I Am Taeyong Lee Not Hannah M...

By lkemmmy

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Other than being a fan of the famous soloist and actor Jung Jaehyun, what does a die hard fan also have a Sta... More

77 (The Wedding)


190 11 15
By lkemmmy

I didn't forget about you guys okay went through an almost writers block on this chapter. Me and my good friend are trying to write twitter AU's. 4k words outdid myself 

Jaeyong: The Wedding; 1

"How to be your Fiancé" Ten sighed as Taeyong parked his clothes. "When will I get someone to propose to me by writing a whole album for me"

"you can get Johnny to design a building for you jest so he proposes to you" Taeyong chuckled rolling his eyes when can his best friend not be dramatic "What's going on between you and Johnny, the last time I checked you were either hooking up or seeing each other" Taeyong asked folding the Louis Vuitton pajama set

" We don't talk about that" Ten clicked his tongue.

"You know you have to face this sooner or later" Taeyong stood in front of Ten "you can't just run away from this like you always do all the others. His son is attached to you literally" Taeyong pointed at Ten's phone screen that had a picture of Hyunwoo and Leon hugging in their sleep.

"I know Taeyong, I know" Ten sighed "That's why I want to break things between us"

"You are being selfish Ten" Taeyong sat beside his cousin. " This game of cat and mouse the both of you are playing is not gonna end well for both of you and you best know, that what is really bothering you I don't really think it's about commitment. I mean this is Johnny we are talking about your High school sweetheart the same guy that made you stay out of relationships because he was your true love and your first love"

"Wow I didn't need you to read me this early in the morning" Ten laughed

" Ten" Taeyong looked at Ten taking his hands and holding them.

"Come on I told you it's the old me afraid of commitment" Ten tried to shove the issue away

" I think we both know you can lie to everyone but me" Taeyong tilted his head giving ten the look of 'tell me everything before I fish it out of you cause you know i will'

"Okay okay I will tell you" Ten groaned " I know it will sound stupid"

" It's not stupid if it's about to cause the both of you your relationship" Taeyong sighed

" Okay so me and Johnny we were celebrating our one year anniversary okay and we were getting intimate and all that we had a talk about everything and anything and then he told me that his son's birthday was coming up soon that where everything went wrong" Ten voice turned lower " I realized that me and Johnny we have been going out for a year and I haven't even got the chance to know Hyunwoo and the little boy hates me"

" What made you think like that" Taeyong asked Ten he was having a hard time trying to understand it when Ten literally had the kids' pic as his lock screen.

"Hyun definitely knows me and his father has some weird relationship going on but he never asks about it. And whenever I helped Johnny babysit him we barely talked he is so silent around me and cold and I always try to indulge him but he pushes me away or ignores me and sorry to say this I am very much jealous of the relationship you have with Hyunwoo the two of you are closer than me and him" Ten looked like he was close to crying

" Have you told Johnny about it?" Taeyong asked

" I don't want them to have a fight because of me. I am temporary but they are not you know. I don't want to come in between them and make the boy hate me more because of it" Ten teared up

"Here" Taeyong handed him tissues " well I don't think this is temporary" he gestures wildly at Ten "one way or another you are going to speak to Johnny you know. I did ask you if you knew what you were getting into if you decided to date Johnny you know and this is the example of whatever you got into" Taeyong pulled the younger into a hug "when the both of you decided to see each other you both agreed to accept with whatever baggage you both had " he messed with Ten's hair " are you really going to let this ruin your relationship remember Johnny doesn't know what's going on with you if you don't tell him. That's what communication is in a relationship"

" Spoken like a true married man" Ten jokes

I am not married" Taeyong laughed

"Everyone knows the both of you are technically married you just need the paperwork to show it" Ten snuggled closer to Taeyong his safe space. He has always been his safe space

"Okay since we are getting all personal and that. Does this mean you will show me the wedding suits" Taeyong asked

"Nice try but no. You have to wait on the day of the wedding which is technically two months away" Ten mumbled. He was the one who declared he was going to design the couples all wedding wear from the engagement party to the post-wedding brunch he had it all covered and he decided for it to be the element of surprise. No one knew what the clothes looked like except his assistant and Johnny.

Engagement party. (Destination Bali: Indonesia) 

Taeyong knew he was doomed the moment Johnny and Yuta announced the engagement party was going to take place in Bali Indonesia and they were going to plan it, it was even doomed to be crazier when Johnny informed him that Hyunwoo was going to spend time with his great grandmother.

"Are you ready for the greatest party ever" Johnny cheered supported by Ten. Looking at the calm atmosphere around them it looked like they had solved whatever unknown conflict had brewed between them.

"I just have one question" Taeyong calmly asked in the mid of the noises "Why is the engagement party all the way to Bali and who is paying for the expenses"

"Don't worry Johnny has the boarding expenses covered and I have the travelling expenses done" Yuta exclaimed

"And how done do you mean by that" Taeyong had the right to be suspicious this was Yuta he was talking about.

"Johnny rented a villa where we will spend the weekend celebrating your engagement and Jaehyun's friends are coming in the day after us" Yuta explained

"How are we getting there if you covered the travelling expenses," Taeyong asked Yuta he didn't completely trust his friend to be left without supervision.

"Don't worry about it Grandpa Lee helped me rent a private jet for the whole period we are going to be at Bali" Yuta smiled at Taeyong the kind of smile he gives Taeyong to get off something. "And furthermore we agreed to have the bachelor party in Bali"

"We" Taeyong squeaked "Since when did WE agree" He gestured to the two of them.

"Oh I meant Me, Jaehyun and the boys" Yuta ruffled Taeyong's hair which Taeyong did not like "Jaehyun said it was the perfect chance to introduce the squad to the other squad"

"Babe" Jaehyun called from the door.

"In here" Taeyong's muffled voice came from the spare room turned into closet

"Who is my beautiful fiance" Jaehyun called from the door

"Me, Me I am the fiance" Taeyong raised his hands that were holding boxes looking at Jaehyun with a bright face and a beautiful smile adorning that face.

"And what's my beautiful fiance doing" Jaehyun joined Taeyong down the carpeted floor kissing the latter's lips

"Uhm, word got out that I am engaged and now all the houses that I have ever worked with are sending me a congratulatory for the engagement gift." Taeyong opened the Ralph Lauren box. The only way word got out that Taeyong was engaged was when Taeyong had to cancel all his upcoming spring fashion week shows by telling them about his wedding. It wasn't out to the public that Taeyong was engaged not yet. (Before Jaemin announced it to the public)

Jaehyun looked around the closet seeing a bunch of designer brand boxes and personally wrapped gifts from nearly all the designers Taeyong had worked with before. He knew the power Taeyong had on the modelling industry but seeing it like this was different.

"Some packages are going to come in from China at the end of the week," Taeyong told Jaehyun as he cleared away the empty boxes

"And who are they going to be from love," Jaehyun asked even if he knew he wouldn't make anything out of whatever Taeyong was going to answer him.

"Pronounce and Yueqi Qi I was going to model for them their spring collection" Taeyong sighed 

"Babe grab that for me" Taeyong pointed at the package wrap with his legs since his hands were occupied.

Honestly, Jaehyun couldn't believe in less than a month and a half he was going to marry his love. The man who has ownership over his heart.

" What are you thinking about babe" Taeyong nudged Jaehyun

"Eh" Jaehyun shook off his trance

" I have been trying to get your attention" Taeyong sat beside Jaehyun.

" Now you have it. You have my heart too love" Jaehyun turned and faced Taeyong who was cringing "And soon you will have my last name too"
Well, after the trip to Indonesia for the engagement party Jaehyun and Taeyong wanted to get married. The thing is they were going to get married privately with only their close friends and Gift Taeyong's cat and also Jaehyun's dog Lucy and then they were still going to get married in front of everyone in spring. But now what they had to conquer was their engagement party set in a foreign country with guests of 15

"Welcome to Bali" Johnny popped the champagne the moment everyone was settled and now gathered around the villa's enormous living room.

"Come on guys you need to be excited even though we don't know each other yet I have a feeling we are going to know each other really well by the end of this weekend" Yuta popped the confetti.

"God, why don't I like the sound of that" Taeyong groaned "Wait I have something to say before we start" Taeyong woke up from his seat (which was Jaehyun's lap) "Now that I have your attention I have to set a couple of rules" He could hear nearly all of the 15 people groan a little bit too loudly to his liking. "The rules are, no police, no F.B.I, CSI Interpol ambulance hospital anything that might cause us to be on the military radar not again" He looked at Ten and Donghyuck who looked down "Oh I forgot also anything that will cause me to answer to my grandfather I don't want that"

"Wait are we missing something the rules you are saying don't apply to us," Mark asked "How can someone get under the radar of all those"

"Let's just say we were pretty wild when we were young" Haechan shrugged it off

"It was just 5 years ago" Taeyong corrected him

"And we were young can we go past that" Ten changed the topic "So what are we doing first"

"And that's why we should be doing our first get to know each other more game" Yuta looked around the room waiting for their cheer.

"so what my partner means is we are going to play whose the best" Johnny cheered with the help of Yuta "and we are going to play as teams specifically two teams"

"And what are the teams going to be" Winwin asked

"Tops vs bottoms" Yuta raised his shoulders meeting a couple of groans

"Nooo we are not going to do that" Haechan whined "that's not fair" he turned and looked at Taeyong in a pout "hyung do something"

"I think they are afraid tops are better than bottoms" Jaehyun smirked knowing that would rile some of the bottoms (Haechan and Ten)

"Take that back" Ten woke up from the ground "Come on let's do it we'll show you bottoms have a high chance of surviving an apocalypse more than you tops"

"Why did you do that" Taeyong turned and looked at his fiance who was smiling at the scene.

"For the greater good" Jaehyun raised his shoulders shrugging

Taeyong sighed leaning back to Jaehyun's chest "I can feel the night getting longer and wilder"

"Yeah that's why we should have fun" Jaehyun played with Taeyong's fingers "And Johnny planned this I just got a hunch he's trying to make up something to me let's just give him the ground to do that" "

Mh" Taeyong nodded

"Yeah and then maybe he'll stop beating himself up" Jaehyun continued.

"He is a sweet guy and a nice father Hyun is lucky" Taeyong looked at Johnny who was jumping up and down.

"You know who is going to be lucky" Jaehyun

"Who," Taeyong asked

"Our children" Jaehyun softly laughed at Taeyong's confused face. "Our children are going to be lucky because they are going to have you as their father" Taeyong blushed at those words

"They are going to be lucky because they are going to have you as their other parent too" Taeyong "I really can't wait"

"Me too" Jaehyun kissed Taeyong's crown

"Look at that they already forgot about us" Yuta pointed at the couple who were softly talking to each other.

"Don't they look cute together" Jaemin squealed "Omg take a picture i need this for my book" Jaemin fumbled with his phone Jeno rolled his eyes grabbing Jaemin by the neck and taking him back.

"Come on Taeyongie we have a game, to win" Ten called Taeyong over.

Taeyong got up from Jaehyun's lap joining the bottom group (Haechan, Ten, Renjun, Jungwoo, Winwin and honorary member Taeil)

"We are going to win this" Winwin declared and the bottoms cheered for him. "But seriously we have to my pride is on this" 

"Okay first game, never have I ever" Yuta placed the hat filled with paper in the middle. "Choose a paper from the hat and answer it if you don't want you to take a shot the team with the most shots taken they will lose"

"Who's going first," Jaemin asked

"us" Jeno answered for him while he took the paper from the hat. "Never have I ever not changed my underwear for longer than two days." Taeyong grimaced at the thought "Of course I have many times every time I am deployed for a mission I have to go days before I even get to clean myself"

"For a minute I forgot you are in the military" Mark claimed

"It's because he's around Jaemin all the time" Haechan answered for him.

"is that a back handed compliment from you" Jaemin turned facing Haechan 

After a couple of rounds of never have, I ever question "This is too easy where are the real questions" Ten asked

"You ask I deliver" Yuta produced a new set of questions in a hat the group cheered. "Okay new rules, One person reads a "Never Have I Ever" question." The group who answered the most 

"Never Have I Ever" questions with "I haven't" wins. or the group with the most shots left wins" Yuta placed the hat in the middle.

The bottoms took the first question "Never have I ever sent someone a naughty pic." Winwin read "Oh nudes I have sent some remember to the group" The bottoms nodded "the best nudes you take them on the bed," Nearly half of the bottoms said with him at the same time.

"whoa hold on you send each other nudes," Kun asked surprised by that piece of information. 

"I mean yeah where else are we going to send them" Ten shrugged looking at the flustered tops. "I have to give it to you Renjun takes the best nudes" he compliments the younger who nods in acknowledgement 

"We should totally have a nude photoshoot" The bottoms spoke among themselves "You are invited if you want to Taeil" 

"Okay let's move on" Taeil looked at the tops nervously

"Don't worry Taeil you can come too if you want don't be scared" Haechan invited him

"Eh no but thank you" Taeil laughed.

"Never have I ever not jerked off while watching porn" Kun read the paper

"psh how could you not watch porn and not jack off" Yuta laughs looking around at the top group

"Our turn" Ten picked up the paper. "What fetish do you have that your significant other doesn't know"

A couple of oohs came from the bottom team. "That's a good one they got you on that" Winwin laughed

"Okay so there is one" Ten was blushing

"One" Taeyong raised his eyebrows

"Okay maybe a couple but they asked for one" Ten whined

"Which one are you going to say Hyung" Jaemin laughed throwing his body back at Renjun who winced on the impact.

"Uhm Johnny doing his dad duties brings something from me" Ten finally answered but the bottoms groaned "let's not go there"

"Why," Johnny asked

"You don't want to know hyung" Winwin answered

"How many," Johnny asked

"A couple of them" Winwin shrugged

"More like a lot" Haechan giggled

(SKIP A COUPLE OF DARES) also couldn't think of any

"That's a penalty" Yuta got up from the ground "three people skipped answering now it's a penalty"

"Why," Taeyong asked

"Three people skipped from answering" Yuta pointed at Winwin, Haechan and Ten himself. 

"So the three of them have to play truth or dare, how are we going to start this"

"Okay I'll start" Haechan picked dare

"I dare you to kiss someone who was your first crush or close to your first crush" Yuta read from the paper

"Are you sure about it?" Haechan asked conflicted "do I have the permission to do it" he looked at Jeno mostly

"Yeah it's a dare no hard feelings involved right," Jeno said

"If you say so" Haechan turned facing Winwin making the bottoms laugh. "Hyung out of my way please" safe to say Yuta's breath was heard released making the tops to laugh. "Oh God I can't believe I am doing this" Haechan whined while facing Jaemin

"Hold on wtf" Mark exclaims "you had a crush on Jaemin"

"It was years ago okay and we were teenagers" Haechan retorted

"This is so funny" Jungwoo had his phone out recording.

"It's just a kiss you can do it hyuck" Ten cheered.

"Stop it you know I don't work well under pressure" Haechan sure took his time to straddle Jaemin's lap

"But you sure worked well under me" Jaemin took Haechan's waist pulling him closer to his chest making Haechan hold on to him. The tops were too shocked to speak they were scandalized by Jaemin's words Jeno was showing emotions. The bottoms were recording it cheering them on.

 "Why is it so hard to kiss me" Jaemin grabbed Haechan's jaw turning his blushed face to look at him.

"Oh god" Jeno whispers "that was hot"

"Dude they haven't kissed yet" Mark looked horrified

"It's still hot" Johnny shrugs " I didn't know Jaemin had that side to him"

"Me too" Jeno

"Are you going to kiss me or am I going to do it" Jaemin smirked knowing very sure he had made Haechan mushy he had that effect on him. Haechan quickly smashed their lips messily causing them to lie down on the floor Jaemin holds his waist to stabilize him. Now they were full-on make out on the floor with Jaemin's naughty hands going under Haechan's oversize shirt. Haechan was now full-on grinding on Jaemin now that the last string of rationality was cut now that he was kissing Jaemin.

"Okay stop it was just a kiss not live porn" Jaehyun grabs Haechan by his neck pulling him off from Jaemin. Taeyong nearly moaned on seeing that.

"Calm down your size kink is showing hyung" Renjun hissed.

"Okay that was something" Yuta was blushing half of the tops (mark and Jeno) were blushing Haechan was embarrassed and now he was hiding in Jaemin's neck.

"On to the next dare," Yuta chose the paper for Ten "other than your significant other who else would you give a lap dance if you had to save someone in the friend group"

"Other than Johnny," Ten asked out loud causing Johnny to blush, the fact Ten was referring to him as a significant other "other than Johnny in this friend group, I'd say Kun he's hot and he could definitely dick me down if he wanted but I'd give him a lap dance"

" I thought you did before," Winwin asked his brows furrowed " you have never given Kun a lap dance"

Johnny turns and looked at Kun "he did" he asked Kun.

"I thought you gave Kun a lap dance" Ten turned and looked at Winwin

"No, it was you" Winwin retorted back Yuta turned and looks at Kun who was shrinking beside Doyoung

" Let's stop this you both gave Kun lap dances but you were too drunk to remember, I can send you the video" Jungwoo stops the argument even before it starts

Kun lives nervously " it was like 13 15 years ago we were teenagers and dumb right guys," Kun asks the two. "There was nothing between us and it was long before the both of you got together with them"

"Who was the best lap dancer," Doyoung asked adding more fuel to the fire.

"Kun said Ten and Winwin made him horny but he almost fucked Taeyong on the dance floor when Taeyong gave him a lap dance" Jungwoo answered for him.

"Shut up Jungwoo now is not the time" Kun hissed

"why did you include me there i wasn't even in the penalty" Taeyong whined 

Sadly the game had to be cut short after a few rounds for the safety of Kun, he should have considered his safety when he agreed to work out with them the next day. he should have never befriended the bottoms ever since he did all he ever does is suffer. 

It was at night so the group returned to their respective rooms to rest since they had a long day ahead of them.

"Did you mean that?" Johnny asked Ten

"Uh" Ten turned around facing Johnny.

"did you mean to call me your significant other" Johnny asked timidly

"Yeah I mean why not you are my significant other or we are not anymore You know because of the break" Ten started to moisturize his face." which we need to talk about"

"We did not break upright," Johnny asked

"Yeah, we did not we only took a break to figure out shit" Ten parts in the moisturizer.

"What do we really want for ourselves" Johnny pats the bed for Ten to join him.

"This I want this" Ten sighed "I want us to still be together I just don't want to give up on us"

"I know it felt that we were rushing I am really sorry I made you feel that" Johnny

"Don't do that we were in this position because I freaked out okay" Ten held Johnny's hands "I was scared because of my commitment issues you know we were so happy and domestic, especially with Hyunwoo it felt so I don't know it was like this puzzle pieces in my life were coming together and they were coming in real fast it's scared me you know and the fact that we were fitting in each other's lives so quickly and swiftly is like we were meant to be there, n the thing is I really like you, Johnny, I don't know if you know this but I have liked you ever since we were in high school and I like your son I can't believe I am saying this but Hyunwoo is so cute and nice even though he hates being told that I really want to try this with you and no one else please"

"Well I really want to try this with you too and one else and it would be great if we gave us a chance without running away this time" Johnny removed Ten's hair away from his eyes "so what do you say" He asked

"yes" Ten nodded as Johnny pulled him into a hug.

"Now I have to find ways to impress your grandfather" Johnny joked 

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