Orion's Body 2: He's Back

By HeavyMetalRebel

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5 years have passed since the horrific fire and murders that shook the small town of Unicron's Kettle. Now a... More

Chapter 1: Five Years Later
Chapter 2: Welcome Home
Chapter 4: Disciples of Orion
Chapter 5: Sacrifice
Chapter 6: X
Chapter 7: Optimus
Chapter 8: First Blood
Chapter 9: Discovery and Investigation
Chapter 10: Maneater
Chapter 11: Good Talk
Chapter 12: Ranting and Raving
Chapter 13: It Wasn't Me
Chapter 14: Roller
Chapter 15: Putting Pieces Together
Chapter 16: Hunting Fair Grounds
Chapter 17: Orion's Revenge

Chapter 3: Auto-Bop

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By HeavyMetalRebel

After finding a cheap motel room to spend the night in, Megatron woke up, the sun was shining and he could hear birds chirping. He checked his comm cell for the time and date, it was the day that new band, Disciples of Orion, were gonna play at the Auto-Bop bar. He cringed.

Why even name themselves after that.... Monster? Sure, Orion didn't ask to be used as a sacrifice for The Seekers to reach fame and fortune, but at the same time he didn't try to stop himself. He was casual about eating mechs in their class. He didn't care, as long as it benefitted him.

With Orion on the processor, Megatron decided to go to his old house, he had time to kill. He grabbed a hoodie and put it on, zipping it all the way up and throwing the hood up. He walked out the motel room and went to the old Pax residence.

It was a fair distance, the whole time he was walking his mind drifted through old memories he had with Orion.

He remembers sucking the blood out of the wound on Orion's servo. The frantic ramblings he did at summer camp when he thought there were quakes. Their shared birthday parties, sleepovers, and playdates. He soon remembers stabbing him in the spark with that box cutter, he heard that crackling sound as the blade punctured the spark. He felt the drips of energon splash against his face as it squirted out of the wound.

He reached the Pax house, and was shocked to see how much of it had changed.

The house itself was abandoned, time was not kind to it, the paint outside had been peeling off, weeds grown in the yard, the fence was rotted and broken in places, the lock he had picked open was now rusted and creaking. He walked through the yard and soon reached Orion's bedroom window, it was still broken from when he smashed it. He peeked inside. It was dark in there, the sunlight barely reaching the whole thing, the room looked unchanged, except the walls were now peeling away and cracking. The lights and carpeting were gone, only exposing hard flooring.

The bed was in the middle of the room. The bloody covers are still there, as was the hammer used to smash the now broken window. Megatron wanted to go inside, but was stopped by a voice.

"Do I know you?"

Megatron froze, he turned around to see a familiar face.


He and Misfire were classmates, they never really got along. Misfire kept making pointed jokes about him and Orion secretly seeing each other on the side. And of course his blind loyalty to Elita and her band.

"Ummmm.... No." Megatron lied carefully.

Misfire arched a brow, "You sure? You look kinda familiar."

Megatron nodded, "I'm sure."

Misfire nodded slowly, seemingly unconvinced, "Okay then. Why are you staring into the Pax House?"

Megatron knew why, but had to play dumb to keep up the facade, "The Pax House?"

"Yeah, have you not heard? It's where Orion Pax died."

"Orion Pax?" Megatron asked.

Misfire sniffed, "He was the most popular guy in my high school, keyword, was. He and his secret boyfriend Megatron had a falling out which led to Megatron stabbing him to death."

Megatron nodded, "Oh. What happened after?"

"Well, Megatron received a plea deal of 10 years in an asylum. The funeral for Orion was massive, everyone from school showed up, including some teachers."

Megatron tried to fight back the urge of clenching his fists, it wasn't fair, even in death Orion was popular, how could the town not see that he was the one responsible for all the deaths in town?!

"Anyways, the new bar is open, I bet you wanna have a drink, right?" Misfire asked.

Megatron snapped out of his thoughts, "Huh? Oh yeah, sure." He never lost track of time. He didn't go nuts in the asylum, well, not all the way nuts.

Misfire smiled and motioned for him to walk with him.

Megatron knew what happened to Orion after being hauled off to the loony bin, but what about his Sire? He remembers seeing his former amica's Sire walking in on him just as soon as he plunged that boxcutter into Orion's spark.

"What happened to his family?" He asked.

Misfire sighed, answering, "His parents were divorced, Carrier was often out dating mechs in the city, while Sire worked hard to pay the alimony and bills. They had shared custody of him. His Carrier was upset but moved on quickly, while his Sire never recovered, shortly after Orion's funeral. He shot himself in the head with a blaster."

Now Megatron felt the guilt in his mind get stronger. He had no idea he ruined Orion's family. He was so focused on stopping the killings and the death that it slipped his mind.

They walked to the bar. A flashy and bright neon sign was blazing in the sky, the name of the establishment was in big blue letters. The outside looked so much nicer and more modern than Dancitron. He went inside with Misfire, the bouncer seeing them and letting them in without checking ID. The inside was vastly different compared to Dancitron.

The furniture looked more modern, there was still a stage in the corner, but it was more elevated with more lights and a sound system. The walls were a clean and pristine white, decorated with neon colored art of people dancing. The bar itself was updated with all the modern fixings. Plus it looked so much cleaner.

"Whoa..." Megatron breathed.

"Yeah, the owner, Blaster, wanted to update with a new one, much cleaner, much nicer. And has fire exits." Misfire ended with a wink.

Megatron nodded and looked around to see the other patrons, he didn't recognize anyone, but he assumed a good majority were former classmates of his.

"By the way, I never got your name." Misfire said after getting two bottles of standard high grade. Megatron accepted his bottle and took a swig.

"Galvatron." He answered simply.

"Are you related to Megatron in any way?" Misfire asked, causing Megatron to nearly choke on his drink. But he managed to not do it.

"Why do you ask?" He asked, arching a brow.

Misfire shrugged, "You remind me of him, is all."

"No, I'm not." He answered bluntly. Misfire nodded simply, soon they hear the sound equipment turn on and look to see the main event.

The Disciples of Orion. 

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