Killer Instincts An Innocence...

By ghaadha

448 31 3

I was brainwashed to be a serial killer as a child by my dad a serial killer himself He works daytime as a pr... More

Years Later.
Ice cream phase or so I am told
You need to leave now!
What should I do now?
Hi there miss me?
We need to set the record straight
Spill the beans
Sorry I am late. Had a thing
Now you know how i felt
Flashback Already
There has to be a mistake
We didn't ask for this but we still do it
Your dad really did a number on you
Proceed with caution
I think we should get married
What's he doing here?
Let start fresh. In your dreams
What just happened
Can things get any better? NO!
Finally thank you!
Can I think about it?
Take a break? Ok
Shades of Gray
Get a life
Give me a break
Back To Work
Are You For Real?
Do I know you?

This is new

7 1 0
By ghaadha

Dimka was all flirty till I told him what my mother's opinion of him. He was confident that he can change her mind. I also told him that I am interested in someone else. The Incredible Hulk greeted me with a growl. I smiled at him and walked away. He made it clear that whoever it was will never get to marry me. I smiled, "I refuse to be a shield that you hide behind all while you drool over blondes" He froze for a moment and walked away without saying a word. Van Pelt came over with two steaming cups of hot chocolate and Nutella stuffed doughnuts. She gave me one of each and walked towards her car a 1947 thunderbird. I told her we will use mine. It is a 2022 Lamborghini Aventador Ultimae. It was a birthday present from my mother-in-law. She gave it to me after we had dinner at Beauty and Essex. Van Pelt gave a low whistle and sat next to me. She asked me how I am able to afford these things. I told her that I was married to a very rich businessman and I used to be one of the most expensive photographers in this city. She asked me how much I am paid. I simply replied seven figures. She was so amazed that she squeaked, "When you could be anything you want why did you chose to be a cop?" I exhaled with frustration, "I needed to protect my family from all sorts of horrors. My mom is all I have now" She seemed impressed that I would switch gears like this. I winked at her and we drove off to the crime scene. It was a cafe for gamers only. The back door was tampered with. There was glass shards all over the place coupled with a few speckles of blood. I saw that an officer from the canine unit was here. The officer in question was Detective Johnathan Dover and his canine companion Winter. One of the kids missing was his nephew Jesse Spangler. He was addicted to this place. One of the techs who was searching for evidence pulled a smartphone from under the broken vending machine. The broken phone was proven to be Jesse's. The forensic team spoke as though the blood drops might have been his as well. John saw me approaching and smiled at me. His smile dissolved into tears when he hear that the blood could be Jesse's. I promised to find Jesse and the other kids I just need a picture of Jesse and also to borrow his dog for a few hours. He happily loaned me Winter and gave me a polaroid of Jesse. Jesse was a lean built kid with rich mahogany hair cut short. He wore geeky glasses and was dressed in a comic book costume. I am guessing he was attending comic con. I walked out with Winter and Van Pelt. I looked down to see Winter was staying close me as though he wanted to keep me as safe as possible. I gave him a wink. I had placed a request that if anything happens to Dover I would get Winter. Service dogs are usually put down permanently after their human counterpart dies. Apparently they become too violent and deadly to handle. Winter seems to like me a lot. When we first met he would sense my anxiety and sit with me till it passes. I smiled, "Don't worry! We will find him and bring him home" He gave a bark that seems to agree with me. Van Pelt chuckled as she sat in my car.
It wasn't long before the other kids were found locked in a truck. They were found not far from where they were kidnapped. But Jesse was not amongst them. They cried and said that these guys came for Jesse as pay back for his uncle busting them for the three hundred million in cocaine. I promised them that I will find him and bring him back safely. Amanda was one of the girls that was kidnapped along with Jesse. She was kind enough to tell me that he was taken away in a beat up Citron. The paint was fading and was peeling off in places. The others had a colorful description of the car and the guy that nabbed him.
I asked Turner to look through the security cameras. The car that took Jesse was one without any license plates. It had a long scratch on one side and a bum muffler. I had patrol cars searching the area and finally we found the car near a known chop shop. Jesse was typing vigorously on a keyboard. There was a creepy man with the business end of a Glock pointed at his head. Van Pelt and I managed to get arrest him without anyone getting hurt. Jesse was relatively quiet till he saw his uncle. His lips began to quiver as his uncle approached him. He held on to his uncle as though his life depended on it. They both struggled to keep each other from breaking down.
The next day Jesse was in the building and he seemed distracted. I asked him if he was here to give his statement regarding his kidnapping but he said he is here for a job opening. He originally planned to leave New York City for Los Angeles. But after yesterday's events he had decided that he should stay and get a job in a police station. He had applied to work in the tech department. He seems really lost so I decide to give him the tour of the building and explained to him the do and the don't around here. He seemed really nice and I enjoyed talking to him when Gus called. Jesse sensed that maybe the person was a threat. He volunteered to find everything he can so the police can apprehend him. He was insisting on it until I had explained that it was my cousin. I had forgotten his birthday and he gave me a chance to make up for it and I missed it too. So I need to find a way for him to forgive me. He gave me a very beautiful smile, "I am afraid you are on your own" He walked away. I answered and Gus asked me if I was concerned that he hasn't forgiven me. Whether I was afraid that he might hurt me. I answered honestly, "Yes" He promised to prove he is not angry as soon as possible.
Gus dropped by the precinct with a mystery bag. He smiled as he gave it to me. He tucked his hair behind his ear. I saw that it had the most cutest puppy I had ever. I always wanted a puppy. But I was warned that dad was allergic to dogs so I was forbidden to have one. Adam hated dogs too. In fact he was almost bitten by one once. Dimka came with the intention to use Gus as target practice. He quickly found out that we were cousins. He blushed like a fool and went back to work. I hugged him and very subtly gave him a flash drive containing details for his next target. He smiled at me, "All is forgiven" He even got me a bar of my favorite chocolate. I thanked him and gave him a ring box to give to his fiance. She collects certain types of antiques just like me so she would love it. He gave me a wink and left. Van Pelt was amazed at how humble and kind Gus was. She told me that guys like him are rare. She really wanted to ask him out. I had to tell her with a heavy heart that he is getting married very soon. She was upset that she didn't get to meet him sooner. She asked me if I knew anyone who was as amazing as him. I told her I will introduce her to Brody. He is more beautiful and more gentlemanly than Gus is. She would faint if he smiled. She turned red faced and asked for a few minutes alone.
The chief asked me to take care of the dog. I named him Daniel after my dead husband. Dimka wasn't happy about it. He wanted to name him Ivar but it was my dog. I can name him anything I want. This seemed to warm up the chief as I promised to have him trained properly to make sure that he won't hurt himself or others. Or at the very least he won't pee on them. This caused the chief to burst out laughing. The other laughed too till Alex Friedman walked in. He is literally Mr future twenty five years to life. I watched as he was escorted to one of the empty rooms for interrogation. The way Dan was barking he seemed to hate him as much I did. I was happy Dan had an excellent understanding of who the bad guy was. My concern was how to feed him. I need to make a meal plan so he will not be hungry. I had to feed him thrice at work and twice after we got home.

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