second chance

By kitkat2889

146 2 0

harry nearly died at the hands of the dark lord. he was in a coma. Draco fell in love with him.. I don't own... More

unforgettable night
Second chance of happiness
second time a charm
wedding time prt2.
its time.....prt1
its time part 2

wedding time prt1

14 0 0
By kitkat2889

This will be in two parts!!!

Only a few days until we had the wedding. Harry was showing more of his baby bump and he looked so beautiful. We found out we were having a girl.  We only had a few days of school left. Since the whole issue with Astrid and losing our first baby and then Delphine. We still had to tell Hermonie she was harrys sister. She came to our table and sat. " hey Teal honey how are you?" Harry asked. " who's teal?" She asked. I showed her the papers.

Hermonie jean granger
August 23 1989
( made up)
Father. Dr. Fred granger
Evelyn granger

Real birth certificate
Teal lily Snape.
Brother Harris T. Snape (  Harry)
July 31. 1980
Father Severus Snape
Mother lily Snape.

Vampire sub..
Mate Pansy parksin

" what the hell!!" She yelled.. She got up and ran..

I don't believe this!!!!! I ran into the bathroom and cried.. I heard a voice.. It was pansy.. " Are you alright baby?" She asked. " yes I'm fine. " I say.. * Mate* we kissed.. Next thing I know I was naked and having sex. ** smut warning** I was moaning with every kiss and lick and touch. " please... K.. Kiss my breast...." I begged. She did.. " I want to rub your stomach and kiss it." She said in a sexy way. I moan louder.. I begged her to hump my stomach and she did. " ooo pansyy Bear!!!" I moan.. She went harder.. I began having an orgasm and she licked up every inch of my stomach that had cum.. I wanted more.. She kept going. " I'm enjoying this." She said. We had sex all night and we had sex in the morning. It felt so amazing!!! ** smut over***

We head to the great hall and teal and pansy where holding hands. " aww that's so sweet, they are holding hands." I say lovingly. " shut up, you git." Teal said. Harry was awfully quiet and didn't say anything. " hey is he alright?" Pansy asked me. " I don't know, he's been quiet all day and its been worrying me." I say. " harry is everything alright?" Teal asked. " I'm fine, I need to see professor Snape." He said. " Honey, he's obviously got the ears of a bat because he's heading our way. " i say. " hello everyone, what is going on? " he asked. " harry is being very quiet and I'm worried." I explained. " come with me ". He said. Harry and I went with Snape to his office.

We went to Snape office and he was asking me if I was alright . " harry i want to know if everything is okay. You don't seem like yourself." He said. " I don't know, I've been trying to stay stress free because I'm pregnant." I explain. He just looked at me and smiled. " so I'm getting a grand baby after all." He said. " we are having a girl." Draco said smiling. " harry if you need anything let me know." He said. I nodded and we left.

Pansy and I where inseparable and we did everything together. She would hold my hand as we walked to class. We would go to our secret spots and snog. We were on our way to potions when I seen Astrid had return. " move Granger!". She yelled. " hey don't yell at her like that!" Pansy yelled. " aww look at this, two little girls in love." She snickered. Harry was not going to like this..

I was furious when I found out Astrid was back. I had to keep harry with me at all times. He was not allowed to leave my side. " hey Draco, who's that?" Harry asked. " uh thats a bitch who is responsible for the loss of our first baby.' I say. " You're still with him?" She yelled. " yes and we are getting married!!!" I say. " ha! Yea right. That's ridiculous. Your father won't let that happen." She sneered. " oh Astrid he approved!!!" I yelled. " no he didn't, he approved of us getting married , not you and potter." She snapped. " fuck You!! Yes harry and I are getting married!! You will never have me!!!" I yelled.

Oh it was so on Now, those two were never getting married. I noticed potter was pregnant again. I am gonna take advantage of that. I'll harass him like last time. But when I do it this time I'm making sure they never get back together. But every time I follow them , they are always together. I had to get them separated. I had a plan just for defense against the dark arts. But that failed.. Then I tried the plan in potion with slughorn. " professor, draco is my new partner for this week!!" I yelled. " uh no!! I'm with harry!" He said. " no, you have blaise now and I have you." I say. " professor, she's lying, we never switched!!!" He yelled. " enough!!! Draco switch with him!" Our teacher said. " no!! I'm staying with harry!!!" He yelled.. Harry got up and ran off. " hey look potter ran off!!!" I yelled. I followed him when no one was looking. He was in the bathroom like last time. " potter, I know your in here.." I say. I opened the stall he was hiding in and I tied him up and had sex with him.. ** s****  warning *** I spanked,him and he screamed.. I cut his arm. " stop!!! Let me Go!!!" He yelled. I bit his stomach and he moans. I cut him on his neck. He screams loud.. I smack him.. 

I ran into the bathroom and I took my wand out and pointed it at her. * crucio*  . she fell and screamed.. * portfify* she was still like a statue. I untied harry and take him to the hospital wing. " please be okay love". I plead. The nurse came over and did an exam. " is he going to be alright and is our baby safe??" I asked.  " yes he is going to be okay, the baby is going to fine ". She said. I sighed some relief and I felt a huge weight lift off my chest. " may I see him please?" I asked. She lead me to his bed and I sat down in a chair. He smiled at me and grabbed my hand. " hey baby, I'm doing great!" He said. " I'm glad you're alright, they arrested Astrid and this time she's never coming back." I say. " who's Astrid?" He asked. " nurse he doesn't remember who Astrid is?" I asked. " no, his father instructed me to wipe her and Delphine from his memory so he wouldn't remember what happened." She explained. " thank you so much!" I say.

I'm leaving the hospital wing and I wanted to go to the room of requirements with Draco. " why do you want to go there?" He asked. " I just want to talk about our wedding." I say. " we can go there later and talk about it. Right now we have classes." He said. We walk hand and hand to class. " I don't want to go in there.." I say as we stop at potion class.

Harry didn't want to go in potion class and I was curious to know why. " why don't you want to go in there?" I asked. " he was mean to me and had us separated." He said looking down at his feet. " babe, I will not let that happen." I assure him. We walk in and sit down. Delphine was back now and I really hope harry didn't recognize her. Slughorn approached us and asked harry to move. " no I'm not moving, I'm in my seat." He said. " Mr. Potter, I have made a new seating chart and this is not your seat ." he said. " no I'm not moving I can't move!!!" He yelled. " professor, potter is in my seat!" . Delphine yelled. " potter please go to your seat with blaise." He said. " I don't believe you. I don't want to move." He yelled. I grabbed harry by the hand and we both get up. " we will both move together." I say. " Mr. Malfoy your seat is with Ron and Dean. " he said. " then harry is with me too." I say. " if he goes with you then he will receive detention." He said. Harry left the class room. I followed him. We went to the bathroom and he was crying. " harry its gonna be alright." I say as I hugged him.

Later ....
We've been in the room of requirements for an hour talking about the wedding. " what's the colors for the wedding?" I asked. " green and Red?" Harry joked. " funny, how about silver and dark blue?" I say. " I like it." He said. " what's the location?" He asked. " I was thinking my house or the forest." I say. " malfoy manor, do you think thats a good idea.?" Harry asked.  " well, the dark magic is gone now. My father is fond of you now." I say. Harry was starting to look sleepy and I suggested we go to bed.

I hate those two!!  I had to do something once again. I poisoned harry and that didn't work. I had to kidnap him. I had to kill him. I waited for him to use the bathroom and I made my move. I set a fog spell and knocked him out. Then I dragged him to the forest. * warning* assault and r* mention.** he woke up and I had him tied up. " hello there potter." I say. " what !! Who are you???" He asked.. " you don't remember me???" I asked.. I walked up to him and I cut his shirt off. " maybe you will remember now." I say. " let me go!!!" He yelled. I took an old sock and gagged him.. I cut his neck and then i cut his hair off. He was trying to scream. I smacked him with a whip. " shut up!!!!" I yelled. I took my knife and carved my name in his chest. * crucio* he was so sexy.. I had to bust his ass!! He screamed.. I cruiciod him again. I  cut his stomach and licked it. You're dead potter. * cruicio* he shook. Avadakadavra! This was the end of potter.. I disaperated.

To be continued....

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