The Cheerleader and The Bad B...

By Mira49_94

23.5M 448K 240K

"You're afraid of temptation." He said pinning me to the wall. "No, I'm not." I snapped at him. Who am I kid... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenty-six
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter twenty-eight
Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty-one
Chapter thirty-three
Chapter thirty-four
Chapter thirty-five
Chapter thirty-six
Chapter thirty-seven
Chapter thirty-eight
Chapter thirty-nine
Chapter forty
Chapter forty-one
Chapter forty-two
Chapter forty-three
Chapter forty-four
Chapter forty-five
Chapter forty-six
Chapter forty-seven
Sorry, another authors note.
Aaron's POV chapter seven
Chapter one Aarons POV
It's been a while.

Chapter thirty-two

361K 6.6K 12.3K
By Mira49_94

Upload time yay!! :) Hope you guys enjoy this chapter. :) The video on the side is of Brad and Sage's duet. 


Chapter thirty-two

Two weeks passed where Aaron wouldn’t talk to me and Nate wouldn’t even let me hug him goodbye none the less touch him.

I noticed that even though Aaron wasn’t speaking to me he still posted the duet Brad and I danced to the day after our fight. It had gotten a ton of views already and a lot of comments. It surprised me how popular our duets were becoming.

Nate and I spent our time talking and watching movies, although he refused to watch romances. He said it ‘wasn’t manly’ but I figured it had something to do with drunk Sage trying to seduce him.

Brad and I had perfected another dance just in case my dad tried to make amends. I guess I was testing him to see if he could ever appreciate the things I love. So far he’s failed, but if he tries to get me to forgive him, Brad and I will perform our duet and see what happens.

Zane stopped by once I had officially decided to move in with Hailey. “You know we could be roommates.” He said as he sat on my bed and watched me box up my things.

“Is that so?” I asked as I shoved my books into a box.

“Ya, she has four bedrooms right?” He asked as he put my lap top in its case.

“Yes, but that doesn’t mean you can stay there.” I mumbled as I taped the box shut.

“You can’t decide who the roommates are.” He said almost childlike.

“I could have a say in it.” I shot back.

“Doubt it. I’m rich and if I offered her enough she’d totally disregard your opinion…not to mention we’re friends.”

“Whatever…don’t you do too many concerts or something?” I asked absent mindedly as I looked at pictures of me and Aaron that had been in my desks top drawer.

I shoved them in the smallest box I had along with the ticket for homecoming and the bear he got me for my birthday.

Zane sighed before standing and grabbing the box I had taped and my laptop case. “Doesn’t mean I don’t live somewhere, Sage.” He laughed as he stood. “To the car!” He said dramatically before cutting me off and walking out of my room.

I glanced around my empty room before picking up the small box with the things involving Aaron. I walked out of my house following Zane to his extremely nice black Mustang.

The bottom of the box ripped open and let everything that was inside fall to the ground. I groaned before dropping to my knees to grab everything. I tossed the bear to Zane who snatched it out of the air before climbing into his car and starting the engine. Music started blasting from his speakers and I recognized it as a song his band played at one of their concerts.

“Playing one of your own songs is lame!” I yelled as I picked up the homecoming ticket and all but one of the pictures. The wind blew it out of my reach and I sighed as it was carried in the air farther away from me. I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear before getting to my feet to follow it. It was the picture from my surprise birthday party where Aaron and I were kissing.

Someone’s legs came into view before they picked up the picture and held it out to me. I looked up to see Aaron. I snatched the picture from him and added it to the ones already in my hands.

“You’re leaving?” He asked looking genuinely concerned.

“I don’t want to live with my dad anymore…he yelled at me for dancing…again.”

“Are you staying with Kalina?”

“No…I found a roommate on the other side of town.”

He nodded. “You’re still wearing the necklace.” I thought he might reach out and touch it but he stopped himself.

I touched the necklace around my neck that I hadn’t taken off since he’d given it to me.

 “Ya.” I mumbled before Zane honked the horn and made Aaron look up at the car that he didn’t seem to notice. “What’s wrong with your car?” He asked bitterly.

“It’s not here.” I said as if he were stupid.

“I see you’ve already moved on.” He said not meeting my eyes.

I let out a harsh laugh. “I didn’t, and even if I had that’s none of your business.” I turned to go before spinning on my heels. I ripped the necklace from my neck before throwing it at him. It bounced off his chest and landed in the grass.

I walked briskly to the car before slamming the door.

“Ouch.” Zane whispered under his breath before slowly starting to drive away. I looked back to see Aaron pick up the necklace and stare at it before looking up to meet my eyes before we turned the corner and he was gone completely.

“He antagonized me.” I said crossing my arms.

“Who uses the word ‘antagonized’?” Zane laughed.

“I don’t know.” I said laughing in return.


Nate was waiting at the house making polite conversation with Hailey when Zane and I walked in.

Nate stood from the couch and Hailey grinned at us. “Nate was just waiting for you to get home.”

“Hey.” I smiled as I balanced two boxes in my arms. “You guys want to help carry in the rest of the boxes?” I said giving them a grin that I hoped convinced them to help.

“Sure.” Nate said as Hailey nodded.

“Hey Hailey?” Zane called before she’d made it out the door.


“Could you use another roommate?” He asked grinning at me as I rolled my eyes before walking towards the stairs.

“Sure.” She said shrugging.

“Told you.” Zane said jogging to catch up to me.

“Whatever.” I said over my shoulder.

I put the two boxes in my room before moving out of the way to let Zane set the box he had in his hands on the floor as well.

“I could take the room right across from yours!” He said over excited as he poked his head out the door.

“Alright Zane whatever makes you happy.” I said while making my bed.

Nate and Hailey walked in carrying the last few boxes. “Give me a tour?” Zane asked before nearly pulling Hailey out the door.

“Hey.” Nate said as I finished making my bed.

“Hey…is something wrong?” I asked as he sat down on my bed. I pulled another box closer to me before opening it.

“No, why?”

“I don’t know…I just thought you might’ve needed to talk or something.” I said as I took out my alarm clock and set it on my nightstand table.

“I just wanted to make sure you were ok.”

“You don’t need to check up on me every day.” I said grinning at him. As much as I liked the thought it made me worry about myself that he felt the need to see me every day to make sure I was ‘ok’.

“I know but I like seeing you…”He said smiling as I took out my school books and put them in my new desks bottom drawer.

“I like you too.” I said before pausing and widening my eyes.

I don’t know what he would’ve said if he had seen my facial expression but luckily my back was to him. I silently cursed myself for saying that. I wasn’t even sure why I’d said it.

I had come to terms that I had more than just friendly feelings for Nate but even saying that I ‘like’ him seemed like a little bit more then I really did.

There was this weird silence where neither of us said anything and I just continued to unpack my stuff.

Why am I so awkward?

I would slap my hand to my forehead if I was alone but that would just make me seem even weirder.

I stood up and turned and nearly knocked heads with Nate who had somehow walked closer without making any noise.

I tried to think of something to say but nothing came to mind so my mouth just opened and closed, kind of like a fish.

One of his hands traced something unseen on my cheek while the other lightly brushed my hand.

“I promised myself I wouldn’t kiss you until I was sure you were over Aaron.” He whispered while looking at my lips.

“Am I allowed to lie?” I breathed.

He shook his head as the ghost of a smile played across his lips. He pulled back as I leaned closer. “I know that sooner or later you’ll go back to him.”

“Not if he keeps acting like a dick.” I sighed before plopping down on my bed.

“What happened?” He asked sitting next to me.

“He saw me leaving today and accused me of being with Zane…romantically.”

“You know you have a weird way of saying things.” He said smiling down at me. “Most people would’ve said he accused you of sleeping with Zane.”

“Whatever.” I said shaking my head.

“Did you ever consider it?” He asked quietly.

“What? Being with Zane?” I said propping myself up on my elbows. I laughed. “No…his ego is a little too big for me.”


“You really wanna know?” I said sighing again. He nodded. “Because I have someone else in mind.”

“Aaron.” He said nodding again but this time looking away from me.

“Is it so hard to believe that I might actually like you?”


“Why?” I asked scrunching my eyebrows.

“Because when I met you…you only ever hung out with me to make your dad less mad…and you were so into Aaron. And when I let my feelings be known you just shoved me away or got mad…I tried so hard.” He said while shaking his head. “I tried so hard not to like you because I knew that it would always be him.”

“What if it wasn’t?...Isn’t?”

“I think it is, Sage…and if it’s not then I feel like the worst person in the world.”

“Why?” I said only getting more confused.

“You were in love with Aaron and I hate to imagine that I ruined that.”

“What if I ruined it? What if I tried so hard to be in that relationship and I let my feelings get away from myself? What if I pushed him away?”

“But it’s still my fault!” He said exasperated. “I’m sorry.” He said putting his head in his eyes. “I’m sorry that I caused all of this and I’m sorry it’s my fault that you’re sad.” I leaned my head on his shoulder. He looked down when I grabbed our hands. His free hand traced the golden infinity bracelet on my wrist. He’d given that to me for my birthday. “You’re wearing the bracelet.” I could practically hear the smile in his voice.

“Yeah…I never take it off.” I said as my free hand went to my neck only to feel bare skin where the necklace used to be.

I yawned and Nate chuckled. “Maybe you should get to bed.” He said standing and motioning for me to lift up my feet. He took my shoes off before setting them by my desk.

“Stay with me?” I asked with maybe a little too much hope in my voice.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea…” He said starting for the door.

“Ok.” I whispered before getting under the covers and rolling onto my side. I heard the door open and close. I sighed before closing my eyes. I felt the bed creak as body weight was added to the other side. I rolled over and saw Nate laying on his back staring at me. He wasn’t under the covers and his hands were placed awkwardly on his stomach. “Nate?” I asked.

“Looks like I make bad decisions.”


I woke up the next morning to find Nate gone. I felt myself frown and I was wondering if he got up to get something. I got out of bed and took about three steps before tripping over something and landing on my stomach.

I groaned before I heard Nate’s voice. “Sage! Are you ok?” He asked sitting up and checking me over.

I laughed. “Yeah…but just one question….why are you on the floor?”

“Because letting me sleep in your bed was a bad idea.”

I nodded. “Well are you up for breakfast?”

“Food is good.” He said standing before helping me to my feet.

We walked down the stairs where Zane and Hailey were talking while sipping coffee.

“Hey.” Hailey said grinning.

“Hey.” I said while scrunching my eyebrows. “Zane you’re still here?”

“Ya I had to test out my new room.” He said shrugging.

I rolled my eyes while pouring myself a cup of coffee. “Do you want some Nate?”

“Sure.” He said pulling his cell phone from his pocket. “It’s my dad…I’ll be right back.” He said before leaving the room.

As soon as we heard the living room door close Hailey leaned across the table and whisper yelled at me. “He’s hot!”

I laughed while pouring his cup of coffee. “He is.”

“I feel really weird being a part of this conversation.” Zane said while trying to casually look at the ceiling.

“Are you two like…a thing?” Hailey asked continuing to whisper and ignore Zane.

“No…” I said sounding unsure.

Hailey gave me a knowing grin. “Possibly?”

“I don’t know.” I said as we heard the door open again. “Drop it for now.”

“What are you guys talking about?” Nate asked stopping beside me.

“Hot boys.” Zane said simply, making Nate choke on his coffee.


The next day I was back at school and was walking down the hall towards the cafeteria. Nate was coming to school during my lunch so he could eat with Kalina and me.

Aaron had tried texting me saying he needed to talk to me and he even tried talking to me in chemistry but I ignored both. He also set a note on my desk but I tore it to shreds before throwing it in the trash. I had practically managed to avoid Aaron all day, until now.

“Sage!” Aaron said while catching my arm.

I couldn’t get anyone else’s attention because the last person in the hall had just turned the corner.

“What?” I said sharper then I meant to.

“How have you been?”

I gave him my best ‘what the hell’ face. “Fine.” I said trying to turn away from him.

He shook his head before taking a step closer. “Sage.” He breathed before grabbing my face with both his hands. He leaned in trying to kiss me before I shoved him away.

“What are you doing?” I snapped taking a startled step back.

“I was trying to kiss you…” He said as if it weren’t obvious.


“Because I missed you.” He said trying to pull me closer.

I could hear footsteps behind me but that didn’t stop me from shoving him. “No!” I screamed. I hit him again but this time it was harder.

“Sage…I made a mistake; I didn’t realize that I would feel this way. I want you back…I need you back. I can deal with Nate and the dancing I just need you.”

I hit him again but this time it was a slap across the face. “How do you think I feel?” I yelled before shoving him again.

“Hey…hey stop, Sage.” I heard Nate whisper in my ear as he wrapped his arms around me so I couldn’t hit Aaron again. “Let it go.”

“No!” I said as he lifted me off the ground. I kicked my foot out and caught Aaron in the stomach and he doubled over. “He doesn’t get to randomly decide that he wants a relationship again! That’s bullshit!” I yelled even as Nate carried me farther away. “That’s fucking bullshit!”

Nate convinced the office staff that I wasn’t feeling well and that he had to take me home.

Which I guess it wasn’t a lie, I wasn’t happy I was fuming with anger.

“Are you calm now?” Nate asked as we pulled out of the school parking lot.

“No.” I said crossing my arms. “I’m pissed.”

“Did he apologize?”

“No, that’s the thing!” I said getting worked up again. “He didn’t say sorry, he just assumed we would be fine and he tried to act like he hadn’t been a complete dick.”

“Maybe it’s his pride.” He said shrugging.

“I can’t believe you’re standing up for him.” I said almost laughing.

“Well I kind of understand him…maybe it’s a guy thing.” He said brushing it off.

“No.” I said turning towards him more. “Tell me how you understand him.”

“If I was your boyfriend I wouldn’t be ecstatic about you’re duets with Brad they are kind of…provocative. And being friends with a guy who likes you? Not exactly comforting.”

I sighed. “But he handled it the wrong way.”

“That’s true.” He said nodding. “I would have handled it differently.”

“How so?”

“I would have talked to you calmly about it instead of shouting and breaking up with you.” He said while pulling into the driveway. “Maybe asked you to do less sexy dances?”

“Sexy dances?” I said laughing and raising an eyebrow.

“You know what I mean.” He said trying to defend himself.

“And what would you do about you?” I said honestly curious what he would do if he were Aaron in that situation.

“I would probably just deal with it…and hope that nothing happened.” I must have given him an odd look because he laughed. “What?”

“I just find it interesting that you would just deal with that.”

“Well if I deal with it and you fall for him I lose you, but if I tell you not to see him anymore and I push you away then I still lose you.”

“I didn’t think of it like that.” I said nodding.

After we got home we watched The Avengers and Fantastic Four. Apparently it was a super hero kind of day.

My dad called right around when school would’ve ended.

“Are you going to answer?” Nate said as I looked at the caller ID.

I sighed before hitting the answer button. “Hello?” I said almost expecting him to yell at me.

“Sage.” He said kindly. I narrowed my eyes assuming he wanted something.


“When are you coming back?”

“I’m not.”

“You can’t just live on your own.” He chuckled.

“I have a few roommates.” I said remembering that Zane would be moving in soon.

“I won’t pay for it.” He said sounding defiant.

“That’s fine, I’ll get a job.”

“Will you at least meet me for dinner?” He asked rather hopefully.

I paused debating whether or not I should go. If I went then Brad and I could perform the dance and see if my dad is willing to change. If my dad is willing to change then I won’t have to pay for rent. I sighed. “Ok, but only if I can choose the restaurant.”


I told him I wanted to meet him at a small little diner in the middle of town. They had a stage where they had classical music play every weekend but since it was Monday that stage would be clear. Not to mention Kalina worked there so if I called her and gave her a heads up I bet Brad and I could get away with dancing on stage without getting in trouble.

Sure enough, she talked her boss into letting us dance and a few hours later I was sitting by myself at a table for two that was right in front of the stage.

I looked over at Brad who was sitting by himself pretending to read something.

He was wearing a white button up shirt and black dancing pants with plain black shoes. I had a loose black dress with black heels. Although I planned on taking the heels off before dancing, they were just for show. We had decided on dancing to The Lonely by Christina Perri.

My dad sat down across from me smiling while unknowingly blocking my view of Brad.

“Hi Sage.” He said grinning.

“Hey Dad.”

“How have you been?”


“Where are you living?”

“With a friend.” His smiled turned into a flat line when he caught on that I was giving him short unemotional answers.

“Have you ordered anything?”


He sighed before rolling his eyes and giving me an exasperated look. “Is this how the whole night is going to be?”

“Possibly…” He rolled his eyes again. “You know what…I need to go to the bathroom.” I silently slipped my shoes off before standing up and walking past my father. I winked at Kalina which was the sign for her to rush to our boom box and be ready to hit play.

I tapped Brad as I passed him and he casually stood up and followed me to the side of the stage.

“You ready?” Brad asked before I nodded. He helped me onstage and quickly followed just as the music started playing.

My dad’s head snapped up and he looked less than pleased. Other people in the diner looked confused or excited.

After we finished our dance everyone erupted into applause and stood up as they cheered. Everyone except my father.

I can’t believe after all this he won’t even pretend to be happy.

I jumped off the stage and walked back over to our table where I plopped down in my seat.

“You’re still dancing, I see.”

“Yeah I stick with the things I love.” I said curtly.

“What a shame.”

“Ok dad.” I said standing up before picking up my shoes. “I’m going back to my house where I’ll be staying permanently.”

“Wait, Sage!” He said while standing up. “I’ll send checks for the rent each month…”

I wasn’t exactly sure how to feel about it but I nodded. “Thank you.”


“Hey.” Nate said while opening the door.

I gave him a quizzical look. “Are you chilling with Hailey?” He shook his head. “Zane?” I asked as I walked inside.

“No one’s here.”

“Then why are you here?” I asked laughing.

“I want to give you something.” He said nearly grinning from ear to ear.

“Alright?” I laughed while he closed the door and almost dragged me up the stairs.

“Ok…are you ready?” He said clearly excited as we stopped outside my closed bedroom door.

“Sure.” I said shrugging.

He pushed open the door and I gasped before putting my hand to my mouth.

There were candles everywhere and they cast a golden glow throughout the room. I walked into the room to take everything in. There was a big bouquet of red carnations on my desk, they were arranged in a vase in such a way that they were in the shape of a heart. White baby’s breath was on the inside of the heart and a small plastic red heart on a stick was dead center. White roses scattered the rest of my desk and my chair. They were on the floor and all over my bed as well.

“The candles are vanilla because that’s what you smell like…and I picked roses because they’re delicate and beautiful yet strong because of their thorns…but I clipped all the thorns off because that wouldn’t be safe. I got white ones because they were the closest that I could find for your hair. And that bouquet is just because it looks pretty.” He said grinning.

“Why?” I said still looking around.

“I was tired of seeing you be sad.”

“Do I still look sad?”

“No.” He said grinning. “You have this look that’s a mixture between shock and happiness.”

“You make me happy Nate.” 

WOO HOO! A long update! You're welcome Team Nate people. :P 
I have questions for you guys,

1. How'd you like this chapter?

2. Anyone liking Nate a little bit more?

3. Somebody asked me to make a facebook fan page where I could answer questions post pictures and maybe even a few spoilers...would anyone be interested in that? 

4. Last but not least this is a special chapter. Why you ask? Because if any of you have questions yourselves post them in the comments below with your answers! I will answer the questions in the next upload unless they give to much away for the plot. Yes? Yes.

Please and thank you. :)  

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