My Everything

By shy_ghost_21

630 13 0

She thought it was a one-night stand, but that night meant everything to him. More



40 1 0
By shy_ghost_21

I was sitting in class waiting for the professor to walk through the door, looking through my notes listening to students whisper to each other as some pointed at their phones and looked at me covering their mouths. I tried to pay no attention too it because I already knew what they were gossiping about, screams once again heard throughout the halls and I already knew who it was so I didn't bother to lift my head up. A cup of iced coffee was set in front of me and I looked up to see Taemin standing infront of me, with a smile on his face as he held his own cup and sat next to me. "Did you see that?" a girl whispered, "whoa.. he brought her coffee.." a guy whispered and I put my head down in embarressment, great, new student is the center of the entire university's gossip topic, just what I wanted.. I looked at Taemin who looked at me reading the expression on my face, "You told me not to worry about them.. but they've been gossiping and pointing at me all morning.." I whispered to him, and he leaned towards me, "It's okay.. Just as long as I'm here, you'll be safe and protected." he whispered, "Taemin... That's not what I'm trying to say.. I just started going here and they're already staring and gossiping about me.." I whispered to him feeling my anxiety rise as I heard cameras going off. "I'll handle it Nai.. Okay?" He whispered and I looked at him with pleading eyes.

He stood up from the seat he was in and looked around at all the students with their phones out, "Everyone.. I know it's fun to gossip but please do try to respect my and Nai's privacy please, I would greatly appreciate it and so would Nai." He said and all the students whined and pouted as they put their phones away. Thankfully the professor walked into the room so that means that I can now focus and relax without people taking pictures and recording me and Taemin. "By the way.. let's go on our date tomorrow since you don't have class." Taemin whispered and I looked at him confused, "It's a national holidy tomorrow, so that means a lot of the students will be at home with their parents or spending time with friends and family." He whispered answering the confused look on my face. "Wear something pretty but in your comfort zone." He added and I felt my face get hot so I grabbed the iced coffee Taemin had gotten for me and took a couple sips. "Thank you for this by the way." I said holding the cup up and took another sip from it.

Class ended a while after, and I was so ready to go home and relax. As I stood up grabbing my things, Taemin grabbed onto my sleeve, which made me look down at him. "Can I come over?" He asked I thought about it for a bit and nodded my head but I bent down and put my mouth next to his ear. "Come like five minutes after, I don't want them knowing where I live." I whispered and stood up with a smile as he nodded. I made my way down the steps and out of the room and building then began to walk home.

A while after walking into the building, I heard foot steps behind and turned around to see Taemin coming into the building. We took the elevator up to my floor. I didn't want to tell Taemin that I actually have a fear of elevators. I hate the way they jolt going up and down. I stood agaisnt the wall of the elevator closing my eyes gripping onto the ends of my sleeves. The evelator stopped and I opened my eyes only to meet Taemin face too face his eyes gazing into mine. I hiccuped and looked at him, "I can read you very well Nai.. We could've taken the stairs.." He said, "I was too tired to take the stairs.." I said and walked out of the elevator and went up to my door, putting in the number combination  and opened the door once it was unlocked. "Ladies first." I said with a smirk as Taemin looked at me with a surprised look on his face that made me giggle, "I'm gonna get you for that." He said glaring playfully. "Yeah right.. now go inside lady." I said and he chuckled then walked inside and I followed once he was fully in closing the door behind me. I put my bag down by the door, taking my shoes off and put my house slippers on as Taemin did the same.

I took a step walking into my livingroom when Taemin grabbed my arm and pinned me against the wall, putting his hand agaisnt the wall and came close to my face. I stared at him in shock and blushed at how close to my face he was, "I told you that I was going to get you for that." He said and leaned foward placing a kiss on my forehead. My face grew hotter as he pulled away and looked into my eyes, and before I could gather my thoughts, I stood up on my tippy-toes and kissed him. He was surprised at first but kissed me back holding my face with bith of his hands. We pulled away and he placed his thumb agaisnt my bottom lip.

"Nai..?" I quickly snapped out of my thoughts as I heard my name and looked at Taemin who smirked, "Huh?" I said, "What were you thinking about..?" He asked with a smirk and I moved his arm, "N-Nothing." I said and walked upstairs to grab more comfortable clothes too wear, "Nai what the hell was that thought just a few minutes ago??" I scolded myself looking at myself in the mirror.


A/N: I apologize that this part is kinda short.. I'm slowly falling asleep as I'm writing this.. nut I hope you all enjoyed it :)

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