Devil in the Deals (5 Seconds...

By Sunflower-afi

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My eyes shift between the four men in front of me, trying to get some sort of read on any of them. Anything t... More

Character List
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Twenty-Six

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By Sunflower-afi

We step back into the bunker after our deal with The Shadow, only to come face to face with Billie.

"Hello boys," she says, mirroring Crowley's words earlier.

"Billie." Sam says coldly. "What the hell do you want?"

"Well, considering you locked Crowley up in the one place I cannot reach, I figured I come by and collect some payment," she scowls. She snaps her fingers and Ashton appears in front of her.

'Lucifer?!' I say panicked. 'What's the plan?!'

'I don't know, I haven't thought that far!' he shoots back.

Billie snaps her fingers again. Ashton instantly reaches for his throat as he starts gasping for air.

"Let him go, Billie," Dean barks, reaching for his gun.

"Or what?" she mocks, smirking. "You're gonna shoot me?"

'Why isn't Sam saying the words? Why isn't he summoning The Shadow?' I ask.

'Who knows?!' Lucifer replies.

My anger is boiling over at this point. I can't just sit idly by, waiting for The Shadow to show up and grab Billie. Not while Ashton's life is on the line.

'Kill her.'

'What?! Are you insane??' the devil yells.

'You got a better plan?' I snap. 'Kill. Her.'

I feel my body move closer to her. Lucifer forces Ashton out of the way, knocking him back into the wall. Now we're face to face with Death.

"Awe how sweet of you to think you can stop me, Averly," Billie says mockingly.

"Not just me in here, Billie," I say, in complete control of my functions in that one moment before I slide back into the passenger seat. I feel Lucifer's damaged wings expand out fully, showing his power against Death.

Billie's eyes widen in a quick glance of fear, then she shifts back to her stone-cold demeanor. "Having Lucifer controlling you means nothing," she snarls, scythe at the ready.

"Awe, that hurt my feelings," Lucifer pouts. My fist then connects with her stomach, going straight through and squeezing her organs.

She gasps, letting go of her hold on Ashton and focusing on protecting herself. She regains her composure and shoves me back, sending me flying into Sam and Dean. I quickly get back up and lunge at her, knocking her back. Lucifer takes this opportunity to take Death's scythe and swing it, cutting at her abdomen.

Billie lets out a blood-curdling scream, rendered unable to move from her position on the floor. She finally lies still and silent, dead by the looks of it. "Sam now would be a good time to say those magic words," Lucifer says through me.

'Can you let me go, please? I think we got it handled from here.' I ask Lucifer, half-expecting him to say no.

'But Ave, I thought we were becoming good buddies!' he pouts.

I roll my eyes. 'Lucifer, don't make me kill you too.'

'All right, all right, I'm getting out, geez.'

I feel Lucifer leave my body, the red cloud going back to his regular vessel, as my conscious gets back in the driver's seat.

"Ave?" I hear Ash say behind me.

I spin around to face him and smile softly. "Hey, you," I reply, helping him to his feet. My hands refuse to leave his. "Told you I'd make it back in one piece."

He smiles, dimples creating valleys on either side of his toothy grin. "That you did. Now, what is it you need to tell me?" he asks quietly, and in this moment it's just me and him.

I look him in his hazel eyes, searching for comfort and immediately finding it. In his eyes, I feel safe. I feel like everything is going to be okay.

"I love you, Ashton."

His eyes glisten as his smile grows wider. "You what?" he whispers, giggling in disbelief.

"I love you, Ashton Irwin," I repeat with stronger conviction, draping my arms around his neck.

He cups my cheeks with his hands as he whispers again, "I love you too, Averly Winchester." He leans in, his lips gently brushing mine. It's not an immediate flutter of butterflies or an explosion of sparks, like the chick flicks describe. It just feels like home. A feeling that I've always craved, but only just recently received. It's a feeling I never want to end, I just want to stay here in this moment forever.

I pull away slowly to catch my breath, my eyes refusing to deviate from his. He gives me another wide grin and a giggle. Then I suddenly see it shift to a look of horror. "AVE!!" he screams, but I'm not sure why.

Then I feel it. That sinking feeling in my stomach.

Except it wasn't a feeling.

I look down and see the blood-covered tip of Billie's scythe sticking out, almost touching Ashton's stomach.

Suddenly, I feel the scythe pull out of my stomach, giving me a chance to twist around to watch as The Shadow envelopes Billie and drags her to The Empty. I look at my brothers, who are frozen in terror and anger, then I turn back to Ashton, who is mirroring my brothers but with tears already streaking his face. "Ave..." he whispers, reaching for me.

I look back down at my stomach and pull away the hand that I had placed there at some point. My hand is painted a deep red, pooling in my palm. My knees become like jello, but luckily Ashton catches me in his arms and guides me to the floor, laying me in his lap. My hand rests on the hole in my stomach, trying to keep pressure on it.

"Ave? Ave, I need you to keep your eyes on me, okay?" Ashton's voice is firm but loving, masking his fear. I lock eyes with him and nod.

"Ash...I..." I stutter out, but only end up coughing.

"Shhh, save your breath, love. You're only gonna tire yourself out, and I need you to stay awake," he coaxes me.

"Averly?!" Dean rushes over, him and Sam crowding me on the other side. "Ave, you're gonna be okay. Cas! Get your feathery ass over here, NOW!"

"Billie banished him," A voice pipes up. Luke. "I don't know where she banished him to, but he's supposedly not able to hear us."

"Dean..." I cough out. "It's okay..."

My oldest brother shakes his head, tears pooling in his eyes. "No, no we're gonna find a way to save you. Jack's gotta be around here somewhere!"

"Dean," Sam says softly, trying to calm the eldest Winchester down.

I smile at Sam, thanking him. "The boys are safe," I say, my voice hoarse from losing oxygen. "That's what matters."

"Ave, we can't lose you. I can't lose you," Ash replies as I feel his tears fall onto my forehead.

My non-bloody hand cusps his tear-soaked cheek. "You'll never lose me, Ash," I tell him. "It's going to be okay."

"No, don't do this..." he whispers.

"Take care of the boys, please," I beg. "Keep fighting, no matter what." He nods in acknowledgement.

I turn my head to my brothers, who are both holding back tears. "Goes for you idiots, too," I chuckle, which turns into a cough. They exhale a laugh, but nod.

By this point, Luke, Calum, and Michael have joined, kneeling behind Ashton. I face them and smile again. "Don't give up, boys. Okay?" The four Aussies nod. "My sweet boys. I love you all."

"Kid, please let me find Jack and we can save this," Dean pleads, tears spilling over.

I give his shoulder a pat, smiling. "Dean, it's's time to let me go."

My eyes feel heavy, the oxygen leaving my body. Let go, Ave. They'll be okay.

I relax and let out my last breath.


A/N: I'm so sorry! It had to be done!!

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