Cloudless Sky

By Seigex

92 15 1

A Song of the Mind More



3 0 0
By Seigex

Secret Love Song


I walked arm in arm with my brother towards the hall after answering a few questions of the media. Unlike yesterday, I'm now wearing a navy blue off-shoulder maxi dress with a slit on the left leg. My mid waist hair is curled and let out in loose waves.

My brother is wearing a similar look with Ali yesterday, however, instead of the black undershirt, he's wearing a navy blue one, which matched my outfit completely.

Noticing my uneasiness when we entered the display hall, he eyed me suspiciously, "Are you okay? You look pale."

I shook my head at him and pretended that I was busy admiring the works of the children. I really can't tell him that I'm nervous meeting Ali here again. He doesn't even know that I had something with a man five years ago. I felt him look at me for a few more seconds before greeting a few people who approached us.

I distracted my mind by thinking of my agenda on Tuesday. I was having a slight dilemma with the schedule as I have to submit a report by that day. After a while of thinking things through, I just decided that I would work on the report tomorrow before the auction, then submit the documents early morning on Tuesday before heading to the orphanage after lunch.

I was already lost in thought when I heard my brother laughed and made a handshake with someone, before I was tackled to the ground by a wild animal.

Shit. Not again.


My eyes wandered around the hall, looking for a particular brunette. Keith was busy admiring the second batch of artworks from the children, while her hands are holding my arm for support. Her husband has to go home today since his father demanded for his presence. She was supposed to go with him, but she refused telling him that she had plans with Ciarra tonight. Which left me no choice but to attend the event as her chaperone.

Speaking of, my eyes then flew towards a particular woman wearing a navy blue off shoulder gown with a slit on the left leg. Her long creamy legs expose every time she took a step. My chest immediately ached at the sight. Not because I saw her again after what happened last night, but because she was with a man this time.

The man's back was facing us that's why I couldn't take a look at his face. My forehead then creased when I noticed Teia looking so down.

I see you've already moved on from me.

Keith suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the couple not far away from us. She practically tackled Ciarra on the back. Both ladies were about to fall if it weren't for the man she was with holding them, laughing at the same time when Keith then hugged him also.

I followed Keith and a shocked gasp escaped my lips when I saw the man. "Lyubov?"

Hearing his name, he whipped his head to me. He then laughed like a maniac and approached me, "Ali, my man! It's been so long, bro!" We shook hands and hugged for a while, laughing.

I can't help the pang of jealousy that crossed my heart knowing that Teia now belongs to the man I considered my dear friend.

I secretly glanced at Teia who was dragged by Keith towards the tables, while Lyubov and I followed the girls as we talked and updated each other about our life now.

The both of us were friends since high school. We even studied pre-law together, however I stopped and proceeded to a business course when my dad said I would inherit the business. We were always in touch with each other, however a few years ago we lost contact. I haven't got the chance to talk to him or meet him until now.

Our heads glanced at the ladies when Keith clapped happily and Teia gestured her to shut up.

"What are you girls talking about?" Lyubov asked and Teia immediately rolled her eyes, glaring at Keith. Keith then acted serious and looked at us, "None of your business. This is girl's talk, Yula." Keith then made a shooing gesture, irritated at the intrusion.

I chuckled when Lyubov looked as if he was about to cry. I can't believe this man never changed. He's still that dorky ass I met years before.

Accidentally, her eyes met mine, and for a second I wanted to pull her in my arms and never let her go. But I know, it's just wishful thinking on my part. I can never betray my friend.

"Where's Ambrose anyway? I didn't see you both yesterday?" Keith asked and I was suddenly curious who this Ambrose is.

"She's in Italy. She has a case to handle there for a while. I was with her yesterday and just returned this morning." Lyubov answered before taking a sip on his wine.

"Who's Ambrose?" I asked and Keith looked at me. Teia's face avoided my gaze when I glanced at her. My eyebrows furrowed at her reaction.

"She's Yula's wife. They just got married a few weeks ago." I looked at my friend in disbelief. If he's married, then why is he--?

I looked at Teia who refused to make eye contact with me. I masked my rising irritation and confusion and faced Yula instead. "Lyubov, you're already married? You cheat, you didn't invite me?" I feigned shock, trying to reign in my rising emotion.

"Oh, please man, just call me Yula. That name's too off for me. And yes, I got married already. Sorry for not informing you man, something happened before, and I was unable to contact you anymore." He looked apologetic and glanced shortly at Teia. She just ignored him, however I noticed the emotion that danced in her eyes when he mentioned the last sentence.

I only nodded my head, taking a sip from my wine. Damn it, I need a harder drink with all this information.

She actually went with a man who already had a wife.

I can't help but let the fire rage within me all throughout the event. I wanted answers from her. As much as I respect her relationship with my friend, it was still wrong.

"Are you sure, you'll be okay? I can postpone my flight, Arra." The event was nearing its end when Yula got a call from his wife's assistant, telling him she was rushed to the hospital. Right now, he was talking to her, while Keith was busy on the phone with her husband. I just can't help but listen to their conversation when he wanted to leave already.

"I'll be fine, don't worry about me, Yula. You should catch a flight now to Italy, she needs you right now." She smiled at him, encouraging him to leave now and let her be. Yula looked really worried and is ready to rush to the exit just to catch the earliest flight to Italy.

"How will you go home? I don't want you to take a cab home, Arra." Yula was now panicking when his phone rang again. He stole a look at it before facing Teia again.

"I'll take her home." I couldn't help myself when I noticed the panic in his eyes. They both looked at me at the same time, Teia had a worried expression on her face, while Yula sighed in relief. He must really love his wife so much, that he's willing to leave Teia behind.

"Thanks man, I'm sorry to trouble you, but I really have to go. It's an emergency."

I only nodded my head, "No worries, man. Besides, Keith is also going with me. Razel said he couldn't make it in time."

He thanked me again, tapping my back. He then kissed the girls on the cheek before rushing out. After the event, I sent Keith first to their house before speeding on the road towards my condo building.

It was silent inside my car as no one wanted to talk first. I tried ignoring her, but I just can't help it when she was this close to me.

I have no intention of bringing her home when I needed answers from her but her words shocked me. "That's my unit, you can drop me off there."

I looked at the building she pointed and was shocked when it was also the same building that my unit was in. What the hell? We live in the same building. How come I never saw her? I ignored her and proceeded to the basement parking.

"Why did you go to the basement?" She asked slightly confused and nervous at the same time. I don't even know why she's nervous when she shouldn't be. All I want are just answers.

"I also live here." Shock at my words, she only muttered a curt 'oh'.

After parking the car, she got out and proceeded to the elevator. This woman. She can't even wait for me. Is she that disgusted with me to not stand being near me for a few minutes? Or was it because of what happened yesterday?

I followed her to the elevator after locking my car. I was about to press my floor number when I saw it was already pressed. Seriously, what is this? We live on the same floor, yet we didn't bump into each other for the past years that I'm living here. Are you fucking with me, destiny?

"What's your relationship with him?" I asked while staring at our reflection on the elevator door. It was just the two of us inside, giving me the courage to voice out what's on my mind. I saw her glance at me for a second before looking up front again.

"None of your business." She softly whispers. I clenched my jaw at her response. Irritated, I faced her. She was stunned for a while, before composing herself and looked at me squarely.

"The moment we kissed yesterday, everything about you became my business, Teia. So why don't you tell me why you're with a man who is already married, huh?" She looked confused for a while before her eyes gazed at me with anger coursing in their depths.

"Who I'm with is not anymore related to you, Ali. So, just let it go and let me be." She said angrily. I can't help but notice her lips with the way she talked just now. The way her eyes shot daggers at me every time our gazes meet.

I chuckled dryly, hurt at her words. So, she just threw what we had just like that. I was about to give up when I caught sight of the chain dangling at her neck, the pendant halfway tucked between her breasts. I couldn't help but remember the time when I bought her that necklace.

So, she still wears it.

"Liar." I whisper before gripping her waist and attacking her lips. She resisted at first but gave in later on. Cupping my face, she returned my kisses with equal intensity. I grabbed her legs, lifting her up. She immediately wrapped her legs around my waist, the slit on her dress making it easier to move. I leaned her on the wall as we continue kissing each other. Our tongues pushing and tangling at each other.

I looked at her eyes when we stopped to breathe. Hazy with lust, she gulped a few times. Seeing hesitation in her eyes as she looked at my parted lips, she closed her eyes deeply before cupping the back of my neck, this time, she initiated the kiss.

Oh, fuck me. I muttered under my breath.

After hearing the elevator doors opened, I walked towards my unit, without breaking the kiss. I broke the kiss and sucked on her neck while I punched the code by the door. Shutting the door with my foot I walked to the bedroom. Tossing her to the bed making her yelp, I took my coat off and got undressed.

I was ecstatic when she responded to me, struggling to remove her dress. It's been so long since I slept with a woman. The last one being her, five years ago. The thought of five years ago left a bitter space in my heart, making me bite her skin unknowingly.

She slapped my back at the pain that I caused her, glaring at me with those hazel orbs. I muttered a quick apology before continuing with what I'm doing. "Easy now, darling. That hurt!" I chuckled when she returned the favor and bit the skin at my neck.

"I'll go top." She gasped a moment later. Remembering how she always wanted to be on top before had me laughing. She didn't change, did she? With a smile on my lips, I continued kissing her chest, nibbling on her nipple from time to time.

Shaking my head at her attitude when she pinched me on the side, I rolled us around and let her ride me all she wants. Either way, we'd always end up coming for each other, so I'm not complaining.

"As you wish, darling." I whisper, guiding her every step of the way.

Slowly rising towards our euphoria, I bucked my hips making the both of us came bursting at the sensation. Both of us gasping, staring at each other with a content smile on our faces, she leaned down and gave me a peck on the lips.

Coming down from our high, I held her by the waist as she kept on pecking my lips, fondly caressing my cheeks every now and then. My hands softly tracing patterns on her back and waist, making her shudder at the sensation. I laid on the bed unmoving, savoring the feeling of what had occurred just now.

There was no way I'm letting her go again. Not this time. Not again.

She stopped pecking my lips when she remembered something, looking up at my eyes, she chuckled. Confused, I was about to ask when her words made me feel pathetic.

"Yula's my brother." She whispered, smirking. Eyes glinting with mirth.


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