Loving Mrs. Robinson

Af ObeyTriple

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"They were forbidden fruits that wanted to taste each other, no matter the sin." Devyn Johnson, a new marketi... Mere

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 16

70 0 0
Af ObeyTriple

Devyn groaned softly, stirring in his spot from the intrusive glare of sunlight peeking though his curtains. His pillow is invaded by thick locks of hair which he soon realizes belongs to Maya. An innocent look is upon her face as she sleeps soundly in his bed, the morning rays of sun glowing against her  skin. Wanting to capture her warmth, Devyn stretches his arms forward and pulls her into his embrace, their bodies fitting together perfectly like a puzzle piece.

His nose nuzzles into her hair, the scent of honey invading his nostrils. Maya stirred a bit, a soft smile on her face before a faint snore releases from her lips. He presses a gentle kiss just below her ear as his fingertips lightly traced the outline of her hipbone.

Devyn began to fall in love with the idea of possibly waking up to Maya by his side everyday. He obsessed over the smell of her hair, her warm body and the faint noise of her snores. He was in love with Maya. He wanted nothing more to be the man she desired and deserved.

He cuddled into her even more, a lot more tighter than usual, peppering featherlight kisses on her shoulder.

"Baby," Maya's voice grumbled, heavy with sleep. "What time is it?" A yawn ripping through her throat.

He stretched over to his alarm clock, the neon green letters displaying the time brighty. "A quarter to 10."

She hummed her response as he cuddled back into her. She grabbed his hand, kissing the palm of it as a lazy smile spread across her face. "I love waking up in your arms. Maybe I should always make a detour to your house every time I run in the morning."

"Maybe you should." Devyn whispered as he guided her face towards him, kissing her tenderly on the lips. His hand found a way onto his lover's cheek, his thumb stroking mindlessly.

Maya nuzzled into the warmth of his hand with a sweet smile as his other hand roamed the curves of her body before occupying one of the swells on her chest. A slight hitch of her breath from his soft touch.

"Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are?" Devyn asked with a small smirk, as his hand continued to brush against the planes of her body. She was intoxicating and there was never a moment where his hands didn't itch to touch her.

"Tell me again." Maya husked. Her voice was breathy and vulnerable yet somehow determined at the same time.

Devyn gently laid her on her back, hovering over her small frame. A slow, grateful smile spread across her face as he leaned and pressed a trail of kisses on her neck. "You," He began, working his way to the sensitive spot near her ear, eliciting a squeak from Maya.

"Are," Devyn continued his work as he peppered kisses on the many small beauty marks on her collar bone. "So," He followed the path down to the valley of her breasts, his tongue lapping over her taunt nipple. She whimpered and arched her chest, encouraging him to engulf it into his mouth with a tender pull.

"Devyn..." She murmured breathlessly.

He continued his journey, kissing and licking any skin he could find as he followed the planes of her toned stomach. "Beautiful." He ended, peppering a kiss on the defined scar near her hip bone. Maya shivers slightly before she cupped Devyn's chin, bringing them together for a kiss full of passion, lust, and need.

Maya pulled away from the kiss breathlessly, her lips somewhat swollen from the damage. She cupped his face, the small stubble of his facial hair prickling her fingertips. Her brown eyes falling into his pool of hazel. Her heart leaped at the look he held, full of adoration and want.

"I just want to remember you like this." Maya muttered quietly. Devyn would of missed her words if he hadn't been watching her lips.

"Like what?" He questioned, pressing his face further into the warmth of her hands as he pressed a chaste kiss on her palm.

"Like I'm the moon and the stars." She joked lightly with a sweet smile. She plays it off well but Devyn knows how much reassurance, approval, and affirmation means to Maya.

"Oh but you are, my beauty." Devyn gently bussed kiss-swollen lips, reveling in the use of endearment that turned her into putty. "My moon and stars."

"My sweet Devyn." Her hands fell from his cheeks, gliding down to his chest and over his back until she had him engulfed in her embrace. His head laid against her chest, the steady beating of her heart soothing against his ears drum.

Their intimate bubble soon burst from the intermittent vibration of Maya's phone. The light strokes on his back ceased as she reached over the nightstand and picked up her phone.

"Is he expecting you home soon?" Maya shook her head as she typed lightly on her screen. "No he's away in Baltimore for the weekend on a conference. However, I had completely forgot that I promised to meet my friends for lunch today." She exhaled deeply, placing her phone back on the nightstand. "But I rather stay here with you."

Devyn tilted his head up to see the frown that adorned on Maya's face. He leaned forward and pecked her lips. "You go spend some time with your friends and maybe we can have dinner tonight? I can cook?" He propositioned with a shrug.

"I have a better idea which does involve dinner but I want it to be a surprise." She answered quickly with a devious smirk. "I know I've surprised you numerous times but it'll be different this time."

"I'll go wherever you go." Devyn chuckled. "As long as we get to be together."

"Good." Maya smiled brightly. "I'll have Claude come pick you up at 6. Now I have to leave because I need to go home and get ready for this lunch."

Devyn tentatively removes his weight from her small frame, falling back to his side of the bed. He watches as the covers slip from her body, revealing her naked body which she confidently models as she makes her way towards the bathroom. He smirks to himself, his eyes drinking up every plane and small crease of her body from her plump bottom and toned legs.

"I know you're watching me." Maya simply said as she slipped on her pair of her leggings that Devyn happily discarded across the room earlier.

"I'm just enjoying the view." He responded nonchalantly. He rolled out of bed himself, pulling on the pair of shorts he once sported before leaning against the doorway of the bathroom.  Devyn watched as her fingers comb through her dark locks, ceasing any tangles. She tucks her stray strands perfectly behind her ear, one of the many small Maya habits Devyn loved.

"I will you see tonight." Maya said once she finished getting herself together. She walked into his arms, her arms wrapping around his waist. Devyn buried his face in her chestnut locks, inhaling the faint honey scent. "Wear something nice too." She winked as she looked up at him.

"Now I'm really curious as to what you have planned. You really are full of surprises." He quirked his eyebrow with an amused smirk.

"You'll just have to wait and see." Maya shifted slightly on the heels of her and her soft lips pressing a tender kiss on his lips.

After saying their goodbyes over a hundred times, the couple finally released themselves to go their separate ways. He waved with a warm smile as she slowly reversed out of his driveway and out of his neighborhood.

Her heels clicked against the hardwood floors of the buzzing restaurant, maneuvering her way between tables and servers before her eyes found her friends who sat closely, speaking distinctly with each other, a small laughter erupting between them.

"Look who finally made it." Her friend Eva announced as they both greeted each other with pecks on each cheek.

"Sorry. Traffic." Maya apologized as she greeted her other friend Lorraine with a kiss on the cheek as well.

Maya knew Eva and Lorraine almost her whole life. They all attended the same high school and university and have inseparable been ever since. They were more like family. Once each of them fell into careers and families, it became harder for the three to connect again like old times. But there was never a moment where she couldn't rely on the love and support of her two best friends.

"What?" Maya asked as she sat down in her seat, her tone full of confusion as she looked between her two friends who gazed at her intently.

"You are glowing, girl." Eva proclaimed, recognizing the soft features of her best friends who's smile appeared wider, eyes brighter and clearer. "What or who has gotten into you?" She smirked deviously with a slight squint of her eyes.

"I agree." Lorraine egged on. "I haven't seen you glow like this since college so I'm concerned." She leaned in slightly, both awaiting Maya's response.

Maya felt her cheeks get hot with embarrassment at the implication. "There's nothing different. I've just been happy this past week." She shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly, her mind reflecting back to her time spent with Devyn. A tiny flutter of arousal flared as she recalled this morning, provoking another blush to erupt her cheeks.

"Then why are you blushing?" Eva quirked her eyebrow, slightly leaning her head to the side.

"Can we order? I think I'm going to have the French country salad." She purposefully glanced at the menu, hoping to change the subject and avoid eye contact with her friends who were nearly drilling holes into her head.

"No we're not ordering." Lorraine snatching the menu away from her fingertips with determination. "We want to know about this glow you have. Nothing like good sex will have you looking like that. The same look you had when you finally lost your v card back in college." She elaborated, giving Eva a knowing glance before she redirected her scrutiny.

"I did not!" Maya protested in a fierce whisper.

"Yes you did!" Eva countered. "You might as well tell us girl, you know how ruthless we can be when we want information."

Maya exhaled a long, irritated sigh. "Fine. Life has been good as of lately. I'm happy and the company is doing exceptionally well. Are you two happy now? Can we order?" Maya rolled her eyes, refusing to divulge in any further information. She spotted a server, giving him a curt nod as he began to make his way towards their table.

The group ordered rather begrudgingly and the server happily went away with their orders, bringing back their drinks with a bright smile.

"So I'm guessing Byron has been knocking it out of the park too huh?" Eva asked innocently and sneakily, taking a small sip of her glass of wine. "That can only really explain your glow, right?"

"I thought we already established this." Maya stated at her, eyes narrowed. "I rather catch up with you two then talk about my sex life."

Lorraine nudged Eva in the elbow. "Put your daggers away. She's right, we have a lot of catching up to do." Her friend gave her a small wink before looking at Eva once again.

Eva huffed in a way knowing she was defeated. "Alright fine."

Maya smiled brightly at the possible shift of conversation. "So Lorraine, how are my god babies doing? How's Vance?"

Lorraine shook her head and chuckled. "Just doing what they do best at being teenagers which is more attitude and less response to authority. But they're doing really well, they both made the honor roll. As for Vance, you know that man drives me crazy as always but he's good. So is the firm."

"I'm glad. I hope the girls liked the roller skates I got them for Christmas." She smiled a soft genuine smile of the twin girls who she loved dearly as if they were her own.

"The girls absolutely love it. I can't seem to keep them off it, thanks to you." Lorraine rolled her eyes playfully, giving Maya a small swat on the hand.

"Alright, your turn Ms. Nosy. How are my kids and Ernesto doing?" Maya inquired, shooting her a pointed look that soon fell into a small smile.

"Your kids are fine, driving me up a wall as of lately. Wendy has fallen into her terrible twos, Joseph has discovered the art of puberty and Braxton has a little girlfriend." Eva smiled knowingly. "Ernesto is doing well too. I love my hot blooded Cuban." She ends on a sweet note, eliciting laughter break out between the group.

"So enough about us and our lives." Eva grinned smugly. "How are things between you and Byron? And I need a little more details on the glow that's blinding us at this table."

Before she can reprimand her friends, their servers returns with their orders on a tray which he expertly handles with grace and care when he places the food onto the table before telling the ladies to enjoy their meal.

"Things are okay between Byron and I.." Maya grumbled softly. "We are actually doing couples therapy. It was his idea." Maya frowned, then paused and looked up at her friends. "He wants to reconcile our marriage to the place it used to be."

"Really? After eight years of marriage, he's finally realized that it needs improvement." Lorraine was in a state of disbelief. "I don't buy it."

"Lorraine!" Eva scolded but Lorraine shook her head in defiance.

"There is no man who goes away on extensive business trips for months at a time and he's not doing nothing or somebody. Byron's doing more than just work in Cali, trust me." She paused briefly and looked at Maya who looked like a kicked puppy. "He's put you through so much Maya. Do you really want to fix this?"

Those words echoed in Maya's head, falling to the very pit of her stomach. She could feel tears drawing themselves to her eyes, her heartbeat thumping at a rapid pace.

"I don't know." Her voice cracking. "There was a time I would've done anything to fix my marriage, to be the wife he wanted me to be but I'm just so tired. Tired of pretending." Tears began to slide down her cheeks which she quickly wiped away.

"Maya..." Eva whispered, reaching over for her hand, squeezing it gently.

"I'm having an affair." She blurted out with a heavy sigh. "I know it's the worst thing I could possibly do." Her voice trembling with each word.

Eva and Lorraine deemed themselves speechless at this new information. The table remained silent except for the light chatter taking place inside the restaurant.

"H-How did it happen? When?" Eva asked, unsure about wanting to know the answer.

"It happened six months ago. I was such in a vulnerable time of my life and..." She paused, reminiscing back to the night of the launch party. "He gave me comfort. I wanted to put a stop to it but I couldn't."

"That's my truth..." Maya said in a soft whisper. She looked down at her meal, suddenly losing her appetite from her confession.

"Is this affair more than a fling?" Lorraine asked, mustering up the courage to delve into the topic.

Maya thought about her time with Devyn. It wasn't like a typical affair. Yes there was sex and lust obviously, but she cared for him. She thought about him during odd hours of the day and would do anything to him. Devyn had her full devotion.

"Yes it is. It's formed into something more far beyond my control." Maya answered.

"Despite the dangerous territory, I'm glad- we're glad that whoever it is making you happy. That's all we really wanted for you." Eva readily agreed. "Now I'm gonna start eating before my food gets cold but I do hope you know what you're doing." She joked, cutting into her chicken with determination.

Lorraine also in agreement with a fast nod of her head.

"I never did." Maya said with a weak smile.

Devyn walked along the dock, remembering Maya's instructions on where to meet her. The water was still and clear as he passed the numerous sailboats and yachts. The wind slowly picked up its speed, provoking him to stuff his hands into his pockets. Near the far end of the dock, he spotted a slim figure who was waving towards him which had to be Maya.

"Wow." Devyn blinked, almost instantly forgetting about the slight wind around him. Maya looked absolutely stunning in her dress. It was powder white, skintight, and clung to her every curve. It was generous enough to expose subtle cleavage and her toned legs. Her hair was curled to it's usual perfection and laid to the middle of her exposed back.

"See something that you like?" Maya smirked, her crimson lips curving. "Why don't we get on the boat before the wind decides to pick up even more?"

"Yes. Sure." Devyn muttered as she slid her hand into his, following her to the boat. His eyes finally noticing the luxury yacht in front of him. His eyes fell to the cursive lettering that adorned Maya's name across the back of it.

"This is yours?" Devyn questioned, planting his feet firmly onto the platform. The yacht was a beautiful three mastered yacht, adorned in it's white color, obviously a craft used for pleasure and sport.

"Yes." Maya smiled. "When I first started at the company, I wanted to splurge on something and this was the end result. I had already known so much about boats, thanks to my grandfather." They both stood together, simply taking the boat in. "It's been a long time since I last driven it."

"You really are full of surprises." Devyn proclaimed, wearing a smile on his face as he gazed down at Maya.

Maya simply grinned with a shrug as she guided them toward the deck of the yacht, revealing a romantic candlelight dinner in the middle of it. A bouquet of roses, fine China, and champagne. Devyn couldn't help but admire Maya's efforts, how well thought out and planned everything was when it came to their time together.

"This is beautiful. Did you really do this all by yourself?"

Maya chuckled softly and shook her head. "I had some help. I wanted tonight to be special."

"Every night with you is special." Devyn confessed breathlessly. Maya smiled warmly as he cupped her cheek and kissed her tenderly on the lips.

"Come, we'll feast." Maya announced, pulling him towards the table.

Devyn watched Maya turn the engine on, preparing the yacht to be sailed. They had finished their romantic dinner just moments ago. They really did feast and the food was exceptionally prepared by a chef.

"Are you ready for your driving lesson?" Maya smirked deviously as she adjusted the steering wheel and turned on the many buttons and switches associated with the yacht.

"That all seems intimidating." Devyn answered, looking at the array of buttons and gadgets.

"Don't be silly. It's as easy as riding a bike. The boat really does all the work." Maya explained with confidence. He took his position at the steering wheel, looking up at the sea. I'm a swift movement, she shadowed behind him, guiding his hand towards the small lever.

"Now we are in movement." She said as the yacht began to move slowly against the water. She placed her hands onto of his as he moved the steering wheel. He could feel the heat from her body pressed against his. A slight shiver going down his spine.

"You're a natural at this." She praised him with a smile. "Now we can sit out on the water for awhile." She pressed The small button near the steering wheel, ceasing movement of the yacht.

They ventured off to the top deck, not too far from the steering quarters of the yacht. Devyn watched as Maya sat herself delicately onto the deck and he followed suite. He shrugged off his blazer and placed it onto her shoulders, the windy night continuing on.

Maya reclined against Devyn's chest, watching how moonlight reflected against the water. He pressed a firm kiss against her temple, inspiring a content hum to escape from Maya's lips. "How did lunch go with your friends?" It was an honest question, but he couldn't help but feel the flinch and shift in Maya's body that made him want to that it back. "You don't-

"It was eventful." Maya sighed and intertwined their hands together. "I told them about us but I didn't go into every morbid detail. But I told them how happy this man I'm seeing makes me and the amount of comfort he brings into my life. And how apart of me can't imagine what my life would of continued to be if I hadn't let him in." Her mind carried every thought she had of that lunch but it was more on how much feelings she had for Devyn and how she wanted to walk into sort of a romantic relationship beyond their affair.

If Devyn's heart could grow any bigger, it would of expanded out his chest as he listened intently to every word Maya just spoke. Apart of him desperately wanted to say those three words and confess all to her but he couldn't. Not now. Too soon. "You know there's a woman who makes me feel the exact same way. She makes me want to be a better man. I had put a chain and lock on my heart but she managed to break it after all the pain and guilt I held. From the first time I laid eyes on her, I knew life wasn't going to be the same." He smiled warmly and squeezed her gently in his arms, before pecking kisses on her face sloppily. She giggled at this action, trying to inch away from him.

I love you Maya. He thought internally over and over again.

"Is there anything else I need to know about you? Like that you own a jet?" He humored himself over the thought of the many surprises that came with Maya.

She rolled her eye playfully and turned her body towards him. She shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly, the buttons on his dress shirt becoming of interest to her. "I was engaged before I met Byron." Maya bit her lip, her eyes lightly closing.

"Really?" He questioned quietly.

She nodded her head in confirmation. "Sanders. We met in college and got engaged sometime after. But my father didn't approve of him because he didn't come from money." Maya shook her head at the memory. "Sanders grew up poor and lived at a greater disadvantage than I did. When my father caught wind of this, he blatantly told me that I needed to marry a man that came from wealth. But I was in love with Sanders and it didn't matter to me if he was rich or poor."

"So what happened between you and Sanders?"

"My father threatened to disown me if I married him." She ceased her movements on his chest, her jaw clenching slightly. "I had never disobeyed my parents before and I knew I wouldn't be able to phantom the thought of losing them so I broke things off with him. It was hardest thing I ever had to do. Sanders was my first love, first everything." Maya tried to mask the sudden emotion that had choked her up. "My father didn't bat an eye to pain and heartbreak I felt.

Devyn shook his head quietly, allowing Maya to continue as he held her close. "A year later, my father introduces me to Byron. I was barely over Sanders and he pushed me further towards Byron. Obviously I wasn't fond of him, he was ten years older than me and arrogant. Our marriage is simply a business transaction. Byron was already rich, had a name for himself, and owned his own company that my father wanted to build a relationship with. Do you want to know how he proposed?"


"He told me it was in my best interest to marry him because I would never meet another man like him. And that a man would never want to marry a woman like me who was more successful than him. Just the thought of my father disowning me and deeming me a worthless daughter provoked me to say yes. My father was thrilled obviously and I did everything just to remain his devoted daughter even if it meant sacrificing my own happiness." Devyn frowned when he had noticed Maya's shimmering eyes. He ran his thumb along her hand hoping to bring some comfort to her.

"Sometimes I just want to go back and slap myself for being a puppet to everyone. I had allowed every person in my life to dictate who I would be and who I should love. I had conditioned myself to love Byron in a way that he would want to be loved." Maya chuckled coldly. "I'm sure you're probably thinking how weak and spineless of a woman I am."

Devyn shook his head in disagreement. "Oh Maya, of course not. I could never think that because the Maya I've grown to admire is strong, selfless, and has such a big heart." He lifts up her chin and smiles warmly at her. "If only you could see what I see."

"Devyn.." The way his name fell from Maya's lips was always soothing to his ears and Maya was in his arms once again, his face buried in her luscious curls. He inhaled the familiar sweet scent of her perfume, it automatically relaxing him. As she peeled herself away from him, she kissed him softly on the lips.

"Come home with me." He whispered softly, lifting his hand to tuck away a stray curl from her face.

"I was already going to. I want to sleep in your arms tonight." Maya smiled softly.

"Why don't you take us back to land, captain?" Devyn grinned.

"With pleasure."


A smile spread across Maya's face as Devyn lifted her up in his arms effortlessly, cradling her to his chest as he headed up the stairs. He carries her over the threshold of his bedroom and into bathroom, setting her onto the marble countertop. Before she can recognize his motives, he knees in front her, undoing the straps of her heels and massaging the soles of her feet one at a time.

"You don't have to do that." Maya said breathlessly, her eyes closely slightly as he works out the tension in her feet from adorning the heels all night.

"I want to take care of you." He simply states with a small smile. "You always do for much for me."

He grabs a hold of her hands, gently tugging her off the counter. He wrapped his hands around her waist, looking at her through the mirror. He gently placed his hands on her arm and shoulder and kissed her neck. "How about I run you a warm bath?"

"That sounds amazing. Only if you join me." She husked into his ear.

"How can I ever deny you?" Devyn whispered.

Maya's fingers tapped against the zipper of her dress, encouraging Devyn to take it off of her. The sharp sound filled the room as he slowly unzipped her dress, revealing the smooth skin of her back. He leaned forward and put his lips on her bare shoulder. He would finish undressing her but her beauty was always too much to bear. He tugged on her dress further, exposing her perfect tantalizing curves under her lace undergarments. He recognized the seductive smirk on her face as he went over to the tub and turned the water on.

Devyn watched as the steaming water began to fill the already plugged porcelain. By the time he brought his attention back to her, she stood a few inches from him. Her fingers already working to unbutton his shirt. Her fingertips slide down his abdomen teasingly before she pulls the shirt away from his chest.

"You're distracting me." He mumbled as he reached over to turn off the water. He took rest of the initiative to add a bit of soap and bath salts.

"I am not." Maya smiled sweetly with a teasing twinkle in her eyes.

"Of course you're not." He quickly responded, leaving her alone in the bathroom to grab some towels for them in the nearby closet. By the time he returned, Maya had already stripped herself from her lingerie and made herself comfortable in the bubbly tub, looking content in its warmth. He smiled as he placed the towels on the rack near the tub and hastily removed the rest of his clothing to join her.

Devyn carefully lifted a leg over the tub's edge as he slowly got into it, claiming his spot behind her. The tub managed to fit both of them perfectly as Maya nestled comfortably between his legs. Her skin glowed with the sheen of moisture. He wrapped his arms around her abdomen as she relaxed and leaned back into him. She sighed contently, needing to release the tension from her body.

His hand smoothed over the lock of curls away from her face. His fingers sliding through her locks, noticing how shivered slightly from this action. He continued to play with her, a few satisfied sighs escaping her lips.

"That feels good." Maya sighed blissfully.

Devyn chuckled as Maya pressed herself further into his hand. It became quiet between them as he inched away from her hair down to her back of neck, pressing gentle kisses along its column. Maya closed her eyes, body melting completely from Devyn's touch. With him, all her inhibitions vanished.

Devyn was different from other men. In his words, Maya found desires that she didn't know existed. When he looked at her, she felt as though he could hear her very thoughts but when touched her, she knew she would give him anything.

After their much needed bath, Maya attempted dry off her hair before throwing it into a loose ponytail. She smiles to herself as she slips on a pair of Devyn's boxers which hang loosely on her hips. She also sports one of his old shirts that smells distinctly of his musky cologne. Maya pulls at the material of the boxers as she steps out of the bathroom.

"I think-" The words cease from her lips as she finds a shirtless Devyn with a black pair of boxer briefs like hers, sitting on top of the duvet of his bed. The sight stops her in her tracks, although it isn't the first time she's seen him like this, the setting of it all makes her stomach churn deliciously. His smooth bronze skin reflecting off his bedside lamp along with taunt muscles she's grown to love. He holds a small book in his hand, so engrossed in it that he barely notices her staring.

Maya licks her lips from her intrusive thoughts, making her way towards the bed. She laid there patiently until he set his book aside. He turned off the lights, allowing the darkness to engulf them. He opened his arms to her and she curled up against him. He held her close and kissed her hair. She could feel his warmth. He made no effort to take things further, content tonight just with her proximity. Maya felt cared for. She felt safe and it was exactly what she needed.

"Maya?" Devyn questioned but he is answered by her light snoring.

He presses a light kiss on her forehead.

"I love you." He whispered into the night.

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