His Personal Nurse /Corpse Hu...

NerdyFantasy tarafından

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It was just a normal day at my clinicals... or that is what I thought at least. Never thought I would meet s... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
The Post
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 9

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NerdyFantasy tarafından

The rest of the week went by pretty quiet.  Ashley and Corpse have been blowing up my phone.  I ignored most of the text messages.  I texted them enough to know I was okay.  My body was dragging as I walked around the airport.  I hadn't been sleeping because I didn't feel safe enough to sleep.  Plus there was no Corpse to be on the phone with me.  Though, I still made sure to remind him to take his meds.

I stood around slightly packed airport.  People were still not back to normal after the Covid pandemic.  I gripped my book bag that had all of my carry on items.  My phone started vibrating.  My heart pounding very hard and my hands were shaking as I grabbed my phone.  I didn't look to see who it was when I answered. "H-Hello?" I said shakily hoping that it wasn't Corpse on the other side.

"Good noon Kaylee!!!" Rae's energetic voice came through the phone.  I let out a shaky breath, happy that it wasn't Corpse.  "The boys have Corpse distracted so he won't even notice you aren't replying.  Emma, Poki, and I will be there to pick you up from the airport when you land girly!  Also you need to breath and relax.  You will be fine and you can sleep your ride away." Rae was now just running things down for me.  She was trying her best to calm me down before I got on the plane.

I was bouncing on the balls of my feet.  Normally I wasn't this nervous about flying.  I love flying.  It was something that oddly calmed me.  "Rae... I love you.  But I'm just nervous about meeting all of you... seeing Corpse.  I've literally been having to lie to the poor man since we made this plan.  What if he hates seeing me after this?  Like, what if ya'll don't want me around anymore?" I was starting relax and I ranted about what was making me nervous.

She chuckled softly, "You are good.  Kaylee, you are so sweet and quiet.  The shit you do for Corpse and he isn't even your boyfriend, yet." Rae had muttered the last part, but I started blushing because I did hear her.  Wondering what was going through my friends mind, I somehow managed to make it to my gate.

"Alright Rae.  I'll text you guys when I land. Ya'll are still coming to get me right?" I said softly into the phone.  The older girl hummed a small response that made me relax a bit.  This was going to be an okay trip.  Or at least I hope it would be.

A few minutes later, Rae had to hang up with me, because the boys needed more help keeping Corpse distracted.  It kind of hurt that he hadn't found the time to somehow sneak me a message or something.  Though that probably means the boys were actually doing a good job of distracting him.

A couple hours later and one boring flight to LA, I had my feet back on the ground.  I was bouncing on the balls of my feet again at the baggage claim.  The sleeves of my poor hoodie were getting completely destroyed from me messing with them.  They were frayed and little bits of string was hanging of the ends of them.

I felt arms go around me.  But they weren't much taller then I was.  "KAYLEE!" Rae screamed excitedly in my ear.  My face turned bright red.  I turned and hugged the taller girl.  This was nice. I actually calmed down and didn't feel so nervous at the moment.  I looked over Rae's shoulder and saw that she wasn't alone.  I kind of giggled when I saw the Poki and Sykkuno were there with her.

"My god you are so short..." Sykkuno chuckled softly as he came to hug me.  "I can't believe you actually came."  He messed with his hair nervously.  I couldn't help but let out a small giggle at how nervous he was.  I could only assume that he didn't like new people either.  Which was fine with me because I was the same exact way to be honest.  I still couldn't believe that I had actually gotten on the play to come here.

Poki was next and she hugged  me gently.  Which was different compared to the other two.  She smiled softly at me, "Didn't want to over stimulate you.  You kind of look like you are ready to run away and hide from everyone."  I nodded my head softly.  She wasn't wrong.  My eyes kept darting around the place trying to find a way to get out of this crowded situation that I was in.

"T-Thanks guys..." I stuttered softly.  Sykkuno grabbed my luggage that I had brought with me.  It was two small suitcases and a single book bag that had all my carry on items in it.  Like chargers and the occasional snack to help with my anxiety.  Both of the shorter females grabbed my hands and led me out of the airport.

Sykkuno was driving us back to the house.  Poki and Rae were talking to each other very excitedly.  My head was against the window.  I assumed they were giving me some time to adjust to the atmosphere before they started talking to me again.  I checked my cellphone again.  There was still nothing from Corpse.  I sighed sadly.  I watched the scenery change.  LA really didn't seem like a city I could see myself in.

All the people that were walking around.  Everyone here seemed really pretty and my god did I feel out of place watching the people.  I looked down at my thighs and started rubbing the palms of my hands against my jeans.  The panic started to set in.  I didn't belong here.  I was too fat compared to everyone.

Rae put a hand on top of my hands.  She smiled softly at me.  "Hey... it's okay.  Nobody here cares.  We love you for you.  We are glad that Corpse introduced you to us."  The older girl squeezed my hands gently trying to reassure me.  It calmed me down a little bit to know that these three weren't actually judging me.

Though I knew that would be another story once we got to the house.  Emma would be at the house waiting to meet me.  She was Corpse's best friend.  So I knew that she would at least have to like me personally.  She already thought I was cute and the things that I did was cute, but if I even entertained the idea of Corpse and I becoming more then just friends, I needed her to like me too.  That was a lot of pressure to put on myself though.  It was very unreasonable standard I was setting for myself.

Then again, Corpse wouldn't like me.  He was surrounded by all these pretty girls and he could probably get anyone he wanted.  I sighed softly and leaned against Rae trying to calm down and force the negative thoughts out of my head.  There was no point in beating myself up before anyone could decide if they liked me or not.

A few minutes later we were at the house, we slowly got out of the car.  Sykkuno went to grab my bags out of the trunk.  I went to go grab them from him.  He shook his head and made sure to hold on to my stuff.  I groaned softly and started following Poki and Rae into the house.  Everyone was sitting on the couch waiting.

Emma jumped up right away and ran up to me.   "Oh my fuck!  You are so much cuter in person." she hugged me tightly.  I couldn't help but start blushing.  I stood there awkwardly for a few moments and then hugged the girl back.  "I am so gonna dress you up in my style!  You would look so fucking hot.  All the guys will be wanting that ass." My eyes opened wide.

I shook my head quickly, "N-No thank you!  I don't want all the guys wanting me." I started panicking.  There was only one guy that I wanted to want me.  I doubt that would even happen either.  

The girl smirked at me and whispered in my ear, "Oh don't worry.  He wouldn't let anyone else look or touch you."  Emma backed away, smiling at me like she knew everything.  Jack and Felix ran up to me next to give me a hug and say hello. I felt my chest getting tight.  This was to much at one time for me.  I don't know how I managed to work a job in healthcare, and I couldn't even be in a room with so many people at once.

Rae snatched me away from the boys quickly.  "Guys, one at a freaking time!  You don't wanna scare her off yet.  I would like to keep this one around more.  We need more girls."  Her dark eyes glared at Emma, Jack, and Felix.

Sykkuno and Poki just giggled at Rae for her being protective over me.  After that being said, Rae started dragging me off towards the stairs.  I was assuming it was so she could show me where I would be staying while I was in LA.  Then I realized Poki and Emma were both following us too.  The older girl swung a door open to the guest bedroom.  It was bigger then my bedroom at home.  I don't know what a single person would need all this room for, but I wasn't going to be the one to complain.

"Alright Kaylee.  We are going to make you look so hot, that Corpse is going to wanna take you home." Emma said smirking.  I was confused by this statement.  This was supposed to be the girls night to go out and party.  I was kind of excited to just be going out with the girls alone.  I swayed a little uncomfortably.

I bit my bottom lip gently, "I thought it was just going to be us girls... are the guys going?"  My eyes stayed stuck to the ground as I said it.  Rae took a single hand and started rubbing my back gently.  This girl comforted me in a way nobody really could.  It was almost like she was giving off mother vibes right now.

Poki smiled happily at me, "Oh it's starting out as a girls night.  But the boys also told us that it would probably be too dangerous for us to keep it a girls only thing.  Since the club we are going to is downtown."  I noticed that while we were talking Emma started going through my clothes.  She pulled out the dress that I brought for us to go out in and my black converse.

"Girl, dressing you isn't going to be hard at all.  You seem to have a similar taste as me...  Though I do have a few items that will complete this." Emma smirked and ran out of the room.  I looked at the other two girls more confused then before.  They both shrugged at me and began helping me unpack a little bit, since I was going to be here for a little bit over a month almost.

Things were easy with the girls.  Even when Emma came back with fishnets, cat ears, and a choker.  The choker was really pretty.  I already knew why she had the fishnets and the cat ears.  Corpse for some reason found them hot as hell.  "I'mma take pictures of you wearing all this so he can see what he is missing out.  He can also sit there wondering how the hell I am taking pictures of you!" She was really excited about this.

I sighed softly and went to the bathroom that was connected to my room while all three girls sat there giggling and whispering to each other.  While in the bathroom, I took the time to check my phone.  There was still not text message.  I sighed softly, it's not like it mattered or anything.  He has his own life.  Hell, he didn't even know that I was currently in LA.

I put the clothes on and slipped on my black converse.  Slowly, I looked at myself in the full body mirror that was in the bathroom.  The dress landed on my mid thigh, the fishnets for some reason made my legs look good, and my eyes trailed up to my head and my throat.  The cat ears and choker made me look like I was ready to call anyone Daddy and be their little kitten.  I chuckled softly at that thought.

I opened the bathroom door and slowly walked out.  Hoping the girls would think I looked as good as I felt in this.  Rae and Poki gasped softly and ran up to me.  "Oh my god... You look hot.  Can we keep you for ourselves?" Poki tugged my hand smiling at me.

Emma was smirking at me and pulled out her cellphone.  She pushed Rae and Poki out of the way so they weren't going to be in the pictures and give away right away that I was currently in the same house as the girls.  She started snapping pictures.  I looked down at my feet.  My cheeks getting warm wondering if Corpse was going to think I was attractive.

Emma looked at the girls and nodded.  "I'm going to send all these to him now.  Especially the ones with you looking down and blushing."  The split dyed hair girl nudged me playfully.  I looked up at her.  She smiled and whispered, "These will have his inner dominant screaming to have you."

The room seemed to get hotter or it was my cheeks.  I couldn't believe that she had said that.  What the hell?!  Like he would see me in that way, what a joke.  He probably would laugh when he sees those pictures.  Even as I had these thoughts, there was a little voice in the back of my head going what if....

Suddenly E=Girls are Ruining My Life was playing on my phone.  All of us girls, looked at the phone shocked.  It was pretty obvious who was calling my phone at this exact moment.  I went to  the bed and grabbed the phone.  I put it on speaker.

"H-Hey Corpse..." I said softly into the phone.  Suddenly, feeling very nervous to be talking to him.  I had a feeling that this was because of the photo's Emma sent him.

His deep voice came through the phone sounding a bit deeper then normal, "You better not be going out looking like that baby girl."   My eyes widened and bit my bottom lip.  I could feel my face instantly heating up at that comment.

Rae nudged me softly.  "So what if I am?  I'll be with the girls.  Nothing will happen to me." I said softly still.  Not knowing where the confidence was coming from, and then there was a part of me that just wanted to say yes Daddy and go change.  That would have defeated the whole purpose of me getting dressed like this.  I tugged at the hem of the dress nervously.

"I swear if I have to find out which club you girls are going to, so I can drag your ass back home and...." he cut off.  There was a small growl on the other side of the phone.  My eyes widened even more.  The other girls started giggling.

Emma snatched my phone out of my hand and smirked, "You can only do that if you find us bitch boy.  Think of it as a prize.  You find us.  You get Kaylee."  I shook my head quickly.  No, she doesn't need to be giving him that kind of challenge.  I knew he would find a way to come find us.  Then I remember, Emma was probably hoping he would give up because of the anxiety.

"I swear to God, Kaylee...." he growled and hung up the phone quickly.  That was a different side of Corpse that I had never seen.  Most girls probably would have found that scary.  For me though?  That was kind of hot and I enjoyed every minute of it.

Emma handed me my phone back.  She smirked, "Well if he didn't want to claim you and fuck you senseless before... you are in for a world of surprises if he finds us tonight."  Poki and Rae both looked at each other nervously.  Emma raised an eyebrow to them, "What did you two do?"

Rae giggled nervously, "I might have told the boys to end up bringing Corpse with them to the club tonight.... I was kind of hoping to have those two just randomly run into each other.  Buttttt it looks like our sweet innocent Kaylee is going to get railed tonight if she isn't careful?"

I shrugged and looked back at the ground.  "it's been a while... I'd be okay with it..." I muttered softly.  The last time that I had sex was a few years ago.  It wasn't anything special.  It really didn't feel good.  So I still couldn't understand why so many people actually liked having sex.  Ashley said that it was because I had sex with the wrong person and he didn't know how to treat me.  Truth be told I only had done it because he really wanted and we had been together for a while.

The girls started laughing at that.  I mean not the fact that I hadn't had sex in a while, but the way I said it and was looking at the ground.  All three of the girls got up and hugged me.   The giggle escaped my lips and it sounded really happy.  Maybe coming to LA for a little bit wasn't such a bad idea for me to do after all.



Okay this chapter was complete bull poopie.   A lot of filler just so I can connect A to B.  I originally was going to have it that Corpse and Kaylee wouldn't meet until later... but I thought this would give an interesting twist to their relationship and the drama that may or may not happen in the future.

Also I have a lot going on here over the next couple weeks.  So just be patient.  I will work on the uploads as I have time! <3 

Anyways, have a nerdtastic night or day!  Stay awesome!!! <333

Okumaya devam et

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