The Dragon King

By StromEyes

32.7K 572 280

Monkey D Kai was born in the land of Want along with a girl named Yamato. They both were mistreated alot as t... More

The Dragon Boy and The Fox
The Adventure Begins
Pirate Hunter Zoro
Cat Burglar Nami
The Great Usopp
Black Foot Sanji
Fights to Remember
Arlong Park
Final Harem
Freeing Nami

Buggy The Clown

1.5K 37 16
By StromEyes

I don't own anything but my oc enjoy.


3rd Person POV

Kai and Nami walked their way towards the bar in the center of town. Well, to be fair, it was more like Nami was walking Kai. The boy was currently tied up, with ropes wrapped to and fro around his torso in a tight set of knots.

Nami had concocted this plan, though Kai wasn't sure why. He told her he could kick all their asses himself, but she wasn't sure about that. Buggy was a big-time pirate in these parts, and although she had seen a little of what Kai had accomplished, and even a little of what his devil fruit could do, she didn't want to take any chances.

The plan was to convince Buggy that she was giving her boss up, so she could get her hands on his treasure when his guard was down. After, she'd help free Kai and they'd get the hell outta there.

As they approached the bar, a lookout called out from the roof.

Man: Captain Buggy! It's that girl! She's returned with someone else!

A host of circus-themed pirates quickly exited the bar, encircling the two to provide no route escape, growling and grumbling as they did so.

Man 2: What should we do Captain?

Man 3 Let's kill 'em and be done with it!" another called out.

???: Stand down everyone!

A voice called out from within the bar. Those near the doorway made way, and a new man appeared. He was wearing traditional pirate garb mixed in with a clown theme. An orange Captain's jacket laid on his back, and his head was adorned by a pirate cap of the same color. His face bore two intersecting bones. His most distinguishing feature however was the bright red nose.

Buggy: So girlie, why have you come back to us? And why shouldn't I kill you, right where you stand? Gyahahahaha!

Nami: Permission to come aboard, Captain! I've had some, creative differences, with my bonehead boss here, and have decided to give him up to you. Please let me join your crew!

She even held out the sea chart she had stolen as a peace offering.

Crowd: WHAT?!

Yells and calls were given out, questioning Nami, as well as declaring her an enemy that could not be trusted.

Buggy: Silence you fools!

Turning back to Nami.

Buggy: Well, this does sound… interesting…. Hmmmmm… Why not? Welcome aboard! Men! Let's celebrate!

His men looked about for a moment before cheering loudly, excited at the prospect of another party.

Nami smirked to herself. Yes! She thought. Now to get my hands on his treasure, get that chart back, and get the hell out of here. I'll play it cool first, and the second he lets his guard down, I'll be outta here!

A couple pirates slowly made their ways forwards, hoisting a very large iron and concrete cage. They dropped it unceremoniously next to Nami, took the rope and chart from her hands, and pushed Luffy in. Somehow, the rubber boy had not said a word this whole time, and was spacing out, without a care in the world. That is, until the celebration began. Once the food and drink came out, Luffy's stomach started growling once again.

The group was feasting and dining, with various circus acts occurring and cheery music to encapsulate the moment. The party was taking place on top of the bar, with tables set up and food and booze lined every which way. Nami was taking the seat next to Buggy, giggling while sipping drink after drink. The grog was weak, and she kept an eye on her pace to keep her wits about her.

She got up and made her way over to Kai.

Nami: How ya doing, 'Boss?

Kai: Let me outta here! I'm hungry!

Kai replied frowning and annoyed. She tossed him a slab of meat from a nearby table, and he happily scarfed it down.

Kai: Okay, you're not that bad. You can join Luffy and my crew for sure!

Nami: I would never join pirates!

Nami nearly yelled, almost loud enough for the others to hear. Dropping her tone, she whispered.

Nami: Don't you realize the situation you're in? They're gonna plan to sell or even kill you.

Kai frowned at that.

Nami: But, if my plan works, maybe I'll let you outta there. You don't seem so bad.

Kai: So then why don't you let me go now?

Just then, Buggy made his presence known.

Buggy: How are you doing kid? Still mad your partner here ditched you huh? Gyahahahaha!

Kai: Nah, she's just dumb. We'll be fine and sail together after this.

Buggy: Gyahahahaha! You really are a flashy moron. And do you know what happens to flashy morons who try to steal MY treasure?!

Kai: You let them go? Oh so great Buggy.

Kai looked cheekily at him.

Buggy: That's right, I'm gonna let you- What are you stupid? I'm gonna kill you!

Suddenly, it appeared that an idea came to Buggy.

Buggy: Men! I have just come up with the most flashy idea! Bring out the cannon! And, load one special buggy ball gyahahahaha!

Nami put down her glass and looked on as a few of Buggy's men wheeled over a massive cannon. Another scampered over, carrying a red cannonball with a clown face on it, matching Buggy's pirate mark.

Nami: What's going on?

Nami asked, concern starting to enter her voice.

Buggy: Watch and be amazed. Now men, fire the Buggy Ball! Let's demonstrate the power of real pirates!

The cannoneer lit the fuse, and the crowd watched in anticipation. Even Kai looked on, while quietly reaching his hand behind his back as far as it could go to grab some meat. He unfortunately missed, and his arm swung back and knocked him over.

As the comically long fuse reached the base of the cannon, the smiles on the crews' face grew all the larger until finally…


The blast rocked the cannon backwards, and decimated a street's worth of buildings. It almost seemed like half the town laid in ruins.

Buggy: Gyahahahahaha! We'll destroy whole villages with just a few of these! Now Nami, it's your turn!

Nami: What, me?

Buggy: Yes. I want you to blow up your old boss. Prove to me that you're loyal.

Another pirate quickly appeared and reloaded the cannon. Buggy watched on, snorting and laughing to himself as a box of matches was handed to Nami, excited at the prospect of more violence.

Nami: Can't we go back and keep the party going? We were having so much fun!

Nami argued, feebly.

Buggy: This IS what I find fun, Nami! Do. It.

Nami looked helplessly to Kai. He looked at her without a care in the world. Her hands shook, and sweat was visible on her face. She never wanted to stoop to this level, but what was she supposed to do. Kill this kid? He saved her life twice!

Kai noticed her demeanor and laughed, before looking down.

Kai: This is what happens when you go against pirates with weak resolve Nami.

Kai said sternly, his hair shielding his eyes.

Nami: Weak resolve?

Nami asked, with some acid in her voice.

Nami: You mean no resolve to kill someone like it's nothing?! Is that what it means to be a pirate?

Her tone was icy, but Luffy could tell there was fear in her voice too.

Kai: No, It means being prepared to risk your life!

A jester-looking pirate seemed to have enough of this exchange and walked towards her.

Buggy: What's the matter girlie? Don't know how to fire a cannon?

He grabbed the matchbook from her hand and quickly lit one, intent on lighting the fuse. Both Nami's and Kai's eyes widened, but for two different reasons. Kaisaw the white blaze move before anyone else.

As Nami reached under her skirt to grab her hidden 3-piece staff, the man disappeared in a flash. A hole was in his place, and massive form was now standing next to Nami.

Nearly every pirate stared eyes wide and mouths agape at the sight. A massive woman had appeared, hoisting a club and sporting an extremely aggravated look on her face.

Yamato: Kai, Permission to kick your ass after I kick everyone else's.

Kai: Hahaha. Sure! But get me out and save some for me!

Meanwhile, Zoro was on the move. That blast from the cannon came within a few feet of his current position, and if Zoro was a gambling man, he'd bet Kai was wherever it came from.

Zoro: That idiot, he better not have gotten himself killed!

Zoro shouted, running towards the noise coming from where it had been shot from.
Surprisingly, he actually went in the right direction this time.

Yamato: Say Kai?

Yamato asked, ignoring the yells of fear around them.

Yamato: Do you remember what I told you before we went on our adventure. About how if one of us ate without the other, the one who didn't eat gets to BEAT the other or if you almost got yourself killed I would also beat you?

Kai audibly gulped.

Kai: Uhhhhh, of course I do!

Yamato: So, my Love, was the food worth it?

Kai: C'mon Yamato! Now's not the time! Get me outta here, and we can settle this after! Besides it's your fault I'm was in the situation in the first place.

Yamato glares at Kai.

Kai: Okay, your right. Will talk about this later.

Nami: Yeah!

Nami chimed in, just as confused at the situation as everyone else. What the hell even IS she, Nami wondered.

Nami: We gotta run, these guys aren't a joke! And, uhhh, it's the Captain's orders?

Yamato looked around, blinked once, twice, and sighed.

Yamato: Fiiiiiiiiine. These guys don't look like much, but I guess I'll help him out.

She turned to Nami and gave her a smirk.

Yamato: And I guess I do need to listen to our Co-Captain, right?

She leapt towards the cage and called out "Thunderclap Bagua!" smashing it to pieces.

Nami: What do you mean our Co-Captain?!

Nami asked, irritated.

Nami: I never agreed to join his crew, he was just helping me out!

Yamato: Sure sure.

Yamato laughed.

Yamato: I always have an idea of how my dragon idiot thinks. And he's already decided you'd be in the crew. Plus, he isn't different from Luffy who is also captain.

Kai: Shishishishi, yeah.

Kai replied as he stood up, Yamato assisting with the rope around him.

Kai: She's a navigator, and she says she's the best.

Yamato: A navigator? Awesome! Now we can actually go places! Luffy is also going to like this.

Speak of the devil he showed up.

Luffy: I'm going to like what?

Yamato:Kai found our navigator, Captain.

Luffy: Really! That's Awesome!

Luffy cheered happily. The three laughed while Kai was released, and Nami looked on, almost amused. These three morons don't have a care in the world! she thought. And yet, she couldn't help but feel gravitated towards their stupidity.

Finally, the shoe dropped and the Buggy Pirates regained their composure, albeit still scared.

Man: What do we do Captain? She smashed that cage like it was nothing!

Man 2: Yeah Captain! That monster is scary!


Yamato: I'm not a monster!

Kai:Call my girlfriend like that again and I will beat you to a bloody pulp!

Luffy: Yeah! She's a diving wolf!

Yamato: Divine wolf you moron!

Yamato snapped at him, whacking him on the back of the head.

Yamato: And that's just my devil fruit! I'm not even in that form!

Kai:Again what did I tell y'all it's a fox. F-O-X...Fox.

Buggy: Are you three done with your little farce? I don't care who you two think you are, I am Buggy the Clown. Terror of the East Blue! And I do not fear upstarts trying to pick a fight. Men! Prepare for battle!

Crew: Ayyyyeeeee!

His men called back, drawing weapons and blades from anywhere they could find them.

Buggy: Mohji! Cabaji! Let's show them the power of the Buggy Pirates!

A loud booming was heard, as a massive lion made its appearance. It was ridden by a strange individual, who appeared to be wearing an animal costume. Or at least part of one. Next to him wheeled a man with a half shaven head, scarf around his neck, riding a unicycle and wielding a generic cutlass.

Seeing the pair, Luffy, Kai and Yamato laughed, hard. This even drew Nami to giggles, and she wasn't even sure why. She was certain they'd all die right now!

Luffy: Do you have four ears?

Luffy asked the lion rider, finally calming down.

The man had a furious expression in his face.

Man: This IS my hair, you ingrate! And for that, I'll kill you!

The lion lurched forwards, sprinting headlong at the four.

Man: Nobody mocks the Buggy Pirates and lives!

The unicyclist called out, charging as well, sword pointed downwards in a jousting maneuver.

Luffy, Kai and Yamato couldn't not laugh again, and the red-faced Mohji prepared his whip, excited to kill these brats.

Just before they drew near, two flashes occurred. Yamato was no longer at Luffy's side. She was airborne, crushing the head of the lion as it leapt, and sending the pair flying.

The other was green, and his sword blocked the racing cyclist. Zoro was now on the scene, and he was annoyed.

Zoro: Dammit Luffy, what did you get us into now?

Luffy: Hi Zoro! It wasn't me it was Kai.

Kai: Hey, I got us a navigator though.

He said, pointing to Nami. The girl didn't even attempt to correct him, resigned at that point to just accept what he said for now. She was moreso confused by the new member, Wait, did he just say Zoro?!

Zoro: Great. At least that's one less thing to worry about.

Looking at the opponent in front of him that he was currently holding with one sword, he smirked.

Zoro: Need me to get rid of this

Luffy/Kai: Sure!

Man: You must be Roronoa Zoro, It'll be an honor to kill you.

The man wheeled backwards and blew a stream of fire. Zoro dodged and came at him, not even nothing to pull out his remaining blades.

Zoro: I wish I could say the same, but a chump like you ain't worth the spit.

Meanwhile, Yamato had made her way back to the group.

Yamato: That was boring. Can I beat those other guys to?

She pointed at the rest of Buggy's crew, who stood speechless at the sight.

Kai: Yosh, not if I do first!

Kai yelled, rushing forwards happily

Luffy/ Yamato: Hey! That's not fair, you got a head start!

Kai: 17-13-12 by the way!

He called over his shoulder.

Kai: Fire Dragon Wing Attack!

As his arms were cover in fire as he swung his arms.

Yamato: Divine Serpent!

Swinging her club in the direction of more pirates. The air blast itself sent a ton flying, and any it connected with may as well have been sent to the moon.

Luffy: Gum Gum Jet Gatling!

Fists flying rapidly in all directions, striking countless goons.

Nami watched in awe as all of this went down. She nearly forgot about the treasure, just watching and impressed at the view in front of her. Someone tried to sneak up on her, knife drawn, but his stealth lacked any class, and she quickly struck him down with her bo staff, unmoved. A couple more made their way at her, but she held her own. A girl alone wouldn't survive in these waters if she couldn't fight. Realizing that she was no longer needed though, she exited stage left, and disappeared, with the intent of finding Buggy's treasure and recovering the sea chart.

Meanwhile, the clown in question was getting red in the face, almost to the color of his nose. His first mate was dispatched in a moment, and his chief of staff was not fairing much better. He'd have to get involved now, and he knew just the way.

A knife appeared between his fingers, and he silently sent his hand out. None of Luffy's group saw it coming until a yell was shouted out.

The knife struck true in Zoro's side, and he went down. He barely had time to block a swipe from Cabaji, and tumbled off, holding his wound.

Buggy: Gyahahaha! That's what you get when you mess with us! Now Cabaji! Finish him off!"

The unicyclist was sweating profusely, and none of his tricks seemed to work, but seeing the state Zoro was in reinvigorated his energy.

Cabaji: Time for you to die Pirate Hunter!

"Zoro!" Luffy and Yamato called out.

Luffy reached forwards, intent on pulling him away, but Zoro knocked his hand back and rolled out of Cabaji's sword path.

Luffy: Zoro?

Zoro: If you think that I'd even remotely lose to a lackey like this, I should just kill you, I already told you, I'm to be the World's Greatest Swordsman.

Luffy smiled his trademark grin.

Luffy: Shishishishi. You're right, sorry! Kick his ass Zoro!

Cabaji: Are you calling me a lackey! I'll show you my true sword prowess! Now die!

He charged once again, no style or skill to his movement, just dead set on stabbing the swordsman.

Zoro had removed his two other swords from his scabbards finally. One was placed in his mouth, the other two held upside down.

Zoro: Oni….

Cabaji: Die!

Now right upon the green-haired man.

Zoro: Giri!

The slice was so fast, no one could process it. Cabaji stopped for a moment before blood exploded from his chest. He fell backwards.

Cabaji: How could the Buggy Pirates lose to thieves?!

Zoro: We're pirates. 

He placed his blades back in their proper place and made his way to Luffy, Kai and Yamato.

Zoro: That was annoying.

He complained, holding the hole in his side.

Yamato: You must suck Zoro,Kai, Luffy and I haven't gotten touched yet!

Yamato laughed, pointing to his wound playfully.

Yamato: Guess you better restart your training!

A tick appeared on Zoro's forehead.

Zoro: And where were you? Fighting useless goons and a lion? Big whoop!

Yamato: Once we finish here, we're gonna settle this!

Yamato argued, staring him down. Zoro nodded, doing the same. And then they laughed. The two had now formed an unspoken agreement that one of them would be the real number two in the pecking order.

Luffy: Shishishishi, you guys are dumb. Luffy laughed.

Kai: By the way, I'm winning Yamato. Score is 27-23-22.

Luffy: I got dibs on big nose too!

Yamato and Kai growled, but looked away. They'd give him this, but the next Captain they'd was certain they'd get.

Buggy: You've gone and really flashily pissed me off! Now I'll kill all three of you! Starting with that rubber bastard in the Straw Hat. That hat really pisses me off. It reminds me of that damn redhead, who ruined my life!

Luffy: Shanks? You know Shanks?

Buggy: I don't know, maybe I do, maybe I don't.

Buggy shot back. All tension evaporated.

Luffy: That's stupid, either you do or you don't.

Kai, Zoro and Yamato nodded their agreement.

Buggy: Shut up! I'll kill you, then enter the Grand Line, and kill that cheeky bastard too!

Luffy: You know where Shanks is?

Buggy smirked.

Buggy: You'll have to beat me in order to find out.

Luffy: Okay!

Luffy responded smiling, rushing forwards into the fray.

Nami had collected a massive bag of treasure, and was making her way through the backstreets of town.

Nami: This must be 10 million beries right here!

Nami laughed to herself. She had found Buggy's stash, and tricked the guard to easily swoop the pirate's loot, along with the chart.

Nami: Almost there, just a few million beries to go, and I'll finally be at 100 million.

As she walked, she looked up towards the sky.

Nami: And then maybe I'll finally be free Bellemere.

A crashing sound was heard a street over. Nami jumped at the sound, and it drew her out of her momentary monologue. Peering around a corner, what she saw she could honestly say shocked her.

Currently, the supposedly revered Captain Buggy was hunched over, holding his gut and panting heavily. Luffy's arm was reeling backwards to his body, snapping back into form.

Buggy: You stupid brat!

Buggy yelled angrily, after catching his breath.

Buggy: You really think you have what it takes to beat me?

Luffy: Of course I do! I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!

Buggy: King of the Pirates?!

Buggy screamed, dumbfounded.

Buggy: If you're the Pirate King, then I'm God!

He spat a dribble of blood.

Buggy: Now try this on for size, Chop Chop Cannon!" He launched his fist forwards, knives between his fingers. Luffy caught it easily, holding them in place. Buggy slighly smirked.

Buggy: Separate.

His hand split into pieces, continuing forwards between Luffy's fingers. The slices just left some small slashes in Luffy's cheeks, it knocked his hat out his head. But as it passed him to Kai who dodge, but his scarf wasn't so lucky.

Luffy's and Kai's eyes darkened at that.

Yamato:Uh oh. This won't be good.

Zoro looked at her, and realization dawned on his face. Their Captains were pissed.



Buggy: Gyahahahaha. That pieces of trash is y'all's treasures! Well then…You both should take better care of them!

His hand suddenly swooped in from behind, blades cleanly slicing through the hat's material and leaving holes in the top. Buggy's hand returned to him, hat on the top, and he ripped it off. His other hand took Kai's Scarf.

Luffy: I promised to return that to Shanks you bastard!

Kai: Hey! Give me my mother's scarf back!

Luffy and Kai screamed, sprinting forwards.

Buggy This is Shanks'?! I knew it looked familiar! This is a raggedy scarf.

He threw them downwards, stomping and spitting on them.

Nami saw the look in Luffy's and Kai's eyes as he rushed forwards, and they said it all. The anger flashed worse than any sea monster she had ever seen. They almost seemed like a certain man's, but just not as ruthless. The boys look were to beat the snot out of his unlucky enemy, not to brutalize and kill them.

Even Yamato realized the situation. The look on her best friend's and boyfriends face was one she hadn't seen in quite some time, and she almost wanted to step in and beat the stupid clown with him. Zoro felt the aura escaping off of her, Kai and Luffy, and placed a hand on her shoulder, grounding her. They both knew it was Luffy's and now Kai's fight, whether they wanted to intervene or not. She bit her lip and watched on, unsatisfied.

Buggy: Chop Chop Quick Escape!

Buggy proclaimed, trying to separate to escape danger at the last moment. His arrogance in his abilities got the better of him, and Luffy and Kai landed a punch right in his smug face before he could get away.

Buggy's head flew one way and slammed against the side of a nearby building, and his body went another. After a moment, Luffy and Kai finally seemed to calm down, and he picked his damaged treasure up.

Luffy: You'll never be on the same level as Shanks.

Kai:Well I'll leave the rest to you, Luffy. Sorry for getting in the way, but you know.

Luffy just nods understanding his feelings.

Buggy's body slowly reformed, and the man rubbed his jaw, making sure it wasn't broken. Anger flashed in his eyes at the mere thought of the redhead.

Buggy: Says you! That smug loser will get what's coming to him. Never in my life has anyone made me more angry than Shanks. He ruined my dream, and stole a great treasure from me!

The confusion etched on Luffy's face spoke volumes. This didn't sound like Shanks at all!

Buggy continued his monologue.

Buggy: I'll never forgive him. When we were cabin boys, sailing on the Grand Line, our crew got into a battle with another band of pirates. We destroyed them, and took all of their loot as a prize. I had even found a map on one of them, marking the location of a hidden treasure somewhere in the Grand Line. We had also come across a devil fruit, something none of us had seen in quite some time. I had planned to take both and leave my crew, but Shanks just had to sneak up on me. I tried to hide the fruit, and ended up swallowing it. I even lost the map to the cruel ocean, and nearly drowned trying to recover it! Shanks pulled me out, but to this day I'll never forgive him. Or anyone who tries to take MY treasure!

At that moment, he split apart again, and his arms and head rushed straight at Nami, who had thought no one had noticed her hiding.

Nami: Oh crap!

She screamed, and started running.

Buggy: Come back here you filthy thief! No one steals my treasure!

Realizing what was happening, Luffy made a quick decision. He wound up his leg, and laid a nice he'd kick on the unsuspecting nuts of one Buggy the Clown. His body instantly crumpled, and his currently floating limbs collapsed, tears in his eyes. Luffy smirked.

Luffy: You're fight is with me remember?

Luffy turned to his crewmates.

Kai: Zoro, Yamato, let's make sure nothing happens to Nami. I told her I'd split that treasure with her before we left.

Zoro grunted. Yamato gave a thumbs up. Neither expected that they'd need to do anything.

Nami ran up to them panting.

Nami: Thanks you guys. You're lifesavers!

Me: We are partners aren't we.

Zoro and Yamato shrugged. Now the four watched on for the climax of the fight.

Well, it could have been a climax if Luffy was also distracted by protecting Nami, had his other members been knocked out. Instead, Buggy now had his full attention. And boy, did Luffy have some anger to get out on him.

One walloping later, Buggy was a crumpled mess, on his knees. He was panting heavily, and was covered from head to toe in bruises and lumps.

Luffy: I'm not sure why you'd hate Shanks so much for saving your life, but whatever. See ya Buggy!

Luffy sent both of his arms backwards quite a ways.

Buggy: Wait! What are you doing?! You can't do this to me! I'm Buggy the Clown! I sailed with-

Luffy: Gum Gum….

Luffy's arms shit forwards, full speed.

Luffy: Bazooka!

The hit sent Buggy miles away. All they heard was his screams of anguish as he disappeared into the sunset.

Luffy removed his straw hat from his head and sighed.

Luffy: This sucks. He ruined my hat!

Me: Luckily my scarf is okay.

Nami made her way to him, feeling his sadness at the sight.

Nami: Hey Luffy, thanks for helping me today, If you want, I can patch that up for you? It's the least I can do.

Luffy: Really?! You can do that?!

Luffy exclaimed, light returning to his eyes.

Luffy: Thanks, Nami!

She smiled back at him, feeling the excitement now rolling off him in waves.

Kai: Alright guys! Time to go, we got us a new crew member!

Nami: I never said I'd join the crew, just team up!

Nami replied annoyed, though his laugh was infectious.

Yamato: Awesome! Now we can actually go places on purpose!

Zoro: I don't think we should trust her, but both Captains orders. Yet again.

The original four quickly made their rounds on the tables for food and booze, eating and drinking almost everything left, and packing up the scraps. While Kai had been mid-bite, Yamato clobbered him, leaving him a comically bloody and bruised mess on the ground. Once they were ready, they grouped up again with Nami.

Nami picked up her sack of treasure, and realizing it was too heavy, quickly split it into two smaller bags.

Nami: Can someone hold this one?

She asked, holding one bag out.

Yamato grabbed it and hoisted it on her back with her sack of grub.

Yamato: Too weak to carry it all huh?

Nami made to reply, but before she could an angry mob lead by an old man in wooden armor had appeared.

Man:We heard the commotion. What happened? Where are the pirates?!

Yamato: We kicked their asses!

ManYou did?! Who are you people?

Luffy: Pirates!

Townspeople: More pirates?!

Townspeople: No more of this nonsense! Capture them!

The group rushed the small band of pirates, who quickly turned tail and ran, Luffy and Kai laughing the whole way.

Nami: You idiot! Now they think we're bad guys too!

Kai: That's fine, This town needs a victory. They chase us off, they feel good. This seems like a good town after all!

He continued smiling while they ran.

Nami stared at him, until she realized what he meant. None of these people had been here, meaning they had been hiding this whole time, probably out of fear. If that was the case, and they were now chasing pirates out, especially the ones that beat Buggy's crew, they might feel just a bit stronger themselves. For being a moron, Kai was actually right.

Nami smiled at this. Maybe he was a good guy through and through.

The group reached the docks and jumped aboard the two adjacent boats, and quickly disembarked, Zoro, Kai and Luffy in one, Yamato and Nami in the other.

As they set sail, Yamato flipped the bag onto her forearm and sent it flying towards shore, right at the townsfolk.

Yamato: To rebuild your town!

Nami: Who told you to do that?!

Nami yelled angrily. She punched Yamato on the top of the head, leaving a sizable lump.

The oni teared up comical tears.

Yamato: Ow! How'd you hurt me!

Luffy: Shishishishi Yamato, guess she's stronger than you now!

Nami leaned across and whacked Luffy now.

Luffy: Ow! Why'd you do that?!

Nami: You got us chased out of town, and you're her Captain. So I'm blaming you too!

Luffy: Meanie! Why didn't you hit Kai to he is Co-Captain!

Luffy retorted, sticking his tongue out with all the dignity of a 10-year-old.

Nami sighed, and leapt from her boat to Luffy and Zoro's, who were aimlessly setting the sail. As Yamato grabbed and hugged Kai as she was still comically crying as Kai had a chibi face.

Nami:Port to starboard! Set our bearing that way!

She pointed.

Luffy/Kai/Zoro: Aye aye!

The trio responded, preparing to sail onwards. Hopefully to somewhere with food. As the crew sailed into the sunset, Kai needed to get one last word in.

Kai: Hey Yamato, Luffy, 29-27-23!


And done I hope y'all enjoy this chapter.


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SHANK'S BABY SISTER ONE PIECE X FEM! READER - Y/N L/N Being born in a modern world y/n didn't even knew she had parents-all she knew is she's born i...
1.3K 84 7
Y/N was recruited after the Straw Hat's saved her from her father. After months of trying to woo Y/N, Nami finally decides to help Sanji's love life...