The Dragon King

By StromEyes

32.7K 572 280

Monkey D Kai was born in the land of Want along with a girl named Yamato. They both were mistreated alot as t... More

The Dragon Boy and The Fox
The Adventure Begins
Pirate Hunter Zoro
Cat Burglar Nami
Buggy The Clown
Black Foot Sanji
Fights to Remember
Arlong Park
Final Harem
Freeing Nami

The Great Usopp

1.3K 34 11
By StromEyes

I don't own anything but my oc enjoy.


3rd Person POV

The journey was a little more of the same, but after some time they kinda just floated, making small talk about whatever came up. Weather, thoughts on their journey and the future, how they trained in their spare time. They were all becoming much more comfortable together as a team. During this time, Nami started to really pick up on the other four's dynamic. Kai, Yamato and Luffy may have argued all the time, but they seemed to always know what the other was thinking, to a degree. Zoro seemed to be to himself unless trouble seem to brew. Zoro noticed the Nami and Yamato they always seemed to gravitate to Kai, even when asleep. Zoro noted this during his first watch alone, but decided this wasn't important.

Nami also, found out they were in a pain in the ass. They easily riled one another up, and although their bickering never seemed serious, their close proximity meant it was going to keep happening. Nami, silently prayed to whatever gods existed in the world that they would find a bigger ship soon.

Yamato and Kai conclusion of Nami is that she is amazing navigator. She is very distant as she seems to be scared to open up. Whatever she's been through it's scared her deeply. Whatever it was still haunts her day and night. She also seems like she caring alot on her shoulders. They know this, because the look in her eyes. Also while they keep watch they've heard her sleep talk about this guy named Arlong. They don't know who he is, but who ever this guy is has done something to her.

As of now it was Kai turn to keep watch as he was looking at the sky. He sees that Nami began to keep tossing and turning as out of nowhere she woke up.

Nami: Nooo!

Kai: Woah, relax. Your fine we're still sailing on the boat.

Nami: Oh..... I can't sleep anymore.

Kai: Had a nightmare, huh.

Nami: Yeah.....

Kai: You ok?

Nami: I'm fine....

Kai: It had to do something with Arlong didn't it.

Nami was taken a back by how Kai knew Arlong. How did he know about his and her relationship. As she frown and looked agitated.

Nami: How do you know that name!

Kai: Calm down. If you want to know on how I know that name is pretty simple. Did you know you sleep talk?

Nami: Sleep talk?

Nami then put the pieces together as she just said oh. As she looks away and her fist clenched together.

Kai: I have no clue on what happened between you and him, but if you ever want to talk about I'm here. Or you could also talk to Yamato she may not seem like it, but she is an amazing person to talk too.

Yamato: Y'all are being a bit loud.

They looked at the oni as she sits up and yawns cutely. She rubs her eyes as she stretches her limbs.

Yamato: Well it's my turn to stand guard. Kai get some shut eye.

Kai nods as he lays on Yamato's lap as he soon is consumed by sleep. As Yamato played with his hair.

Nami: So I've been meaning to ask what's your relationship with Kai?

Yamato: He and I are dating.

Nami: Really? How long have to been dating?

Yamato: We have been dating since we were he was 14 and I was 15. So we've been dating 3 years now.

Nami: Woah that means y'all I like super close.

Yamato: Well yes I mean I've known Kai my entire life.

Nami: All your life.

Yamato gave her the shortened, yet still important, story of thier childhood pre-East Blue. Who her father was, what he had done to Kai, her and Wano, and how they ended up being picked up by a marine ship in the middle of the ocean, led by Luffy's marine grandpa. Nami was now even more at a loss to just what have both of them been through.

This gave Nami the strength to tell her her backstory. Who her mother was, what happened to her, what Arlong did to her sister, her and her town. That's why she's out her trying to get enough money to buy back her town. Yamato is shocked to her that thier backstory isn't that different.

Yamato: You know I won't say anything, but you could ask us to help you, right?

Nami: I don't want to put that burden on y'all, but I'll take it to consideration.

Then they hear Kai began to sleep talk as they both smiled at her.

Nami: He is cute when he is sleeping.

She then realized what she said as she covers her mouth as she looked over to Yamato. Who just looked at her and just smiled.

Yamato: You know if you like him I don't mind sharing him.

Nami: W-what?

Yamato: I know it's weird, but in Wano it's common to see. Besides, Kai is part dragon and dragons can have multiple mates. Look here let me show you something.

Yamato takes part of her Kimono of as she shows Nami and dragon tattoo.

Nami: What's that?

Yamato: This is Kai's dragon marking. This is basically in dragon way we are married. It also comes with a few perks.

Nami: So Kai will date any girl?

Yamato: Actually, No you see when it comes to his mates his very picky. His instinct will know who it is. Kai has two personalities. When it comes to his mates from I can tell if me he is not dense. When it comes to other girl he is dense and oblivious to there advances.

Nami: He always seems dense and naive.

Yamato: Well he is smarter than Luffy and I and he is very protective of us. Actually, he is very protective of people he considers his nakama.

Nami looks at Kai as she smiles maybe they can help. But those she want to involve them and get them hurt.


It's been a few days, since Yamato and Nami had thier talk. As of now not much has happened aside from Kai, Yamato and Luffy arguing form time to time. As of now Yamato is laying here head on Kai's lap as he leans on the side of the boat. Zoro was laying down with his eyes closed. Luffy was sitting on top of the front of the boat. Nami was just looking at the map.

Nami: They is absolutely NO way we'll make it on the Grand Line on this conditions.

Luffy: You are right. We need more meat.

Zoro: We also need more booze.

Kai: I want Pizza.

Yamato: I would like some Cookies.

Nami: Shut up you bone heads. That's not what I mean. The Grand Line is a dangerous place we need more than booze and food. Not to mention their are also pirates that are also searching for the One Piece.

Kai: All joking aside, Nami is right. We're not even close to take on the Grand Line.

Yamato: Not to mention we also have an actual ship. Our crew is very small compared to other crews. We don't even have actual equipment.

Luffy: Yup. We need a cook. Maybe a musician to keep us entertained.

Yamato: I agree.

Kai: If I remember correctly from what I saw from Kaido. Also from what Yamato and I read from Oden's journal. We need a cook, inventor, medic, sniper, and another person to make a good crew. Luffy and I both agree that we want quality over quantity.

Yamato: You forgot the musician.

Kai: Oh, right. A musician a must need entertainment.

Luffy: Welp, I like the sound of that.

Nami: A little to the south from here there's a small island with some settlements on it. And it looks like we can get a ship and some of the supplies we need there.

Luffy: Fresh meat at last!

Zoro: And some booze as well.

Kai: Finally, Pizza!

Yamato: Cookies!

The crew have finally reached the island and they land. All five are glad to finally stretched and some glad they we're going to eat food.

Zoro: It feels good to be in dry land again.

Yamato: Finally, I can be in my normal size again.

Kai: Oh yeah. You've never been in your human size for a long period of time have you.

Luffy: There is a village somewhere around here, right?

Nami: Yeah, but looks like a small one though.

Luffy: Then there is meat. There is meat. There has to be a place that has meat.

As Luffy stands next to her as he looks at her with a look of of excited dog.

Nami: Just forget about meat for just a minute would ya.

Kai and Yamato perk up as they hear foot steps and smell people. Zoro caught on as he sense something.

Zoro: Careful, we are being watched. Look out!

As they were some shoots fired at Kai and Yamato as they both easily dodged them. As then a bunch of flags began to pop out from the bushes.

Nami: Is this a way that supposed to impress us.

As then they see a guys appear with his arms crossed. He then began to laugh at the crew.

Guy: Ha Ha Ha Ha! I am Usopp leader of the invincible nation of pirates who reign over this island! You stand before a living legend and the more revered pirate who ever lived! I am the great captain Usopp!

As Luffy looked at him with amazement in his eyes as Kai and Yamato just sweat dropped.

Usopp: Surely, you know plotting an attack on this island means certain death! My army of 80 Million super pirates will squash you like bugs!

Luffy: Awesoooooooooo!!!!!

Luffy was even more amazed than he was before as everyone else just sighed knowing he lied.

Kai: That is clearly a lie.

Yamato: As a samurai I deemed it dishonorable to lie!

Kai: But Zoro said you told him you weren't a samurai yet.

Yamato was taken a back and felt betrayed by Zoro. As Zoro was looking at the sky just wondering about booze.

Usopp: Ahhh they know!

Nami: Yup, we all know now.

Usopp: How could I be so dumb! I practically told them I was lying! I'm such an idiot!

Luffy: What! He was lying!

Usopp: Curse you! You crafty tactician! 80 million might of been an exaggeration, but I have many great mean under my control!

As the flags began to move, but Kai's and Yamato's ears perk up as the smirked.

Kai/Yamato: There is only three! We can hear their heartbeats!

As then 3 kids quickly jumped up from the bushes screaming.

Kids: Ahhhh they do know!

Then 3 kids began to run away terrified of the situation leaving Usopp on his own.

Usopp: Hey wait! Where are you guys going! Come back!

As then Nami looks on the sand as she quickly picks up the round pellet as she blows away the sand.

Nami: A pirate using a slingshot huh. Now, I've seen it all!

Luffy/Kai: That's Awesome!!!

Usopp: Shut your mouths! I'm a proud man and I won't stand for it!.

Usopp then pulls out his slingshot as he aims it at the crew. Kai, Yamato, Luffy and Zoro all stop smiling as then they get a serious look on their faces. The whole situation changed as Nami grew worried on what they would do to the poor guy.

Usopp: You've seen just how good I am with this thing! So you know I can rival anyone with a pistol.

As Kai's and Yamato's hair went over their eyes and Luffy's strawhat went over his eyes.

Luffy: Now, that you've drawn you're weapon. Are you willing to use it?

As Usopp was taken a back as he looks at them seeing that they didn't have fear or scared. They were ready for anything as he began to sweat.

Luffy: Guns aren't for threats thier for actions. Are you willing to risk your life?

As Zoro chuckled as he draws part of his sword. Yamato pulls out her Takeru as Kai cracks his knuckles.

Kai: I agree, if you will to shoot us and hurt us then your willing to be hurt or kill.

As they look at Usopp with a serious face as the weren't joking around. As Usopp just withdraws his weapons as he falls on his knees.

Usopp: Real pirates definitely have more punch in thier words, beacuse they can definitely back them up. That's so cool!

As Kai, Yamato, Luffy and Zoro looked at each other with smirks as the burst out laughing.

Luffy: I stole that.

Usopp: Huh?

Kai: He stole those words from red hair Shanks.

Yamato: A pirate he knows.

Usopp: What! You know red head Shanks! You gotta be a real pirate! Wait are you lying? Do you really know him?

Luffy: Yup. I know your dad too his name is Yasopp, right?

Usopp is shocked that Luffy knows his father as he falls from the hill his own to the beach. He then sits up looking at Luffy.

Usopp: Your are right. My old man is Yasopp, but how in the world do you know him.

Scene Change

After that we head to a restaurant in Usopp's village. As we all got our food which was long overdue as we were tired of eating just fruit. As Zoro was enjoying his booze, Nami was enjoying her food, Luffy enjoying his meat, Usopp enjoying rice as and finally Kai and Yamato ate pizza and cookies.

Usopp: This is good, huh.

Luffy: So I met your dad when I was a little kid.

Usopp: Hold on. Does my old man really know, Shanks?

Luffy: Know him. When I met him he was part of Shank's crew so they were probably good friends.

Usopp: I can't believe it my old man is sailing the seas with a famous pirate.

Luffy: I haven't heard of him in a while. He was a great sharp shooter I'd keep him on my crew.

Luffy explains how he meet Yasopp and how he would always talk about his son. Luffy said it was so much it almost made his ears bleed.

Luffy: He was a great pirate.

Usopp: Wait really?

Kai: Luffy is right from why he told us and the fact he is very well known.

Yamato: I mean your dad is part of one of the four Yanko crews.

Usopp: I am proud of my old man he left on an adventure on an endless sea.

Nami: Maybe you can help us. Do you know anyone that can help us get a ship? Or anyone that knows how to sail for that matter.

Usopp: *sigh* It's a small village sorry, but I don't think we'll be able to help y'all.

Zoro: What about that huge mansion. The one on top of that hill over there.

Kai: Yeah, maybe they're willing to assist us. Usopp do you know them?

Usopp: You stay away from there!

This caught the crew off guard as he didn't seem this defensive before so what made this place so special.

Usopp: I just remembered something I really got to go do. Everybody knows me at this place so stay an eat as much as y'all want. Got to go!

As Usopp quickly got up and ran to his destination. As the crew just looked at him leaving.

Nami: Why was he in such of a hurry to get out of here.

Kai: If I was a betting man I would say is he is going to see someone an that is whoever lives in that mansion.

As they just shurgs it of as they kept eating. As Nami just sat there waiting for them to finish when the door just bust open.

???:The Usopp pirates have arrived.

The crew looked over to see 3 kids as Kai and Yamato knew it was the same 3 kids from before.

Nami: Who are this kids?

Kid 1: Captain Usopp is gone

Kid 2: Did they......

Kid 3: Fess up you filthy pirates what did you do with our beloved captain! Fess up now!

Kid 1/2: Yeah!!!

As Luffy finally finished his food as he was full as he pat his stomach.

Luffy: Ahh... That meat sure was good.

The kids got scared.

Kid 1: What meat?

Kid 2: These pirates are cannibals.

As Kai, Yamato and Nami just chuckled at them.

Kid 3: What have you done you savages?!

As Zoro then smiled at them with a creepy smiles as he decided to mess with them.

Zoro: If you are looking for your captain we ate him.

Kids: Ahhhhhhh Cannibals!!!!

They scream as they looked at Nami which pisses her off.

Nami: What are you looking at me for!!!!

As the rest laughing at the situation going on.

Nami: You just had to say something stupid didn't you!

As they left the restaurant Kai told the kids they were just teasing them. Yamato told them that Usopp went to the mansion which all of them headed towards.

Kid 1: You really had us going there.

As they arrived Luffy I'd amazed how huge the mansion was.

Luffy: Woah, this place is huge.

Kid 2: And if our captain ran here at this hour then this is the place he is going to be

Kai: Oh, what does Usopp come here for?

Kid 1: He comes to lie.

Nami: To lie that's horrible!

Kid 3: He's not a bad guy. He is great isn't he.

Kid 2: Yes he is awesome.

Zoro: How is a liar awesome

Kid 2: Well Kaya the girl that lives there is in a terrible depression that has sent her in a bed rest. Ever since her parents got sick and died a year ago. She's very rich, but all that money couldn't help her recover from her sadness.

Kid 3: So out captain tells her made up stories to cheer her up and keep her happy.

Kid 1: Captain Usopp is the best at telling lies.

Yamato: Wow that's nice of him.

Kid 1: The best part of his is his mischievous side he is always up to something.

Kid 3: I like him, beacuse he is not afraid to be silly.

Kid 2: And I like the captain crazy lies.

Nami: So when he tells her this stories is to make her fell better?

Kid 2: Yup lots better.

Luffy: Great I think we should ask her for a ship after all.

Zoro: Were not the ones who made her feel better.

Kai: I know what you are trying to say Luffy, but the way your saying it means like she owes us.

Kid 3: Getting in is impossible these guards are the gate don't let anyone get through.

As everyone looked for Luffy, but he was missing.

Luffy: I'll go ask her.

Luffy was climbing the gate which shocked everyone, but Kai and Yamato. As he stretched his arms to sling himself over the fence as they rest try to stop him. As Kai and Yamato let them be as they all got shot in the air.

Kai: Welp they there go.

Yamato: Saw that coming miles away.

As they both jumped the fence and went running towards where everyone was. The reach Thier destination they see a man standing across their crew.

As they looked at him something about him rub Kai and Yamato the wrong way. Their instinct told them something wasn't right about him.


And done I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.


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