Love Punched | COMPLETED

By SkylerChase29

281K 13.1K 5.1K

❝ I'm as much a bad-boy as you're an average girl. So I suppose that answers both our questions. ❞ •♤• Lila S... More

01. Oblivious
02. They bet?
03. A Nuisance
04. Sly Intentions
05. Universal Signs
06. Annoying Guys
07. Tricked
08. Black & Blue
09. Deep Talks
10. Friday Fights
11. Holy Turn On
12. A Brilliant Idea
13. Messed Up
14. Everyone Has Secrets
15. Irony At Its Finest
16. Jalapeños
17. Damning Conscience
18. Confrontations
19. Unwanted Changes
20. Body Building
21. Convincing
22. Sad Anniversary
23. Downhill
24. Slip Of Control
25. Backstory
26. Complexity
27. Changing Perceptions
29. Not Ready Yet
30. Birthday Boy
31. Smitten
32. Burning Up
33. Knowing Lila
34. Knowing Derek
35. Interested?
36. Talk It Out
37. Connections
38. What Happened?
39. Get It Over With
40. Strained
41. One Chance
42. Wildcat Vs Wolf
43. Birthday Girl
44. Tell Me
45. High On Emotions
46. Kiss It Better
47. Fall Prey
48. Warning Bells
49. Bittersweet
50. Be Mine, Kitkat

28. Backstage

3.9K 202 94
By SkylerChase29

(Derek's P.O.V)

Kitkat smiled.

It wasn't a lie when I said I'd never seen her smile. It was absolutely breathtaking.

And her thanking me? Fuck, that one 'thank you' still makes my heart breat fast.

I exhaled as I finally grabbed my bag and jogged down the stairs. Thinking of Kitkat and our morning exchange as I walked over to her door, I felt somewhat jittery – which was totally unlike me.

I rang the bell and knew she was home so she had to come and open the door.

It was 6 in the evening and I was more than ready to grab Kitkat and rish over to Black & Blue.

"What?" She snapped as soon as she opened the door and a grin spread over my face.

There was something about her snippy, grumpy attitude that always made me feel the opposite.

You know how bitter black coffee is and yet we drink it? How it's so addictive? Yeah, Lila was that black coffee for me.

I'd just volunteer to be the much needed sugar.

"Hello? You here?" Lila snapped her fingers in front of my face, her brows drawn and impatient.

My eyes met with her metallic grey ones and I smirked, grabbing her wrist mid-air. "Where else would I be?"

Kitkat gave me a dubious look, eyeing my hand like it was abhorrent. "In dreamland."

I clicked my tongue, "What would I be doing in dreamland if you're here in front of me?"

She rolled her eyes, snatching away her wrist and I ignored the zing that the touch caused.

"Why are you here, Derek?" She questioned, face impassive.

I leaned closer, resting my weight on the side of the door and flashed her a charming smile, resisting the urge to tuck a stray mahogany hair behind her ear.

That'd be too cliché.

"We have to go somewhere or did you forget so quickly?" I raised a brow.

She groaned and pulled away and I found my eyes dropping to her lips, the proximity making my heart skip a beat.

"Yes. Yes, I remember. Let's get it over with."

I rose a surprised brow. "You're agreeing so easily?"

She glanced at me, "Easily? Uhh, did you forget you had to convince me on two different occasions, one being today morning itself?"

I chuckled, "Right."

Lila went inside for a moment and came back with the key. "Come on. The sooner we leave, the better."

I couldn't agree more but–

"You can't wait to spend some alone time with me, hmm?"

Just as the door locked, Lila turned and responded with a sweet smile. "It's always the best way to murder and hide a body. No witnesses."

I bit my lip to keep from laughing as she glared at me and stormed ahead, her mahogany braid swinging and her oversized pair of clothes hiding her amazing figure yet again.

But for today, I think I'd prefer if she kept her gorgeousness hidden or I might just break someone's jaw–

I stilled, my body freezing mid-stride.

Shit. What am I thinking? Just what in the world am I thinking??

"Derek?" A sweet voice called out from ahead, eyes steeled and head tilted.

I stared at her for a beat longer, gulping as I realized just what kind of thoughts I'd had. The possessive kind she'd literally murder me for if she knew.

I shook my head and felt as if Kitkat was drawing me into a spider's web, where there would be no way out for me except to surrender myself and become hers to do with as she pleased.

It was a thought that sent anxiety and excitement raging through my veins in equal parts.

"Yeah, let's go." I swung onto my bike, finding comfort in the familiarity but all thoughts of relaxing flew out the window as soon as Kitkat joined me.

With her chest pressed against my back, I felt like my heart would combust. Being so distracted in front of her wasn't doing me any good either.

So I inhaled deeply, put on my helmet, sent a prayer to the ones above that I'd be able to make it to the fight without accidents and then revved the engine hard.

"You ready, Kitkat?"

Her response was wrapping her arm around my waist, making me inadvertently jump–much to my chargin–and squeezing gently.

Her heat engulfed me, my heart kickstarting all over again and I clenched my jaw tight, glad as fuck that Lila couldn't see my face.

She'd never touched me whenever I gave her a ride and this was a pleasant surprise except now......

Fuck. I was gonna get us killed today.


"Watch the fights."

She stared at me, her eyes narrowed and then shrugged without putting up much of her trademark resistance. "Okay."

"Okay?" I sounded unsure myself and that really sucked but come on, I'd just had Kitkat wrapped around me and she was so easily agreeing that it made me consider dangerous things.

Like, did Lila maybe have a crush on me–

"I'll happily see you getting your ass kicked."

Ah. Now that makes more sense.

Okay, so let's not think too much, Derek. Lila won't change so easily.

A weird and unfamiliar sinking feeling overcame me and I swallowed, clearing my throat.

Get yourself together, Derek. Fuck.

I smiled at her, "What if I don't get my ass kicked, what'll I get then?"

She mused for a moment, the music and the lights at Blue sinking us into a familiar atmosphere. We'd arrived fifteen minutes ago, no words exchanged until the bar came into view and Lila took a seat, seemingly at ease here.

"Victory." She responded simply.

I stopped, taken aback and huffed. "That's not fair."

Her lips curved upwards and I found myself riveted to the movement.

"Everything's fair in love and war, Derek." Her metallic grey eyes looked into mine and I once again noticed the dark black ring surrounding her irises, "And you're going to war, aren't you?"

Right now, with the distance between us so small and the events of today in the backdrop, Lila seemed to me like a rose.

My lips tilted upwards.

You can't admire a rose until you face the thorns.

The same applied to this enigma.

If I could manage to make it past the countless thorns and the stories behind them, I had a feeling I'd end up with beauty so wonderful and magical that it would steal my breath away.

She would steal my breath.

"Then watch me, Kitkat." I winked at her, twisting on my heels to head into the backstage area.

Lila was doing something to me.

She had become my distraction, my comfort zone and she made my heart race, a challenge in the mysteries of her very being sinking me deeper and deeper into the sea that was everything Lila Smith.

If there existed 'strings of fate' then I had no doubt ours were already tangled up.


For the first time since I'd come to Blue, I underwent the backstage procedure and realized just how much care these people put into keeping the fighter's identities hidden.

My hair looked pure black, courtesy of the lights and something Tasha had done, like temporary dye. I had a sleeveless gym tank top on and she'd also used some weird concealers and makeup to temporarily hide my tattoos.

As sad as I was to see them go, I also marveled at the skill and concept behind it. It made me wonder if any of the Leopard or Wildcat's tattoos were real. Because if permanent tattoos could be hidden, temporary tattoos to throw people off could be applied too, right?

The pouncing cat tattoo on the Wildcat's upper abdomen that I'd glimpsed and committed to memory flashed before my eyes.

Either way, excitement bubbled up inside me and I shook off the few jitters. Diego had given me a short pep talk I genuinely appreciated. I'd looked around to see if the Wildcat or Leopard were here but nope.

When Tasha went out for a moment and I was left alone in the make up room, I sleuthed around inconspicuously for some object that could give me clues as to who the other fighters were.

I found one.

The very tattoo I'd thought about, the black and purple vine adorned clawing cat one that showed itself so brazenly on the Wildcat's bare skin, stared back at me from under the piles of make up items and temporary tattoo designs.

I heard the door open and quickly messed the items back up and sat down on the chair.

Tasha narrowed her eyes subtly s she closed the door behind her, observing the items as she closed in and I held my breath.

Tasha wasn't a fool.

Giving her an easy smile, I spoke to distract her, "How many girls do you think will be all over me after this gig?"

I could tell she knew what I was doing but she proceeded as if she was unaware. Although, I actually appreciated that.

"None." She patted my shoulder sympathetically, "Because they won't know who you are. They'll only know the Wolf."


I wrapped the tape around my knuckles, the blue catching my eye. I picked up the mask I'd been given, putting it on and seeing my reflection in the mirror. My upper half was mostly naked but my lower half had been covered by the wolfish mask. I looked good, my muscles reflected the lights and I flexed once.

The bets were being placed on the side and I was rubbing my hands to feel the crisp dollars in my hands once I'd win.

Kitkat was out there somewhere and I could rest assured that she wouldn't leave anytime soon. Not until I'd return.

I had three fights today just like the girls did and I was pumped to make my debut.

Low bass music filled my blue themed training room and I exited, making my way up to the backstage where I'd enter from.

The anchor, Jay, gave me an encouraging look and I nodded as he headed out.

I heard his announcements, taking in the crowd in the meantime and calming my heart. My eyes finally landed on the girl I was looking for and I smirked under my mask.

Lila sat on a barstool, a cup in her hand as she sipped and stared around.

Although I'd have preferred going shirtless, Tasha had been strictly against it so I'd dropped the idea. Otherwise I'd totally tease Kitkat about seeing me shirtless.

Plus, girls would swoon. I just knew.

"We introduce you to a new addition tonight!" Cheers went up, the music turned down and the energy at Blue was almost palpable.

Things worked here much different compared to my past experiences but I think I liked this much more.

"Let's see what he's capable of, guys! Give it up for........The WOLF!" With Jay finishing off, I took a deep breath and swallowed up the screams of the crowd hungry for a new face.

As I walked out into the crowd, the ring on the raised ground with my opponent for the night already there, I felt a sudden rush of adrenaline.

I was so ready for this.

I flexed my hands, cracked my neck, looked around the anticipating faces before my eyes rested on Kitkat.

She looked calm, intrigued and as her eyes locked with mine despite the distance, I felt something unraveling within me.

Breaking the contact, I took position as my opponent sneered at me.

I rolled my shoulders and grinned, making a 'bring it on' motion with my fingers.

And of course, my opponent took the bait.


(Lila's P.O.V)

I'd have loved to say that Derek wasn't good.

But I really couldn't.

I'd expected him to know how to fight, of course but I was thinking it'd have been something along the lines of violent fists that street thugs used.

Credit to his bad-boy reputation, I was under no false beliefs that Derek didn't know how to pack a punch.

In the bedroom too, I'm sure.

Don't think about that, Lila.

There was finesse in his movements that belied his time spent in the ring. He had been instructed and trained since far earlier than I had. He might even be better than me – a fact that got under my skin more than his annoying antics possibly ever could.

His kicks and jabs, his punches and swiftness.....

They weren't just challenging but attractive.

Derek Greyson was in full control.
It was his second match of the night and after wiping the ground with his previous opponent, he'd established a reverent following quickly.

Pity that annoying Derek's tattoos were covered up and I would've genuinely preferred seeing him fighting with the flame tattoo moving and all–

Screaming ensued as the Wolf threw an uppercut and hit home, making the guy on the other end stumble and groan. Taking advantage, he punched him in the gut incessantly, raining down blows until the man gave up, coughing out some blood.

Jay came out again, "It seems The Wolf has breezed through two of his fights! Let's have the last one wrapped up too then, shall we?!"

I watched as Derek's eyes narrowed on the man that had now joined him in the ring, the last one of the bunch for tonight.

Bulky and muscled, he looked like he'd be a hurdle. And yet Derek grinned, the mask hiding his face but not the entirety of his expressions.

Or maybe that was just because I was used to him being so expressive and could pick up on it.

The thought made me pause before I shuddered at the implications and drew myself back to the scene at hand.

Having finished my Sprite a while back, I was lounging as I watched and criticized Diego's poor taste in music all over again.

With another of DJ Snake's songs playing, I grumbled internally.

The bartender came up behind me, whistling. "He's good."

I nodded absent-mindedly, leaning my elbows back on the bar. "Yeah. He's pretty good with his movements."

"And surprisingly swift too. It's not jerky when he moves. But he's emotional." He observed.

My lips tilted upwards because he was right.

Honestly speaking, my eyes were tracking each of his movements and I was enjoying myself quite a bit. His body certainly was a fine piece of ass and I wasn't the only one gobbling up the delicious sight.

And there was something unnerving yet attractive about this sort of violence in a man.

It was a controlled violence and knowing Derek, he wasn't the kind who'd use his fists before his words. Looney Tunes was surprisingly a rather deep character.

If you'd told me I'd ever say any of these things about Derek three months ago, I'd have spat out imaginary water before choking on my laughter.

Alas, it is cruel destiny that here I am, well aware of the hypocrisy.

Derek was an onion.

No, seriously. He had layers upon layers and I wasn't patient enough to unwrap him....or so I'd thought.

The crowd chanted, their energy contagious, "Wolf! Wolf! Wolf!"

Derek might have been as good as me but he had a flaw, not like I didn't but you get the point. I'd noticed this after only two fights so there was no way Diego hadn't pointed the same out to Derek.

The Wolf lunged at the bulky man as he landed a jab and Wolf exhaled heavily. Instead of stopping to note the next course of action, The Wolf opted to rob his opponent of the time he'd need to think over the next move.

Although good, it was no surefire way for success. In fact, when he deprived his opponent of the time, he was doing the same for himself.

Derek/The Wolf played dangerous and he played spontaneous. He didn't do strategies.

And perhaps it was his mindset when fighting but he, much like me, channeled his raw emotions into his fights.

From knowing him in general life, I was aware that he could keep secrets but he preferred being expressive and used a few emotions as his crutches while suppressing the rest.

Derek took a blow to head and then followed with a headbutt when the bulky opponent cornered Derek.

My phone vibrated and I took my eyes off the scene for a moment to see.

Cam: I'm getting my vacations and will be there by ending August. Probably after your birthday though. Sorry.

I smiled, happy at the piece of information and sent him a quick reply with a smile face and exclamation marks.

I ignored the fact that he wouldn't be there there my birthday, it was fine. I could manage.

By the time I looked back at the fight, it was finished and Derek was the winner.

His hair lacked the blue highlights, nothing like their usual mix but pure black only. Tasha had certainly done well with hiding his tattoos.

I tilted my head and wondered how risky it would be if I were to go up against him.

Not only would I be in danger of exposing myself–especially when he's already already interested in uncovering the Wildcat's identity–but also the thought of skin against skin with Derek made a tingle travel up my spine.

That felt far more dangerous that having him know all my secrets.

Jay came back and wrapped up the event with enthusiastic results. I slid off my seat, well versed in how the next proceedings went.

I contemplated leaving but then it'd have been pointless to come here and see the fights.

And I wanted to know what angle Derek was playing.

I overheard a couple of girls speaking about how they'd love to climb my neighbor like a monkey pole and were sure the face under the mask would be just as striking as the rest of the Wolf.

Well, that's true but you'll never know, now will you?

I bit my tongue to keep from saying that out loud and cursed myself internally for such traitorous thoughts.

I considered knocking into the girls and having them spill the liquid in their hands on themselves but decided against it.

Satisfaction slithered inside me, at the knowledge that I knew Derek better than these chicks at least. That I was privy to a secret none of them would be.

I picked up a half filled beer mug sitting on a table as I walked through the dispersing crowd.

Fuck, this is so childish what am I doing?

"Do you think we can catch him by the secret exit we discovered last time?" One of the girls spoke up, squealing.

My ears perked up. Oh?

"Maybe, let's go–AHH!"

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I just tripped and, Oh God!" I kept a hand on my face, hiding the content smile as the liquid stuck the two girls' clothes to their pretty bodies.

Both of them glared at me, "What is wrong with you?! Jesus!"

I guess I'm really petty.

New discoveries everyday, huh?

I'd started to sneak out slowly anyways, "I'm so sorry!"


I blended into the crowd, hands in my pockets as I decided to wait for Derek outside.


I think it's best I know the tattooed bad boy and the others know just the Wolf.



So, let me know what you thought of the chapter, guys!

What do you think about Lila's lil incident in the end hehe? Or how Derek's starting to change? Any theories on who Derek could truly be with all the proper training beforehand? Or about the many other things we discovered in this chapter?

It again turned into a long chapter *sigh* I'll be trying to keep the chapters within 2K only but yeah.

I enjoyed writing it so hope you enjoyed reading too!

Anyways, Thanks so much for reading and don't forget to vote, comment and share!

Till next time then!


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