Aria Potter: James Potters li...

By HarryPotter_OC

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James Potter had everything; perfect friends, perfect girlfriend, a perfect family, quidditch captain, head b... More

Hogwarts and a new friend
Christmas holidays
Meeting the family
Back to School
Summer plans

Let the story begin

293 3 0
By HarryPotter_OC

Writers Note: I do not own Harry Potter nor the franchise, all credits go to J.K. Rowling, I own nothing but the plot. Please don't take this on to another platform such as YouTube or something similar. English is not my first language so this might not make a hole lot of sense. Enjoy!!!

Aria Potter has always been on a thin line. She was the odd Potter, she always lived in her older brother ,James Potters shadow. She was aware she was unlike everyone. She did not fit in in the scarlet red home, she was different.
She would not say that she is brave, well not in a way like Gryffindors, no she would say she is cunning, ambitious, resourceful, determined and clever. She would describe herself as a good leader, someone who likes tradition. Now as you can se, she is not like any other Potter in her family.

The Potters are pure-blood, they did not have an anode of different blood then pure. Whit pure blood I and many others mean people whit no muggle blood in the line of many, now the Potters may not have any of that blood in their ancestral tree but they associate whit them, muggel borns, half bloods and half breeds or people who are half human and half something else.

Most pure bloods would call them 'blood traitors' and their for they do not have a lot of friendly people from that side of the spectrum. But they did not care, or we'll most of them did not care, Aria on the other hand did care, it was a question on wether or not you get respect on the wizarding world or not. They own a big mansion, they are after all one of the wealthiest wizarding family's in the country. They had everything really anyone would love to have, a lot of nice things, big house, a mountain of galleons and a loving family...well the loving family part might be true for James Potter, he is the quidditch star, the one who might end up being something big, but not for Aria, as I alredy mentioned she is the forgotten Potter, not only by her pears in the wizarding world, no she is forgotten by her parents, they never talked to her, only if they had complaints to her, or if they where doing something whit their friends, only then where they nice to her as they did not want to look bad in front of their friends.

Aria loved being left alone, it was then she could do the things she really wanted to do, she could reach her full potential when left alone, she felt free. Because of this did she often go on long walks, whit a few things packed in a bag, like food or shelter, she could be gone weeks at a time, walking in the forest and building up some real skills, like how to make a weapon from anything. At the end of every trip did she always mark any new places on a map she had done whit wood if they little part of the UK and write about her journey and then just read, till it was time for food, not that they told her but she could tell, it had been like this sense she was 3 years old and James had down something to empress them, Aria had stoped trying to get their attention when she was 7.

In all family photos could you clearly tell that she is the outcast, heck it's hard to tell that she exists, the only photos she is in is family photos, when she was young like 5. James however has a lot of photos of only him. Anyway let the story begin!!
Arias POV:
I woke up to the familiar smell of bacon being cooked for my brother, and my brothers annoying voice ringing thru the house, I could also hear three other voices, three voices I have never heard in my life.

I got up expecting this day to be like any other, being ignored going to the park and paint a little or maybe read, then going home and eat silently, then go out and walk whit my friend as she walks her dog and talk about Hogwarts and then get back home. I have just gotten used to them ignoring me now so I just don't care anymore. Today, however was not a normal day, today was the day I would get my Hogwarts letter. Not that it's ever acknowledged but I will finally get my Hogwarts letter and my parents will finally shut up about me being a squib.

Anyway I got up and took a shower, then I went over to my closet to find something to wear. I got out a dark green kind of oversized cropped thin hoodie whit an A on it and some normal jean shorts that where not to short but not to long they where just right (sorry I had to) and then I went to blow dry my hair and put it up in a high ponytail, I put on some chapstick then I put on some white socks and some white sneakers and went down stairs.

As I went to the kitchen could I hear the voices clearer and I heard James say 'come on Sirius', I recognized that name, that is not only the name of a star no, it is the name of one of James stupid friends that I meet a few weeks before, he is a dugebag.

I went into the kitchen and took my seat, or I was going to but then I realized that one of the boys sat their, he had a rat like face and sandy brown hair, I pulled up my glasses a little and sighed loudly so everyone could hear me, I glared at James and he glared at me before I said:

"James could you be so kind and tell your friend to move!" He just looked at me, his friend, the one whit the rat like face flinched a little at this, I kind of felt bad for him honestly. James did not answer me so I turned to the boy.

"Could you be so kind as to move, this is where I usually sit and I would like to do that this morning as well" I smiled kindly at him as he moved to the other side of the table and took an empty seat as I sat down, I could feel everyone looking at me as I got a slice of bread and some juice. I just rolled me eyes and resumed my morning.
As I was eating my breakfast in peace, did one of the boys, the one that had scars on his face, I wonder why, he looked exhausted, I kind of felt bad for him for having to stick up whit my brother at school all the time, he looked so kind, clear his throat which made me look at him, he swallowed a little before speaking.

"I'm sorry but who are you?" He looked hella scared, it was kind of funny to see someone older then me scared of me.

"I am James sister of course, has he not told you about me, of course it dose not really surprise me but anyway, who the hell are you?" I asked back, my mom shot me a glare but I knew she did not want to do anything as we had guests, they now looked more scared then ever.

"Well I am Remus Lupin and this is Peter Petergrew, nice to meet you" he said pointing to himself before pointing to the boy whit a rat face, the one who sat in my seat before. I was about to say something but before I could, was their a knock on our window it was an owl, the owl had 5 letters in its beak. I went up and opens the window and on my way took some nuts we have for our family owl, I opend the window took the letters and gave to owl the nuts I had collected before, I looked at the letters and gave them all to the boys until I came to the last letter where I saw a letter addressed to me, it was written in green ink:

   To Miss A. Potter
   Second largest room
  Potter mansion
  Ottery St Catch-pole

I was in pure shock but I non the less opend the letter excitedly, it read:

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore
(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,
Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Ms Potter
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress

I could feel pure happiness come thur me as I remembers that if I got the letter that means that it's my birthday to day, I knew from last year that the letters arrived exactly on the day of my birth, and so that means I turn 11 to day. I walk over to my mom and show her the letter, she smiled and hugged me, I was really confused.

"I'm so happy for you Aria, Fleamont! Come here, Aria got her letter!" And whit that my dad came in smiling brightly at me, I was unsure if it was pure happiness or if it was fake but rather way, they where happy about something that involved me. So I was happy.

That day was spent in diagonally, getting all of our things, my robes, wand (cherry tree, phoenix feather whit a hint of veal a hair, 11", quit bondable) and my books, we also went into the quidditch store to buy James a broom kit, so he can take care of his broom, if he makes that team, we also went into the ice cream shop, Florean Fortescue's Ice-Cream Parlour , and got some ice cream. Remus got chocolate ice cream, Sirius got mint chocolate chip, Peter got vanilla (basic but okay, you do you), James got strawberry and I got Earl Grey and Lavender, wich earned me a weird look from the boys but I ignored it.

As we sat and ate our ice cream could I hear a voice from a far, I looked up from a book I was reading to see who it was as I heard said person mentioning, Sirius name, in a angry tone might I add but okay.
The person was a woman, who looked to be my moms age (a.k.a. Old as hell, in my opinion I have no idea how old she really is), she marched strait towards us and had a little boy trailing behind her, he looked to be my age, and was extremely alike Sirius, it was straight up creepy.

Sirius and James who had been having a conversation about quidditch, an intense one at that, looked at her for a moment before returning to their conversation. Peter looked scared and Remus seemed to be somewhere in between scared, worried and some other feeling I could not identify.

My parents had gone to get me some extra books, so I could read a little more and get ahead in my classes, something I really wanted to so they did, I had found a book in the bookshop that was all about quidditch, it had records from all world cups that had taken place up till the 60's and as the quidditch fan I am I bought it, whit my own money of course.

Anyway back to the situation, the woman who I assume to be Sirius mother, walked up to us and specifically to Sirius, who looked a little scared, she most be very mean to scare a person as arrogant as Sirius, the little boy, who I guess is Sirius little brother looked as scared if not more scared as Sirius. She dragged him over to a place that was a bit away from us, I heard her mention the words 'blood traitors' and 'half breeds'.

It was then I realized what Remus is, he is a werwolf, of course, why else would he look so tired, why else would he have scars all over his face. I looked at him, he looked at me, hr must of understood what I had figured out as he nodded and mouthed the words 'don't tell anyone' and I nodded in agreement, the other word I heard the woman say, blood traitor, I understood she meant me and James, this is what I mean, the black family, one of the most powerful people in the wizarding world disrespected us and called us blood traitors, we need to at least associate our selfs whit pure bloods who have some sort of respect form the wizarding world, or we will never be respected. I don't understand why they will not associate them selfs whit pure bloods, I mean not all of them have that dress costing look on muggel borns and half bloods, right? Besides if we earn more respect whit the richer family's, do we have a easier access to people of important people, plus it will just be off it us better. Sirius came back a little while later, not looking a tad bit affected nor surprised at their interactions. When we had eaten our ice cream did we just sit and wait for mum and dad, and they finally arrived whit my books and we went home. I was horrified at the new that the boys where staying here for the rest of the weeks till school started....WHAT!! It is like 6 weeks till then, are they crazy?

Athurs note: I hope you liked the first part and please comment what you think and of you think I can improve something till next time, I write!!!
- HarryPotter_OC

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