The Prince of Shadows

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Harry Potter is given to the Dursleys after Dumbledore marks his sister as the Girl Who Lived. Feeling trappe... Mer

The Letter
The choice
The School Part 2.
The School Part 3.
Quidditch Trouble
Story plan
The Prisoner and Potions
Punishment and Training
Christmas Trials

The School Part 1.

3.4K 42 5
Av lo7591




'animal speech'



Harry woke to a feeling of numbness in his left leg. Groggily opening up his eyes he found himself in a luxurious bed surrounded by greens and blacks, propping himself up Harry found one of the adults who were fighting in the hall was sitting at the foot of the bed he was in, she was a female in her mid 30's with blonde hair and blue eyes. 'Where am I?' Harry asked to the women, 'You are at Greengrass manor' the women stated politely, however now it was her time to ask questions, 'Who are you, how did you get here?' Harry answered them as politely as possible while still trying to keep his identity secret, did he really trust this person? It would raise less suspicion if Harry answered the questions with half truths, 'I am Harry Nyx, and I think I opened a portal into your lawn to get here' Just as the woman was about to answer the older of the girls burst in and ran to Harry's left side. This greatly confused Harry as she disappeared from his view for him to feel her touch his hand. Harry moved his right hand up to his left eye, so that the girl could keep holding his left one, and the sudden realisation hit him, he was blind in his left eye. There was no easy for him to break it to himself but he held his composure in front of these people he didn't know. Harry swung his legs from out of the covers and tried standing up. The second he put pressure on his left leg, he collapsed to the floor. Looking down through his one good eye he saw his leg was mangled and he could see the magic oozing out of this. 'Wha-what happened to my leg?'  Harry hissed through gritted teeth trying not to show the immense amount of pain he was in. 

When Daphne saw Harry try to stand, she was horrified by the mess that was his  leg. She admired him due to the fact he had selflessly put himself in harms way to ensure that her and Astoria were safe, but now all she felt was guilt as she felt it was because of her that his leg was like this. She rushed forward to help Harry up and make sure Harry could, 'Daphne, could you get Harry here our present,' once Harry was set down on the bed, Daphne ran out of the room to get a walking stick her family had got Harry out of gratitude. The stick in question was made mostly of obsidian and had the hilt of an eagle. When Daphne re-entered the room she hurried to Harry's side to hand him his cane.

Harry stayed with the Greengrass's until it was time to go Hogwarts shopping, Harry was now able to walk alone with his cane and when he chose his wand the most interesting thing happened, as Harry had no connection to any of the wands on sale he had to have it hand crafted, this greatly surprised the Greengrass parents as it showed that Harry was a great wizard. In the end Harry had an 13 3/4 inch Yew and Blackthorn wand with the cores of a Thestral and a Thunderhawk.  The most extraordinary thing happened next, as Harry's wand grew and merged with his walking stick. What ended up happening is Harry's staff now had a swirling pattern and was now even longer, going up to Harry's chest, 'Usually I would ask for you to pay but this time I believe that you should have it for free' Ollivander said as Harry asked how much it cost.

 Whilst in Flourish and Botts, Harry bumped into a family of Gingers, 'Oh, sorry didn't see you there' Harry said leaning on his staff. 'That's ok dear, just pay more attention next time,' at this Harry stuck out his hand to them, 'Harry Nyx, and you are' at this the women turned towards the children, 'This is Ron, Ginny, Fred, George, Percy and finally Cecilia Potter' Harry looked in surprise at his sister, she looked exactly like the woman in his dreams except this time she had blue eyes rather than green. 'An honour to finally meet your heiress Potter, I trust you will be joining Hogwarts as well this year' Harry said while going into a little bow as was expected of him. 'I am, thank you for asking Harry' Cecilia answered trying to recognize where she knew this crippled boy from. 

Once the shopping was complete Harry and the Greengrass's returned to Greengrass Manor. Where Harry started to tell them more about him, 'I am sorry for keeping  this from you, but my name is not just Harry Nyx, my full name is Harry Potter-Black-Nyx-Chronus-Slytherin-Gryffindor and I have been living with my uncle and aunt since my parents have gone.' The family had many questions about how he got to there manor and decided to show them his powers rather than tell them, after all 'showing not telling' is what he was taught as a kid.

Once back at the manor he asked Cyrus Greengrass (Daphne's father) if he had a training section of the house. 'Why yes boy but you can't use magic or the ministry will confiscate your wand' Cyrus said cautiously while curious as to what the boy had to show, he wasn't blind he had seen the speed at which the boy had got to his daughters to save them and he could sense the power of the boy when he entered the room. Down in the training room Harry out his hand to a wall and imagined his bedroom in the manor.

Daphne looked on in amazement as the wall in the training split into a dark rift, now she was scared where did this rift go what was on the other side. All of these fears however were swept aside as Harry beckoned them through the rift, 'Come on now its not that bad I promise.' he said with a lopsided grin plastered on his face. With that Harry grabbed Daphne's hand and pulled her through with immense strength that  she never thought would be possible, Daphne was expecting something other than a comfy bed when she was pulled through. Opening her eyes she found herself lying in Harry's bed. Wait, what was her heart doing, she could feel it going 50 miles per hour and it only got worse when she turned to see a green eye and a black eye staring back at her. 'Potter, what have you done to me' Daphne stated trying to cover her embarrassment with a venomous tone. 'Nothing Daph, the question is... can you help me get of this bloody bed' he  chuckled as she looked away from him and pulled him up from his bed. As Harry grabbed his staff Daphne could see a moment of realization wash over his face, 'Blood' was all that could be heard from him as he hobbled over to the wall he put his hand to it and turned to Daphne, 'Daphne Greengrass you are fucking brilliant'

'Language Nyx' scorned Cyrus  emerging from the doorway 'sorry sir' was all Harry could reply before stepping through the new rift that had just appeared in the wall he touched, Daphne went to follow him but was unable to as the rift closed the second Harry was through. 

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