Where it began(Emison)

By Dafuaqyolo

1.9K 109 17

What happens when Alison Dilaurentis the queen bee sit's next to Emily Fields the badass girl. Will they talk... More

Hannah's Touch


991 43 10
By Dafuaqyolo

Emily POV
As I sat there in the middle of the lunch room, sitting on the bench staring of into know where. I feel a hand glide up and down my thigh. As the motion is happening I turn around and Alison is looking at me with her big blue eyes. As I kept staring in her eyes I felt her hand go a little a higher and I smiled.
"Kiss me" she said in a soft tone. I never would have imagined that Alison Dilaurentis, the queen bee want's me Emily Fields the most badass girl in school to kiss her. I stared at her features and after a couple of minutes I break the silence.
"Hey what's up Alison" I said as I slowly massaged her thigh but with more roughness. She bites her bottom lip, and lets out a soft moan that just drives me over the edge.
"Alison" I said sexually as I put my hand right over her soaked core, massaging it.
"Em.. Emily can I talk to you in private"she said in a hurry
"Of course"
As I got up, she immediately grabs my arm and pulls me to the bathroom.
Hey guys hope you liked it. Comment if you think I should continue with the story.

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