Orion's Body 2: He's Back

By HeavyMetalRebel

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5 years have passed since the horrific fire and murders that shook the small town of Unicron's Kettle. Now a... More

Chapter 1: Five Years Later
Chapter 2: Welcome Home
Chapter 3: Auto-Bop
Chapter 4: Disciples of Orion
Chapter 5: Sacrifice
Chapter 6: X
Chapter 7: Optimus
Chapter 8: First Blood
Chapter 10: Maneater
Chapter 11: Good Talk
Chapter 12: Ranting and Raving
Chapter 13: It Wasn't Me
Chapter 14: Roller
Chapter 15: Putting Pieces Together
Chapter 16: Hunting Fair Grounds
Chapter 17: Orion's Revenge

Chapter 9: Discovery and Investigation

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By HeavyMetalRebel

Megatron grabbed his box of kids' cereal. He didn't get a bowl cause it was no use. He shoved his servo into the box and scooped up a handful of sugary food, munching away while listening to the small box TV in front of the bed he was laying on.

"Tragedy strikes Unicron's Kettle today as the body of Smackdown, 30, was discovered in the same neighborhood where high school student Swindle was found 5 years ago. Police have begun investigating into the murder." The newscaster's voice was overtaken by the ringing in Megatron's audios.

He gripped his helm and squeezed his optics tight, hearing the voices of Swindle and Mirage echo.

"You let him do this."

"It's your fault."

"We're dead because of you."

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!" Megatron roared in the empty room. The voices were silent now, all he could hear was his pants and the voice of the weatherbot talking about how nice and sunny today was gonna be.

With a grumble, he tosses the box onto the small table and grabs his hoodie and puts it on. Screw the sun, he's on a mission to find out where Orion is and what he plans on doing next.

He walks into the neighborhood, seeing police cruisers and an ambulance in the street, bots coming out of their homes to see what is going on. Children were peeking from curtains only to be pulled back suddenly. Megatron walks close to the nearest cruiser, and peeks over the blinking lights. He listened in on the conversation.

"Yeah, poor guy was ripped apart by what looked like claws, must have been still alive while it happened." An officer said.

"I notified his next of kin already, man was he upset." Another chimed in.

Megatron bit his lip, Orion must have struck, he must have. 5 years without a proper meal can make a cannibalistic demon very angry.

He tries to find an opening to the crime scene, but none have been presented so far, the place is teeming with officers, and Megatron is still on the run technically. He can't risk it. He waited by a cruiser, for what felt like hours. But in reality it was like minutes, he soon was given a chance to sneak by and did so.

He dove under the crime scene tape and looked over his shoulder to glance at the cops there. He soon spotted one that was very familiar to him.


He remembers Roller, he was the side piece Orion saddled himself with before he became possessed, back when everything was fine. Roller was still on the academy roster when they met, but now he has experience, 5 years worth of experience.

Plus, there was also the fact that Roller was his arresting officer after he murked Orion. He doesn't remember much after watching his amica's optics turn gray, just that he was found by Orion's Sire, was shoved off and looked at Orion's dead face. Apparently he was put into the back of the squad car by Roller, whose face was frozen in a shocked expression. His booty call was dead after all.

Now, Roller looked like he aged 10 years instead of 5. He had age lines on his face, and his mouth was in a frown.

Megatron had no idea how he is on the force after having been sleeping with a high schooler, but that is small town politics for you after all.

When the coast was clear, he went to where the body of Smackdown was, he was slumped against a tree, head bowed down, mouth open with dried pink energon on the corners. Then Megatron saw what they meant by 'torn open'.

His chest was open wide, exposing all his internal mechanisms. Pink liquid was pooling, few organs were gone, and are those... bite marks?

Megatron shuddered, this guy must have been clueless. He knelt closer to inspect the damage.

The internals were all fucked up, ripped, shredded, gutted.

His spark chamber looked like it was torn open by claws. Like a wild animal got in.

Megatron soon looked at his face, his mouth was slack open, his optics gray and dark. At the corner of his mouth was dried energon.

He was about to touch the body when he heard leaves rustle and immediately shot up and hid behind a large tree. He peeked out to see a petro rabbit hopping along, Roller noticed the critter and scared away. He soon went over to the corpse of Smackdown with his partner.

Megatron noticed his partner, it was the same cop that was still in the force when he was in high school. The two officers soon began talking.

"Was it like this 5 years ago?" Roller asked.

The older cop, Minimus, nodded, "Yes, it was. First call I got was Impactor reporting on the rich kid."

"The son of the town rep?"

Minimus nodded, "Yep."

Roller looked at the corpse again, "Think it's the same guy who killed the other bots?"

Minimus shrugged, "Possibly, serial killers are erratic like that."

"Maybe it's the same bot who killed Orion." Roller muttered, Minimus heard him and shook his head.

"Roller, Megatron confessed in the back of the squad car to only killing Orion, he's in prison, he's not getting out."

"Still, it hurts." Roller admitted.

Minimus sighed, "I know you two were... close, but it's been 5 years. It is time to move on."

Roller nodded, "Yeah. You're right. Maybe it is."

Megatron watched the two leave, letting the people in charge of moving the body do so. He watched as Smackdown was placed into a black body bag and hoisted onto a stretcher.

"It's not time to move on, not when he is roaming around." He muttered and left the scene.

Meanwhile, inside his new home, Orion was busy looking at his reflection, he ran his glossis over his dentae, over his fangs, and smirked. 

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