its time part 2

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We woke up and went down stairs for breakfast. " Good morning son." My father said. " morning sir." I say. I had some coffee and a biscuit. Draco was not a morning person today. Skyler was up most of the night crying. " so you guys have names picked out for the twins?" He asked. " well we are thinking about luka and lilo ." my father said. " what about girl names?" Draco asked. " Mia and Scarlett". He said " what are you going to name your second child?" He asked me. " if its a boy Theo lucius Sevy malfoy. If its a girl Fiona Cissa malfoy." I say with a smile. We talked about an hour and we got ready to go out in town. Draco and I where looking for jobs at the ministry. I was going to be an aurror and he was gonna be a healer.

Time skip
Pansy and I went out on a date and we met Ginny and Luna at the three broom sticks. " hey girls!!! Its been so long!!!" Ginny said. " how have you been?" I asked. " well we have been busy and I'm pregnant!" Luna said . " omg congratulations!!!" Pansy said. " do you know what you're having?" I ask. " a boy
" luna said.  " that's wonderful!!" I say. " how's your brother and draco doing?" Luna asked. " they are doing great, they have interviews at the ministry today." I say. We left the three broom sticks and headed back home.

I got the job and harry did too, we went home to celebrate. We had a few drinks and went to bed. The next day harry woke up feeling sick and I had my nurse check on him.  " it seems that he is near the due date." The nurse said. " how can that be possible ?" Harry asked. " you are 6 month pregnant." She said. She had a French accent and harry couldn't understand what was said.  " I'm how many months??" He asked. " six months mizer malfoy." She said. " thank you madame mikas that will be all." I say. She nodded her head and left.

A few weeks later

Harry started feeling pain and I was worried about him. " babe do we need to go to the hospital ?" I asked my husband. '" baby, she's coming!!!" He said. We went to the St. Mungos and he was in labor. " ooo this fucking hurts!!!!" He screams. " its gonna be fine, I'm here." I assured him. Many hours later our baby girl was born. " what's her name dears?" A nurse asked. " Fiona Lee Malfoy." I say.  Teal and pansy came to visit us. " oh she's beautiful!!" Teal said as she holds her. " easy baby, remember you are due in a month". Pansy said. " I'll be f- ".. She placed her hand on her stomach and panic rushed over. " I'm.. In labor!!" She screams.. They got her in a bed and next thing we know we are hearing a baby crying. " ooh she's precious!!!" I say. " we need to name her,." Pansy said. " hope jean parkson". Teal said. A week later luna gave birth to a baby boy named Sun.beam Weaseley.

Everything was going great...

****19 years later*******

Harry and draco are still married.
Harry is teaching at Hogwarts.
Draco decided to become a healer and he helps the nurses at Hogwarts. 
Skyler , Fiona are in their 4,5 year.
Teal and pansy
Have got married.
Had 4 kids ..
Hope is in her 4th year..
3rd year
Mary lou
3rd year
2 nd year

This is the end of the story...

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