In Cold Blood (A Tntduo Fic)

By that-one-emo-enby

82.7K 3.2K 8.2K

Idea from myundeadgayson on tumblr! I changed a few things and added even more but the original idea is by th... More

A/N Editing Notice
• I • "Cover-Up"
• II •
• III •
IV "A Bargain"
V "Tells"
VII "Florescent"
XVI "Funeral"
XIX "Maybe."
XXII "Oh Shit"
The Plan
XLII "Took You Long Enough"
XLIII "Morning"
XLXV "Gone"
XLVII "Vivisection"
XLIX "Epilogue"
(Lil update lol)

XX "Advice"

1.6K 66 266
By that-one-emo-enby

Tw: mentions of killing, it angsty

Wilbur figured the missed phone call notification would be lighting up Quackity's screen within moments as the call dropped. Again.

He leaned back, his head hitting the wall as it uncomfortably pressed into his spine and shoulders. He ignored the way his legs aches as they were stretched out in front of him, and had been for who knows how long. Hours? He closed his eyes, sighing deeply.

Images flashed through his head of freckles and skin caught between teeth and hands tangle in hair and-

Wilbur threw his phone to the side. How much of that was memories? How much of it past dreams? How much of it was he creating right before his own very eyes?

He opened his eyes, staring at his phone, hoping against all logic that it would ring and fix everything.

Nothing came.

He closed his eyes again, instead pushing the memories- or made up stories- or whatever away. He asked himself why he cared, but no answer came.

If he couldn't know his own feeling, then what fucking use were they? Wilbur's mind raced and was numb, the contradiction feeling normal at that point. He rand a hand through his hair, scratching his scalp roughly. He relished in the proof he could still feel. He didn't remember getting home, it had been like he was floating. Tommy had said something, but he hadn't heard. He had walked to his room and sat down.

He'd barely moved since then.

He turned his head to the side, his eyes ever so slightly open. Sunlight filtered in from the window, dimming the artificial light coming from his lamp. He looked away, closing his eyes tightly.

He didn't open his eyes when he heard the door open, nor when he heard footsteps or feel someone sliding down the wall to sit next to him.

"Wilbur." Techno's voice was uncharacteristically soft. "Uh, how are you?"

Wilbur didn't answer.

"You've been like this for two days."

Wilbur stayed quiet for a second, not moving to look at Techno.

"Yeah?" He said, his voice gravelly from not being used. "And?"

"You only get like this," Techno said. "You only sit here like this when something bad happens."

Wilbur took a deep breath before opening his eyes. He stared at the ceiling, counting all the imperfections.

"Wilbur, please," Techno said. "Tommy's getting worried. I'm getting worried."

Wilbur looked to Techno, who was already looking at him. He curled his legs into himself, once again ignoring the ache they gave. "I'm sorry."

"What's going on?" Techno asked.

Wilbur looked away again, taking a deep breath. "I don't know anymore."

"Talk to me," Techno said slowly, deliberately. "Did- did Quackity do something?"

"No, no!" Wilbur said quickly, turning his gaze back to Techno. He lifted his hand to his face, fingers lightly ghosting over his top lip. "Well, he did,,, I- see-"

"Spit it out, Will," Techno said. "Say the word, and he'll be dead tomorrow."

Wilbur chuckled slightly, looking down to his knees. "No, he, uh, he kissed me."


"Don't fucking oh? me," Wilbur said. Techno mumbled to himself. "And what the hell are you grumbling about?"

"Nah, I just owe Tommy now," Techno said, chuckling. "I said you'd be too repressed to do anything."

"You fucking bet on me?" Wilbur asked. "You know what? Nevermind."

Techno laughed again. "So, am I finally spared of the sexual tension?"


"What should we look out for to, uh, leave the house for a bit?"


"Will you finally-"

"Techno!" Wilbur shouted, louder that he had intended. Techno stopped, the playful smirk disappearing from his face. "We're not together. We won't ever be together."

Techno was silent for a moment.

"He pushed you away."

Wilbur nodded. It was all he could do. His voice would break.

Techno sat back against the wall, letting out a short sigh. Wilbur pressed his face into his knees.

"I miss him," Wilbur said, his voice almost entirely quiet. "Why the fuck do I miss him?"

He turned to Techno. "What do I do?"

Techno looked to him, taking a deep breath. "I'm... not good with this stuff."

Wilbur turned back to curl in on himself, closing his eyes tightly to stop tears from forming.

"But, maybe just give him time." Techno said. "And try to talk later?"

Wilbur nodded, feeling numb. "Yeah. Yeah I'll do that."

Techno nodded, seemingly proud of himself. He stood up, reaching a hand out to Wilbur. "You've gotta be hungry. You had like two pieces of toast over the past two days."

Wilbur took his hand wordlessly, Techno having to practically haul Wilbur too his feet. He swayed a bit, his legs once again protesting with a subtle ache he always ignored. His stomach twisted with hunger.

"I'm okay," Wilbur said. "I'll grab something later."

"Alright," Techno said, pursing his lips. "Come out when you're ready."

"Just out of my room, right?" Wilbur said, smiling for he first time in two days. God, it felt like a year.

"Whatever you wanna think," Techno said, clapping Wilbur on the back.

"Thanks, Tech," Wilbur said. "I don't say that enough."

"Alright, too sentimental now," Techno said. "You'd better start existing outside your room or Tommy'll come in here."

Wilbur laughed, following Techno out of the room.

The air seemed to change as he crossed the doorway. Heavy to something he couldn't quite recognize.


He pushed the thought away.

The morning was dull again. The cool air that usually woke Wilbur's mind just chilled him, forcing his hand of wanting to go back to sleep.

Tommy hadn't allowed that.

He dragged Wilbur out to sit in fold-out chairs outside the back door, watching the clouds fade from red to orange to pink.

"Alright bitch, it's been three days and Techno still won't tell me what's happening," Tommy said. "So, what happened?"

Wilbur rolled his eyes. "Just tell Techno that I said he could tell you."

"I did."

Wilbur mustered up his best glare at Tommy.

"Did... someone hurt you?" Tommy asked. The unspoken words hung in the air, still noticeable although not spoken into being.

Did Quackity hurt you?

"No," Wilbur said. Was it even a lie? "There's just some... stuff going on."

Tommy pouted. "Come on! Tell me!"

Wilbur remained silent for a moment. He looked to Tommy, who's eyes were already drilling holes into his side. "I don't know if I can."

It was Tommy's turn to stay silent.

Wilbur turned his attention back to the sunrise beyond the tree line.

The moon was still visible, a thin sliver off to the left of the sunrise. Wilbur stared at it.

Fuck, why did everything remind him of that night?

"I'm gay," he said, almost surprising himself. "Or... bi? I don't... I don't know."

Tommy looked at him, tilting his head. "And? You do realize I'm the token straight, right? I don't think I have any straight friends."

Wilbur looked over at Tommy, pursing his lips. "Aren't you ace?"

Somehow, it felt easier to talk about that rather than himself.

"Well, yeah, but still straight," Tommy said. "And you're not, so... now the only token straight."

Wilbur rolled his eyes.

"Does anyone else know?" Tommy asked.

Wilbur paused for a second, thinking. "I think Techno's just always known."

Tommy laughed sharply. "Phil?"

Wilbur shook his head. "No. I, um, I think Quackity knows."

He regretted his words moments after they were spoken into existence. Tommy didn't respond.

Wilbur shifted to look away, back at the already risen sun and the nod almost invisible moon. He stayed silent.

"You like him, don't you?" Tommy said quietly. "Like, you actually like him, not just me and Tech making jokes."

Wilbur opened his mouth, but no words came out.

"You don't have to answer," Tommy said. He looked off into the distance, looking almost regretful. "I'm sorry."

Wilbur turned to look at him. "For what?"

Tommy didn't answer at first. The silence are away at Wilbur's mind.

"For everything."

Wilbur looked away, feeling as though any moment a disaster would strike like a snake in the grass.

Perhaps it already had. But, he pushed that though away.

"You don't have to be sorry for anything," Wilbur said.

"This is about more that your murder investigation now," Tommy said. "I didn't think you'd end up like this."

Wilbur's heart beat faster. "What do you mean?"

"Would you believe me if I said I knew?"

Wilbur felt as if his lungs would go numb. He looked over to Tommy, who sat in the chair looking at the ground. He turned away.

"He kissed me."

Tommy's gaze found him immediately. He looked almost surprised, but also like he had known. "Fuck yeah, Techno owes me."

"Why is that both of your first responses?" Wilbur asked, shaking his head.

"You're fun to bet on."

"You're such a fucking gremlin," Wilbur said. He leaned over to rifle Tommy's hair, his fingers getting trapped in small knots. "God, you need to brush your hair."

"Come on! It's natural!" Tommy said.

"It's disgusting is what it is."

"Fuck you," Tommy said, his tone playful. A smirk appeared on his lips. "Or, shouldn't Quackity be doing that?"

"No." Wilbur pulled back, pursing his lips. "We're not together, and we won't ever be."

Tommy sank down in his chair, sulking. "He kicked you out. That's why you came home so late."

Wilbur paused, trying to find something else to say. "I- yeah."

There was no sugarcoating it anymore.

"Tech told me to give him space," Wilbur said.

"That seems like a good start." Tommy shifted to look at Wilbur again. He studied his face for a moment. "But..."

"But it's been three days," Wilbur started slowly. "And I-"

I miss him.

He couldn't bring himself to say it out loud again.

"I get it," Tommy said. He paused, mouth open to say something that beaver came. "Well, I don't, but I can sympathize."

Wilbur nodded, pursing his lips. "It's complicated."

"I can fucking see that," Tommy said. "You could... you could maybe try to talk to him tomorrow? That might be enough time."

"Yeah," Wilbur said, almost numbly. "Yeah, I'll do that."

Tommy nodded.

"I, uh, I'm gonna go hang out with Tubbo and Ranboo," Tommy said, standing up. Wilbur followed suit. "D'hear they basically have a kid now?"

"What?" Wilbur turned his head, confused.

"Yeah, they're babysitting this kid, Marshall? Mika? Michael! It's Michael," Tommy said. "They talk about him like they're gonna adopt him as soon as they can."

Wilbur chuckled. "I wouldn't be surprised if they did."

"I think Techno would like him," Tommy said, snickering.

"Techno hates kids," Wilbur said, once again confused.

"Yeah, but he'd like this one."

"Whatever you say, Toms," Wilbur said.

They both walked back into the house, Tommy heading straight to his room. Wilbur wandered around, grabbing himself a drink before heading back to his room.

He glanced at his phone, which laid screen side down. He hesitated before reaching for it, flipping it over. He was unable to push the disappointment away at the sight of a screen barren of notifications.

He set his phone down, looking around the room. He cocked his head, staring at his window that was wide open. He walked over, trying to push it back down.

It wouldn't budge.

Wilbur looked around, finding the culprit almost immediately. A stick about the width of a pencil held the window open.

A piece of paper was wrapped around the stick.

Wilbur carefully took the stick out, looking it over quickly before tossing it to his bed. He stuck his head out the window, looking around.


He retreated, closing the window.

"Tommy?" He called out, hoping the other hadn't left yet.

"Yeah?" Tommy called back.

"Did you mess with my window?" Wilbur asked. There was a beat of silence.

"No?" Tommy said, his voice getting quieter as he came closer to Wilbur's room. "The hell?"

"Nevermind," Wilbur said, tucking the stick behind a pillow mere moments before Tommy walked in. "I must have opened it and not remembered."

Tommy nodded, taking the answer as fact before walking out of the room. Wilbur waited for a moment before taking the stick and unrolling the paper from it.

He furrowed his brow as he read the words.

I think it's time we met up for real.

Wilbur felt his stomach flip. Under his breath, he muttered a small, "Fuck," as he read on.

Come alone.

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