Koishiteru | Sokka

By HannahDottier

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"Don't listen to him, he's an idiot Water Tribe peasant who can't read!" In a world without the Avatar, the p... More

Trailer & Playlist
01|The Great Find
02|Ginseng Tea
03|Kyoshi Warriors' Finger of Blame
05|Hot Springs
06|Returning 'Home' pt. I
08|Trancending Time
09|The Father's Wrath
10|Zuko's Defiance
11|Facing The Consequences
Act 2
13|Wan & Shoi-Ming
14|Guardian Akemi
15|The Old Lie
16|Sweetest Sin
17|The Ballad of Mi-Sun

12|The North Pole

1.4K 59 41
By HannahDottier

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"Let me sit here, on the threshold
of two worlds. Lost in the eloquence
of silence." ~Jalalud'din Rumi
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The attack on the Northern Water Tribe had begun, Akemi and Zuko worked on keeping a low profile as they hid in the ship. They were luckily not assigned any deck duties and so stuck to their cabins and engine room. For now they managed to keep a low profile. The first day of attack flew by and twilight neared, halting the Fire Nation attacks.

Akemi sat in her room, the tiny window high on the wall allowed her to glimpse at the nearly full moon. In her hands she clutched her porcelain dragon in her hands. She pulled her amber gaze from the moon to settle it on the small statue in her possession. Gently her fingers traced over the dragon's mane.

The girl closed her eyes and let out a sigh, black hair loose around her as a curtain. Akemi pressed a small kiss to the dragon and pulled back slightly. "What would you do?" Her voice was barley a whisper, so soft that she herself barley heard it. A question meant only for the ears of a certain dead soldier.

The Fire Nation girl slipped off of her seat easily, the uncomfortable weight of her betrothal brooch gone. Never would she be allowed back into the Fire Nation, Ozai would never allow it not after what she had done.


The Fire Nation princess looked back to see a young boy standing in a doorway. His parents desperately dragged him out of Akemi's sight.

Akemi braided her hair back and pulled a white tunic over her head.

Akemi didn't get far before Zeref grabbed hold of her topknot and yanked her back. Akemi spun while raising her leg, slamming it into Zeref's chest as her hair fell around her freely in a wild black cloud.


Smoke curled up into the night sky. Yue and Katara stood side by side, their gazes fixed on the hundreds of Fire Nation ships that littered the horizon. "They've stopped firing," due breathed out in relief.

Just then Hang came flying towards them. "Aang!" Katara exclaimed as her friend raced towards her. Due to the sheer exhaustion however, Aang didn't land properly and nearly collapsed into a heap on the floor.

The young boy let out a shaky breath, hands gripping his bald head. "I can't do it ... I can't do it," he muttered, shaking his head.

Meanwhile the two Water Tribe girls dropped to their knees around him, Katara resting a tentative hand on Aang's shoulder. "What happened?" She coaxed.

Aanglooked at Katara with such a tired gaze that it pulled Katara's heartstrings. "I must have taken out a dozen Fire Navy ships, but there's just too many of them. I can't fight them all," He said, lips quivering a little. He couldn't become this all powerful avatar, that wasn't him. Or at least that was what he thought. Roku, Kyoshi, Yangchen and Kuruk had all been good avatars in their own ways, how was Aang supposed to live up to them in such little time when he was less than half their ages?

"But, you have to," Yue cried, fear contorting her face. "You're the Avatar."

At that Aang shook his head. "I'm just one kid," He whispered solemnly before burying his face in his arms. Within seconds he was swept into a comforting hug by Katara, who knelt beside him. The two kids shared a look.


In a dark room in one of the ships, Akemi and Zuko were loading their supplied into a small canoe. Iroh watched them with a slightly crestfallen face. "If you're fishing for an octopus my nephew, my niece, you need a tightly woven net, or he will squeeze through the tiniest hole and escape," Iron said.

Zuko brushed the comment off and continued preparing for his departure. "I don't need your wisdom right now, Uncle."

Akemi glared at her brother and gave him an elbow before lingering by her uncle's side. "Thank you, Uncle."

The elderly man gave the girl a kind nod in thanks. "Thank you Akemi," He turned to look at Zuko. "I'm sorry. I just nag you, because ... well," Iroh's voice broke as he caught sight of the porcelain dragon peeking out of Akemi's bag. "Ever since I lost my son..."

"Uncle, you don't have to say it." Zuko interjected with a soft and gentle tone.

"...I think of you two as my own." Iroh brought his hand up to squeeze Akemi's left hand, which still resided on his shoulder.

Zuko turned to face his uncle, a kind expression on his face. "I know, Uncle. We'll meet again," Zuko pulled Iroh into a hug. "After I have the Avatar." The boy turned and got into the boat as Akemi strode to the lines to help the decent of the boat.

"Remember your breath of fire. It could save your life out there!" Iroh called out to the lowering Zuko.

"I will."

"And put your hood up. Keep your ears warm!"

"I'll be fine!"

The boat reached the water and Akemi approached the large opening, preparing to jump down and join Zuko. First she turned to Iroh and hugged him. "I'll see you later, Uncle," She whispered into his ear.

In reply Iroh hugged her tighter before holding her at arms' length, head tilted to look up at her. A warm smile graced his face. "I hope tonight can mark your journey to peace," He told her, fingers pressing into her left shoulder as his right hand stayed clear from the skin he knew to be scarred.

"Thank you, Uncle." Akemi dove out of the ship and cut through the murky, ice cold waters of the poles.

As soon as Akemi resurfaced, Zuko extended her a hand and helped her onto their boat. After drying her clothes Akemi moved her arms in long circular motions to swirl the water around the two siblings and move them over the water silently. The ice walls of Anna Qel'a approaching them rapidly. They hid behind an ice spike when patrol on the walls past before pulling their canoe onto a sheet of ice just outside the wall. Melting part of the wall was out of the question as the duo couldn't be sure there were no guards on the other side.

As Akemi tried to find another way in, Zuko actually found one and tapped her on the shoulder. The elder one followed the direction in which Zuko pointed and saw a bunch turtle-seals diving into a hole.

"Where are they going?" Zuko wondered aloud. "They're coming up for air somewhere."

Akemi fastened her tunic before getting down on her knees before the hole. "Let's go." She dove in, Zuko not far behind. Within seconds Akemi had two air bubbles around their heads. After a few minutes in the freezing water they found an exit just as Akemi's air bubbles started to defuse. Zuko pulled himself out of the water, Akemi close behind him.

The two royals lay there shivering for a moment as they breathed fire. Zuko's a bright yellow and orange whilst Akemi's coloured faint yellow and white. As the two tried to recover, the turtle-seals decided to hold a barking contest. "Be quiet!" Zuko fumed, effectively quieting the animals down. "Lets go, we have to keep moving," Zuko spoke as he scrambled to his feet.


Meanwhile Yue, Katara, Aang and Momo had located to the Spirit Oasis. The girls' parkas lay discarded on the grass as Aang sat crisscross to meditate, his eyes pressed tightly shut. "Why is he sitting like that?" The white haired girl asked curiously, watching Aang at the edge of the pond.

Katara answered, her blue eyes never leaving Aang's form. "He's meditating, trying to cross over into the Spirit World. It takes all his concentration." Meditating required concentration, which Aang didn't have as Katara and Yue distracted him. He scrunched up his face.

"Is there any way we can help?" The northern princess asked.

That proved to be the last straw for Aang who whipped around. "How about some quiet? Come on guys, I can hear every word you're saying!" He turned back to the pond, grey gaze fixating on the koi fish in the pond. They circulated one another perfectly, never straying too close or too far from the other. One white with black and the other black with white. Aang's eyes and tattoos lit up.

"Is he okay?" Yue asked, concern splattered across her face.

Katara nodded. "He's crossing into the Spirit World. He'll be fine as long as we don't move his body. That's his way back to the physical world." Katara pulled slightly on her sleeve, gaze never leaving Aang.

The revelation they weren't allowed to move Aang's body as long as he was gone, made some alarm bells go off in Yue's head. "Maybe we should get some help," She suggested.

In return Katara gave a semi patronising smile. "No, he's my friend. I'm perfectly capable of protecting him."

Choosing to make his entrance then, Zuko made his appearance. "Well, aren't you a big girl now." He smirked at her.

Katara gasped and took a few steps back. "No ..." Yue took the opportunity to run out of the oasis to look for help.

The fire prince allowed the Water Tribe princess to sprint past him as he gave a determined look to Katara. "Yes. Hand him over and I won't have to hurt you." To no one's surprise Katara kicked up a fighting stance instead of giving up. Zuko kicked up a leg, a wave of fire heading towards Katara who deflected it with water. Fire blast after fire blast was stopped by a water shield. Eventually Katara gathered some water from the pond and sent the powerful stream at Zuko. The prince was knocked down.

Zuko pushed himself up. "I see you've learned a new trick, but I didn't come this far to lose to you." He spun around, summoning fire and sending another powerful blast at Katara, who stopped the attack with yet another shield. Not wasting any time, Katara sent another stream at Zuko and started freezing him in place. "You little peasant. You've found a master, haven't you?" Zuko shouted as he broke his ice prison.


Before Zuko had entered the Spirit Oasis, he and Akemi had split up to cover more ground. The black haired girl watched Yue run through the city and frowned as she saw the girl. Something inside her bones was pulling her towards the white haired girl.

So Akemi followed after Yue, she remained crouched as to not attract any attention towards herself. It didn't take long for Yue to start calling out a name that had grown familiar over the past few months.


The moon was descending by the time Yue found Sokka, the girl quite literally jumped into the boy's arms as she let out a sob into his parka. "Yue? What happened?" Sokka immediately asked, pulling back to look at her.

"It's Aang and Katara," Yue cried as she shook her head, remembering the fire that Zuko had conjured.

Concern that stretched beyond a mere attack crossed Sock's face. "What happened to them? Where are they?"

"They were attacked by a guy with a ponytail, a firebender," As Yue spoke, realisation dawned on Sokka. "They're in the Spirit Oasis."

"We have to go!" Sokka grasped Yue's hand and started running to Appa. In that moment Akemi made a decision as she pulled up a wall of ice in front of the two Water Tribe people. Sokka swirled around, pushing Yue behind him as he spotted Akemi. "You," He hissed.

Akemi looked at Sokka, a plan forming in her head. She may never return to the Fire Nation in an honourable manner and Zuko probably wouldn't be able to as well, but there was some hope for him. "I don't want to fight," She said raising her hands.

The younger boy frowned at her, his boomerang lowering ever so slightly. "Why should I believe you?"

"I've changed," Akemi said as she set a careful step forward. "I want to help you, you and the Avatar," Yue watched the older girl approach with an inexplicable look on her face, narrowed eyes, mouth lightly ajar and mind spinning. "This war isn't beneficial to anyone."

A loud scoff rang from Sokka's throat. "Yeah, right. This is all some elaborate plan to kidnap Aang or concur the Northern Water Tribe." He narrowed his eyes at her.

Akemi opened her mouth to say something, but before she could, Yue stepped out from behind Sokka and ignored his protests. "Yue, get behind me!"

The white haired girl continued to approach Akemi however. They stood two meters apart and Yue narrowed her eyes that seemed to look straight into Akemi's soul. "I believe her."

"WHAT?!!?!" Sokka exclaimed, waving his hands around frantically.

The younger princess nodded. "I trust her."

"She's pure evil!" Sokka reamed. There was no reason to trust her, Guardian or not, she had hunted them down from the begging. Just because she hadn't killed or hurt Sokka when they were in the Fire Nation, didn't mean she was suddenly good.

"I'm trying to help you," Akemi said dropping her hands to rest by her side. "Zuko is here and he wants to capture Aang."

Sokka tilted his head at Akemi as he ignored Yue's pleading eyes. "Why are you betraying him?"

The best lies were built on the foundations of truth, so Akemi shrugged. "The Fire Nation isn't as great as we are taught to believe, I'm done fighting my father, grandfather and great-grandfather's war," Her usually monotone voice slipped up, cracking ever so slightly towards the end.

It was a slip up from Akemi, but apparently it worked for Sokka lowered his boomerang. "If you're telling the truth, which I'm still not sure about," He waved his hand at her, his brows scrunching together as a new serious tone of dread laced his words. "Then we have to protect Aang. Let's go."

Surprised her plan had worked, Akemi quickly sprinted after the two Water Tribe teens. The first rays of sunlight started to peak out over the horizon, meaning the Fire Nation attack would soon continue.

The trio arrived at Appa and Sokka climbed onto the saddle with ease before he helped Yue up. Akemi prepared to boost herself up with her firebending when the flying bison turned his head to her and took a big sniff of her before licking her.

"Ew! Seriously?" Akemi snapped as she tried to wipe the saliva off of her, and under other circumstances Sokka would have been laughing and making fun of Akemi at that point. The older teen got into the saddle with a scowl before Appa took off.

Now Akemi had never actually flown before and she let out a small gasp, hands gripping the saddle. Yue watched Akemi with the tiniest of smiles. "I felt the same way when I first flew," She said. The two locked eyes, sending shudders down both their spines.

Appa landed in the Spirit Oasis where they found a solemn Katara and Momo, but no Aang. The first one to get off of Appa was Sokka, Akemi lingering slightly to help Yue down.

"What happened? Where's Zuko?" Sokka asked, his feet running towards his sister. Gently Sokka rested a hand on her shoulders.

Katara looked at him dismayed. "He took Aang. He took him right out from under me," She whimpered. "I can't believe I lost him." As the two siblings consoled one another, Akemi wondered off to the side of the oasis and crouched down.

"You did everything you could," Sokka said softly. "And now we need to do everything we can to get him back," Sokka looked away from his sister to Akemi who seemed to be inspecting something on the ground. "Zuko can't have gotten far," He smiled. "We'll find him, Aang's gonna be fine," Katara finally looked up at Sokka with teary eyes. He jutted his thumb in Akemi's direction. "Besides, we have a trick up our sleeve."

The Water Tribe girl frowned and looked at her brother with wide eyes. "What is she doing here?"

Sokka looked back again to Akemi. "She said she wanted to help us." He shook his head a little, eyebrows reaching for his hairline as he did.

"We can't trust her," Katara argued. "She's been hunting us and Aang the entire time."

The boy pursed his lips together. "I don't trust her," He looked back at Katara. "I trust her rage." His mind trailed off to the Fire Nation temple. The collective demeanour of Akemi had washed away entirely when she noticed her husband. Sokka's blue gaze drifted off to Yue. Besides how nationalistic could she be after spending years at sea on some forsaken mission away from her home?

"What rage? The rage she has from being bad?"

Sokka shook his head. "Her rage at the Fire Nation, I trust that."

Despite not fully seeing what her brother saw in Akemi, Katara dropped it. If it came down to it, Katara could fight Akemi and stand a reasonable chance. She closed her eyes and rose to her feet. "Okay," Katara noticed the ever frozen Momo who stared at the place where hang had been just moments before. "It's alright. You stay here, Momo, in case Aang comes back."

The group climbed on to Appa, Sokka taking the reins once more. "Zuko's tracks indicate he went that way!" Akemi called as she pointed towards the North.

"Yip yip." With that Appa took off flying.


The already cold and unforgiving climate of the North Pole only got worse as a snow storm started. Despite her breath of fire and ability to regulate her body temperature quite well, Akemi shivered and found herself eyeing the parkas the three Water Tribe members wore. Katara was alternating in between eyeing Akemi suspiciously to gazing out to the white beneath in search of her friend and enemy.

"Don't worry, Prince Zuko can't be getting too far in this weather," Yue said in an attempt to ease Katara's nerves. It didn't.

"I'm not worried they'll get away in the blizzard," Katara shouted over the howling winds. "I'm worried that they won't." She bit her lip.

From Appa's head, Sokka shook his head. "They're not going to die in this blizzard. If we know anything, it's that Zuko never gives up. They'll survive, and we'll find them." The boy had his hood pulled up, effectively hiding his face from the girls behind him.

"Zuko knows how to keep his body warm," Akemi looked to Katara. "He won't freeze, so neither will the Avatar." The elder girl gave what she hoped to be an encoring nod, but instead it came off quite solemn and stern which made Katara tilt her head.

Some fire gathered in Akemi's hands and immediately Katara reacted by gathering some snow in hers. "Drop those flames!" Katara growled.

"I'm trying to help," Akemi barked back before slamming her hands down, little balls of fire racing towards the glacier beneath. Sure enough they allowed to airborne team to get a better look at the ground. The Fire Nation Guardian quirked a brow at Katara who looked away bashfully.

Time ticked by and the did not find Aang and Zuko, worry began to fester in all of them. Akemi came to the conclusion that she should have never split up from Zuko, she could make sure he was safe. Instead she was working together with her enemies to find the idiot.

As though it were fate a light whizzed by them. Katara perked up as she recognised the familiar blue hue. "Look, that's gotta be Aang! Yip yip!" They followed the streak and sure enough they found a crawling tied up Aang who was trying to get away from Zuko. Akemi flexed her fingers, preparing for her next move. Whatever it would be.

The little bald boy noticed his furry friend and grinned. "Appa!" He cheered just as Appa landed and Katara jumped onto the snow covered ground.

"Here for a rematch?" Zuko demanded, tossing the still tied up Aang aside. The teen raised his hands, fire coming to life in them despite the cold.

Katara easily countered the fire blasts sent her way. "Trust me Zuko, it's not going to be much of a match."

Just then Zuko noticed a figure clad in white atop of Appa with pitch black hair. He gasped. "Kemi?"

Not caring that her opponent was distracted, Katara used her waterbending to launch Zuko into the air before allowing him to plummet onto the ground. The impact caused the young prince to be knocked out.

Akemi moved to slide off of Appa, but Sokka stopped her. "No, you stay up here. I don't trust you enough." He looked past her to Yue and bit her lip. Whilst he didn't trust Akemi to be so close to her brother, he also didn't want to leave her alone with Yue.

"I'll be okay," Yue spoke up with a kind smile and nod. Sighing in defeat Sokka slid off of Appa and rushed towards Aang to untie him.

"Hey, this is some quality rope!" Sokka exclaimed, holding the now loose ropes in his glove clad hands. It had been rope that Akemi and Zuko had picked up in a Fire Nation controlled harbour, so that guaranteed quality.

Meanwhile Aang jumped up and moved towards Appa. "We need to get to the oasis, the spirits are in trouble!" He noticed Akemi in the saddle and pulled the most surprised face Akemk had ever seen. The two Water Tribe siblings climbed up onto Appa and Akemi's eyes narrowed as she noticed Zuko was still laying on the snow in a pile of snow. She moved to climd down Appa when Aang seemed to notice the prince.

"Wait, we can't just leave him here," The boy mumbled.

"Sure we can. Let's go," Sokka urged.

Akemi, who was already halfway down Appa, glared up at the younger boy. " If you leave him here, I'll shoot you full of lightning." Sokka met Akemi's challenging look with one of his own. He made a 'come at me' motion with his hands.

"If we leave him he'll die." Aang jumped onto the glacier, retrieved Zuko, laid the boy in the saddle before taking his seat at Appa's head once more.

With a scoff Sokka moved to tie up Zuko with Zuko's rope. "Yeah, this makes a lot of sense. Let's bring the guy who's constantly trying to kill us." Sokka tied off the ropes and pulled on them to ensure they were tight and Zuko could not move his arms or hands. Akemi climbed back onto the saddle quirked a brow at Sokka, who shrugged at her. "I'm just saying..."

As the group whizzed through the air, the moon started to bleed into a deep red. Simultaneously a red hue befell the world. Yue groaned and clutched her head in her hands, within a beat both Akemi and Aang were struck with a splitting headache that made them wince.

Sokka rested two hands on the princess' shoulders, ducking his head as to look at the girl's face. "Are you okay?"

"I feel faint," Yue whispered softly as she leaned into Sokka's touch.

Akemi nodded. "I feel it too," She looked at the moon, eyes a blazing gold despite the red hue of the world. "Something is wrong."

Aang held his own head. "The Moon Spirit is in trouble."

"I owe the Moon Spirit my life," Yue suddenly spoke up, making the others in the saddle look at her. The girl cast her gaze down as memories flooded her mind.

Both Sokka and Katara didn't seem to understand how that was possible. "What do you mean?"

"When I was born I was very sick and very weak," The white haired girl started, eyes fixed on her hands which rested on her lap. "Most babies cry when they're born, but I was born as if I was asleep, my eyes closed," Memories of Akemi's own birth filled her head. "Our healers did everything they could. They told my mother and father I was going to die," Yue looked away from her hands and tilted her gaze up to the moon, eyes passing over Akemi's form as she did so. "My father pleaded with the spirits to save me. That night, beneath the full moon, he brought me to the oasis and placed me in the pond," Yue took a lock from her snow white hair into her gloved hand. "My dark hair turned white. I opened my eyes and began to cry, and they knew I would live. That's why my mother named me Yue," Yue and Akemi locked eyes, an odd feeling spread throughout their bodies, a feeling of foreign recognition from another life or a distant dream. "For the moon."


"I am... a legend, now!" Zhao beamed as he held up the bag which contained Tui, the moon spirit. "The Fire Nation will, for generations, tell stories about the great Zhao, who darkened the moon," The man clapped his brother on the shoulder. "They will call us, Zhao and Zeref the Conquerors, Zhao the Moon Slayer, Zeref the Unbeatable, Zhao the Invincible!"  During the admiral's monologue, Momo hopped onto his head. The man grimaced. "Ugh... Get it off! Get it off!"

"Hold still!" Zeref barked as he tried to grab the flying lemur. Before the man could take hold of, Momo flew away and landed on Aang's shoulder. A sinister smirk curled onto Zeref's face as he noticed Akemi beside Aang. "Hello Wife."

Akemi jotted her chin forward, balancing an invisible ball upon it. "I'm not your wife," She gritted through her teeth. "Zhao, I order you to let the Moon Spirit go."

Said man did not let the koi fish go, instead he laughed at Akemi. "The banished princess thinks she can give me orders," He tskd. "How pathetic."

"I'm not banished," She snapped back.

"Not yet," Zeref said, making Akemi's jaw tighten. Even though Akemi didn't want to believe it, she knew it was only a matter of time until Ozai banished her after the events at the pier. Her marriage was a clear measurement to keep Akemi in check, now that she had broken it she was surly a traitor to Ozai.

The princess opened her mouth to say something, but stopped at Zhao's words. "Don't bother." The admiral lifted the sack up further and held a fist up next to it.

"Zhao, don't!" Aang pleaded, dropping his staf onto the floor in surrender.

"It's my destiny, to destroy the moon and the Water Tribe." Zhao declared.

Aang shook his head. "Destroying the moon won't hurt just the Water Tribe. It will hurt everyone, including you," Zhao and Zeref shared a look before they both looked at the young boy in front of them. "Without the moon, everything would fall out of balance. You have no idea what kind of chaos that would unleash on the world."

Next the all too familiar voice of Iroh cut in. "He is right Admirals." Iroh was cloaked in deep red as he entered the oasis.

"General Iroh," Zhao stared at the retired general. "Why am I not surprised to discover your treachery?"

Iroh took of his hood. "I'm no traitor, Zhao, the Fire Nation needs the moon, too. We all depend on the balance. Whatever you do to that spirit I'll unleash on you ten-fold. Let it go, now!" Iroh commanded as he got into a fighting stance, flat hand facing the two Fire Nation brothers.

"That's exactly what a traitor would say," Zeref sneered, but frowned as he saw Zhao release the koi fish into the pond. "Zhao, just killed it!"

"Don't!" Akemi warned, voice dropping several octaves.

Iroh, Akemi and Aang's pleas fell to deaf ears as Zhao strook the koi fish. In spite of the pain it caused Akemi, she sent a wave of fire which Zeref blocked. Meanwhile Iroh unleashed ten strikes on Zhao. Most of the world's colour was snuffed out, leaving only the burning colours of the fire and the eyes of the two princesses. The two members of the Fire Nation royal family continued to attack Zeref and Zhao who retreated back to their soldiers, who were quickly defeated.

As the Fire Nation soldiers ran away, the group gathered around the pond. Iroh gently scooped Tui out of the water. "There's no hope now, it's over," Yue sobbed.

Aang's tattoos and eyes glowed a bright blue, his voice deforming. "No, it's not over." A surge of energy passed through Akemi, her eyes glowing ever so slightly grey. The boy strode to the pond, he stood in the water in a meditative stance as La circled him.

La light up like Aang and Aang descended into the water. All of the water around the oasis glowed the same eery blue. The water ebbed away from the oasis, as it did it started to bulge up to form a creature.

"It's too late, it's dead," Katara whispered, leaning back onto her heels and away from the Fire Nation general.

As the group mourned Tui, Iroh looked to Akemi. Despite the grief of the situation he offered her the tiniest smile, before something else caught his eye. Hair as white as winter. A memory from 17 years before resurfaced. If there could be a daughter of the sun, why could there not be a daughter of the moon?

"You have been touched by the Moon Spirit," He started, pointing at Yue. "Some of its life is in you." Akemi and Iroh's amber eyes met in realisation.

Yue gasped slightly. "Yes, you're right. It gave me life, maybe I can give it back," Yue uttered. Akemi turned to look the girl next to her with parted lips. The younger princess rose to her feet to walk past Akemi.

However Sokka reached up, clasping Yue's wrist in his own. "No! You don't have to do that." The utter desperation in Sokka's voice was heartbreaking, but it didn't matter.

"It's my duty, Sokka," Yue fired back without looking at the boy. She leant away from Sokka, pushing aside her feelings.

Said boy shook his head firmly. "I won't let you!" His grip on Yue's hand tightened. "Your father told me to protect you."

Yue's lips pressed together. "I have to do this."

When Sokka didn't let go, Akemi's left fingers curled around his wrist. "Let her go." The boy looked at Akemi, ready to argue or fight her, but the strangely comforting look she gave him was enough to make Sokka shut his mouth. Begrudgingly Sokka's grip slackened and allowed Yue's hand to slip from his own.

The white haired girl placed her bare hands on the koi fish, making it glow. The girl turned her eyes up to the sky one last time before closing them. A beat later Yue fell back onto Akemi's lap. Sokka, who's wrist had still been in Akemi's hand, pushed Akemi to the side and collected Yue in his arms. "No!" He screamed, hand cupping her cheek. A pull inside Akemi made her grasp the dead girl's hand. It felt ice cold. "She's gone, she's gone," Sokka whispered.

Then Yue's body stared to fade before disappearing completely, leaving Sokka's arms and Akemi's lap empty. Tui started to glow and Iroh gently placed it back in the water.

Once more the lake light up, but instead of spreading the light stayed concentrated in the pond. A projection of Yue formed right above the pond. In death Yue looked even more breathtaking. Her piercing blue eyes met Akemi's and Yue smiled, causing red to coat Akemi's cheeks.

"Goodbye, Sokka. I'll always be with you." Yue leant in and the two individuals shared a kiss. In the midst of the exchange, Yue disappeared and the moon reappeared. The world was coloured in again.


Morning arrived as though the previous night had never happened. The sun shining as it ever did.

Akemi slung her small bag over her shoulder once more and tigthned her ponytail.  The girl was clad in a Water Tribe tunic which she had bought with some coins. She turned to walk out of the igloo, but stopped in her tracks when she came face to face with Aang. "What do you want?" She demanded, stern gaze impaling Aang from above.

Aang gulped a little but nonetheless his lips tugged up into a friendly grin. "I was wondering if you wanted to come with me and my friends."

The Princess scoffed. "No thanks." She moved to walk past Aang, but he did not give up and ran after her.

"Akemi, wait! Please!" He called out after her.

With a sigh the girl spun on her heel, arms crossed over her chest. "Why would I go with you?" She challenged, peering down at him over her nose.

Aang's eyes shone with excitement. "Well you're an excellent bender and we could really use your help," He rubbed the back of his neck. "And I do need to learn firebending eventually..." He trailed off and gulped. Less than 24 hours before Akemi was ready to burn them. Sure she couldn't go back to the Fire Nation after what she did, but she couldn't exactly join the enemy.

"Find someone else, I bet there are hundreds of deserters who would love to teach you."

"I don't want a deserter," Aang jumped in front of Akemi, blocking her path which earned him a bone curling glare. "Look, we need you. Don't you want to bring down your father and end this war?"

Akemi parted her lips slightly. She huffed and pinched the bridge of her nose. It wasn't like she had any other options. "Fine," Aang moved to cheer, but stopped mid movement as Akemi raised a finger. "I'll come find you. I have something I need to take care of first."

"Do you even know where we'll be?"

Akemi smirked, the faintest twinkle of amusement present in her eyes. "Tracked you this far, shouldn't be a problem to find you again." The tiniest smile played on the girl's lips and Aang chuckled at her. With that Akemi walked off and took her and Zuko's canoe and bended her way away from Anna Qel'a.

"Are we sure it's a good idea to just let her go?" Sokka, who had walked up to stand beside Aang, inquired. His gaze was fixed on the ever shrinking figure of Akemi.

In reply Aang shrugged. "I think so."

Katara walked up to the two. "We'll find out," She muttered. The trio continued to watch Akemi who was heading for the horizon.

ahhhh i'm back!! sorry it took months, i was just really struggling with this chapter,
i struggled with having akemi sory of change sides but also not, so yeah. i hope you lot
liked this chapter. we'll maybe do one more chapter in this act and then we'll move on
to act 2 which i think will be paced better because in show akemi would appear in nearly every
episode of s2 unlike s1 where she doesn't show up about 1/3 of the season.

akemi's new attire ^

deep dive post

date published: 18 july 2022
word count: 5923

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