By miss_aailurophileee

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A VeeMark FF Published: 12/05/22 More



716 27 7
By miss_aailurophileee

Mark Masa came from a family of three. And it's not secret that he belonged from a wealthy family.

He grew up getting everything he wants. They have maids who'll serve him any food he wants. His parents never failed to provide for him.

But as cliché as may sound, they never paid attention to him because they're too busy earning money. He grew up feeling so lonely. It's as if he wasn't that important in his parents' life.

As he grew older, he became used to that feeling until one day, he didn't care anymore.

But that made a big impact on his life. The love his parents failed to give him made him afraid to love, to fall in love.

He didn't get it from his own parents, so it's not a surprise that he will never receive it from anyone else.

So he tried to live his life the way he wanted, but his parents would always butt in.

They didn't just keep away from him his own freedom, they also made him a robot. They wanted him to do this, to do that.

He didn't know what to do with his life. Until he crossed paths with arts, with painting.

Of course his parents didn't support him, thinking that it's just a waste of time.

"It's a waste of time. You won't get anything from that stupid profession."

"Your dad is right, honey. Soon, you'll take over our company. I'm sure you'll love it there."

In the end, he pursued business and was forced to forget about painting, the only thing he loved.

He was chained.

But when he got the courage to get away from his parents, to do what he always love...someone came unexpectedly.

He was happily living a peaceful life away from anyone when Vee entered the picture.

He didn't expect this guy to change his life completely.

He could still remember the first time he met him.

He was busy painting when he heard a loud voice, yelling furiously.

"I'm tired! Why are you so cruel to me! I don't deserve this!"

Mark's forehead creased. Who the hell dared to disturb him?

He went to find the owner of the voice, and there he was. Standing on the edge of that old ship not that far from his place.

He was about to scold whoever disturb his peaceful time but he stopped on his tracks as soon as he get a clear view of that guy.

That guy is shredding tears.

He just stood up there, watching the guy from his spot when suddenly...


He blinked, that voice made him come back to reality.


"Err...are you from here?" he nodded. The guy scratched the back of his head. "Sorry for disturbing you. Am I that loud?" again, he nodded. The guy forced a smile. "I'm sorry about that. I was trying to yell my frustrations away. I didn't even considered the fact that someone might be living here."

"Are you okay?" he unconsciously asked. The guy just stared at him. When he realized what he asked, he immediately shook his head. "Sorry about that. I'm not someone nosy, okay? I'm just...I was just...I——

The guy cut his rambles off, "No, it's fine. It's actually a good question. These past few days, no one tried to ask me how I am. So thank you."

He just stared at him. He couldn't form any words that might cheer the other up. Aside from he's not use to cheering others up, this guy is also a stranger. He didn't even know him nor his problem.

"I'm sorry for being here and disturbing your inner peace," the guy laughed before he made a peace sign in front of Mark. "Sorry and thank you."

After he said that, he immediately ran away.

"Weird," he mumbled as he followed the guy with his gaze until he was out of sight.

He shook his head and went back to where he's staying.


Whenever that guy's frustrated about something or someone, he would always go that place and Mark is seriously annoyed with his presence that time.

He kept telling him not to come back but he kept coming back, wearing that annoying smile of his.

But who would've thought that Vee's annoying presence will be something Mark would look forward to everyday? He got use to Vee's presence that whenever he's not around, it's as if his day isn't complete.

Then he would always find himself unconsciously asking Vee what's his problem and he would always give him advice about it. Whenever Vee teased him, he'll use the I'm annoyed at your presence that's why I wanna ask so you'll leave me alone card as an excuse.

Then he felt something change with his feelings for the other guy. At first it was just a simple crush or admiration. Or maybe he's just happy and thankful to find someone who'll make him feel important, someone who'll make him feel that he's not alone.

Until he woke up one day, finding himself falling for that annoying guy who would only visit his place whenever he's not in his best mood.
He couldn't deny his feelings for him anymore. He once questioned himself if it was fine to fall for someone who's already taken. But he wasn't hoping for anything in return, so he felt like it wasn't. Being there for Vee, to cheer him up, to be someone Vee can lean and depend on. To be honest, he never felt sad with his position in Vee's life.

IT WAS FOR THE BEST, he thought. As long as I can be there for him, it's already fine.

So when he got a fight with his parents, he didn't know who he can talk to about it. His friends aren't good listeners too.

That day, he was hoping that Vee wouldn't came. But it seems like lady luck's not on his side. Vee came to visit him.

He tried to act like nothing's wrong, but he couldn't. He became a bit 'grumpy' like what Vee said.  He was a bit sorry because he wasn't treating him nicely that day.

But who would've thought that Vee would notice that something's wrong? He was scared that time, he didn't want to tell Vee about it. He wasn't good at it. It was always him who cheers Vee up, how can he ask the other to help him?

He was glad that Vee is someone understanding. He knew how to read the atmosphere, he knew he wasn't comfortable with sharing it.

When he found the other guy sleeping, he couldn't help but smile. He didn't knew that Vee had this effect on him. He didn't need to do anything to make him smile, to brighten up his mood.


When Vee woke up, he was surprised when he suddenly felt the urge to open-up and talk to Vee about his problem.

"Do you still have time to listen to my petty problems?" Mark asked, he was actually surprised. He was about to take it back but Vee was quicker than him.

"My ears are all yours," Vee replied quickly, making him swallow hard.

"Are you sure?" he asked again, but he knew there's no turning back.

"Do I look like I'm not?" Vee asked in return, grinning.

That made him smile a bit. He breathed in and out to gather courage then he started, "The thing is, my father..."


Mark was never that type of person who would share his problems to anyone, not even with his closest friends or family.

Opening up is something hard for him to do. He's used to be the one giving advice, not the one asking for it. So when it comes to his problems, he'd rather kept it to himself. (Same Mark, same😣)

No matter how people forced him to open up, he wouldn't let his guard down. He'll always remind people about limitations and boundaries.

He tried opening up before, but he got judgements instead. So he decided not to ever share his problems to anyone.

But Vee was an exception. He wasn't that type of person who'll force you to open up, instead, he'll let you decide.

And what Vee said to him, made a big impact on Mark. And him, noticing his change of behavior is something Mark is thankful for.

After sharing his problems to Vee, after hearing his comments about his problem, and after all the uplifting words Vee gave him, it made him realize something.

He realized how lucky he is that someone like Vee became a part of his life.

Someone who would recognize his pain & struggle without the need of words.

Someone who'll make him feel that he's not alone, that someone is willing to listen to his problems without forcing him nor judging him.

And this is the first time he felt thankful.

Thankful that he fell for someone like him. Someone like Vee.

He thought that someone Vee will love is one of the luckiest. So when Vee told him about his girlfriend who cheated on him, he was furious. Too furious that he even slammed the table.

I mean... it's Vee! The guy he secretly love. Why would she hurt him and even dare cheat on him?

Mark love Vee, that's unchangeable. But he never asked for Vee to be free for him to enter the picture. All he wanted was to see the person he love, be happy with someone he loves, even if it's not him, as long as he's happy, he's happy.

Days, weeks, months had passed, and Vee never failed to make Mark fall in love with him.

Mark felt something about Vee's actions, but he wasn't too sure about it, and he was scared that it was just him, being delusional.

Before he could ask Vee about it and clarify things, his father entered the picture. Mark couldn't believe what's happening. He didn't know if he should be happy or sad about it.

Fate was never on his side.

He was hesitant to accept his father's request, afraid to disappoint them, and he's afraid that after a few years of being away from Vee, there's a big possibility that Vee will forget about him.

But he didn't. He waited for him.

When he was away, Vee didn't even try to contact him. He was hurt. But he decided to trust Vee. He knew that Vee wouldn't just go around promising people things he couldn't fulfill.

But honestly, those three years are torture for him, for them.

All thanks to his dad, by the way.

But come to think of it, who is Vee to turn his back on him just because they never communicated for three years? Why wouldn't he wait for him if he was actually the reason behind his parents' changed of hearts?

After knowing what Vee did for him, he was in too happy to the point that he even thought he was dreaming.

Happiness. Vee brought too much happiness in his life, something he didn't expect from anyone.

Being in love with Vee already brought joy in Mark's life.

But being love by Vee is something else. It was the first time Mark felt something like this. No words could describe what he felt. The feeling was unexplainable.

But whatever it is, Mark knew Vee's the only person who'll make him feel like this. Only Vee could make him feel happy while shredding tears. Only Vee could make his heart beats irregularly but at the same time will make him feel at peace.

Just his Vee. Only his Vee.

"Mon amour..."

Mark came back to reality when he felt his husband's arms hugging him from behind, his chin on Mark's shoulder.

"Hmm...?" he asked, now looking at the clear view of the sea through their room's window.

"What are you doing here?"

Mark smiled, "Just watching the waves, reminiscing the past."

"I see..."

Mark felt Vee's smooth lips planting kisses on all sides of his neck, tickling him.

"It's still morning," he pretended to whine, but it was far from the truth.

"I know. Just kisses. Am I not allowed to kiss my husband?"

Mark couldn't help but giggle. They've been together for ten years, been married for six years, but Vee could still make him feel butterflies on his stomach.

Goodness! He's too in love with his husband.

Mark withdrew from his husband's hug, making the latter frown.

'Cute,' he thought.

"Just kisses?" Mark asked, wiggling his eyebrows, smiling at his husband provocatively.

Vee raised an eyebrow, "Do you want more?"

"Do you want to do more?"

"Should I?"

"Depends on you."


"You don't want to?"

"I didn't say that."

Soon, their room was filled with giggles and...things only couples knew.


[This love taught me a lot. It made me feel happy, sad, proud and content.]

When he came into my life, he wasn't someone I can have. But because of him, I learned how to be contented with what you have. I feel contented with our shared friendship.

[This love changed me and made me better, it brings out the best possible me.]

He made me realize that I shouldn't let my fears take away my chance of succeeding. He made me realize that my dream of succeeding should be bigger than my fear of failing.

It made feel thankful to have a friend who accepts me, me being me, but will also help me be the best version of myself.

[This love is eternal,  it's infinite.]

Vee Vivis came into my life unexpectedly. When I met him, there was no sign of him, being the first person I'll offer my heart to.

He was just an annoying person who kept disturbing my peaceful life because of his love problems.

Who would've thought that I'll fall first?

And the moment I admit to myself that I am in love with him, I knew it'll stay that way until the moment I came face to face with death.

[This love made me realized how wonderful it is to love and to be loved.]

[And this love that I share with the person I chose to love is something I wouldn't exchange for anything else.]


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