promise me that you never gon...

By Lixiesbbygirl

3.7K 179 68

"Promise me you never gonna leave me again" Hwang Hyunjin × kim Seungmin In which hyunjin leaves seungmin af... More

intro part 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
new person update 😉🙈
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Announcement 🖤
Chapter 15
Special Y/n and Jooyeon Chapter❤️
Chapter 16
1K readers ❤️✨️

Chapter 17

88 5 3
By Lixiesbbygirl

Hope you guys will enjoy this chapter 😊(didn't reread 😢sry if there any mistakes )


Julie "what 😮Mr. Jin is my daddy"

👑️"yes princess"

Julie "yay" she scremed excitedly then ran to hyunjin and hugged him tightly.

👑️"does princess like daddy Jin"

Julie "yes daddy I like you so much 😊"

👑️"ummm Seungmin if you don't mind can I take Julie to the park"

🐶"okay but you need to return before 7pm"

👑️"actullay it's better if you also come with us ,right Julie"

Julie "yes papa come with us" she said while showing her puppy eyes to me

Oh how I gonna resist that puppy eyes so I said 'yes' after that I called y/n and told her that I am going to park with Hyunjin and Julie, if I didn't do that for sure she will get confused and scared because we are no where to find😂yes y/nnie like that one day I went to near supermarket with Julie to buy some snacks .when y/n came back home from work she searched for us everywhere in the house, when we weren't there so she got scared and nearly called 911. But luckily I came back befpre that ,if I haven't came back she was going to make some lot of trouble 😂 oh this girl😂

We spend two hours in the park talking and playing with Julie ,it was really fun 😊

After 3 Months

It's been 3 months since Julie met Hyunjin for the first time as her daddy .After that day, three of us spend lot of time together actually me and Jinnie got close too, jinnie also took us to his office and introduce us to workers in that place, it was really huge place, Jinnie took care of Julie when I am busy ,I am so glad that Hyunjinnie is back

Today is Saturday , cafe is closed today cuz me and y/n need some rest. We worked continuously three weeks now 😪 without even a rest so today is our holiday

When we heard our door bell ring,

y/nnie and I were watching 1000stars the series for 25th time, we just obsessed with it

🐶"y/nnie pls can you go and check who is that"

💖"oh hyung you are older than me so you go and check who is that"

🐶"but I want to watch this*pouting*this is my favorite part so plssssss"

💖"ok ok I will go and check who is that, stop pouting😒"

🐶"😚 luv u "

💖"keep it to yourself 😒 I don't need your love I have yeonnie to love me😝"

After she said that she ran form me before I hit her with the pillow on my hand.

I heard y/nnie open the door

💖"oh hey hyung , come in"

🐶"y/nnie who is that" i asked with raised voice

💖"it's jinnie hyung" she said while coming to the living room with Hyunjin yes she call Hyunjin now Jinnie hyung , I am glad that they are in good terms now

👑️"hey Minnie where is princess"

🐶"she at Minsung's , play date with Minji you know"

👑️"oh ok ,by the way since Julie is not here do you like to go on a walk with me"

🐶"ummmm y/nnie is it ok if I go with Hyunjin " I asked that from y/n cuz I didn't wanted to leave her alone in this house also today we planned bake a cake together .

💖"it's ok hyung , you can go with Jinnie hyung"

🐶"but what about the cake"

💖"don't worry about that hyung I will call yeonnie and ask him to come"

🐶"ok then, Jin can you wait 2 minutes I will change my outfit and come quickly"

👑️"ok 😊"

I quickly went upstairs and changed my outfit came back

🐶"let's go" I said while grabbing my phone and wallet

(by the way this is seungmin's outfit if you curious about that👇)

(This is hyunjin's👇)

👑️"you look pretty today" he told me when we entered the side walk from my house

🐶"thank you" I felt my cheeks burning 😳

🐶"where are we heading to "

👑️"it's is secret because of that follow me

🐶"ok then"

After that we walk through sidewalk just talking about random things

👑️"we are here"

we are already at The place hyunjin want me to come with

🐶"why we came here Jin" I was shocked cuz we were front of highschool we use to go

👑️"Minnie do you remember that tree" he told whlie showimg me a big peach tree placed in corner of the highschool garden

🐶"ummm yes , that tree was my study place and I used to like to sit under that tree so much cuz i can see you playing netball clearly from there"

👑️"yes that's all are right but you forgot just one thing"

🐶"what, I don't ahhhhhhhh"

What pabo I am ,how could I forgot that , that is the place Jinnie asked me to be his boyfriend

👑️"you remember right"

🐶"I am sorry for forgetting that"

👑️"oh it's okay, by the way do like to go there again"

🐶"I would like to but I don't think we can enter the school without a permission"

👑️"who said we don't have permission🤨😏"

🐶"what ,does that mean we have permission to go in"

👑️"yes, did you forgot my uncle is the principal in here, so he gave me permission to come here anytime I want"

🐶"ohhh I forgot that too"

👑️"let's go in Mr. Kim 😂"

🐶"ok Mr. Hwang 😂"

less than 5minutes both of us were sitting under the peach tree

👑️"hey min I am sorry"

🐶"for what Jin"

👑️"sorry for leaving you that day, sorry for not meeting you for years, sorry for everything I done wrong to you"

🐶"I told you Jinnie I forgive you for everything and let's forget everything we done wrong in the past ,let's live in the present, let's plan the future okay ,don't worry cuz you back and that all I want for years so I am happy now"

👑️"thanks Minnie for loving me, eventhough I left you"

🐶"that what love for, isn't it"

👑️"yes it is ☺️"


👑️"min I have important thing to ask from you"

🐶"what is it Jinnie"

👑️"Kim Seungmin you is the prettiest, cleverest and strongest person I ever seen and I love you so damn much so would like to be my boyfriend again"

🐶"yes I would love to" I said and hugged Jin tightly Jinnie is mine again

👑️"baby can I kiss you" he said while looking at me with his loving eyes .

🐶"you don't need to ask for permission, I am your boyfriend ,you can kiss me when ever you want"

Not even after second Jinnie's lips were on mine his lips taste so sweet oh god I miss this lips so much and also this touch I don't know how I even survived without him

After 5 minutes Jinnie broke the kiss cuz we both were out of oxygen

🐶"Jinnie can you give me a promise , pleassssssse"

👑️"of course pup what is it"

🐶"promise me that you never gonna leave me again "

👑️"I swear I never gonna leave you again"

He said and hugged me tightly


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