𝐟𝐒𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐭𝐨...

By Sapphireblues345

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───(π–‹π–Žπ–›π–Š π–˜π–Šπ–ˆπ–”π–“π–‰π–˜ 𝖙𝖔 π–π–Žπ–‘π–‘ π–™π–π–Š π–‰π–Šπ–›π–Žπ–‘!) ❝ my biggest fear would be eventually you'd se... More



37 1 0
By Sapphireblues345

"as long as Okasan is with me, everything will be alright "

3rd person pov !
3rd person pov !
3rd person pov !

It was in the middle of may where beautiful pastels of green and pink could be seen outside of the rich mansion of the honorable Mori family.

Melodies of the water in the fountain, birds of different patterns and the soft giggles of the living room was the most prominent sound in the current scene.

Presently the Mori matriarch was attempting to teach her only daughter on reading 2 syllable words. Key word being "attempting " seeing as the child won't be making any signs of stopping of her fits of giggles soon.

then she stopped in the middle of  writing and glanced at Mitsuki who was somehow now drawing an animal that looks as if it was a mix of a chicken, spider and a fish.

She sighed and gently grabbed the crayon, the little girl's favorite color being ─── pink, she told that it reminding her of her favorite  american cartoon show about creatures under the sea and
Her most beloved character was Gary the sea snail.

Her little girl was intelligent, always so curious about a lot of things but still just a child seeing as she could easily be distracted, just like now.

"My little hero, what are you doing now?" gently brushing tiny strands of Mitsuki's hair.

"Oh, its nothing okasan" she immediately folded the piece of paper she was focusing moments before and stuffed it in the pocket of her dress, which she questioned that if pants have pockets, why can't dresses have.

and the next day, a collection of dresses were in her closet which had mysteriously appear but Mariko had a feeling that a certain red head had bought her the gift, she has to talk with Yukio

she was spoiling Mitsuki too much.

Giving her daughter a raised eyebrow,clearly not believing the girl but moved past it, because it was better not to question what goes on in the mind of little Mitsuki Mori.

Mitsuki saw her mother's expression and started to fidget, she was internally panicking, she knew nothing gets past her mother and now she was already trying to think of ways how to move past the conversation.

"Mom, can we please go to the festival later tonight?" Holding both her mom's hands she grabbed them in a pleading manner showing her doe eyes and pouty lips.

Oh no. Mariko thought, the sight was not a common scene from the little girl, using this particular technique only when she wants something from her mother, completely knowing she would eventually yield.

"Please mom, we can even bring Auntie and maybe even Papa"  at the last part she went momentarily still.

Here's the thing,Mariko knew that the presence of a father figure or suppose rather was very much required to be able to raise Mitsuki to the best possible way, making sure that she grew up as normal as possible knowing very much the dangers of how the secret of Mitsuki going out as a mutant to the world.

Mutants regardless of children being discriminated and feared was very much rampant because of the Steryotypes of them being different. But now her little baby is barely even 5 but still so soft-hearted, she couldn't imagine the pain she'll go through if people started looking at her discriminatly.

And never mind the fact her father and husband's share the same views on such things, claiming them as scorns of the earth and must be eradicated and exterminated as if they were vermins. Part of the reason why Yukio and her father has more than once come to blows and never put a filter on when it came to his insults.

Back to Mitsuki's father, Mariko knew that as Noboru's parental figure in the house was not felt as much a normal parent in the house should be especially with his midnight rendezvous with Mariko can guess are different women, and meeting with suspicious business men. Noburo Mori was a minister of justice so he was as expected likely to be very much busy with work.

Succumbing to flattery to people of higher power than him.

In conclusion, not only was he a piece of dog shit but a cowardly one at that.

yet she couldn't help the slight tinge in her heart knowing he couldn't even show feelings of affection and care towards Mitsuki. Because for Mitsuki,her daughter deserves a normal life away from other mutants and she will do anything just so that she can give her the normal life she deserves.

Mariko knows more than anyone that she didn't care about Noboru as a husband much less a loving spouse ───knowing completely that they only both connected by paper and didn't have much expecting on a loving marriage but she draws a line when it comes to his attitudes towards Mitsuki.

Mariko Yashida was not meant to be a mother, she knew truly within herself that being a mother meant being tied never even had the desire for the role,

Because in her heart, being a mother meant being tied down and being miserable─ forever shackled in a prison known as her father's rules.

But now for mariko, she didn't care about the endless possiblities she could've had or the life free of the ties she would have cut if her little baby wasn't breathing. Because from day 1 Mariko knew what it meant to be a Yashida──── a family born of prestige and honor, untainted and treated as if were gods. Ever since she was a baby her parents told her that being one of the clan, she had to do everything to be the embodiment of perfection.

Rules of tradition has since young been instilled on her:

1. Never fail, always be the best.

2. Do as you're told.

3. Dont dishonor your family.

Honor and respect was everything in the family,that is why she feared the secret of being out.

She maybe be Mariko Mori now but she was first── Mariko Yashida the mother of Mitsuki Yashida Mori.

Presently, It's as if the asshole itself had a radar for people badmouthing him in their heads, the main door opened and in came the patriarch.

" Papa! " the little girl visage brighten up and stood up so fast and with her little legs ran straight towards the man and embraced his legs.

Noburo Mori was not one who was ever a responsible man and could ever be called as honorable. This fact was very much not a secret within the gossip of maids and servants in the Mori household, and especially for Mariko

Doning her poker face on lips pressed in a line, hands placed on her stomache as she stood up slowly in perfect posture and trying to hold back an irritating look as she starred at the man, when she watched as Noburo didn't so much as reciprocated her daughter's hug and instead lift one foot and the other and stood aside.

An awkward tension could be felt in the room as servants were glancing at each other in apprehension. Not knowing what to do, because now their Lady Mariko clearly abandoned her previous visage and could be seen sporting on a scrunched up look and annoyed eyes.

Oh no.

"Mariko, let us talk" the man glanced at the servants, "alone" fixing his cuff and suit, he gave his bag to the servants and dismissed them with a flick of his hand.

They bowed a 90 degree bow, upper body parallel to the floor as their hands pressed on their sides,they quietly left but not before they sneaked a hesitant glance at their madam, fearing what the patriarch would do, knowing his reputation of his short temper.

One maid grabed little clueless Mitsuki's hand and guided her out of the room persuading her to play with them at the garden and promises of playing tea with them, but not without waving her mother a big goodbye and a smile.

Softening slightly at the sight, Mariko sighed and waved back with a smile. 

As the door shut, unbearable silence was prominent.

The man coughed as an excuse ro break it "Mariko, why don't we sit?"

Mariko didn't say a response back and sat at her previous seat.

"I'll keep this short i have spoken already with your father about this and he has already approved regarding Mitsuki's training "

Tilting her head, brows scrunched
"what training? She's 3"

"I meant the training"

Grinding her teeth in anger, knuckles clenching and unclenching, not even noticing the blood dripping from her palm.

"No" at this she didn't realized the expensive teacups fell and created a crash as she stood abruptly

If the kind of training is the same one he was hinting about then she will resist, knowing very well the training every child born in the Yashida family or rather heirs.

"If she is to remain in this family, and soon be able to require the proper skills needed to be the heir, then she will" voice starting to raise due to wanting to assert dominance.

"I'll tell grandfather" she replied in defience.

"Ha! The old man is getting weak, he is starting to loose his ability of walking" said in mockery.

"He's too preocupied at his health deteriorating and i doubt your father would even be much help" he continued

Noburo then slowly walked towards the woman who was shaking out of rage, leaning  "and I doubt your dead mother would rise from her grave and help you now"

This bas-


Her thoughts were flown out the window when a maid,the same one who accompanied Mitsuki out of the room earlier was seen panting heavily at the door.

"What is the meaning of this? I asked for the room to cleared" the man yelled out in rage.

The maid immedietly knelt on the floor, hands on her lap and forehead on the ground in fear.

"I apologize my lord but the young miss-"

Whatever the rest of the sentence the maid was suppose to say was completely blurred out as Mariko raced out of the room and came barreling to every door on her way.

Calling her daughter's name repeatedly in a frantic manner, shaking hand and wide-eyed expression. "MITSUKI!"

by now when the servants and every one Mariko met on her course were baffled when they saw their Madam on such a state,when their Master appeared and yelled out "My daughter is missing, nobody rest until she is safely returned in the manor!"

Now everything was in chaos at that declaration, people were now searching for the lady, armed trained soldiers were now dispatched.

For mariko she would have scoffed at the way he pretended to care about her daughter, but for now her main focus was finding her baby

When suddenly she remembered the previous conversation she had with Mitsuki, now having a clue where to find her

So in a haste and mother-driven instict,she went running.

And by the time they noticed she was leaving was the moment she was already at the gate hoping to find her daughter fast.


Running was tiring, even if Mama says running was good for Mitsuki, but for now mitsuki in her tiny and naive mind thought that she'll be quick after getting her parents a gift from the festival to stop fighting.

Recently they have been too many disputes, knowing they can't really outwardly say it because they're adults but if Mama and Papa receive a gift from the festival then they'll for sure make up and then eat omurice together after for sure.

But for now,her first goal is to find where the festival was. If she remembered correctly the maid said it was just in Takeshita street. 

After many twist and turns, it was safe to say that Mitsuki was undoubtedly lost, just when she was about to give and go home.

She turned around just in time for a sound of something alive in the nearby bushes, easily frightened she let out a silent gasp.

But then a stray cat jumped out of the bushes she released the breathe she didnt know she was holding and was about to go over and pet it

When she saw a silhouette of straight black hair and physic of someone vaguely like her mother, she instantly called after her and when she did she manage to grab a piece of clothing.

When the stranger turned around and realized a small child was behind her,crounched and attempted to offer her hand

Mitsuki flinched once she realized that the woman was not at all her mother, seeming to escape but not before the woman uttered "hey, its okay I won't hurt you, where are your parents?"

Seeing as how anxious the young child she said in a whisper in a comforting manner in reassurance   "Hey its okay, I'm a police officer─see"

The woman took something from her pocket and showed her the official police ID with her face and name on it, she slightly let down her guard seeing as she was still a stranger.

"My name is Amy, how about yours?"


"Where are your parents?" The woman repeated, at this the little girl looked at the ground, memories of the arguement fresh in her mind; the noise of screaming and glass breaking.

Seeing how the young girl didnt want to talk about the specific subject, "are you all alone? Is there someone with you? "

"It's just me, but i can take care of myself oka-san said I'm mature for my age" tone filled with smug the police couldn't help but chuckle.

Mitsuki took the oppurtunity to obseve the woman's features, black hair pinned and few strands of hair escaping from her ponytail at the side of her face. 

"I just went out to buy a gift" she mumbled

"You should have at least told your parents, they must be worried sick about you"

Red-flushed with embarrasment that the stranger was right, she didnt think out her plan well and now she just went out and got herself completely lost. In a moment of defense she said "I just wanted them to stop fighting"

Hanging her head low, the woman felt pity for the child now understanding her situation, so young yet a child has to think of such a burdening thought.

"Well why don't i help you pick the perfect gift but you have to promise me that we'll go straight to your parents after okay?"

"Yes please, and mitsuki" nodding with enthusiasm, "huh?"

"My name is Mitsuki" at this the woman smiled and grasped the hand of the little girl and set about to find the perfect gift.


Apparently it was much harder to find a gift than they thought seeing as the little mitsuki was in a way a perfectionist, she wanted it to be absolutely perfect that in her imagination would wowed her parents, it took a long time to be able to get the little girl keep them on track.

For one, the young heirress was born behind sheltered walls and so it wasn't a suprise when she was utterly mesmerized by the dazzling lights hanging and smells of variety of foods, the hustle and bustle of people going about their day.

And so just as they were about to give up and hopefully settle for the star stuff toy that in a moment of child-like distration she had won as a prize.

When they encountered a vendor selling beautiful snow globe pieces
And at that moment Mitsuki fell instatly in love with it, refusing to let go when she first laid her eyes upon it.

after paying they went straight to the direction Mitsuki told the woman of her house was.

When they both noticed a weird figure running towards them in an almost frightening speed. 

Then realizing too late when the weird figure was actually her mother running towards them!

Oh no, clearly she was much too high from all the excitement and fatigue that she had forgotten she ran away unnoticed and without permission.

Fearing her mother would possibly never let her out again after this debacle or worse her mother just might end up killing her!

"Mother! Before you say anything about me being irresponsible and a bad child, i just wanna say that... well i don't really have anything to say but─ "

her words cut off as her mother embraces her with a strong grip, too strong.

"Mom? I can't really breathe?"

"Oh, sorry sweetie I was just really worried"

As if a bomb went off, her mother went off with a bang.

Immediately felt a sharp pain on her ear as her mother tugged on it painfully

"Ow! Mom" whinning as if to stop her mother but it just apparently fueled her rage.

"Where were you? People have been looking everywhere for you! I have been looking everywhere, I was worried sick, No messeges? No permissions at all of where you were going? Not to mention you were all alone"

"I wasn't all alone"

As if this was her cue to say something to somehow alleviate the scolding. "Hey, I'm Amy" lifting her hand up for a hand shake

"And you are?" Her mother said not in a rude way rather a curious one.

"I'm a police officer and I was the one who found your little girl roaming the streets" she explained

"Oh" in a pause her mother seems a bit winded and trying to come up with a complete sentence to the stranger. 

As if her silence was a timer, waiting on when the other show will drop, she inhales a breath.

Eyes wide for her mother to start to berate her again. Closing her eyes for her mother to make the next move instead she felt warm hands embracing her tight yet not too firm.

Just the right amount of force to be able to feel for her mother heat and she finally got her bearings, she immediately hugged back, whispering apologies in her mother's ear.

Thank you

Mouth the words to the stranger who brought her daugther back home safe.

Which she received a smile back, knowing that she finished her mission, she turned around and started walking away.

"Wait!" She stopped when she heard the little girl and waited for her to reach watching as she ran towards the woman as fast as her little legs could.

"Thank you-for taking care of me and helping me with the gift, i'll never forget it and if there's anything you need then you can ask for me, I swear it by my family honor" 

The woman smiled in fondness, "okay, let's meet again someday
little heiress" she bowed, the girl bowed back and smiled brightly, teeth showing " Yes! It's a promise, Ms. Amy-san"

Smiling one last time, " until next time kid" ruffling her hair fondly, walking away and starting her trek back knowing they'll soon cross paths again.

blues speaks!

Okay, so this is just basically a filler on little suki and her childhood and next up is also a filler because for me i dont wanna create a story not just for the sake of the oc being just there as a romantic interest for someone, i wanna create their background and start slow first :)

Hope ya'll understand and until next chapter!

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