I Think You Have the Wrong Nu...

By b3lovassimp

177K 4.2K 1K

You get a random text one night laying in bed. It's someone asking to go on another date with you. As fun as... More

The first message
The Job
The Setup
The Reveal
The hangout
A magical suprise
A night to remember
After we met
Let's get to work
The Fountain
Family Dinner
The goodbye?
Plane Ride
Y/N's place
A Special Dinner
The Sleepover
The Morning After
Afternoon on the Town
Telling the Family
A walk with Dad
Calling back Home
Dress Up
Soft Launch
Whats for Dinner?
Dinner at Hailee's
BBQ Clean up
The Fitting
Two girls in Target
Pizza and Legos
Packing for Home
Spa day(Pete/YN)
Spa day(Hailee/Cheri)
Meeting her Parents
Zander's Night
It's nice to be home
Meet the Circus
Morning of the Met
Walking the Carpet
See you soon
Time apart
So Good
Monterey to Malibu
We're home
Settling in
Whatcha Doin'?
Oxnard V2
The Big Apple
Mountain View
All Nighter
First Family Holiday
Release Day
Don't Tell y/n
Dj Haileefrfr
Back to work
The Gucci Suit
Spooky Month
The Spooky Date
Spooky Baskets
The Couples Costume
It's Happening
The Announcement
Home Alone
Deck the Halls
Coast Worldwide
Hot Coco
Turkey Dinner
Planning Christmas
The Anniversary
Fun in Bed
The Holidate
When you Wish Upon a Star
The First Date
Emerald Ring
The Night Before Christmas
A White Christmas
The First Christmas
Christmas Day FRFR
New Years Day
The Next Chapter
Chaos Coordinators
We're getting married
Say Yes to the Dress
Wedding Bands
Venue Plans
Final Fittings
Kiss the Girl
The Reception
The Married Life
Coming Home
You're Insane
The Honeymoon
Santa Maria
Big Sur(prise)
Their Future
Maybe we can do this
Big Feelings
It's a...
Night Changes

Are You Tired of Me Yet?

1.8K 33 25
By b3lovassimp

Side note: Just watched MoM and I'm slightly numb just gonna work through the pain...

Hailee had decided to show her girlfriend the little recording studio she had set up in a spare bedroom. One that Hailee had said it was probably better if y/n had stayed out of. Y/n thought it was just a junk room where all the things that didn't have a home went. But instead, there was a small sound barrier and a single microphone in front of a stool. Was the secret that her girlfriend recorded all her voiceovers here? Was she recording audiobooks? No the actual explanation is that Hailee had been writing a song for a while and suddenly had found inspiration to get it finished. With y/n being that final push to get the song done Hailee told y/n to sit down somewhere because Hailee had wanted to play y/n the song. So y/n flopped onto the bed and threw her arms up and behind her head, she was ready to listen to Hailee's work now.

While the song hadn't been about y/n Hailee had felt comfortable enough with her girlfriend to share this work with her. The song had become HAilee's baby and she loved it so much. Naturally, she knew y/n needed to be one of the first people to hear the final edit of the song. The longer the song played the more into it y/n got. Bobbing her head throughout the entire song y/n really liked the song. As the song ended they sat there in a moment of silence. Hailee finally decided to break it.

Well, what do you think about it?

It sounds great babe.

I think your fans are gonna lose their shit.

I really think it could become the next song of the summer I think it could be like Closer in 2016 all over again.

HAHA funny you say that...

What do you mean?

Well, you are looking at a future brand ambassador of Core Water! 

Okay? But how does that correlate to the summer hit song?

Well, I'm letting them use my song in their commercials. Increasing its reach and hopefully getting it more plays.

That's the hope of the label i'm just glad the song is done is going to be out there.

oh, awesome what are they using like a chorus? a verse? the hook? 

Actually it's just the instrumental...


I know the song sounds good but it's just not fully there yet. 

So the instrumental is solid so the label wants them to use that.

That sucks they're rushing you to use a snippet of a song that isn't ready I mean what you have sounds amazing.

uh yeah no I love my fans but only like 8 seconds of this song is ready to be heard by the public.

 They got to hear a chord progression and the ahhhahhh intro. As far as actual lyrics all they're getting is "baby all I want to do is coast" The "best" part is the pre-save link is gonna go live with the announcement of the campaign. To be honest I'm worried about it.

Your label is making you put out a presale link for a song that isn't ready yet.

Yeah, it's rough.

The song sounds good to them and is ready but to me its still missing something.

But this is what the label says is best. If I'm being totally honest this is also the same label that barely promoted Half Written Story.

I mean all they really did was comment on my posts about the project my own fans did better promo than Republic did.

oh wow.

 I remember that they didn't do much promo, to be honest with you when I played my Apple Music new/recommended playlist it came up and halfway through the project, I realized it was you.

 I ran to your Instagram to see when it had come out since I hadn't heard anything about it and it was a solid body of work. But that answers the question I was going to ask.

What was the question?

Well, I was gonna ask if the song was gonna be out by the time I went home or if it would be out before the Met Gala so I could listen to it on the way home/ the way here.

Haha yeah no it won't be out by then.

 While the song sounds like it could be done I haven't decided on a release date yet. It sounds great but it really is missing something.

 Trust me when I say that you will be the first one to hear the song before it comes out. 

No babe really its okay there's no need to be sorry about your art not being ready. 

As an artist, I get it, well the principle not exactly the whole music aspect. 

The point is that rushed art while it can look amazing can be ruined for the artist if you are rushed or forced to meet a deadline. And when it happens to me it completely ruins a piece I just remember the stress I was put under to get a painting pumped out and finished.

Hailee was lying in the bed next to y/n by this point and y/n had pulled her in for a cuddle. Hailee was visibly annoyed at the stress her label had put on her to finish the song. So y/n did the one thing she knew how to do to calm down Hailee. She wrapped around her for a warm embrace.

 Look no matter what I'll be here for you, and I just know the wait for this song will be worth it in the end. 

I'm sure all of your fans will understand.

Thank you love, I really needed to hear that I know it but being told again is really what I needed. you know I'm bummed that you only have a week left here. 

I'm gonna miss you and your words of wisdom.

I know I'm bummed I'll be gone in a week too but I'll be back again.

 Plus my words of wisdom are always available to you via phone call or text anytime of the day.

I know I know but I really am going to miss this.

 You mean to tell me after a whole week of us being together 24/7 you aren't tired of me.


Not one bit. I don't know that I could ever get tired of you and your sometimes odd words of wisdom.

Well, that's good to know.

Now what should we do with the week we have left before I head back home?

Well, there actually is one thing we have to do on Wednesday.

And what's that?

You know how we're doing the Met right, Well I need to go in for a fitting, and seeing as you are going to be joining you do too.

Oh okay, what exactly am I wearing?

Well, that's the thing I had 2 looks made for the theme this year. 

What is the theme? Sorry, I don't usually know this stuff till like the day of.

I don't blame you if I wasn't attending I think I'd be the same way. Thi year is guiled glamour think of the nice Dickinson outfits in season 2. Oh like when Sue started to host the parties.

Well in true Emily Dickinson fashion I didn't know if I wanted a suit or a dress. So you're gonna go with me, you're going to look at both options and choose what you want to wear and I'll wear the other.

I can already tell you I want to wear the suit and see you in that dress. Please tell me you did a red dress like the one you wore in the death's carriage scenes.

You are no better than a teenage boy...

I see you drooling over there thinking about me in that dress.

okay, but you can't tell me that's a bad thing?

No, it's not bad at all as a matter of fact I'll be in the bedroom if you catch my drift.

Might aswell put those thoughts to work.

Then Hailee was out of y/n's arms making sure to drag her hands down y/n's body before walking out of that spare bedroom leaving a trail of clothes behind her. Y/n sat up in bed for a moment with her jaw practically on the floor. 


YEP! I hear you! 

Y/n snapped back to reality and got up and practically ran to the bedroom but made sure to slow down and pose up against the doorway. Y/n couldn't come off as that needy.

Did you just stumble down the hall because of how excited you were? 

If it makes me hotter, yes.

 If not no I think it was teenie and Brando playing tug of war, those two are really getting into it over that rope toy.

I'm not sure the stumbling makes you hotter. But knowing I sent the dogs to the groomers an hour ago and you trying to blame them sure does. Now get over here don't keep me waiting!

Then make room because I'm coming in hot.

Y/n ran and dove onto the bed landing next to Hailee. But y/n quickly rolled over and was ontop of Hailee holding both of her wrists against the mattress. Hailee's breathing had suddenly gotten heavier. Y/n could see the tingle that had run down Hailee's spine as Y/n stared down her body.

You know I usually like being in control.

y/n had now let go of one of Hailee's wrists and reached for her neck. Hailee let out a small moan as she felt y/n's hand resting on her now-sensitive skin. y/n deciding to slightly tighten her grip on Hailee's neck.

 Oh really?


 But there's just something about the way you're gripping my neck...

...the way my heart is racing right now. 

I can feel more than just your heartbeat.

I want you.

more than I've wanted anything.

A girl could get used to this.

Well, I'll be honest.

 I'm not used to being in charge but this feels right.

god you are so hot

The next few hours were a blur. Hailee only being able to recall parts of their afternoon. The way y/n was gentle in warming Hailee up as y/n finished getting her undressed. It was as passionate as ever Hailee could recall y/n saying it was easy this time knowing some of the moves Hailee liked. Knowing what Hailee liked also gave y/n confidence that she could be a little rougher with Hailee and push her limits further than last time. Hailee felt like her body was on fire in the best ways. Y/n had gone at it until Hailee had to stop her because of how sensitive she had gotten. Merely brushing up against  y/n's knee for aftercare had sent Hailee to another dimension. Y/n being the lovely partner she was helped Hailee come down from it. 

When all was said and done y/n was the one who took the worst of it. Her back was glowing red scratches covering practically every inch of her back and sides. Y/n didn't mind though, she wore them as a badge of honor that showed a job well done on her part. Hailee had gotten out relatively easy she only had a singular scratch on her back and a few hickies on her collarbone. 

Hailee had laid there on bed with y/n whispering words of affirmation into her ear for a while. Hailee was left breathless. No thoughts in her brain it took her a while to bounce back after that. 

That was...


Do you want some water?

*burst into laughter starting to wheeze*

What's so funny about hydration.

 You need it after all the work you just put in. 

oh man, I am sorry but hooo man you bahaha you just...

*collects herself* The fact you just absolutely railed me and offered me core water is hilarious to me.

You sure about that? What I did was light work compared to you.

I wouldn't undersell yourself there.

Look they sent me cases of that stuff it's good but I can see how funny that is. 

Yeah, shit is peak comedy.

Now get over here and properly cuddle with me.

Do you think you can handle that now?

You were pretty sensitive so I kept my thigh away from between your legs.

Yes now get over here.

Ok, I'm coming in for the cuddle.

 oh ow ow ow oh that stings. Ok ok hold on just, yeah you put your head there and give me a pillow to put behind my back and if we don't move at all I'll be fine.

*giggles* yeah I'm sorry about all those scratches by the way. 

Guess you could say I got a little carried away.

And I'm sorry about those collarbone hickeys you wear them well though.

 As for me and all those scratches, all I'm gonna need is an ice bath and I'll be okay. They do sting a little 

*holds Hailee's hand* Holy shit is that blood? are your fingernails red because you scratched me that hard?

It seems they are, sorry about that I didn't think it scratched you that hard in the moment.

I can't tell if it's good or bad but I kinda want it to happen again.

All that matters now is this right here, just laying here no distractions just you and I *kisses Hailee's forehead*

I thought you said we couldn't move.

well, I said if we didn't move I wouldn't be in pain.

 Its also been like 20 minutes so I'm just a little sore,and that pain was worth it to kiss your precious little forehead.

*brushes Hailee's hair from her eyes* I could stare into your eyes all day. As someone who has brown eyes and hated them for the longest time, I never knew there would come a day where I fell in love with someone's brown eyes. 

Never knew that if the light hit them just right I'd find a depth of different colors hidden in them.

*takes off y/n's glasses* 

Oh no, I cant see my beautiful girlfriend's face!! It's okay here I can still feel it.*reaches for Hailee's face*

Hey! Hey, I just wanted to get a closer look into your eyes. You know I don't know why you never liked your brown eyes. They're stunning.

Well, I never get to see them when the light hits them just right. I only see the plain brown eyes. This is why I was never the biggest fan of the other family members who have green eyes, blue eyes the absolute prettiest eyes. And I have muddy brown eyes.

Trust me you don't have muddy brown eyes, you have lovely hazel sometimes green eyes.*kisses y/n* And they are so beautiful, now come here. 

*breaks away from the kiss for just a second* so are we going for a round 2? If we are I feel like i need to strap a pillow to my back?

Ha, I'd say we're on round 30 by now... and I thought you said you liked all those scratches.*goes back in for a kiss*

I did but maybe not back-to-back baby.

well, then I promise I'll be gentle. *phone rings*

*Sees who is calling and rolls off of Hailee* It's P- Dad you might want to get that.

No, I'll call him later.

No, seriously it looks like this was like his third call.

*answers phone*

Pete: Finally I got ahold of my little girl, look I was just calling to see if we're still on for our weekly workout date at your place.

Oh yes oh man I'm sorry Dad I had my phone on silent y/n and I were just watching the new Batman. Enjoying her last few days here this week before she heads home.

Pete: You guys just taking it easy then?

Yeah,you know just watching movies in bed and when we need a change of scenery the couch. we went out the other night actually just a lot of the being lazy or just doing little things around the house. Here I'll put you on speaker.

Hey Dad how are you this afternoon?

Pete: Oh I'm doing just fine I was just asking Hailee if she was still wanting to do our father Daughter workout today. And now that I think about it I'd love to extend the invite to you. What do you say? I mean we're only going to be going as far as Hailee's backyard guest house.

I'd love to Pete.. I mean Dad

Pete: That's the spirit I'll see you girls in 30 minutes. Bye-bye now.*hangs up*

Ummm please god tell me you have a long sleeve workout top... 

All I have are loser-fit muscle tee's.

And I am not wearing that around your dad and letting him see these Funtime scars.

I do. 

Let me go get it.*gets out of bed and walks into closet*

hold on let me see it *follows Hailee*

It's all black so it's something you'd wear. 

The only problem is that I only have one and I kinda need to cover my whole chest. 

And I need to cover my chest, stomach, back, and shoulders. How about you wear one of the muscle tees. I know I said it's loose but I mean that it's not skin tight so it's not loose enough to show the hickies on your collar bone or the scratch on your back.

yeah, but it's gonna seem odd since I'm not wearing just a sports bra it's all I ever wear for a workout and my dad knows that.

But wouldn't it be more odd if you wore a long sleeve then?

Yeah, that's true...

Babe, I am so sorry but no makeup is gonna cover those and no sports bra would either the muscle tee is your best bet.

ok, your right here's the long sleeve give me that muscle t of yours.

here ya go.

ok, I'm all dressed do I look good?

*eyes widen*

oh no not now we can't do this right now love.

no not that put on some biker shorts or leggings there is a massive hickey on your upper inner thighs. Like it's peeking out of the shorts.

Shit ok ok here how about now I'm just gonna commit to the leggings.

you look good how about me?*spins*

See it's unfair all you have to wear is the long sleeve and you get to wear some shorts.

alright, but it could be argued the concentration of the scratches is higher than the hickeys I left. I look like a family heirloom wooden cutting board, but instead of being scratched up everywhere, I'm also red.

ok ok, I'll give you that. *phone buzzes* oh dads waiting for us in the gym in the backyard

I'll follow you. I'll grab some water on the way outside.

The two head downstairs and into Hailee's backyard where she converted the pool house into a home gym.

Pete: There are my girls oh good you guys got some waters!

Hey, Dad you ready for this workout?

Pete: As always sweetie the real question is are you two ready you've just been laying on the couch relaxing we're gonna get that blood pumping.

I'm only slightly scared because I don't normally work out. That and not only am I working out with gym regulars but I'm working out with a literal trainer.

Pete: Ahh there's nothing to worry about y/n I'll take good care of ya!*slaps y/n's shoulder*


Pete: I'll give you the kid pass

kid pass?

Pete: Well its what I did with Hailee when she was a younger teen and decided she wanted to train with me if it hurt or didn't feel good i'd let her stop now that we've been training for years she doesn't get much of a pass now.

I feel slightly better about this workout now but I'm gonna push through as much as I can.

Pete: Now that's the spirit okay let's get started. Today we'll keep it easy or start of easy rather here's a jump rope for you both. What do you want for music.

Let y/n chose she has good music taste.

Pete: ok y/n you're DJ today!

alright I'm playing what I play with my dad *footloose begins to play*

Pete: Oh hailee you got a good one ok jump rope for the whole song for a warm up

I've been working so hard!

I'm punching my card

Pete: 8 hours for what?

I gotten this feeling. That time's just holding me down. I'll hit the ceiling. Or else I'll tear up this town!

Tonight I gotta cut loose, footloose, Kick off your Sunday shoes Please, Louise! Pull me up off my knees

Pete: Jack, get back. C'mon, before we crack, Lose your blues. Everybody cut footloose!*song continues to play* Wow y/n can't say I've ever broken into a song while working out!

Well dad this playlist is a road trip playlist for me and my dad so we both usually end up having full-on car concerts listening to these songs.

Awww you're having a moment together you two!

The song eventually comes to an end and the three move onto the next exercise.

Pete: Well there are two treadmills Hailee and I are going to get a jog in and Y/n your on the elliptical. Keep the music going you've got good taste.

sounds good to me *Pirates theme begins to play* 

Are you? *looks over* you really are Jack Sparrow running on the elliptical

Yeah, I wanted to try it here I'll fix it. *pour some sugar on me plays* 

Pete: *Belly laughs* oh man it's been a minute since I have laughed like that you've got a great sense of humor y/n.

Oh I'm just getting started Pour some sugar on me *pours water out on head* Ooh, in the name of love Pour some sugar on me C'mon, fire me up*whips hair*

Pete: *laughs even harder* You know Hailee I think y/n is going to need to become a workout regular this workout is great.

Yeah y/n has a tendency to make things like this more fun.

Oh I can still amp it up *plays highway to hell**Starts strutting and playing air guitar*

The song ends and Pete and Hailee get off of the treadmill.

Pete: Well you both did good today with the way y/n had me laughing today I'm gonna need to call it early who knew the combo of running and laughing like that could make a trainer sore.

Glad I was able to help improve your workout today Dad!

Pete: Oh come here y/n bring it in*pulls y/n in for a hug* I'm glad your part of the family. I look forward to hearing more of this playlist at dinner tomorrow! Hailee come here get in on this hug!

ok Dad! 

Pete: oh my girls so can we do dinner here again tomorrow? I want to hear the pipes y/n has here I got a taste today.

You gotta ask Hailee.

Id be more than happy to host dinner here dad!

Pete: ALRIGHT! I'll let your mom and Griffin know. I'm gonna head out because my god do I smell. But I will see you two tommorow.*walks off*

*tackles y/n to floor*

Ow! My tender back... that didn't feel great.

*squeezes tight*

oh god, the *struggles to breathe* boa constrictor is back. Sweetie *takes breath* I love you dearly but air is not optional for my survival.

*loosens grip* I'm sorry *tears up*

*wipes Hailee's tear* No no I'm sorry what's wrong? Are you okay? Did I do something wrong?*grips onto Hailee tight* I'm right here whatever it is we can figure it out.

No that's the thing nothing is wrong. My dad has never welcomed someone in like that before most certainly not that fast. I know for a fact that he has never invited someone to our father-daughter time either.

oh, I'm so sorry if I interrupted your guys' time I've spent the whole week with you.

No no, it's fine I'm happy you joined, My dad really likes you and it just means a lot because you are so so special to me. I'm just processing it now that he's gone. It's why I was quiet for most of the workout.

Well, I had a wonderful time it felt like I was back home with my dad. Now we should really get inside and shower we already smelled and then we worked out. I don't know about you but this long sleeve should be three shades darker with the sweat I worked up.

I was really hoping that was the water from your elliptical performance...

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