
بواسطة Keep_Your_Eyes_Open

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Alexander has ditched the towel completely, now half-standing and half-leaning against the far bedroom wall w... المزيد

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 14

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بواسطة Keep_Your_Eyes_Open

Chapter 14

Alexander and I step out of the bedroom to find an absolute mess.

Tom is the only one doing something productive - cleaning up the breakfast mess in the kitchen.

Daniel and Zach are arm wrestling on the living room table, splinters and strips of wood hanging off it in a few places already. Zach is shouting something about 'best six out of ten.'

L has my suitcases strewn across the floor and is tearing each one up looking for something.

I walk over to L as Alexander tends to the arm wrestling boys. "What are you doing, L?" I grab a pair of my lacy panties off the floor before Alexander has a chance to see them, unless he already has.

"I know you packed our projects," she said hurriedly. "I have to turn in one of my assignments in an hour from now and I can't find it!"

I drop to my knees and start shoveling things back into an empty suit case. "Okay, calm down. Which one are you looking for?"

"Naked ink lady," she cries.

I freeze. "Naked ink lady? I thought you were turning in green leaf man instead! You said she was too sexualized and your teacher is a sexist toe-bag." Her words, not mine.

L throws her arms up in the air. She's wearing a dark blue mens t-shirt - one of Zach's I assume - and I realize it's the lightest color piece of clothing I've ever seen her wear. Her colorful hair is a mess, but isn't it always. She looks happy though, and I can just barely see a scar peaking out of the collar of her shirt.

She and Zach must be maefali.

"L, I'm so sorry. I brought green leaf man instead of naked ink lady. I didn't know your plans had changed." I hang my head, knowing how much this class means to her.

She jumps up, pacing a bit. "It's okay. We just have to go get it. If we leave now, we can make it before it's too late."

"Absolutely not," Alexander exclaims from where he is watching another arm wrestling match go down. "I'm not strong enough to protect you two yet."

L puts her hands on her hips. "You're strong enough to get your freak on with Riley, though." All the other boys in the room laugh, even Tom could be heard from the kitchen. "So, let's go!"

Five minutes later the six of us are wondering how we are going to all fit in the SUV again. Alexander makes the executive decision that I will sit in his lap in the passenger seat, despite my protests. He climbs in first and I reluctantly follow, sitting my butt as far away from his lap as possible. He grumbles, yanking me closer to him and pulling the seatbelt around the both of us.

"This is absurd," I say as I tug the strap off of the side of my neck.

"This is safe," Alexander corrects.

I laugh heartily. "This is a safety hazard."

Tom drives again, whipping the vehicle through the streets as he tries to make it on time. He takes a sharp corner and I almost fall from Alexander's lap. I wiggle, trying to sit comfortably again, when Alexander's hands grip my hips tight to halt my movements. I turn to look at him questioningly, and then I feel it.

My cheeks heat up, as well as another part of my body, and I have to take a steadying breath. I clench my thighs and try to think of scary things like people trying to kill me. That only leads to the big bad shirtless alpha kicking all their asses, and I'm stuck exactly where I was trying to avoid. Alexander's hands clamp tighter as he leans down to whisper in my ear, his breath sending shivers down my back.

"While you smell absolutely mouth watering," he whispers, "every other wolf in this car can smell your arousal as well, so I would suggest thinking about something a little less big bad shirtless alpha-y."

My eyes widen in shock, first at his revelation as well as the word for word thoughts from my own head coming out of his mouth. He chuckles. I pout, arms crossed and lip protruding, just like a child until we pull up outside of the apartment. I make a move to get out, but Alexander's strong arms hold me still.

"Everyone goes into the apartment," Alexander says. "We'll wait out here in the car. Y'all get everything you need this time, so we don't have to come back."

They all climb out, passing us sly glances and smirks.

I tilt my head back to look at him. "Why couldn't I go? It's my apartment."

He gives me a mischievous smile. "We need to talk about your lap etiquette, little one. You were hurting my not-so-little one." He makes a suggestive glance downward.

My cheeks redden. "Sorry."

"And for what you were thinking," he actually tsks. "We have heightened senses, including smell. Your arousal filled this entire car. Luckily for them, all the guys in here were mated or else they would have found themselves falling out of a moving vehicle on the interstate."

"I didn't realize."

"Of course you didn't. I understand this is all still so new to you."

I turn in his lap more, knowing I'm dragging myself against his not-so-little one, as he put it. Alexander's grip on my hips tightens and he breathes in deeply. I dip my head into the crook of his neck, inhaling his wonderful scent. "I'm sorry," I whisper against his skin. "I think I need a tutor." I pull back and fake a pout.

He runs a thumb across my protruding lip before pushing it in until I bite down on it. He groans. "I can help with that," he says huskily.

"Can you, Mr. Crescent?" I lower my voice seductively. "I think I need a lot of one on one time. I promise I'm a good girl." I'm not sure where the confidence comes from. After Derek, I haven't had a ton of boyfriends, only been on a few disappointing dates, and had a few kisses. I haven't had one slightly sexual encounter that I've enjoyed. Alexander has completely turned that around in only a short time of knowing him. I've never lusted after a man the way I lust after him. I've certainly never wanted a man to take me the way my body keeps begging for him to.

Alexander twists my hips and lifts me at the same time - with ease, might I add. His arms don't even tremble as he lifts my entire body high enough for me to set a leg on either side of his hips and then he lowers me gently. Using his grips on my hips, he slides me against his legs impossibly closer to his body, brushing our cores against each other. His voice is deep and throaty next time he speaks, and I swear his canines are slightly longer than normal. "Really? I was hoping you would be a bad girl."

The window shatters.

I scream, bringing my arms up to protect myself against the glass. It's safety glass and Alexander has brought his body forward to protect me instead, so my attempts are unnecessary. It's the window closest to us on the passenger side and when we look out, there's no one there.

"Fuck!" Alexander curses. He freezes, staring off into the distance for a minute. When he snaps back to reality, he shoves me down into the floor board, only stopping to say, "not how I imagined getting you on your knees for the first time would go."

I scoff.

Another minute passes and all the doors open and everyone files back into the car with artwork in tow.

"Lets go," Alexander growls. I move to get up, glass crunching under my feet, but he pushes me back down. "No." The wind whips through his hair as we speed through the town. The car is deadly silent, and I lock eyes with L who looks completely freaked out by the broken window. "You girls are turning everything in today and that's final. We are getting out of this town tonight."

"You can't do that," I exclaim from my seat in the floor board. "I have an actual paper final tomorrow."

Alexander lets out a frustrated growl and turns to Tom. "When we get to the school, drop L and Zach off at whatever class she has to be at, and then drop Riley and me off at the administration building."

"What are you going to do," I demand.

He makes a frustrated noise again. "Keep my damn luna safe."

No other words are spoken as we pull up to the campus. L and Zach get out quietly with her artwork - I notice she brought green leaf man and naked ink lady. She'll probably spend every last second trying to decide which to turn in.

Tom drives around to the admin building and lets the engine idle while Alexander coaxes me from the floor board. Daniel stays behind with Tom to 'guard the perimeter' and I follow Alexander up to the office. He passes every receptionist without a second glance. Some of them try to protest, but none approach.

On the top floor, at the largest office, Alexander actually shows some respect and knocks. He entire without a response, though.

Inside sits a vaguely familiar man. I realize his face is posted around the school and on the back of yearbooks.

I start to follow Alexander into the office, but he closes the door before I can. My jaw drops in shock. I watch through the office window as the two men shake hands and sit on either side of the desk. They begin a discussion I can't hear, so I veer away to look out of a window that looks down on the parking lot. The SUV comes into view and I can see that Daniel has moved into the passenger seat across from Tom and the two are engaging in some thrilling conversation with lots of laughter. I smile, looking elsewhere as my mind drifts off. The past few days cycle around my brain and I pick more and more things out to ask. Daniel said Alexander's mate - meaning me - is taboo. Alexander mentioned something about 'fully shifted' and my mind runs with the idea. Do they sprout hair out of every part of their body? Will I?

I want to know what it means to be the mate of an alpha - what duties I am supposed to perform. I want to know how I am supposed to help the pack. The threat of Derek still looms in the air and I realize I need to learn self defense as well. Alexander said the warriors train, so I assume I will have to train as well.

Who broke the window and why? It's such an empty threat, no harm done or notes left. Nothing tells us anything about the people who decided to terrorize me. Or were they terrorizing Alexander? Perhaps it was the rogue group Alexander mentioned. He never said what happened to them. Are they still alive? Planning another attack? And why were they here to begin with?

I wonder if being Alexander's mate puts an even bigger target on my back. Will Derek back off or try harder? Will the rogues come after me in an attempt to get Alexander?

Is my mother safe?

My thoughts start taking a dark turn and I have to physically shake my head to rid myself of the thoughts. I focus back to the ground below, my eyes locking with a figure standing in a patch of trees.

He's tall, blond, wearing unsuspecting clothes. Had he not been partially covered in the shadow of the trees, I would have mistaken him for just another student.

That, and the fact that his eyes are just as green and primal as Alexander's.

I gasp.

There's no way that he should be able to see me from his position so far below me, but that doesn't stop him from lifting a hand and waving in my direction. A shudder makes its way down my spine and I turn on a dime to run back to Alexander. I make it back to the office just as I see him pass a check to the other man as they shake hands.

Alexander exits quickly, grabbing my hand and practically dragging me out of the building. All thoughts of the unknown male are pushed aside by my confusion and concern as I wonder if he just paid off that guy to let me graduate. "What did you do?"

"I offered a charitable donation to the school in return for you and L to take and submit all finals immediately."

"That's illegal!"

"Is it?"

I stay quiet. I'm not sure if it is illegal or not, but it feels wrong. We shouldn't be getting special treatment just because someone we know can pay off the school. I squint my eyes against the sun as we exit, still walking fast to the car where I can see Daniel and Tom sharing a kiss. "Wait, how wealthy are you?"

Alexander doesn't answer and instead reaches through the broken window to push Daniel's head away from Tom. "You two," he demands. "Go back to the hotel and get every piece of artwork Riley and L need. Tell them, little one." He pushes me forward and I take a moment to think. I rattle of different canvas descriptions and the two sculptures we need. I ask for my lucky pencil, too. "Lucky pencil?" Alexander questions as the two drive off.

I laugh and aim for a playful push against him. My hands connect with solid muscles along his torso and he doesn't waiver despite how hard I intended it to be. Heat swims to my cheeks at the feel of his ripped abdomen, but I push the embarrassment away. "Hey, I've had that thing since grade school." My green mechanical pencil has seen more tests than I can remember, including all of the college entry exams you have to do. I have taken one test without it, the written test to get my learner's license, and promptly failed it.

He laughs at the confession after I explain the importance of this pencil. "Who fails their permit test?"

"Shut up," the heat returns to my cheeks, but a smile still paints across my face. We're walking steadily toward my closest class room. I figured I would just start nearest to us and work through all of them in order. "Haven't you ever had a lucky pencil? Maybe a baby blanket or stuffed bear you took every where with you?"

He thinks for a moment. "Maybe if I keep you around long enough I'll get lucky," he muses.

I gasp dramatically. "What an inappropriate thing to say to someone you barely know, and at your age too." I pretend to be offended and scold him at the same time.

"My age," he scoffs. "How old do you think I am?"

Taking a second, I check out his features and stature as I act like I'm thinking hard about it. In reality, I use the opportunity to openly check him out. He's wearing a soft looking grey t-shirt that stretches around certain tight muscle along his body. His wide shoulder to narrow hip ratio is nearly perfect and my finger tips twitch to draw him. Dark jeans line his muscular legs and from earlier inspection I know they outline his butt wonderfully. His thick, steel toe combat boots make him stand even taller. Finally, my gaze passes his five o'clock shadow, strong features, and curly hair styled messily, before landing on his enticing green eyes. "Thirty seven," I determine.

Alexander's face scrunches up in dismay. "You aren't serious," he deadpans.

I laugh out loud. "Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. You've never volunteered the information. Considering your old age and wealth, I guess I'll just refer to you as my sugar daddy."

"Hell no," he grumbles. "You haven't volunteered your age either, little one. I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours." I agree, walking slower as we near the building for my first test. "Twenty six."

"Twenty one," I respond. This simple conversation is exactly what I need. Earlier, I expressed my concerns to Tom about actually knowing Alexander before he expects anything serious between us. I at least have his age now, but I'm not satisfied. I continue to rapid fire questions at him, to which he answers and then some.

"My middle name is Remington. I like to swim, hike, work out, and play board or card games. I don't have the patience for puzzles. My degree is in business and finance. My favorite foods are fruit, steak, and mozzarella sticks - with ranch not marinara. I like chewy sour candy and twinkies. I can't say no to chocolate chips pancakes or waffles with a lot of syrup and I'm not a fan of soda. Books are better than movies. I actually like math." He volunteers so much more than I asked for, but leaves one question unanswered.

"Did you always want to be alpha," I reiterate.

"No," he says quietly. Alexander grabs my hand and fiddles with my fingers as if to distract himself from the question. "My older brother was supposed to ascend, not me. It's kind of like with royalty. The first son becomes alpha."

I turn my hand around to grasp his with a squeeze. "What happened?"

Alexander shakes his head, looking off in the distance. "I would like to not talk about it." His voice is cold, but I can see so many different emotions flashing across his face.

I relent my personal questioning. "Should I call L and tell her about the finals."

Glad to be talking about anything else, Alexander shakes his head and beings his focus back to me. We're still holding hands and have come to a stop in the middle of the sidewalk. He pulls me to a nearby bench where we sit while waiting for Daniel and Tom to come back. Our hands are still interlocked. "I already told Zach," he dismisses.

"When?" I don't remember him pulling out a cell phone once. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen him with a cell phone.

He stares at me for a moment, considering. "Mine-conne," he says finally, pronouncing it like 'mine-cone-ay.' "Another term from our ancestors. Every wolf in a pack has a mind connection to the other members. Within certain distances, we can speak to each other's minds. It's tricky and sometimes the messages become skewed, but usually pretty reliable. I-" He pauses, staring off into the distance with a glazed look. A few moments pass before he returns back to our conversation. "Zach just told me L is starting her first test. Daniel said someone contacted him from the pack and there is tension between some members. He and Tom will be returning to the pack as soon as he drops your items off."

"Is there tension often?"

"No," he shakes his head. "The longer I am gone from the pack, the more the wolves start to feel it and get antsy. Usually Daniel, or at least Zach, stays behind, but there were extenuating circumstances yesterday. Daniel needs to return to calm things down. Without someone in charge, male wolves can tend to try to step forward as an interim leader, but they begin to challenge each other for the spot. He needs to go back and establish order again." He pauses, rubbing a hand along his jaw. "I'll be honest, I am concerned about Daniel returning without me. I'm not so sure they will accept his mark without my being there to calm them. He and Tom will have to be very careful, but even then I am anxious to return."

"How long have you been gone?"

"Since you left," Alexander says simply. I try to respond, but he cuts me off. "Don't feel bad. You required me more than they did at the time. You still do, but I have a duty to them as well. We'll be out of here by later tonight, so I am not particularly worried."

I take in everything he has said, feeling bad about keeping him from his pack. I did ask for his protection and running away didn't change that. I'm extremely grateful for his help and I express that to him. He provides a simple 'of course.' "Can I mind connect?"

Alexander laughs and I give him a questioning look. "You sound so weird. I know all these terms are new to you, though. We use the ancestral term or simply say speak when referring to that."

"Can I speak," I correct.

"I'm not sure," he confesses. "If you were initiated we could find out, or if we had completed the marking. We'll have to wait for either of those before we can check."

I take a steadying breath. "What's wrong with me? Why am I taboo? Is it because I'm not technically part of a pack?"

Alexander visibly winces. "Riley-" He breaks off. I know it's serious when he uses my real name instead of 'little one.' He doesn't have time to decide what to say before Tom pulls up to the curb a few feet away. Daniel hurries out, practically throwing all the canvasses and the two sculptures onto the sidewalk. Luckily, everything is small enough to handle with just Alexander and me, even if we both have to hold a sculpture. L and I both have a piece each that are rolled into a protective tube - specifically part of the assignment. Besides those, there are only about four canvases varying in sizes, but all smaller than a thirty by twenty frame. We swipe everything up as Tom swings around to park the car in a spot that just opened up in the lot beside us. They don't take any belongings with them, Tom even throwing the keys Alexanders way, before they take off in a jog that would give Usain Bolt a run for his money.

"Where are they going?"

"It will be faster for them to shift and run to the house. It's a straight shot through mostly wooded areas whereas the roads are very roundabout. Are we going to this building?" He takes off toward the building we had stopped outside earlier.

I have to run to catch back up to him and walk faster than my legs can handle to stay with him. "Yeah. When you say shift-"

Alexander opens the front door, letting me go through. The hallway is a bit packed due to classes moving in and out. "Let's talk about this later," he grumbles as he shoulders past all the college kids that tend to just stand in the way.

I give him directions to my class and as soon as we walk into the room Alexander makes a beeline for the professor after placing his armload against a nearby wall. They have a quick discussion, gesturing in my direction, before the professor hands Alexander a packet. He stalks back over to me and practically shoves the papers into my hands. "I don't have my pencil," I realize.

He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a green mechanical pencil.

Daniel or Tom must have passed it to him without my noticing. I don't question it, knowing Alexander is just on edge.

"Write your other classes - building, room, and teacher - along with what art goes where. I'll drop them all off while you're doing this test. Zach and L should be done soon and we will all meet at the SUV." I nod vigorously, feeling bad that he is doing all this for me when he has responsibilities elsewhere. Using my lucky pencil, I write all the information on the crumpled receipt he produced from his pocket mere seconds ago. I hand it back to him with a trembling hand. He realizes and takes a breath to calm himself as he wraps his fingers around mine. "Don't worry," he whispers. "Take your time and good luck."

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