JUNGKOOK FF - Prince from The...

By Mi_YuYuinie

32.3K 1.2K 210

Just a young girl living her normal life when suddenly, BAM! She encounters a man that will change her life f... More

#Flashback (Y/n2)
#Flashback (y/n2) pt.2
#Flashback (Y/n2) pt.3
- Author


1.1K 47 2
By Mi_YuYuinie

- Our differences -

"Thank you for purchasing!"

She bows down to the customer as she leaves the door. As soon as the door is closed, her body jiggles up and she collapse on the floor, exhausted.

"Gaaah... I'm worn out..."


Jungkook peeks his head out from the living room, seeing her lying on the floor.

"What's wrong?!" He hurries towards her and holds her in his arms. Y/n laughs lowly with her eyes closed.

"I'm tired that's all..." He holds her forehead and neck, checking her temperature.

"Kook, I'm not ill. I'm just tired because of work..."

"You mean painting??"


"I didn't know painting is tiring..." Jungkook said and y/n opens her eyes.

"Don't look down on me... Painting is really hard you know... Especially when you put all your effort into it."

She's confused when she sees his crashed eyebrows, looking in disbelief.

"What??" She gave him the same look, raising her eyebrows.

"Nothing... Let's get you to bed."

He replies lowly. He carries her up bridal style effortlessly and brings her to her bedroom.




Jungkook is walking back and forth, holding his chin and looking at the floor sternly. Y/n enters the living room and saw him.

"What's wrong?? Why're you looking so serious??"

He stops and looks at her. "Oh you're here. Well... I was thinking on getting a bird."

"A bird??" Her head unconsciously tilted at the statement.

"Or maybe hiring someone...." Jungkook adds.

"Hiring someone for what??"

"to be my personal messenger."

"What?? What for??" Every one of his statements is just creating another question in y/n's mind.

"Cause I realize that I haven't keep in touch with Taehyung and Jimin. I can't go to their place because I currently don't remember their home address." He reasons.

"So I thought of getting a trained bird or a messenger to help me send letters to them to say hi."

She nods. "But Jungkook, you don't have to do that."

Jungkook has been walking around, finally stops and looks at her with a frown.

"Huh?? Then how am I suppose to send my regards to them?? You don't expect me to send it myself??"

"Not that." She approaches him and takes out her phone.

"Aah yes that magical machine that you can use your voice to talk with someone at a long distance."

"Yes but that's not it. You don't need people to send letters. You can simply text them."

"Tax?? Paying tax for them??"

"Not tax! T-e-x-t." She spells it out.

"What's that??"

"It's like sending letters... But digitally. Here let me show you."

She opens the messaging app and shows him the way to send a message. Jungkook was surprised and y/n hands him her phone.

"Wow... This is so advance... You don't even have to get a paper and a pen to write!"


Suddenly, the doorbell rings, and y/n heads to the door followed by Jungkook. She opens the door and saw...

"Mailman!" The man said with a smile.

"Oh thank you so much!"

The mailman hands her a piece of letter and y/n takes it before closing the door. She turns around, seeing Jungkook's confused face.

"Who's that?? Why did he gave you a folded paper?? What's that??"

He scans the weird looking letter in her hand.

"Oh that was the mailman. He's just giving me letters. What??"

She got confused when Jungkook's face suddenly scrunches on her.

"Why did he gave you a letter?? Is it a love letter??" Jealousy is visible on his face.

"No Jungkook! He's just sending someone else's letters to me."

"What?!" He shouts. "So he's a messenger?! You already have your own messenger and you didn't tell me?!"

He yells and y/n frowns.

"What?! That's not it-"

"I'm so confused right now!! Ugh Don't talk to me!"

He angrily walks away while tapping his finger on y/n's phone, struggling to type down a word, leaving her blinking her eyes in confusion.




"What're they doing??"

Jungkook asked and Y/n stands beside him and looks down through the window.

"What??" She asked back, trying to follow where his gaze was.

"Down there. There are people dancing on the street."

"Oh, probably just doing TikTok videos." Finally y/n spots where he was looking and nods.

"What's a... Tick tock?? A clock??" Jungkook looks at her confusedly.

"It's like an app where you record a video for content."

"Is there an occasion or something??"

"No??" She answered. "Not really..."

"Then why're they doing it?? Cause in my timeline, we dance when there's a party or a celebration." Jungkook feels slightly frustrated.


"This timeline is very weird... It's kinda frustrating to me..." He walks away and y/n saw the tense on his face. He looks really frustrated by it.





"Why're your people so weak?? Can't they just carry those bags themselves??"

He asked, watching the tv as it shows a commercial of a truck lifting up tons of rice packages. Hearing his question, y/n comes out from the kitchen and furrowed her eyebrows.

"It's just a commercial of rice brand Kook..."

"Yeah but why aren't they carrying the bags with their own strengths??"

"Cause it's heavy, obviously." She said rather sassily and Jungkook scoffs.

"Back in my times, we don't have these types of technologies you called. We use our strength to get things done."

Y/n looks at Jungkook, slightly offended by his statement.

"Well, technology is to help make people's jobs easier."

"I guess so..."

Y/n huffs out and heads back to the kitchen.

"What's wrong with him?? Why does he keep criticizing and comparing our differences in lifestyle??"




"Y/n is it just me or Jungkook has been looking grumpy lately..." - Jimin.

"No is not just you..."

"What's wrong with him??" - Taehyung.

They all turn around to Jungkook who's watching tv with a straight, displeased face. Y/n sighs and rubs her forehead.

"I don't know... But lately he has been nagging all kinds of stuff." - y/n.

"Is he being spoil or something??" Jimin said.

"no... But I think he got frustrated by how different our timeline is. You know, we use a lot of technologies and they don't... Well, they didn't..." Y/n sighs.

"So he's jealous??" - Taehyung.

"I don't know!" She groans. "And it's getting on my nerves too... He kept criticizing..."

"Why is everyone so disrespectful?! And what're those words they're saying?!! What in the world is a 'fuck'?!" Yelled Jungkook in anger at the comedy show on tv. Y/n glares at him and rolls her eyes, so done.

"Hey Jungkook!" Taehyung approaches Jungkook, clinging his arms around him. "Why the long face?? You got wrinkles..."

"I do??" Jungkook quickly grabs a mirror and checks his face worriedly.

"IF you continue to make that ugly grumpy face." Taehyung continues.

"What's wrong Jungkook?? Though y/n have told us beforehand..." Jimin comes forward and Jungkook looks at him seriously.

"If I tell you guys to carry rice bags yourself would you do it??" - Jungkook.

"Well, of course-"

"Everyday as your job, sending it to every home." He adds before Jimin could finish.

"Well, that's crazy talk, your highne- Jungkook-shii." - Taehyung.

"And why is it crazy talk??"

"Cause who would want to do that when we have a truck to carry it now." Jimin said and Jungkook scoffs loudly.

"you guys are living so easily..."

Jimin and Taehyung looks at y/n and she shrugs her shoulder, don't know what to do.

"Jungkook, are you mad because there's technology??" - Taehyung.

"Uuh no!!" He yelled sarcastically. "I'm actually mad AND upset because everyone has become lazy potatoes!!"

"Lazy potatoes??" Jimin huffs, offended.

Y/n furrowed her eyebrows.

"He almost sounds like my mom... Who am I kidding?! Even my mom never mention about this to me!!"

"Look at all of this!! All of you are depending too much on this technologies that you've become weak!! Not only that, you guys also depended too much on these 'google' thing to do your researches when in my timeline, we have to go through troubles to find knowledge!!"

"And now look!! Educators are too lazy to go school?!! What on earth is home schooling?!!"

Jungkook ends up standing and walking around with one finger up, nagging like the same prince Jungkook he was.

"Unacceptable!! Very unacceptable!!!"

"Why didn't we think it through that this could be the major problem of bringing the past to the future??" Jimin said, realizing it just now.

"He's facing so much culture shock, he's going nuts about it..." Said Taehyung with a small pout.

"I don't know what to do guys..." Y/n rubs her forehead, saturated.

"How about you talk about it with him..." Taehyung suggests and y/n shakes her head.

"I did and it doesn't seem to work... It's getting annoying to be honest..."

"And what's with all of these girls dressing like strippers?!!" Somehow Jungkook's hands got a grab of the magazine and saw some models wearing revealing clothes.

"Look at that!! Are they wearing a towel or something?!! How can someone shamelessly wears an undergarments and publish it in public?!! Why is this man's shirt unbuttoned?!! Doesn't he know how to wear a shirt properly?!"

He's going insane.

"Hoseok-ah..." - y/n.


Jimin and Taehyung jump from their place.

"You surprised me!!" Said Taehyung loudly.

"Jhere did you come from?!" Followed by Jimin.

"Take a look at this please..." Y/n points at Jungkook and Hoseok watches him throwing tantrums.

"Aaah he's facing culture shock..." He nods slowly. Taehyung smiles widely.

"That's what I said! Man, I'm a genius..."

"What should I do about this??" - y/n.

Hoseok holds his chin for a second to think. He snaps his finger and approaches Jungkook, holding his shoulder to grab his attention.

"Hoseok?? What??" Jungkook turns to him with a small frown and Hoseok smiles.

"How about we go back home."

"What??" His eyebrows furrowed. Hoseok just smiles and continues.

".... back to our timeline."

Y/n's eyes widens.

"What're you saying??" Jungkook fully turns to Hoseok, glaring at him for what he has said.

"I see your highness is in displeased with all of these. Clearly you are feeling unpleasant on how the people here are so different and disrespectful towards life." Hoseok said calmly, slowly decreasing the anger out of Jungkook as he listens carefully.

"So I think it best if we return back to our timeline, where everything is all how it should be. It will be pleasant in your eyes then, you won't have to stress further..."

He made Jungkook speechless, in contemplation.

"What do you say, your majesty??"

Y/n stares at Jungkook, thinking how will he reply to that. Hoseok does have a point tho... If he can't take the changes of this era, he's better off going back to his time. At least he won't stress about this.

"Don't worry, if you're still bothered by it even after returning home, I can simply erase your memory of coming here."

Y/n is in shock. She frowns, feeling her heart suddenly aches. Jungkook stares at Hoseok, seems like in his thoughts.

"Well, I won't rush you to answer me. Take your time your highness... Pick your choice... Think carefully..."

Hoseok pulls his hand away from his shoulder and disappears in thin air. Jungkook eyes was drawn to y/n, who's already looking at him.

Y/n saw his eyes, and felt upset. She turns around and leaves the living room.

"Y/n!!" He tries to call her but failed as she reaches her room and closes the door. He groans, frustrated.

"What a drama..." Jimin sighs roughly. Taehyung nudges Jimin's shoulder. Jimin is just annoyed by the fact that he always has to be the third wheel of this drama.

"If I have to be part of this, I'll just tell you one thing Jungkook."

Jungkook looks at Jimin.

"Once you go, she's mine."

Jimin said seriously and Jungkook was shocked. His eyes instantly darkens at him while Jimin stood still, unbothered.

"I'm f**king dead serious. I won't hold back... She will be mine once you're gone..."

Jimin then walks away leaving the house.

"Jimin!!" Taehyung quickly follows him, leaving Jungkook stunned.

"She will be mine..."

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