His Dove


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Book 5 of the Jackson Series! Marcella is struggling to break free from all she has ever known. Brought up in... More



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Chapter Twenty One - On The Run

Two weeks later.

"Okay dove?"

"Yes." I nod but pull a quick wince as I try to get comfortable in the chair while he takes a seat in front of me.

"I saw that."

"Saw what?" I act dumb as I look around slowly.

He shakes his head with a small, amused smile before picking up his menu. "Come on. What do you want?"

It's been two weeks since we arrived at the first safehouse. We had around four days of resting before dad took over from Cameron on hunting us down. Cameron is suspicious of dad not trusting him fully so he's been ordering us to keep moving and supplying us with co-ordinates that take us further away from dad's men...which isn't going well for me.

We keep switching cars and never rest at an abandoned place or a safe house for more than a few hours. Everyone is taking different routes but sticking close in case something happens then we can reach each other quickly.

My injuries are taking longer to heal because of the constant running and at times my stitches have reopened too. Mother nature also decided to visit me yesterday so I've been having terrible cramps and am not the most cheerful person right now. Parker was with us until he had to ride with Reece and Cole an hour ago who are hurt from our most recent ambush. I'm sure he's relieved to get a break from my short temper if only until the next stop.

"I...I don't know what to get." I whisper as my cheeks heat with embarrassment. "I rarely have any of this stuff."

Judah's eyes widen comically before worry filters through them. "Because you didn't want to or...?"

"My dad had me under a strict training regime so I always ate healthy meals. No junk food." I shrug as I tuck my hair behind my ear. "Last time I had any of this was when I was a kid so I don't remember much."

"What about when you'd stay in hotels while on assignments?"

"Well, I would order fries and stuff but it's been ingrained in my mind since I was a teenager so I never strayed from healthier options." I shrug half-heartedly and bite my lip as I look at the menu again with furrowed brows. "Aside from our food back home I've had McDonald's, some Chinese dishes and just pizza or pasta for Italian. Other than that, I haven't tried much else. His men or guards would be with me whenever I was off main base so they'd instantly report me for disobeying him."

He sucks in a sharp breath and the blue in his eyes darkens due to anger before his expression changes to one of tenderness. "I'll order us a few items and we can share."

"Thank you." I smile gratefully as I set it down. "Make sure to order the poutine."

"I will love." He chuckles just as the waitress comes over. "Are you going to try it at every place?"

"Yes." I whisper with a blush. Ever since I tried it a few days ago I've been craving it.

I notice the waitress eyeing up Judah and frown when she stands a tad too close to him. He looks handsomely dangerous as ever with a muscle tee and ripped black jeans, his favorite leather jacket back in the car because he was feeling too warm.

It's obvious she's into him as she comments on his tattoos with a flirty smile. But when she touches his shoulder as she leans forward I feel like grabbing my dagger from my pocket and cutting that hand right off. Deep breaths Marcella, I think to myself as I look away. You don't like hurting people remember?

"Love?" Judah calls and I'm pulled away from my thoughts instantly. He smiles knowingly when I look over and I scowl at him. "What do you want to drink?"

"Water please." I mumble only to frown when the waitress glares at me.

"She'll have a strawberry milkshake too." He closes the menu and hands it back to her. "And remember not to touch me again when you bring the food over."

My jaw drops as well as hers before she scurries off. "Judah!"

"Oh, don't tell me that was mean Macy!" He scoffs as he crosses his arms indignantly. "You should be happy I told her not to touch me!"

"I-I am but –"

"What? Did you want me to shrug or something instead of saying it directly? Oh, let me just shrug your hand off and let it fall on my crotch instead!" He exclaims a little too loudly which catches the attention of several people.

"Judah!" I hiss as I throw a packet of salt at his face.

"You know she would've done it. I saw her staring at it." He shudders with a cute frown as he catches the packet. "Besides I only want you to touch –"

"Finish that sentence and we're not having sex again." I deadpan to which he just rolls his eyes in response.

"We're not doing it anyways until you get healed Mace."

"How long until we reach the next house?" I swiftly change the topic just as our food arrives.

"Around four hours." He replies before thanking the waitress who all but stomps away like a child. "Do you think Cameron's made any progress?"

"I hope so." I take a sip of the milkshake before digging into my food. "He said that Alejandra is helping him and they've completely dismantled the drugs operation. I assume he's going to take down weapons this week so not long to go until either everything goes to shit or we're free."

"You know I won't let anything happen to you right?" He grabs my hand and rubs his thumb across my knuckles.

"I know." I smile at him softly before sobering. "But...my dad – he's horrible Judah. Please don't risk your life for mine if it comes down to it which I hope it won't. It's not worth it."

"You're always worth it Mace." He murmurs gently and I only shake my head at his stubbornness. "Besides, I've dealt with people trying to kill me or torture me before. This isn't anything new."

That confession almost makes me choke on my food. "What?!"

He looks at me like a deer caught in headlights. "Did I not tell you this before?"


"Oh..." He drags it out before smiling sheepishly. "Yeah I've made a lot of enemies in the tech industry. I disappear sometimes and barely visit my family for months which they're not happy with at all. You can't back out of this relationship though because it's too late for that!"

"I won't." I roll my eyes with a soft chuckle. "Have you ever been away from your family this long?"

"Only twice." He finishes his food before sitting back. "I had overtaken this huge business on the market and the owner never liked me so you can imagine how pissed off he was. I sent him a massive basket of cupcakes with his face on it but with tears coming out of his eyes. He retaliated with sending hired assassins after me which I think is just rude. A shitty gift would have sufficed don't you think?"

"Absolutely." I reply sarcastically and he glares at me but ends up breaking character halfway.

"Second time was when my psycho cousin was back in Texas visiting her parents the same time I was. She fell in love with me of course –"

"Of course." I repeat with an amused smile.

"She showed up everywhere! Me and my brothers were on a hike and she fucking found me!" He exclaims which makes me laugh. "I immediately went home, packed my bags and flew back to London. That was the only time I could take a holiday and that obsessed woman stayed in Texas for three months! I couldn't go back until the following summer!"

"Imagine if she ended up at your doorstep in London."

"I'd dig myself an early grave." He states firmly and it only makes me laugh harder until my stitches start hurting. "Careful little dove. We can't have those opening again."

I brush off his concern before finishing my milkshake. "Do you miss them?"

"I do. I can't wait to go back." He smiles tenderly with a faraway look in his eyes before they focus back on mine. "They'll love you."

My shoulders push up anxiously and I shake my head. "I don't think so. Not after they hear I'm Quintana's daughter."

"Mace...they're not like that. I promise you." He stresses as he pushes forward to take my hands in his. "They'll fall in love with you for all the reasons I did."

"And what are those reasons?" I tease with a small smile.

"You're so smart, confident, sweet and caring. You're loyal, passionate about the things you love and I adore the way you match my humor." He murmurs and I find myself looking away as a blush comes on. "You're everything to me Mace."

"Okay...I certainly wasn't expecting all that." I mumble shyly but frown. "Still Judah –"

"You're also very doubtful about shit, especially what I say." He pinches my cheek which makes me whine. "Now come on, we've got to get going."

I grimace as I slowly get up before Judah pulls me into his side. He waves at the man at the cash register before kissing the top of my head. But just as we've taken a few steps towards the car I'm ripped away from Judah's hold. Crying out in surprise I push myself off the ground and turn only to get punched in the stomach by a woman.

I look over to see Judah being attacked by three burly men and the sight kicks me into high gear. I shove the woman away from me when she lunges forward and curse when I feel my stitched wounds scream in protest. I back away a few steps and wait for her to make a move. She grows irritated and tired when I dodge every hit and attack her with a brutal one instead. Right when she manages to put me in a headlock I grab hold of my dagger and drive it into her side before slamming it into her thigh a few times.

She screams like a banshee and I wince before shoving her off me. "Judah!"

"Get in the car!" He grunts as he takes care of the other two men, one already knocked out cold on the ground. He throws the keys at me which I catch.

"But –"

"Do as I say Mace! Get in the bloody car now!" He yells angrily as he ducks to avoid a punch before sending a ruthless kick in return.

I make a noise of frustration and hesitate before doing as he says. Hobbling over to the car I get in and lock the doors. I bend down to see blood trickling towards my shoes and soiling my socks, confirming my suspicion that my stitches have opened yet again. The woman managed to make another cut right underneath a bigger one on my thigh which is now pulsating painfully.

I breathe harshly as I open the glove compartment and take out the small kit we keep in there. Just as I'm about to pull down my sweatpants I look up to see Judah slamming the last man's head to the ground before running over to the car. Unlocking the doors I toss the keys to him as he gets in and peels out of the parking lot.

"I'll stop somewhere and we'll get that sorted." He glances at my new wound with pained eyes before breaking the speed limit.

"Don't." I grit my teeth when I finally take my bottoms off. "We're being followed."

"Oh, for fuck's sake!" He growls under his breath as he starts weaving in and out of traffic.

"Just focus on losing them. I can take care of this." I breathe shakily as I start cleaning the wound.

"Does it need stitches?"

"No, I just have to wrap it." I mutter but curse under my breath when I realize the other damage. "Some of the others have opened though."

"We'll get those stitched back up when we reach the safehouse. Hold on baby." He murmurs as he cuts through various neighborhoods and switches between national roads to highways.

I concentrate on cleaning the wound but it's quickly broken when they ram into the side of our car. A pained scream escapes me when I end up pressing harder into the wound than necessary because of it. The blood that I had worked hard on stopping starts flowing again and pisses me off. They're just about to slam into us once more but I roll down my window before quickly shooting the driver in the side of his face. The car loses control as the others scramble to steady it which buys us some time.

"Drive faster Jude!" I grunt as I wrap my leg tightly.

"I'm trying!" He snaps which only makes me angrier.

"Well maybe if you toned down your stubbornness and let me drive earlier we'd have lost them by now!"

"Has anyone ever told you how annoying you are when you're pissed off?!" He glares at me for a split second with a clenched jaw.

"Has anyone ever told you that your ego is the size of fucking Jupiter?!" I shriek before glancing at the car behind us in the rear-view mirror. "Duck!"


"Duck Judah! Now!"

We both flinch and duck when they fire at us and end up smashing the rear windshield. I jump out of my skin when another bullet shoots through the front screen in a clean shot, causing cracks to appear on my side. Grabbing the gun out of my waistband I roll down my window and ignore Judah yelling at me to sit down.

"Drive faster and take the second exit!" I shout as I hang out of the car, almost perching atop the space where the window disappears.

He surprisingly listens and speeds up to create distance. I fire at the men shooting out of their windows before aiming for their tires when they duck back inside. I frown in momentary confusion when another car drives into the line of fire and stays at a constant speed beside us. Glancing at it in between the rain of bullets I spot Reece firing at the men which makes me smile. She catches my eye when she sits back to reload her gun and winks cheekily. I resume firing at the glass to take out the drivers, not caring about their deaths since I recognize that they're all on my dad's side.

"Shit!" I gasp when a bullet grazes my ear and causes a ringing in my ears.

I hear what seems like Judah shouting at me but it sounds like a faded mumble. Loading my gun again I hiss as I push myself out once more. Reece takes out the last man in the other car at the exact time that I lock eyes with my target. He's the only one in the car near me with one hand on the wheel, guiding it crazily. He smirks at me psychotically as he slowly aims at me. But before he can do anything further I put a bullet in his head and watch the car lose control before crashing into two others in the next lanes.

I ease myself back into my seat with a sigh just as we enter a town. "You okay?"

"Yes, you crazy idiot." Jude mutters which makes me smile. He notices and shakes his head irritably before double taking at my bare legs as if just realizing that I had taken off my sweatpants. "Thank fuck you had my boxers on otherwise I'd be livid right now!"

"Cole was passed out in the back but I think I still flashed Parker." I chuckle as I start working on the opened stitches.

"I'll let Parker help you before I gouge his eyes out." He mutters almost inaudibly before glaring at their car overtaking us.

"Someone's jelly!" I sing but bite my lip when his glare cuts to me. "Love you."

"Yeah well, I'm not your biggest fan right now Mace." He huffs as he turns on the radio.

"Really? Judah junior doesn't seem to think the same." I snort and watch his eyes widen.

He remains quiet and still for a few seconds before coughing awkwardly. "Judah junior thinks you handling them was hot. Judah Jackson on the other hand cares too much for your safety. We are not the same. And how many times do I have to tell you to stop calling my dick small when you know well it's not?"

"Aw, I'm sorry my love. I think I just need a reminder." I smile at him innocently before turning back to wrapping the rest of my leg up.

I can feel his lust filled gaze roaming over my body. "We can have angry sex tonight?"

"I'm on my period and before you even suggest it the answer is no."

He rests his head back against the seat and his knuckles turn white as he clenches the steering wheel. "Fuck! Why can't mother nature just fucking text you women?!"

"Trust me buddy, we've been saying the same thing."


I whimper from a cramp as I lay on the bed. I was distracted in the car so I forgot about the period pain but now it's back in full force. Getting my period is a time that I dread every month because of how it makes me feel. From intense cramps to horrible back pains, the headaches and not to mention the nausea just makes me wish the ground would swallow me whole. But getting your period while heavily injured is like hell on earth.

I've lost count of what number safehouse we're at now but we arrived around an hour ago. Parker fixed me up and isn't happy about my stiches reopening for the nth time but there's not much we can do when we're all on the run. I left after having dinner but am struggling to fall asleep from being in so much pain.

That and the fact that I fell in the bathroom so now my new cut is bleeding profusely and throbbing again. I'm surprised I haven't passed out or something from how much blood I'm losing, I think to myself with an unladylike snort. It's like I can't catch a break! I glare at the reason for my fall, a grey cat sitting in a corner staring at me with what I'm sure is a smug look in her eyes. She had no business being in a bathroom! This incident just adds to my list on why I don't like cats. Now I don't want to face the others due to the embarrassment of hurting myself again.

Memories come rushing back of my brother and Rodrigo treating me before helping me escape. I recall every time Cameron has found me either injured or suffering from my time of the month and how he's always cheered me up. Hot tears slip out of the corner of my eyes and my heart aches yet again from missing my sibling. I have no idea if he's still safe or if dad has hurt him. If not distracted then I'm anxious every second of every day over him.

I sniffle just as the door opens and I quickly turn away. Griffin's voice filters through as well as the rest so I know it's Judah. I feel him take a seat on the bed behind me and hear him take off his shoes. When he moves towards me I squeeze my eyes shut and hold the towel tighter against my thigh.

"What's a cat doing here?" He hops off and I watch him pick it up with a smile before turning to me. He freezes before emotion flickers across his features and I don't think I've ever seen him this furious before. "Macy?!"

"I-I fell. The cat was in the bathroom and I d-didn't see it –"

"You got scared because of a cat?!" He thunders and I glare at the stupid animal once more.

"I said I didn't see it!" I glower at him as he kneels before me.

"Okay fine. So, you fell and then what? You just thought it'd be a nice idea to bleed out here?!" He swears heatedly before yelling for Parker to get his kit. "What the fuck is wrong with you Macy?!"

"I wasn't – I was going to fix it myself." And here comes the waterfall.

I cry silently as he pulls the towel away to look at the wound. He curses loudly just as Parker and the rest run in. Questions are thrown my way on why I didn't call for help but I refuse to answer any. Feelings of embarrassment, helplessness and being a burden on them overwhelm me that whenever I open my mouth I choke on emotion. Within minutes it's taken care of and I wipe away my tears before smiling at them weakly as they bid us goodnight. Judah watches me with crossed arms as I make my way into the bathroom.

"Need any help immortal one?" I pause from trying to put my pajamas on because of his sarcastic tone.

"I...no." I whisper with a shake of my head. The truth is that I really do need help but his comment put me off.

"Of course!" He scoffs before closing the door non too gently.

The back of my eyes sting and I sniffle once he's out of earshot. Fucking bastard knows exactly how to make me feel like shit, I think to myself angrily. I try to take off my clothes but my broken body protests to any movement. After minutes of unsuccessful attempts, I cry out and tears of frustration fill my eyes.

"Screw this! I'm going to bed!" I whisper harshly to myself even though I desperately want change into something more forgiving against my skin.

I open the door only to be startled by Judah sitting on the bed with his hands interlaced. He's frowning as he looks up and sighs once his gaze finds my teary one. Standing tall he walks over and stops in front of me.

He eyes my pajamas still sitting on the counter by the sink and nods to it. "Get back inside."

"No, I'm –"

"Don't piss me off any more than I already am Mace. I'm fucking tired and I know you are too." He cuts me off and glares at me when I try to protest.

I huff and turn to walk back inside while feeling him right behind me. I keep my head down as he helps me take off my clothes, pausing every time I whimper or hiss. I sneakily peek at him to see that he's staring at my pajama bottoms in his hands with his lips pressed in a firm line, his eyes hard and the sight makes my heart hurt.

I'm so tired of being injured all the time. Of never being good enough. I wish I wasn't slowing everyone else down, needing to be tended to constantly and being emotional over the past few days.

"Are you crying?" He breaks the silence with his gruff yet confused voice.

"No." I lie and put my head down.

"Do you want tissues?"

I shake my head.


I shake my head yet again.

"Stop crying then." He mutters and I glare at him in disbelief before shoving him harshly.

He yells out as he loses his balance and I rush to the door. I've just wrapped my hand around the handle when he pulls me back into his chest. I don't struggle knowing it will only cause more damage and I've had enough of that for today.

"You're such an asshole!" I sob as I push him away. "I'm in pain Judah! What else am I supposed to do?! Smile?!"

"Well, I offered you shit and you said no! I don't know what else to do with...women crying." He grimaces and if I wasn't so emotional the sight would've made me laugh.

"You don't need to be rude! I know not calling for help was stupid but I was trying to fix myself up instead of just sitting there! I didn't want to trouble you guys more than I have already!" I yell as more tears slip out my eyes. "So, why don't you let me clean up and you can tear into me with your stupid comments after?!"

"Fine! Put these on –"

"Go away! I've had enough of you!" I seethe as I snatch my clothes from him.

"Macy!" He snaps and tugs me back into his arms.

"Get out Judah! I don't need you so –"

He cups my face in both hands before his lips come crashing down on mine hungrily. I gasp from the unexpectedness of it which allows him to deepen it. The intense passion dials down eventually when we run out of air before he pulls away.

"I'm sorry!" We both blurt at the same time before our eyes widen and we chuckle.

"I'm sorry." He sighs as he caresses my cheeks. "Those comments...they were immature. I'm just frustrated about our runaway situation and most importantly that I can't help take your pain away. I shouldn't have snapped at you. I'm so sorry Mace."

I nod as he kisses my tears away. "I'm sorry too...for everything. I feel the same about all of this but I appreciate you caring for me."

"Come on, let's try this again." He whispers as he pulls me back into the bathroom. "What's got you so upset love? Why wouldn't you tell us you got hurt?"

"Because..." I feel my throat tighten and lick my lips. "Because I-I feel so useless. I can't even stop my stitches from reopening and Parker always needs to help me. I wish I could do more to get us out of this situation but I can't. I'm slowing us down, I feel like such a burden on you guys, my period hurts like a motherfucker and I'm so emotional! I don't want to cry but shit keeps happening that makes me cry!"

"You cry sometimes during sex because of how good I make you feel."

"You're not helping!" I hiss angrily with narrowed eyes.

"There's my savage little dove!"

"I'm not savage!" I burst into tears as he pulls me into his comforting embrace.

"And there's the sensitive part." He chuckles and I feel him press a kiss to the top of my head. "I understand Macy but you've got to talk to me darlin. You're not useless and you're doing more than enough. You've provided the team with so much intel that Quintana's going to rot in jail forever once we finally take him down. Everything you did back at the headquarters helped us. You constantly help people and I'm a good example of that as well as all the people you've freed back there. And we're not stupid to blame you for your stitches reopening. Your body needs rest which it's not receiving."

"Yeah but I feel bad for Park. It's annoying for me so it must be irritating for him too."

"No, it isn't. Parker's a doctor and it's his duty to help whenever he can. If people didn't get hurt or ill he'd be out of a job Mace!" He jokes which makes me laugh softly and his entire face lights up at the sound. "You will never be a burden to me or the team my love. You're not slowing us down either and you do such a great job in handling any attackers...which drives me insane with worry but we can discuss that another time."

My eyelids flutter shut in sweet ecstasy when his fingertips caress my skin as if to savor the feel before it's hindered by pajama bottoms. I gulp harshly when he just stands there after he's done, his arms caging me in. Our gazes lock and flicker with a range of mixed emotions as we stare at each other.

"Thanks Judah." I whisper with a sweet smile and he nods in return before wiping my tears.

"As for your period...I wish I could be of more help. If there was a store nearby I would've gone and got you chocolate or something –"

"I don't like chocolate."

"Good god woman! I'm trying here!" He exclaims dramatically which makes me giggle. "Will kisses and cuddles do?"

"Yes." I whisper and we smile at each other goofily as he carefully gathers me in his arms before walking into the bedroom. My smile drops though when I see the cat staring at us expectantly. "Get it off the bed."

"Don't be so mean Macy baby! I'm sure it's very sorry for scaring you." He places me on the bed before taking off his clothes until he's just in his boxers.

"Jude." I pout as he scratches the cat behind the ear and smiles when it purrs.


"I don't like them!" I frown at the grey furball who stretches before settling back onto the blanket once more. "Either the cat leaves or I do."

He stares at me before sighing and grabbing the cat. I watch as he opens the door before I lay back down happily. He glares at me playfully when he returns before turning off the light, leaving only the warm glow of the lamp. I smile sleepily when he carefully pulls me into his arms. He keeps his promise of cuddling me and I love the feeling of him pampering my skin with gentle kisses.

"Not bad in comforting me for someone who says they don't know how to handle crying women." I murmur and feel his chest vibrate against my back as he chuckles.

"I know. I should deserve a medal." He replies and his tone is heavy with playful arrogance.

"I said not bad Jude. You could've done way better." I snicker and feel him slap my ass gently which makes me squeal in surprise.

"You're lucky I love you little dove." He mumbles defeatedly which makes me laugh.

"Night Jude."

"Um...aren't you forgetting something?" He sits up slightly and I frown before realizing what he wants.

"I love you too."

"Much better." He hums and I slip off the edge into a land full of dreams with his lips peppering feather-light kisses to my skin.

Update schedule is: once a week whenever I find time!

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- R.W. ♡

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