I Think You Have the Wrong Nu...

By b3lovassimp

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You get a random text one night laying in bed. It's someone asking to go on another date with you. As fun as... More

The first message
The Job
The Setup
The Reveal
The hangout
A magical suprise
A night to remember
After we met
Let's get to work
The Fountain
Family Dinner
The goodbye?
Plane Ride
Y/N's place
A Special Dinner
The Sleepover
The Morning After
Afternoon on the Town
Telling the Family
A walk with Dad
Calling back Home
Dress Up
Soft Launch
Are You Tired of Me Yet?
Whats for Dinner?
Dinner at Hailee's
BBQ Clean up
The Fitting
Pizza and Legos
Packing for Home
Spa day(Pete/YN)
Spa day(Hailee/Cheri)
Meeting her Parents
Zander's Night
It's nice to be home
Meet the Circus
Morning of the Met
Walking the Carpet
See you soon
Time apart
So Good
Monterey to Malibu
We're home
Settling in
Whatcha Doin'?
Baby All I Wanna Do is
Oxnard V2
The Big Apple
Mountain View
All Nighter
First Family Holiday
Release Day
Streaming Parties
Don't Tell y/n
Dj Haileefrfr
Back to work
The Gucci Suit
Spooky Month
The Spooky Date
Spooky Baskets
The Couples Costume
It's Happening
The Announcement
Home Alone
Deck the Halls
Coast Worldwide
Hot Coco
Turkey Dinner
Planning Christmas
The Anniversary
Fun in Bed
The Holidate
When you Wish Upon a Star
The First Date
Emerald Ring
The Night Before Christmas
A White Christmas
The First Christmas
Christmas Day FRFR
New Years Day
The Next Chapter
Chaos Coordinators
We're getting married
Say Yes to the Dress
Wedding Bands
Venue Plans
Final Fittings
Kiss the Girl
The Reception
The Married Life
Coming Home
You're Insane
The Honeymoon
Santa Maria
Big Sur(prise)
Their Future
Maybe we can do this
Big Feelings
It's a...
Night Changes

Two girls in Target

1.4K 26 32
By b3lovassimp

Hey babe.... oh great you have your AirPods in and you're singing and dancing around the living room with teenie again. This should be interesting. *folds arms and just sits back and watches y/n*

*Dancing around and singing to teenie* I like shiny things, but I'd marry her with paper rings uh-huh, that's right. *Swaying from side to side* Teenie, she's the one I want, and I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this uh-huh, that's right teenie, she's the one I want. In paper rings in picture frames in dirty dreams, she's the one I want. *turns and sees Hailee and takes out AirPods* Oh hey mi Amor, Teenie and I were just taking a little morning dance break.

Dance break?

ok maybe I took her outside picked and her up so she could get some cuddle time and just got a little too into the music. She also may have been subjected to listening to me sing some Lizzo, Harry, and Taylor because you know I'm a child of a musical divorce.

Well as cute as that was to watch and hear you explain I have to tell you to stop. Because I kinda wanted to drag you out to go shopping with me. We put off getting clothes for our trip home for half a week, so I really need to go and get at least something to combat the cold.

*puts teenie down* Yeah I'll go to the store. Come on let's go. *starts walking towards the garage*

My Love, you are literally in your boxers and a sports bra. As much as I love seeing you like this I think other target shoppers might not fully appreciate it.

*looks down* Ah I see that I am indeed, only in my underwear. I'll tell you what you go ahead and hop into the car and I'll go throw on a target-worthy outfit.*kisses Hailee on the cheek*

Ok but it's warm today we're taking the Porsche, I want air conditioning.

I'm not arguing with that see you in 5!

Hailee goes into the garage to start the ac in the car and y/n runs to the bedroom and tosses on the first clean pair of shorts and t-shirt they can find in the room throwing on Hailee's sk8 hi's on the way out the front door.

*hops in passenger seat*Did you record my time I feel like that was a record?

Wow, that was fast love. I didn't record your time but I Listened to maybe one song so it was 3/4 minutes max.

Well, one song could be up to seven minutes.

Seven minutes name a modern song that is 7 minutes.

Well I meant song like Hotel California or Bohemian Rhapsody. Since I saw you added those to your playlists after the Disney trip we took when we met up and that workout we had with your dad too.

Oh ok yeah I'll give you that. But no I listened to Cherry by-


Yeah but also Oh MY GOD! I'm blanking on her real name but lesbian Jesus.

HAYLEY KIYOKO HAHA babe you are too funny.

Yeah, that sounds familiar but she was the drummer or something in Lemonade's mouth, right?

Yes, that's her name she also sings songs like Curious, What I Need, and Girls like Girls.

Yeah, I love all of those songs.

So do I but if you only listened to cherry that means I got dressed and out the door in like three minutes give or take.

Yeah, I'd say that's pretty impressive seeing as me trying to be quick is at the very least 15 minutes.

I just walked into the room and grabbed the first two clean things on the chair in the closet.

wait what chair? There's no chair in there. *backs out of the garage and starts to drive to target*

well, it might be a little round stool but yeah I have just piled my clean clothes on it since we haven't been actually getting dressed since we've been lounging around the house and also sharing clothes.

Oh yeah, it's a stool and I definitely added more clothes to that stool since I saw your pile already there. I really need to put those clothes away before we leave for Indiana and New York or I am going to go insane when I come home to that.

Promise I'll take care of my half when we make it back from target *holds up pinky* I'll even pinky promise you.

*giggles* Oh yeah how good are your pinky promises?

Some would argue better than my regular promises.

And I know the regular ones you make you keep so I'll take your pinky promise. *locks pinkies with y/n*

And lock it *twists pinky*

No no we're locking this in with a kiss.

Well, you are driving on a highway so a kiss on your cheek is going to have to cut it.

I can work with that. So long as I get my kiss I'll be okay.

*kisses Hailee's cheek* So did you see if this target had winter stuff or just stuff to keep you warm in general?

Yes and no I did check the weather and it said it was between 70-80 so not terrible nothing a few jackets won't fix. Mainly I just wanted to get out of the house with you and who doesn't love target.

You make a very good point babe.

*grabs y/n's hand* hey love I think you left something at the house.

*looks at hand* I have you, I have a shirt, shorts, shoes, glasses, and wallet what could I have forgotten.

That's sweet of you to put me first on the list. *kisses y/n's cheek* look at your wrist.

Of course, you always list off the items you leave the house with in order of importance.

Your wallet was the least important?

Considering I tried to leave the house in nothing but my underwear 10-15 minutes ago yes. It was a little less important today.

I can see why you left something else behind then.

What? I left my Keys back in Monterey since my car is there that's the next important thing.

*giggles* Love look at your Wrist.

Oh yeah, my apple watch what made you realize?

Oh, I'm not sure. Maybe it's that white band on your otherwise pretty tanned arm. It nearly blinded me even with my sunglasses on.

Hey hey *takes Hailee's apple watch off* you have the same kind of tan babe.

Yeah I do however my watch covers it and it's not as noticeable. You can wear my watch if you want you just have to sport a pink band instead of your grey one. That and the gold watch face to I know it's a flashier color than you like.

HA, thanks for the offer *tries to put it on my wrist* but umm it doesn't fit my wrist. Here give me your hand I'll put your watch back on for you.

*puts a hand on y/n's thigh* Don't have to tell me twice, love.

*clips watch back on* thanks for trying Amor but I can sport my watchband tan like a champ. *puts a hand on top of Hailee's*

I was just trying to help.

Thanks for trying, but I forget my watch often either that or it slips off the charger at night so i just leave it to charge for the day.

Hey, genuine question how are you able to drive with one hand on the wheel. I need both on the wheel.

I noticed that, you aren't a 10 and 2 driver like I was. You're more of a dominant hand on top for maximum control and the other stabilizing at the bottom. Unless you're cruising then both are holding the bottom of the steering wheel.

*Stunned* And I thought I was Observant.

Oh no you definitely are, I guess with my brother being a race car driver you just notice where people place their hands on a wheel. But as far as me being able to drive with one hand, I wasn't always able to do this. I was a 10 and 2 driver, but when I did bumblebee all the non-stunt driving was done by me and I needed to drive manual. So naturally, I learned to drive manual with one hand on the steering wheel and the other one on the shifter.

So can you still drive a manual?

Oh no I totally forgot, I just know I can still drive with one hand on the wheel. Don't get me wrong I should drive with both on the wheel. But when I'm in the car with you I can hold your hand or thigh, like right now.

Seeing as I never actually learned to drive manual I can't blame you or make fun of you for forgetting but it does make sense that the mustang is automatic now.

Yes, go ahead and get your laughs out.

hey, I'm not laughing I'd cry if I had a car like that and just didn't know how to drive it.

Hey to be fair I bought it that way.

Woah is that a two-story target?

Sure is and we can walk around the whole thing if you'd like.*pulls into parking garage*

See now that's gonna be a mistake because I will never leave this target if we walk around the whole store.

Yeah well, it's also the only way I can go through a target. I mean how else am I gonna leave with towels, candles, and a million other things that weren't on my list but are now because I see it and suddenly need it. *parks car*

*unbuckles* I don't think I've ever been happier to be at a target. I can feel my bank account draining already. I already know I need to look at their lego aisle.

Haha, I promise once we go look through the clothes we can go and look at the Lego aisle. We could even drop by the grocery area and get something for dinner and have a cute date night. You and me cuddling with the dogs sitting in the living room building our own lego sets on the coffee table. Followed by a nice hopefully quick dinner.

Don't take this the wrong way. Respectfully slammeagainstawallandrailme.

*lowers sunglasses* I mean we can schedule that in too but come on let's go.

hold on give me just a second.*stops and happy screams* LETS GOO LEGO DATE NIGHT! Ok, I'm ready to go into target now.

You truly are so fucking adorable my love. Now let's get in that elevator go get some new threads for the trip home and some legos. *walks into elevator hits button*

And dinner but can we keep it simple?

oh thank god, I was hoping you'd say that, yes a simple dinner sounds perfect.

I was gonna suggest super simple as in we get frozen pizza and mozzarella sticks for dinner.

Are you sure that's up to your standards I mean the only pizza I've seen you eat so far is homemade?

Oh yeah, I can get down with frozen pizza babe I'm not a total monster. And as far as the cheese sticks go I am a whore for few things in life.

And those things are?

You, cheese,  and pasta

oooh yeah I'm the same way with pasta too. I'm honored to be ranked higher than pasta and cheese though

*elevator door opens* damn this is impressive

Is this bigger than the one in Monterey?

To be honest I have no clue babe. It's a tourist town so I rarely go out I just have Amazon pantry on auto deliver. I'll tell you what it's way bigger than the one we had in my hometown though.

Well let's get shopping so we can build those legos and eat some pizza.

I'll follow you.

Well, it says women's is this way but if there's one thing I have learned from you it's that the men's clothes are A. Cheaper and B. Softer so we're going straight ahead.

So what exactly are we looking for you?

If I'm honest with you I'm not sure but the guys always get those cool Jean Sherpa jackets and I want one but also we'll see what I can find here.


Oh, this section already looks promising. Hell yeah, the Sherpa jacket is mine. What do you think? Do I look good? *models jacket*

In a general sense or in the jacket?

Uh, both?

Generally speaking gorgeous in that jacket smoking hot.

So this is going in the cart then oh I love a good pair of pajama pants two of these so we can match. Is there anything you need to get for the trip back?

No, I should be good. If anything a pair of pants and a few shirts but that's about it.

Well, don't be shy grab what you need.

 I got what I need, I grabbed a pack of socks, jeans, and a few shirts is that all you need from here?

From the men's section yeah. I found that Jean jacket, our pajama pants, and a nice long sleeve. I just want to look and see what they have in the women's aisle but you can head to the legos and I'll meet you there.

Sounds good you don't have to tell me twice. *kisses Hailee on the cheek* see you in a few.

See you in a few

Y/n makes their way to the toy area and eventually to the Lego aisle. After about 10 minutes of deciding what Lego set to get  y/n sees a small pile of clothes walking towards her.

Holy shit do you think you found enough babe?

Well they had crop tops and it was by 3 get one free and they were all cute colors and then they had these cute boyfriend jeans like the one pair I have at home.

I'm glad you found some clothes you liked.  While you were doing that I actually decided what Lego set I wanted to build tonight. I'm gonna get Warhol's Marilyn Monroe portrait.

Oh, nice choice I think I'm gonna go for the Sesame Street set I watched it all the time and I was on the show for an episode.

I'm embarrassed to say I know because I watched it.

Don't be it's actually kinda sweet that you know that. So are there any other sets we want? Considering getting this sesame street set would be a great opportunity to start a Lego city, to be honest with you I've always wanted to make one of my own. But maybe we can build one together...

I swear you just proposed to me in the gayest way possible and the answer is yes.

Proposed to build a city. There's a difference besides you deserve way more than a Lego aisle at a target.

Well, the answer is yes I'd be more than happy to build a Lego city with you. So Mayor Steinfeld what do we want to add to our small but growing city?

Well as a thank you for doing the Met with me no questions asked you can pick any two sets to start our city off with.


My love?


Are you okay?

Oh yeah, I'm good. I'm just trying not to throw you up against this shelf and make out with you. Because that last sentence is doing things to me babe.

Well make your choice and we can go grab our frozen pizza of choice and be on our way.

Ok I'm that case I'm gonna go with the boutique hotel because I've always wanted to build a creator expert set like this and the town center so there's at least a start to the town and we can add in the Sesame Street set.

Glad you made your choice now let's go and get our frozen pizza.

So what pizza do we want? Honestly the Digorno pepperoni, bacon, and salami sound good but also the plain four cheese sounds good.

Let's do the plain cheese with the stuffed crust and add chicken and bacon on it.

oh yeah, that sounds good well here's some prepped frozen chicken and bacon bits and here's the garlic bread and cheese to have garlic cheese bread. 

Oh man, this dinner sounds so good but I'm gonna have a solid workout after this meal.

 I'm thinking we head to the checkout now, before we buy more stuff.

Yeah, we need to get out of here because all of this is barely gonna fit into the car as it is.

The two head to the checkout and pay for their small list turned into a shopping spree. Like Hailee said they had to squish all of the stuff they bought into the trunk of Hailee's car and back seat. The two drive straight home to get their pizza in the oven.

*Backs into garage* Well we made it back home. Do me a favor grab the bag with the pizza and the garlic bread and toss it in the freezer so we can get all this other stuff in the house.

uh if i remember correctly i put it behind me... I did do you want it in the freezer in the garage or in the kitchen.

Well, the freezer is right next to the car just put it out here I can come back out here when we're done putting everything away.

*puts the pizza in the freezer* well that's done what else do you need help with?

y/n helps Hailee take bags of clothes into the house and into the bedroom leaving all the legos in the living room. Eventually, all 6 bags of clothes make it into the house and y/n lays down on the bed tired and ready for a nap and Hailee flops down on the bed next to them.

*lays on her side, one hand propping up her head the other tracing y/ns body* Soooo

Babe, what are you doing?

Well, remember when you not so subtly asked me to rail you in the parking garage?

Oh, I definitely do I think a mother and child in the other aisle heard me.

Well I said I could pencil it in and well no would be a perfect time, that is if your game?

Is that even a question you need to ask?

Well, remember consent is sexy so yeah it's very necessary.

Well in that case *whispers in Hailee's ear*please rail me.

a fair amount of time passes

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