Life and Love at Sea: A Pirat...

By kt1213

3.3K 55 44

This is a story about a young girl named Mandy. Her parents were pirates and she hopes to follow in their fo... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine

Chapter Four

272 3 0
By kt1213

By the end of the next day, Davy was much better. He lay in his bed and did work while I tidied up his cabin.

"You know, must people idea of a filing system is much more organized then a bunch of desk draws with assorted papers shoved in them," I teased him.

"Hey! I like that way. And it's not nice to judge people," we both laughed at his silly defense. "No, but seriously I know is exactly what and where everything is."

"Oh, really. Then what's this?" I said, pulling out a random piece of paper from the bottom of the top draw.

"It's, um, a document, that I felt the need to file, uh, systematically?" he said, his voice full of uncertainty.

"Oh, I see now," I said sarcastically. "You know, judging by the title of it, I'd say it's a letter, from a Captain John Smith, that you received seven years ago," I empathized on seven to show my disgust.

"Oh, yea, that's what I meant to say," he said quickly.

"Sure," I said, drawing out the o. "So why's it so important that you had to file it systematically?"

"Oh, well, uh, you see... It's important because..."

"So I'm gonna throw it out."

" Yea, definitely."

I laughed. All of the sudden, the laughter brought on an uncontrollable dizzy spell. I realized I was probably coming down with whatever Davy had had. I grabbed the desk before almost falling to the ground.

"Are you alright?!" Davy exclaimed, quickly jumping out of bed to come to my aid.

Since he was just getting over his sickness, he quickly became dizzy, also. The two of us most of been a funny sight, both dizzy and falling over, each trying to grab the other for support. Since we were definitely no match for gravity, I felt a falling sensation within seconds. I hit the ground with a fairly painful thud. The next thing I know there was something heavy pinning me to the ground. It appeared that Davy had fallen on top of me and was now crushing me with his weight.

"Are you okay?" he asked anxiously, staring into my eyes. As he did this I kept thinking of yesterday. Just like then, all I could think about now was how badly I want to kiss him. What would he do if I just pecked him on the lips right now, I wondered.

"Yea, you?"


Then I felt him start to move. Within a second, I realized he was laughing. Then I started to laugh, too. Soon we were both hysterical and breathless.

"So does this mean you're sick too, now?" he asked.

"I guess so," I responding glumly, the laughter leaving me.

"Well, let's get off the floor," he said getting up and reaching out a hand to pull me up.


Well, I guess I must have passed out because I remember very little after that. I remember looking up and seeing Davy carrying me. Other than that, my mind was pretty much empty.

"Where am I?" I asked, waking up.

"You're in bed," Davy's voice responded. I looked up and saw him sitting at his desk.

"Oh," I said. "Wait a second! Why can I see your desk from my bed?"

"You can't. That's my bed."

"Why am I in your bed?"

"You passed out."

"No duh, but why not my bed?"

"Because you're sick and needed someone to take care of you."

"You took care of me? But you're the Captain and most Captains' don't take care of sick servants!"

"Well, you took care of me when I was sick."

"That's different!"

"Not really. Taking care of me when I'm sick is a part of your job; you could have just taken a couple of days off. And it was sorta my fault you got sick in the first place. What goes around comes."

"I guess that makes sense. Well, thanks."

"The same to you."

"Wait a second, where did you sleep last night?"

"On the couch, stop worrying"

Surprisingly, Davy was actually a pretty good caretaker. He brought me blankets, soup, tea, and pretty much did everything for me that I did for him. Not only that but he did it while doing, well, whatever it is that a Captain does. I was feeling better and out of bed in no time.


I went down to dinner early, thinking that maybe I could say hi to Jessica and find out what the crew thought of the new destination.

"Hey Jess," I said once I found her.

"Hey Mandy," she responded. Then she gestured to the girl standing next to her saying, "Mandy this is Holly, Holly this is Mandy."

"Hi," I said, smiling.

"Hi, she smiled back, "I was just telling Jessica about the meeting last night. She had missed it because she was on kitchen duty. In fact, I don't remember seeing you there, either"

"I was sick last night," I responded. "And actually, I didn't even know there was a meeting."

"Oh, well then I'm glad you're feeling better," Jess nodded in agreement as Holly said this. "Anyway, at the beginning of each voyage the crew is given the Captain's plan for the voyage and has a meeting without him to discuss what they think of it."

"So what happened at the meeting last night," I asked, honestly intrigued. This was something I had never heard of before.

"As it turns out, his plans are awfully dangerous. In fact, they were so horrifying that there is talk about mutiny."

"Really," I said shocked. "But Davy doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would risk all our lives that greatly. What was in the plans that are so awful?"

"We'll be going through whirlpool territory," Holly said, with a face told me that was definitely not someplace she wanted to go anytime soon. "More ships have sunk there then the amount of ships that got through alive."

"You've got to be kidding!" I exclaimed

"No, sadly she's not," Jess said. "We can't talk anymore now dinners about to start and you have to go sit by the Captain, but you should definitely come to the meeting with us later. It's in the kitchen, an hour after dinner ends."

"Okay, I'll see you there," I said walking away, deep in thought.

What would I do if there was a mutiny? I would probably stay loyal to the Captain. It would be a disgrace to my family not to. But if I did that, it may end up costing me my life. Was I really willing to do that just for my family pride? Maybe I could ask Davy if what they were saying was true later. I'm sure he'll tell me the truth.

I thought about it all through dinner, staying silent and distant. I only resurfaced from my thought once to raise a hand when Davy went to put pour himself a third glass of alcohol saying, "No more for you, try drinking some water for once."

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