Obikaka ( one shots )

By Yukishows

106K 2.5K 4.1K

Hi :) These are just story's I feel like writing when I'm inspired enjoy :D Every chapter will be a differen... More

His kiss
Another one..
Love letters
Soulmate magnets
Blind date.
Love justus
Passing notes
New years
The last strawberry
Crystal reflections.
Bank heist turned personal
Hes still alive
Its okay to be confused
Date to the wedding
I miss you...
Its a miracle
Dont wanna die alone
His regrets
Forgotten promises
Tourettes? part 2
Your worrying me...
A little too helpful..
Assassins can have soft spots too
Shouldnt you be dead!?
They Looking at me~
Your so dense
Airplanes arent my strong point
Im not obsessed. Im just protecting him
Two worlds apart
Clingy much
I may have a problem
Just a little disagreement
Babysitting sucks
Wilted heart
I hate you.
Beach trip!
Unfortunately stuck together
Is gay okay?
Ill help you see
Trapped together
Falling for each other through sweets
Your static love
I remember your love
Im too patient
Love hurts, especially yours.
From bullied to feared part 1
From bullied to feared part 2
Your static love part 2
Its all my fault
Obitos jealousy
He's everything i have, please..
We met in the janitors closet
My prince of love
My prince of love part 2!!
Long sighted love
I just needed time
I want to break up
You know what they say~
Still here
Met in a weird way
Under pressure
Under Preasure part 2!
Just have to shoot your shot
Head over heels for an elf
Love at first sight
Nobody is purrrfect 😏
Not what i meant..
Thank you❤️

What a life..

4K 67 101
By Yukishows

Inspired by me favorite _NoyaSimp_

Modern au
Angst Kakashi TW abuse and probably homophobic stuff. Triggering trauma
Enjoy :D

Kakashi had never had a normal childhood, it was mostly filled with abuse or loud voices from
what he could remember. Up until middle school, Kakashi thought his home life was a normal and
common thing. However when he asked some of his friends about their home life they told him
the complete opposite.

He explained about his home life in shock that no one else had it. Unfortunately he moved
schools so he decided it was best to keep his home life a secret from then on. Little did he know
he was going to be doing the exact opposite.

Kakashi awoke to the sound of his mother screaming.

"When are you going to grow up Sakumo!" His mother screeched from dowstairs.

"Ugh.. starting off loud today I see..." Kakashi trumbled himself up and changed listening to
his idiotic parents.

"Me grow up!? Who's the wh$re that can't keep her mouth shut!"

"Wh#re!? What do you mean bi#&&!"

"Will you ever stop nagging me!"

Kakashi sighed with an annoyed expression "I swear, one of these days their going to
rip each others heads off" Kakashi laughed as he walked out the door and down the stairs.

"What are you still doing here!? Get to school you brat!" His mother yelled.

"I'm sorry I have to wake up to this sh1t" Kakashi wished he could roll his eyes more than this.

"Don't talk to me like that-"

"Why don't you not talk at all hag!" Sakumo screamed at his repulsive wife.

"I'm sick of you!" She screamed as she ran upstairs.

"I'm sick of me too! I make bad decisions of my relationships!" Sakumo yelled in return.

Kakashi smiled sadly, "what a life I live"

"Get to school you brat" Sakumo said as he plummeted more beer in his mouth.

"Whatever" Kakashi walked out his house and down the road.

Unfortunately for Kakashi, his school was one mile away. His parents have been drinking and
they don't really care for Kakashi so he has to wake up at 5 am to walk to school.

Kakashi looked up at the large closed gate, "great I'm here 20 minutes early..." he sat
down on the grass outside the school.

Kakashi sat there looking at the grey clouds when he heard someone walking to him, he didn't
bother to turn around though.

"Hey Bakashi!" Obitos voice called a few feet behind Kakashi.


"Just saying hi? Had a bad morning or something?" Obito sat down with Kakashi.

"Nothing out the ordinary" Kakashi sighed.

"I heard some wicked fight going on across the street" Kakashi froze "sounded heated!" Obito

Obito lived not that far from Kakashi and he occasionally passed by his house when going to school. Hence
why he's there so early. Obito has never been to Kakashi's house so he doesn't know that's the silverettes
parents making all the noise.

"U-uh.. yeah.. I heard it too" Kakashi looked away uncomfortably

"I heard some glass too! At first I wondered if I should see what's going on but it's not my business." Obito

"Not mine either..." Kakashi looked down.

"Anyway, Rin gets here at 6:30 so you wanna sneak in the school? Their gonna let us in anyway" Obito

"No Obito." Kakashi stood his ground.

"Com'on! Just one little trip near the school~ the whole office is open~"

"Just wait here until the times up Obito" Kakashi smiled sadly trying to convince his stubborn

"Fine, fine. This is what I get for being friends with the nerd" Obito leaned back.

"I'm not a- oh forget it" Kakashi sighed.

Kakashi felt the cold, metal gate start to move and he looked over to see a teacher opening it. Students
rushed in and went inside the school or the nearby trees.

"Hey guys!" Rin exclaimed as she ran over in her black skirt and white hoodie, her necklace and
bracelets bopping up and down as she ran.

"Oh hey Rin!" Obito smiled.

"Yeah, yeah, can we get to class now?" Kakashi looked at his friends with a annoyed expression.

"Fine." Obito complained.

The one way Kakashi found to hide his feelings and home life was to act distant and cold
to everyone, that way no one would bother to ask. And it worked.

The three made it to their social studies class but Rins first class was English so she
ran off the corridor.

"Alright, time for 8 hours of torture" Obito walked into the class.

"Time for 8 hours of acting like everything's fine" Kakashi sighed.

The teacher rambled about something as Obito and Kakashi went to their seats. They
sat down and immediately, Kakashi got out a piece of paper to draw.

"We will have a short time of break but your assignment is to pick a partner and get
to know them more, we will have students come up and tell us what they learn, blah blah blah"

Kakashi stopped listening because he assumed Obito would tell him about this whole assignment

Kakashi was correct and Obito immediately claimed him as his partner "Okay Kakashi! You heard
the teacher!" Obito smiled.

"Unfortunately" Kakashi said, obviously bugged.

"Well I don't know a lot about you even though we've been friends for so long... how about your
crush? I have never heard you talk about a girl or anything but I sometimes get vibes~" Obito smirked.

"No way I'm telling you." The truth was that Kakashi liked Obito, he had liked Obito for years but
he's never told him because he was under the impression that Obito liked Rin. "How about you?
do you have a crush?"

"What?! No!" Obito scrunched his face looking down.

"Obito, tell me. I know that look" Kakashi looked at Obito expecting his next words to be
'I like Rin' or something. "Just tell me you like Rin and we'll be done here" Kakashi closed
his eyes.

"Hm? I don't like Rin?" Obito looked at Kakashi confused.

"What?" Kakashi looked at Obitos eyes with his usual side eye glance.

They stared at each other's eyes with confusion for a solid 5 minutes.

"But you always are so red around her?" Kakashi questioned.

"Yeah... she's actually not the's actually-"

"Alright! Free times over and we'll open our books to page 64 please" Minato called, cutting
off Obitos words.

"Ugh..." Obito pulled out his massive history book and flipped through the pages "right when I'm having
a conversation..."

"It's fine. We'll talk after" Kakashi slightly smiled.

"That took hours!" Obito complained as he leaned back on the cafeteria bench.

"It wasn't that bad Obito" Rin smiled.

"Me and Kakashi didn't even have the same classes today- I mean.. we all didn't have any
classes together" Obito folded his arms.

"Good save" Rin said as she took a bite of her sandwich.

"What do you mean Rin?" Kakashi raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing" she smiled.

"Oh sh#&... I forgot to pack myself something to eat" Kakashi sighed "I guess no food for me"

Rin looked at the two boys "anything new happen?"

"Hm? Not really" Obito sighed "just the usual... but I have to babysit my cousin, Itachi today" Obito

"Aweee lucky!" Rin complained.

"Lucky!? He cry's and is way too active!" Obito complained.

"At least he's quiet sometimes" Kakashi said as he gave Obito a side eye.

"I guess..." Obito pouted.

"Well I'm going on a week vacation with my sister! She's going to give me a tour of her new
job at a huge business!" Rin placed her fingertips together.

"What!?" Obito excliamed "Now that's lucky!" Obito pouted again.

"A whole week away from your family?" Kakashi asked.

"Yep" Rin smiled sadly "I'm gonna miss them though"

"Sounds like heaven to me" Kakashi closed his eyes and looked down.

"Where does your sister work?" Obito asked as he scooped some rice in his mouth.

"She works at konohas hyuga complex" Rin explained "it's a huge company that produces advanced
tech and gourmet dishes!"

"What!? A technology company and a food industry!?" Obito was shocked.

"Yeah, their a huge deal" Kakashi folded his arms as he looked at his friends talk.

"I wish I could work there..." Obito said sadly.

"The only downside about it is how far it is from family" Rin smiled sadly.

"Sounds like a upside don't you think?" Kakashi raised an eyebrow.

"Hm? What do you mean?" Obito asked.


Kakashi stopped at the bus stop. He would usually make his friends think he rode the
bus to and from school so they didn't know.

"Ill see you tomorrow Bakashi!" Obito waved as he walked away from the silverette.

Kakashi sighed and sat down at the bus stop. He really didn't want to go home but he knew
if he was late to come home, his parents would be all over it.

Kakashi started walking a different path than Obito, through ally's between houses, long parks,
and even some subway stations before getting home. Having to walk one mile everyday, twice a day
kinda did help Kakashi's exercise and body but he didn't like it.

Kakashi could hear the muffles of his parents as he walked to the door step.

"Will you ever leave me alone! You've been yelling at me for hours!" Sakumo would complain.

"Me!? Kakashi's your fault! And you came to me!?" Kakashi's mother would scream.

Kakashi froze before touching the door handle.

"What do you mean he's my fault!?" Sakumo yelled.

"It's your fault he's gay! You told him it's okay to be yourself! What is that bulls&#&!"

Kakashi trembled a bit, this was the first time they've argued about him. He wasn't used to it.

"I was telling the truth! Maybe he doesn't want a woman because he sees how absolutely annoying
it is to have a woman in your life! He sees the truth!" Sakumo complained.

Kakashi felt tears run down his face, he was used to his parents saying they were sick of
each other but talking about Kakashi gave him a upset feeling in his stomach.

"Your the one that wanted a child!" Kakashi's mother complained "I never wanted him! And
I still don't want him! He's not even my son!"

Kakashi opened the door and his parents quickly looked at him. They were separated by
the sofa but still pretty close. Kakashi wore a confused, Angry expression as he looked at his

"What do you mean 'he's not my son'!?" Kakashi screamed.

"I-I...." Kakashi's mother was speechless.

"Finally you find out! You see Kakashi" Sakumo walked a step closer to Kakashi.
"This wh#re right here, thankfully isn't your mom." Sakumo smiled.

"W-what do you m-mean?" Kakashi dropped his bag and looked totally shocked.

"I had a woman before her, and had you. She cheated on me and I ended up with this
bi#*&" Sakumo drank some more beer "that's life"

Kakashi looked at his 'mother' "when we're you gonna tell me!?" Kakashi yelled.

"I-I... I was never g-going to t-tell you.." She sadly looked down than gave Sakumo a evil
side eye. "You would have never known if that bast#$& didn't open his huge mouth"

"This whole time, me getting used to a wrecked family, calling you mom!? You were never
my mom!?" Kakashi cried.

"No" she looked down.

Kakashi slammed the door and went running across the street. He didn't
dare look back as his parents screamed for him to come back. This whole time, his family
was a lie? Who was his real mom? Where was she? Was Sakumo his real dad!? Was he lying about
that too!?

Kakashi realized the only place he should go in that moment.

Obitos house.

"Obito pov"

Obito sat on his bed, looking at something on his phone when he looked at the huge grey clouds
above his window. "Looks like it's gonna rain.." He sighed.

Than Obito heard the door bell ring. He jumped up and ran down the stairs, making sure to dodge
his cousin as he ran down the hall.

Obito recognized the soft, calm knock on the door. It was Kakashi and he was sure
about it.

Obito opened the door to see Kakashi. He had his arms folded and tears were running down his face fast.

"Bakashi!? What happened!?" Obito grabbed Kakashi's forearms and looked at
him worried.

"I-I..." Kakashi jumped onto Obito, pressing his masked face into Obitos chest.
Obito blushed red but tried to keep his cool.

"It's okay, come inside. I'll get you something okay? And plus it's going to rain" Obito took
Kakashi's arm and led him inside.

"Obi! Who's thwat?" Itachi asked holding his crow plushie.

"It's Bakashi, he's coming to my room okay?" Obito led Kakashi upstairs
and into his room.

He sat him down, crouching in front of Kakashi placing his hand on the side of his face.
"So... what happened?" Obito asked as he looked at Kakashi, he hated seeing Kakashi sad and would do
anything to make him smile.

"M-my parents... told me something" Kakashi closed his eyes tight "I came home and overheard
them talking about... my m-mom not being related t-to me" Kakashis tears multiplied by the second.

Obito was shocked "what!? How!?" Obito grabbed his shoulders.

"I-I..." Kakashi again jumped into Obito "I don't k-know why they didn't tell me sooner!" Kakashi
cried into Obito, he didn't want to tell Obito about his home life yet.

"Kakashi... " Obito just shut his mouth and hugged Kakashi "I'm so sorry. Why did you come to me?"
Obito separated from Kakashi and looked at the silverette confused.

"I feel safe with y-you..." Kakashi looked down "I felt like you'd understand... I felt like I
needed you." Kakashi sadly smiled and hugged Obito.

Obito felt warmed by this and smiled very widely. After all these years of trying to get Kakashi
to notice how much Obito cared about him, he finally feels comfortable and safe around him.

"Y-you feel safe around... me?" Obito smiled with a faint blush.

"Safer than with my own family" Kakashi cuddled into Obito, calming down by his scent.

"What about your family?" Obito felt confused.

Kakashi opened his eyes and looked at Obito sadly "you promise you won't... tell anyone?" Kakashi
held Obitos face in his hands.

Obitos face heated up by how close Kakashi was and the way he was sitting with him.
"I-I promise" Obito smiled.

"Ever since I was born I never... really felt safe in my house" Kakashi looked down.

"What do you mean?" Obito took Kakashi's hand.

"M-my parents well... wouldn't shut up" Kakashi closed his mouth. He didn't know how
to explain it.

Obito got what Kakashi was saying, he looked at the boy with a completely new view "your parents?"

Kakashi nodded his head "they would take their anger out on me sometime-"

Obito pulled Kakashi into a deep hug, he understood everything. Why Kakashi would come to
school with bandages or scratches, why he was so quiet or distant.

"Wait..." Obito looked at Kakashi "so... that house"

Kakashi genuinely smiled "that's my house" he laughed "what a life huh? But don't worry
Obito, I'm way too used to this.. to be bothered at least."

Obitos tears didn't contain themselves as Obito looked at the sad boy in front of him.
"Why do they make your life so fu#&ing unfair!" Obito became angry.

"Because I'm gay" Kakashi smiled.

"W-what?" Obito thought as he looked at the smiling boy, he knew that smile wasn't
genuine, that smile was a cry for help.

Obito kissed Kakashi passionately as he quickly pulled down his mask, Kakashi moved
back a bit from being surprised. Obito was worried but Kakashi kissed back, holding Obitos
face in his hands.

They stayed like that before separating looking at each other's lips "Kakashi.. I want to
help you... your safe now" Obito pulled Kakashi close as his face became heated.

"Kakashi pov"

Kakashi's nerves relaxed under Obitos touch, was this how Obito has felt? Why
didn't Kakashi tell him this earlier? Maybe he could have been with Obito sooner.

Kakashi wrapped his arms around Obito and dug his face into his chest before mumbling
"Thank you..."

"Obito pov again"

Obito set down his phone after making a phone call, he looked at the sleeping silverette
in his lap. He was happy Kakashi managed to fall asleep after all that.

"He looks cute like that" Obito thought as he played with Kakashi's hair, this was
the first time he has felt Kakashi's hair and it gave him the impression of a sleeping, furry cat.

Kakashi opened his eyes and looked at Obito "w-who were you on the phone with?" He said
half asleep.

"Child protective services" Obito said calmly.

"What!?" Kakashi shot up "b-but..."

"What your used to, is traumatic. Not a childhood. They hurt you mentally and physically.
I'm not going to let you get hurt" Obito touched his face.

"..but..." Kakashi said looking down, the silence being filled with the heavy rain.

"Like I said, I'm not letting you get hurt. I care about you Kakashi.." Obito kissed Kakashi
on the cheek and smiled romantically "I love you and want to protect you"

Kakashi's face heated up and he looked at Obito, he tightly hugged him crying into his chest.

"I love you so much Obito! Thank you.."

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