Across the Pond

Par renrach

716K 15.7K 1.1K

Nico Bradford is nothing like me. He's rich, popular, and gorgeous. He's also been my best friend and neighbo... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Bonus Chapter!
Bonus Chapter 2!
Bonus Chapter 3!
Bonus Chapter 4!
Bonus Chapter 5!
Bonus Chapter 6!
Bonus Chapter 7!
More Mood Boards!
Sequel Update!
Under the Stars: Sneak Peek Chapter

Chapter 6

12.6K 284 11
Par renrach

Tucked under the covers with the lights still on, I find myself fidgeting with my cellphone. Should I text Nico? Should I not? Ugh, why am I thinking so much.

I scroll through my texts to find our last thread:

Me: Leaving Bay Shore now. See you soon!

Nico: <Thumbs up emoji> Have a safe drive.

I bring the phone down to my chest as I contemplate whether or not to send him another message. It's almost 12 AM - is there even a point? Should I just wait until the morning?

It's only 9 hours, I tell myself. I can wait.

I plug my phone into the charger and let it rest on the nightstand. I reach for the button on the lamp, and just as I'm about to turn it off, my cell phone blinks with a text.

Nico: Word on the street is that the Coopers are in town. Where was my notice?

Ahhhh. That's what I'm feeling. Pure happiness and excitement. Even though it's late, I know that I want to respond now, but how long do I wait? 5 minutes, maybe 10?

I give it 30 seconds.

Me: In all fairness, you were the first person that I texted the second that we left Bay Shore. Even before Remi.

Nico responds right away.

Nico: That's because you like me better than Remi. Don't worry, though, your secret's safe with me.

Me: That may or may not be a lie. Guess you'll never know.

Nico: Oh I know. And even if I don't, a man can dream can't he?

Me: Of course. Dream away :)

The '...' bubble appears next to Nico's name, but then it disappears, which makes me wonder what he was going to say, and if he'll still say it.

I have to put my phone down for a second to actually take in what's happening. I don't want to mistake Nico's friendliness for flirty-ness. I mean, he's never, not once, made a move - never tried to kiss me - so in my mind, we've always been just friends.

He did, one time, dance with me in the rain. To me, it was the most magical night of my life, but to him...well, that I can't tell you.

Bella, Age 13 / Nico, Age 15

We've been standing under this random street awning for 20 minutes now. When we checked the weather this morning, it said 70 degrees and partly cloudy, but no mention of rain. Not even a drizzle. So, Nico and I thought, why not take a bike ride through town? We started our day early and headed to Melly's 24-Hour Diner for our go-to breakfast: an egg burrito with a side of hash browns for Nico and French toast with butter and maple syrup for me. I have the biggest sweet-tooth, but Nico prefers savory.

After breakfast, we stopped at the sneaker store so Nico could buy a pair of Air Jordans. He has 3 different pairs, don't ask me why he needed a fourth.

Nico walked away from me to pay, but I still caught him whipping out his dad's platinum credit card. He didn't think that I saw him, and then tried to justify his purchase by saying that the sneakers were on sale. I know what Nico was trying to do - he didn't want me to feel uncomfortable by the fact that he can just charge that kind of money. But I didn't feel uncomfortable. I was actually happy for him because I knew how much he wanted them.

When we left the store, it was cloudier than it was at breakfast, and 5 minutes later, it started to downpour. Both of our cell phones had lost battery - I know, not our finest moments - so we couldn't even call someone to come pick us up.

"Let's wait it out," Nico says.

"Wait it out?" I repeat. "Nico, it's downpouring. I don't think it's going to let up anytime soon."

"C'mon, BC," he urges, calling me by the nickname that he bestowed upon me from years ago. BC. Bella Cooper. "Help me out here. Let's look on the bright side."

That was Nico. Always looking on the bright side. It was one of the many things that I loved about him.

"You're right," I sigh. "We've just gotta accept the fact that we're going to be stuck out here for a while."

"Hey, if that's you being optimistic, I'll take it," Nico jokes and I laugh with him. I can't help it. His laugh is everything. I could be in the crappiest mood and one giggle from Nico could turn everything around.

I rub the sides of my arms up and down with my hands, trying to warm myself up. I'm dressed in denim shorts and a tank top.

"You're cold," Nico states, and I love that he doesn't ask me. He just knows.

"I'm fine," I lie. I don't want to make this situation any worse than it is. And, let's be real. The situation isn't even bad to begin with. Deep down, I'm ecstatic to be alone with Nico...rain or shine.

"Here," he says as he removes the cream-colored cardigan from his shoulders, putting it over mine. "I don't want you to get sick."

I was already in love with Nico as it was - now add this gesture to the mix. But that was our relationship; Nico was always looking out for me.

"Thanks," I smile, but then we both don't say anything.

"Hey!" Nico finally speaks up. "Wanna dance?"

"Dance?! Nico, it's raining."

"Yeah, so?"

"You don't know how to dance," I say, using that as an excuse. I want to dance with him, but the thought of it also makes me nervous.

"How do you know?"

"Because I know everything about you."

"Clearly not everything," he winks before lending out his hand. "C'mon, BC, dance with me."

Nico could have said 'run away with me' and I would've dropped everything in that moment to do so.

"Okay," I say; my tone serious because I want to. I want him to hold my hand while the other wraps around my waist. I want our bodies to move together at the same beat. But most importantly, I want to be as close to him as possible.

Just as I'm about to type out another message, Nico beats me to it.

Nico: Planning on going to sleep soon? Or are you down to hang for a little?

A few seconds ago, my eyes were closing from tiredness, but with a question like that, I'm wide awake.

Me: Depends. Is this like a booty-call or something?

I'm obviously kidding, but the scary part is, if it were, I'd probably still run to him. C'mon Bella, have some respect for yourself, my mind yells at me.

Nico: Booty-call? With you BC?...Never.

I know he means that as a compliment - that I'm not like those random girls he hooks up with just for the fun of it - but part of me takes it offensively. Does Nico not have the urge to kiss me? Does he not see me in that way? Will he ever?

Nico sends another message, which I'm grateful for because I honestly wasn't sure how to respond to his last one.

Nico: I'll pick you up in 5.

Author Comment: Raise your hand if you can't wait to officially meet Nico!!

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