The Hidden Empress Jeff Th...

By Miss_Infinite21

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A story about a girl who lives in Slenderman's mansion but she was hidden in the highest floor where noone st... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 7

164 5 15
By Miss_Infinite21

I woke up again and saw the whole blue sky

Wait blue sky?


I restored it and quickly and went to slendy

" Y/n what's the sound of exploding on your room? " slendy asked referring to the two explosions

"I accidentally blew up the two floors down when i lied down to my bed and as i was sleeping i woke up seeing the whole sky" i explained and he just nodded

"Ok and may you prepare the food today? Slenderwoman and my brothers are soon visiting again so i have to prepare the rooms they are staying at" he said as he stands up

"Yeah no problem." I answered and left his office

I went to the kitchen finding jeff drinking coke

"Early in the morning you're drinking soda? " i said and he just stared at me

"Its a routine i guess? " he said

I smiled slightly and grab the ingredients I'm gonna need

"Whatcha makin? " he asked

"Waffles, pancake, bacon, fried rice, omelette, kidneys, eggs, sausages, toasts and muffins" i said and he was shock of how many am i gonna cook

"That's a lot mind of i help? "

"Nope not at all" i said

He cracks the eggs and adding seasonings on it.

A guy who can cook? 🛐

Man he is making me fall for him.
He was just my type
Well he is violent but damn at least he could cook

He heated the pan throwing a piece butter and he added the eggs

I went beside him and putted the bacons

I mixed the batter for waffles and i grabbed the waffle maker

I added the batter and closed the lid or something you call it

I was mentally checking on the bacons but jeff already had it

It was perfectly cook if i may say

I went on to make another batter for the muffins and i mixed ot with the automatic mixer

I sensed some people looking at the kitchen so i looked at their direction and i saw ej, ben, toby and dark link

"They looked like a married couple" ben said and the rest agreeds


"You sounded like slendy when he is preparing foods" jeff commented and i just shrugged at him

I took a look from the eggs and his sunny side up looks so perfect

"You really am making me fall damn" i mumbled and went back to the waffles

It was cooked and perfectly brown so i took it out and placing the batter repeating the same

I heated a pan to cook the pancake and i putted a butter  melting it

I turned the heat low and i putted the pancake batter

As for my pancakes i do not use pancake mix instead i do it on my own recipe i created


The muffins are finished

I took it out without wearing a mittens since i couldn't find it

"Your hand... " jeff said

"It's fine i have'd worse" i answered and placed the muffins on a perfect circle laying on top of each other

I placed it on the table and i went back to waffles

I soon finished the waffles and i placed it on the table

The pancake has little bubbles on top of it and it was dry so i flip it and covered it with a lid again

Jeff was finished with the bacons and eggs so he putted it on the table too

He grabbed the left over rice and left it on the counter

He sliced some garlics and they were a lot

I soon finished the pancakes and i placed it on the dining table

I used my powers to wash the dishes while i was making toasts

I placed the kidneys raw since ej liked it better. He admitted it

I made different types of toasts and jeff was making the fried rice

I was so impressed by how he mix it

The rice was flying and falling back to the pan and there we're flames

Jesus is he secretly a five star cheff or something

I cleaned the counter while he was cooking the rice 

I wiped the counters and the table

He turned off the heat and placed the rice on the big bowl

I washed the wok he was using and i called everyone while he rested on the island counter

He was quite exhausted

Well it was tiring to cook but at least he helped me

I somehow craved for yogurt so i opened 2 packs and placed it on the small bowl.

I putted some blue berries, rasp berries and some grapes and mixed it

I threw the empty packs and went ro my seat

Everyone started to eat and i forgot to grab the pitcher from the fridge so i grabbed it using my powers since i was to lazy to stand up again

I poured a water on my cup and went back eating

"Wow the waffles tasted more tasty that my usual waffles! " toby commented and i just chuckled

"Yeah i used my personal recipe on every food except for the fried rice though" i said and took a bite from the fried rice jeff cooked and it melted on my mouth.

It was so good

Freak I'm inlove

"The pancakes and muffins are so fluffy and tasty" sally commented and i thanked her for the compliment

"The toasts are so perfect how did you  cooked this? I always burn mine to black" Ben said and i was shook by what he said

"To black? Ben how? Are you playing games while cooking? "

"Kind off....? " he looked away

"oh dear"

Soon everyone finished and I was irritated by their behaviors

After eating they just left their plate and I'M THE ONE WHO COOKED AND THEN I'M GONNA WASH?!!! WHAT IN THE ASIAN HOUSE HOLD IS THIS?!

They will taste my slippers later on this day

As i was getting more irritated by seconds a paper colored hands came to help me

"Eh? Jeff? " i asked

"I just got finished fixing the table."

Wait what?? He was helping me this whole time.


After washing the tons of plates i went up to my room but soon heard slendy calling me

I groaned and teleported to him

"Y/n may you lead slenderwoman here, she got lost "

"How did she got lost? She knew how to get here or she could just teleport"

"I do not know about that"

"Fine you are making me cookies after this" i said and teleported to the woods

I sensed her aura so i followed it seeing her looking around

I tapped her shoulder while levitating and she looked back

"Slendy told me to pick you up. " i said and i could feel her smile

"Thank you! I was wondering where could i find the mansion. I forgot how to get there" she said

"Can i hold your hand so we could teleport back? " i asked her and she nodded

I grabbed her wrist and teleported her to the front door of the mansion

"It never changes" she commented

I opened the door for her and i letted her enter and just then the 3 brothers came

"You still got that nice booty woman" offendy commented and in a sec he was being choked by tentacles

To be continued

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