The CEO & The Investigator

By Suga_rr28

9.5K 124 21

Investigator Yn have to solve a very serious case along with Investigator Hyunjin who later decides to tell t... More

My future wife is a complete idiot.
What's that....
Cabin 13th 8th floor
Is this Jungkook's blood ?
2 Weeks
"Do you still love Yn?"
Little girl!
The real Jungkook


315 3 0
By Suga_rr28

After some times, he felt her sleeping peaceful in his embrace. He pulled away, looked at her.

Jungkook's pov~
Yn! Feel my love! Don't make me wait for this long.
Understand my love for you. I know you love my other side. I hope you'll love my this side too, not just this side but me..... I hope you love me too.

End pov~

He cupped her cheeks, and closed his eyes tightly, controlling himself. He removed his hands from her cheeks and.... hold his head. After some times... He left towards the kitchen to have his dinner.....

Time skips~

"Last day of holiday!

Last day of giving him Lunch!

Last day of enjoy!" *sign out*

Yn said looking into the mirror. He already left for his office.

Yn- "Ynn!! You are a mysterious girl. Even I don't know much about Yn.."

*she talked to herself*

She went into the bathroom to fresh up and after that she prepared his lunch and went to his office to give it to him.

She was walking towards his office. Everyone was greeting her.

"Good morning! Mrs. Jeon!"

She ignored everyone and entered his office. He sifted his gaze from his screen to her. She came sat on the chair.
Opening her bag, she looked cold As always.

Jungkook's pov~
She looks more prettier everyday!
Her short hair hits hard. Girl! You drive me crazy! I can't wait anymore.
End pov~

She kept the lunch in front of him. Both are strange. Both behaved like they are strangers.

Jk- " Why are you not speaking? Not every day is like this!"
*he asked her rubbing his chin*

"I want my last day of holiday to be peaceful!"
*arms crossed*

*He raised his eyebrows. Then the door opened, revealing Yoojun. She bowed at both of them.*

"Good morning! Mr. And Mrs. Jeon!"

Yn didn't replied.

Jk- "Good morning! What's the matter!"

"Sir! Actually, Mam Yuri is here to meet you!"

"Yuri?" *surprised*


"Send her here! Right now!"

"Sure sir!"

Yn looked at Yoojun leaving. She shifted her gaze to him. He was looking the door.

She stood up and sat on the couch a lil far.

After sometimes, a girl entered the the office. Her dressing sense was kinda similar to Yn's. Full pants, jacket, and a crop top or any t-shirt! She also had short hair. Yn have never seen her before.

"Hello! Jungkook!" *she smiled at him*

"Hi Yuri!" *He hugged her. Yn looked at the two confused.*

Yuri- "How are you?"

"I'm good! How's your day going?"

"It's great!"

Jungkook smiled.

"Be seated!" *he said sitting*

Yuri and Jungkook sat down.

Yuri- " It's been a while since I met you Jungkook! " *she smiled*

"Yeah! 2 years maybe! Right!" *He smiled back*

Yuri-"3 not 2....Stupid!" *she hits his hand, laughing*

"Ohh yeahh!! I forgot!.....*he laughed*
.... How's your company doing?"

"It's doing great! Just like yours!"

"Well! Glad to hear that!..... How did you remembered me after so long?"

"I don't know..... *chuckles* .... I just felt like meeting you!"

"Well! I too waited for you!" *Jungkook said smiling.*

"I'm glad that you waited!"

"Come on Yuri! Why wouldn't I?"

*They both were chuckling*

Yn's pov~
Who is this girl? They seems to be good friends! Well! Why would I care? I gave him his lunch. That's all I had to do!
End pov~

Yuri- " So..."


Yn stood up.

Yn- "Mr. Jeon! Since I'm done with my work, I'm leaving! Thank you!"

Both looked at her. She looked at Jungkook and then at Yuri. Then she left. He looked at her leaving.

Yuri- "Who was she?....."

Jungkook didn't wanted to tell her. He didn't wanted the media to know about her and Yn also didn't wanted to be chased by media all the time. At the end of the day, she was an investigator.

"Jungkook?.... *She snapped her fingers in front of him*..... What happened?"


"She was your assistant?"

"No! She just had some work with me!"

"Ohh... Your employee!!!
......... "

(After some times)

"Okay! I'll come!.... Don't be late....."

"Now I'm not late anytime. I have changed a lot!"

"I see! You don't act that cold now!"

He did not said anything.

Yuri- "Everyone still have crush on you. All of them!"

"Really?" *he frowned*

"See! You are not that cold now! If I told you the same thing 3 years back, you must be saying.... I don't care about girls....!"

"I did changed a lot"

"Good to see less coldness!" *smiles*

He looked at her.

Yn reached home. And lied on the sofa. She played some songs on her phone. Then the door bell rings. She went to open the door.

"Oh! Hi Hyunjin! Come inside... "

"Hello Yn! Jungkook is at his office right!"

They both sat on the sofa.


"Is is taking care of you?"

"Huh? Why are you asking this?"

".... Forget it.. Tell me how's holidays going?... "

She rolled her eyes, showing boredom.


"Idk, I did enjoyed in the first week with my friends. But this week was not so joyful!"

"Do you feel bored being home?"

"You got it!" *she rested her head on the sofa*

"Why don't you go out for a while! May be for a walk or a movie or club.. "


"No! with Jungkook..."

"He's busy! Why don't you come with me?"


"What! If he finds out, he might misunderstand?"

"He knows everything right?"


"Then why would he?"

"Hmmm! You are right!"

"Okay! Hyunjin! So today is the last holiday so let's just go.... Somewhere..... *she was thinking*..."

" .... A club?.... "

"I was about to say that..That's a good place to cheer up!!"

" Hmm!"


Time skips~
Jungkook just came from office.
He immediately went to her in the bedroom.

"Ynnnnn!" *he slammed opened the door*

"Ahhhhh ........*She was startled. She jumped off from the couch,her phone fell on the rug. Then she looked at him.*..... What??"

He laughed so hard.

Yn- "Why are you laughing?"

"You jumped like a ....*laughs*.....LITTLE GIRL!!!!"

*He teased her*

"Shut up! And tell me what's your problem!"

"I actually have to go to one of my friend. That's why I'll leave in evening!"

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because a wife gets worried for her husband for being outside for more than office hours!"

"Do you think I care?"

"I wish.. You did.." *He pouted*

"You suck!!!!"

After some times he left.

Time skips~

Yn was ready, she was sitting on the sofa, waiting for Hyunjin to come and pick her up. Because she didn't wanted to drive today.

This is what she wore!

After sometimes, Hyunjin came. And they both drove to the club to spend their last holiday together. After that they have to work a lot.

They both reached the club. They both stepped out of his car.

Yn- " Okay! Let's go!"

She smiled at him.

Hyunjin- "Hmmm!"

They entered the club. It was quite full of people enjoying, dancing, drinking ...
They both went to the counter.
Yn ordered two drinks.

Hyunjin- "After how long are you going to drink this? "

... She drinks....

"I guess... One year.....!"

"Ohh!.... *he also drinks.*..... BTW where is Jungkook.?"

"He's probably... at his friend's house! He told me that he'll go to one of his friends house"

Hyunjin looked at Yn surprised.

Hyunjin- "He is at his friend's house?"

"Hmmm!" *She sips her drinks*

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! He told me!"

"Then Who is he? "

*he pointed toward a person who was sitting beside a girl. Yn looked in the direction. He was no one other that Jungkook. And that girl was Yuri!*

Yn- "What!!!...*She slammed the glass on the counter*.....He said that he's going to his friend's house!"

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