Wolves Den

By Koda122

107 19 0

Remi has always loved the forest, the different sounds, smells, the way she could get lost in it and never ha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 9
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 15

3 1 0
By Koda122


My father rubbed a hand over his tired face and looked at me from behind his deck. "I'm stepping down as Alpha tomorrow Dane. Make sure Remi knows what that entails."

"We just mated, father. Give her a little time to think things over." I plead not ready to tell Remi she had to have my pups.

"The pack will demand a pup as soon as possible." Father tells me. "The longer you two wait the more antsy they'll get."

"I know." I sigh, stand up. "I'm going to find my mate and try to explain to her the situation." With that I storm out and run up the stairs where I stop in front of my door and hear Remi, Stella, and Jen laughing.

"I still can't believe you and Dane are fully mated." Jen giggles. "I mean you two like just met, right?" Remi laughs.

"Yeah, but I wasn't about to go through an entire night of heat. That shit hurts."

"I so do not want to go through that." Jen says.

"If you do, don't feel like you have to mate with Nico just to make it go away." Remi warns. "It'll suck but you need to make sure you're 100% sure like I was with Dane." Pride fills my chest hearing her say that.

"So..." Stella draws out. "Did you two happen to use protection?" I can hear Remi choke on her next words.

"We don't need to." She breaths. "I have to have Dane's pups soon anyways. Why not now?" I curse myself for not remembering to use a condom. Sure I wanted to fill Remi to the brim with my cum and make sure she got pregnant but something in the way she said that made me think she wasn't ready to be a mom.

"Well I guess we'll find out soon right?" Jen asks excitedly. Jen may be a new wolf but her wolf had strong instinct and was excited at just the thought of her Luna having the next heir.

"I guess yeah." Remi laughs.

"I think-" Stella cuts off when Remi shushes her. I hear the bed creak and footsteps come closer to the door. Then suddenly it flies open and Remi stands there with a smirk.

"You know it's rude to eavesdrop." She comments. I laugh nervously and glance at Stella and Jen.

"Why don't we get going." Stella suddenly suggests to Jen who nods and hurries out. Remi gives me a look and walks to the bed.

"Do you really not mind having my pups so soon?" I ask, shutting the door and sitting next to her.

"No Dane, I really don't" She whispers, crawling onto my lap. I hug her to me and breathe in her fresh scent. "Dane?" She asks into my chest.


"Did you use protection last night?"

"No." I breathe. "I forgot. I was too caught up in trying to get you out of heat." She pulls away from me and smiles.

"Then we might be having little ones sooner than we thought."

"I should be able to sense them by tomorrow." I say.

"Tomorrow?" She asks. I nod.

"She-wolves are only pregnant for three months. Sometimes not even that." Her eyes widen.

"T-three months?" I pull her snug against me.

"Everything will be alright Remi. My father is stepping down as Alpha tomorrow anyways so this needed to happen."

"Okay." She whispers.

"Are you mad?" I ask.

"No! No, not at all!" She assures me. "It's just a lot to think about."

"I know, baby girl. I know. But I promise I'll be there every step of the way." She nods and buries her face in my shoulder.

"You're going to be a great father Dane."

"And you're going to be an amazing mother."


There was a 99% chance I was pregnant with Dane's pups. Normal teen girls would be bawling their eyes out, thinking about how they've just ruined their lives, but I was excited. Sure only being pregnant for three or less months wasn't ideal but just the thought of holding my pups in my arms had Rose and I jumping for joy. That night Dane and I fell asleep cuddled together like usual, my head on my chest, his arms around my waist. When our alarm goes off in the morning I barely rollover to turn it off before curling back into Dane's arms. "Good morning Love." He whispers into my ear. I groan and throw my arm over my eyes.

"Too early." I mumble. Dane laughs and rolls me over.

"Go take a shower before breakfast." I give him a confused look over my shoulder.


"Because it helps bring the scent of the pups out." He tells me.

"Oh." I whisper smiling and hopping up from the bed. When I glance over my shoulder before shutting the bathroom door behind me Dane is eyeing me hungrily but I giggle and keep him away.

After my shower I pull on some comfortable clothes and blow dry my hair. I expect Dane to be jumping for joy when I step out of the but instead he's sitting on the bed looking at the ceiling. "Dane?" I ask. He doesn't look at me. "Dane?" I say again, more worried. Finally he looks at me.

"They're gone." He whispers.

"Who?" I ask, sitting next to him. He puts a hand on my stomach.

"You're not pregnant Remi. The pups didn't make it through the night." My heart drops and tears well up in my eyes.

"Oh." Is all I can say. Dane pulls me on his lap and holds me close.

"This happens more than I wish I could say Remi. We'll have pups eventually." I nod and wipe a few tears away.

"Are your parents mad at me?" I ask. Dane looks at me like I'm crazy.

"NO! The same thing happened to my mother after she had me. They're both very sorry for us." He tells me. I pull away from his arms and get up.

"I'm going to go for a run. Rose needs to get out and I need to think."

"Be careful." He warns, kissing my forehead.

"I will." I promise then slip out the door and head downstairs hoping not to run into anyone. Rose remains quiet in my head except for occasionally whimpering.

When I get outside I shift without taking my clothes off and bolt into the woods, letting my heartbreak seep through. I guess it was too soon for us to have pups but the pain and guilt I feel for not being able to hold our pups in my womb still eats at me. So I push myself harder, running faster than I ever have. I let Rose have control, let her lead me wherever she wants to go. A twig snaps behind us and an unfamiliar scent catches in the wind. Checking my surroundings I see that I'm still within park territory but this intruder is not within theirs. "Rose slow down and let me shift back." I order.

"But the intruder?" She whines.

"I'll be okay." I promise her. She huffs but stops and lets me have control back. In all my nakedness I look around the forest. "I'm not here to hurt anyone, but this is my territory and you don't belong here." I shout.

"You don't either." A familiar, chilling voice says behind me.

"Creek." I growl, turning around. "I'm not on your land so why are you on mine?" The tall, gray haired man in front of me laughs.

"Because when I want something I always get it." His black eyes sparkle. "Even a mated silver wolf."

"Don't touch me." I snarl.

"Feisty." He comments, stocking closer. "I like it. You'll make strong warrior pups for me."

"I thought you wanted an heir?" I question backing away slowly.

"I've finally had one." He announces. "A boy. Named him Aries."

"And his mother?" I ask.

"Dead." He sighs and shakes his head like he truly cares. "Died in childbirth. Just a weak human woman. Nothing to her."

"So you used her? Like you use every woman you can get your hands on right?" I say in a low voice. Creek suddenly surges forward and grabs me by the hair, pulling me painfully up to my toes.

"I don't use women, Remington. They come to me willingly." He pauses and brings his lips dangerously close to mine. "Like you will." Rose growls and calls for Dane.

"You need to leave before Dane and his friends get here. They won't be as nice as I am." I warn. He growls and drops me.

"Until we meet again dear Remington." And with that he shifts and runs away just as Dane comes barreling in with Parker and Nico on his tail. Dane shifts first and runs to me, wrapping his strong arms around me so the other two can't see me without clothes on.

"Are you okay?" He asks. I nod. "What did he say?"

"He told me he wants me to give him warrior pups because of my silver fur." I whisper.

"What about an heir?" He questions. I shake my head and stand with his arms still tightly around me.

"He already has one. A little boy he named Aries." I pause. "His mother was a human woman. She died giving birth to him."

"Most human women do." Dane tells me. I shiver.

"I still feel bad for that little boy, Aries. He has to grow up with Creek as a father."

"There's nothing we can do about it, love." Dane whispers to me. "All we can do now is call the counsel and see if they'll do anything."

"I doubt it." Parker says.

"Yeah!" Nico shouts. "They don't do shit!"

"Calm down Nico." Dane barks. "Creek isn't going to get away with this. And from now on Remi isn't alone. Ever." 

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