was making food."

    DBK only glared before he paused at seeing your form with the little bundle. His eyes widened as he turned to shoot your lover a glare while accusing, "You brought your wife and newborn child into this?! You really are the worst Wukong!" Sun only rolled his eyes before hissing, "I didn't bring them here! Spider Queen abducted them from the mountain!" You tried to block out the noise for your little one, but the sound of them both arguing made your little boy get fussy. You gently rocked him and hushed his soft cries, "Shhhhh, shhhhh, It's alright my darling, Mama's here. You're okay." However, your efforts were for naught as the arguing of both your lover and the Bull king increased.

    Your lover took notice of how DBK seemed to get angrier at his comments and the sound of his child crying. An idea formed in his mind and he grinned before mocking, "Man you really are pathetic! Leaving your son alone like this, getting caught so easily, and to top it all off, you're wife will be next!" DBK only snarled, "Don't start you meddling monkey! I'll make you pay for your words once I'm free of these webs!" You only watched with confusion as your lover kept egging the angry bull king on. Wukong what are you? Wait! Those energy trails! He's making him angrier on purpose so he ends up overloading the system!

    You only cradled your little boy closer and braced as the amount of energy was too much and the mech's system only overloaded. Smoke and an explosion sounded somewhere above and the webs came undone. Sun smirked while humming, "Thanks for that big guy~ Now you go save your son while I save mine." DBK only huffed, "I'll allow us to work together only this once monkey." Sun only chuckled, "Sure, sure, just get out of here will ya?"

    DBK only grumbled before leaving after he blew a giant hole into the structure frame. The other demons quickly fled after him and you only held your little boy close while your lover quickly made his way over to you. He broke the chains off before sweeping you into his arms. "Oh thank goodness, my love I was so worried. Let's get out of here and help Mk beat her." You only nodded as he quickly dashed out the hole and summoned a cloud. His eyes scanned for any sign of Mk before he found him and the others.

    They were trying to face off against Spider Queen, but their were struggling. Seeing this, Sun only frowned before humming, "Hang on darling, I'll be right back." You nodded while securing your little boy into your sash and wrap; making a makeshift baby sling. Sun jumped down from the cloud and landed on a destroyed wall before walking down it. Spider Queen only yelling, "You can't beat me! I'm the Spider Queen!" Sun chuckled as he drawled, "Yeah? Well I'm the King!" Mk and the others only gaped as he landed beside his pupil. "Heya bud, sorry about not being here sooner, got caught up in this annoying web. But let's do this together yeah?"

    Without wasting any time, the two immediately went off and Sun sent Mk soaring forward toward the horrified Spider Queen. "Here! Comes! Monkie Kid!" Golden light exploded through the air and quickly spread out before the light died down and the mech was destroyed. Everything went back to normal, Mk fanboyed over having his mentor help him; chuckling, Sun only grinned before flying up and floating back down with you in his arms. Seeing you, Mk only gaped before rushing to make sure you were okay. "Mom?! Why, how, what?!" You only giggled before hugging him, "It's alright sweetie, I'm fine, oh! You want to say hi to someone?~"

    He only furrowed his brows before gasping softly as you brought out the little form from their sling. Mk only awed at the tiny, adorable face, "Awwww~ they're so cute! Is it a boy or girl?" Sun smirked, "Boy~ You got a little brother to look out for now bud." Mk only grinned, "That's so cool! Oh! What's his name?" You and your lover shared a glance before you softly smiled, "Huizhong, his name is Huizhong~" Mk only grinned, "That's a lovely name Mom! Hello Huizhong! I'm your big brother Mk!~" Both you and your husband grinned before hearing someone going hysterical behind Mk. Looking behind him, the sight of a male almost frothing at the mouth met your gazes. "Mk! It's! Its! Ahhhhh~! I'm such a big fan!"

    The male moved over and Sun quickly scooped you and your little one up while rushing, "See you tomorrow Bud! Gotta go! Nice meeting you all! Eheh!" You only waved as your lover quickly took off with you in his arms. "Let's go him darling, I've got my son to officially meet~!" You only chuckled, "Of course my love~"

    Your small family made it back home and the days after were filled with more love than anything yet~ Especially when years later, you walked in on your lover playing with his giggling son. "Mama!" At Huizhong's cheer, you smiled and hugged him, "Hello my little warrior, I have a surprise for you and your Papa~" Both your boys only tilted their heads, "What is it love?" You giggled before humming, "Well, darling, it looks like we'll have to fix the nursery back up again~" Huizhong only asked, "That's where I stayed as a baby right Papa?" Sun only had wide eyes before he nodded, "Yes buddy that's where you stayed as a baby monkey."

    Sun only rose up before pulling you close while cupping your cheek, "Love are you?" You softly smiled while nodding, "I am dear~ You're gonna be a Papa again~" He only awed before pulling you into a sweet kiss, "Oh sweetheart I'm so happy!" The small family celebrated the new addition that would be arriving sometime in the future.

                                                                                        The End~

A/N heheeheh woohoo~! This took all my everything and holy cow you lovelys this was almost 20,000 words!~ like the heck!? Anyway i hope you lovelys loved this and don't worry I will be posting the next surprise hopefully within the next few days and then back to regular chapter updates!~ Love you all and lets have a great summer!😘🥰😊

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