The Dragon King

By StromEyes

30.3K 549 276

Monkey D Kai was born in the land of Want along with a girl named Yamato. They both were mistreated alot as t... More

The Dragon Boy and The Fox
The Adventure Begins
Pirate Hunter Zoro
Buggy The Clown
The Great Usopp
Black Foot Sanji
Fights to Remember
Arlong Park
Final Harem
Freeing Nami

Cat Burglar Nami

1.7K 40 21
By StromEyes

I don't own anything but my oc enjoy.


3rd Person POV

The crew of the future Pirate King slowly meandered along in their tiny boat. They had run out of food yesterday evening, which meant three full crates lasted less than 48 hours.

The boat barely had enough room for the four, given three were full grown adults and one was a nearly 9-foot-tall demon/oni princess. Zoro still didn't really understand what she was, but figured it didn't matter much. His new Captains trusted her fully, so why shouldn't he. That title would take some getting used to, Zoro was not the type to serve anyone. Luckily, Yamato turned into human size form as she laid on top of Kai.

The journey had started simple. Their first day on the open ocean, the three began told stories of their pasts. Luffy, Kai and Yamato talked about where they grew up and the years they spent together. They joked about their fights, the monsters they ate, and even how they started their little counting contest to see who was the strongest. Their last fight took nearly 2 whole days, with Kai barely coming out on top.

Zoro told them about his training and travels so far. How he left his village in search of one man, and got couldn't find his way home, so he began collecting bounties for money. He had even found himself a couple stray followers, though he hadn't seen them in some time.

He had also explained that he wanted to be the greatest swordsman ever since he was a child, and that fully solidified after meeting his childhood friend Kuina. She was his first rival, and at the dojo he trained at, she was the only one who could best him in single combat. Even full-grown adults had stood no match for his revered 2-sword style, and yet any time he faced her, day or night, he could not win. So he kept training, and grew stronger and stronger. And yet he lost again and again, until the record was 2000-0. Anger had flared in the boy, and in a fit of rage, he challenged his longtime rival to a duel with real blades.

And she defeated him, marking it 2001 times. Afterwards, she had revealed to him her own plight, that she wouldn't be stronger than him forever, simply because she was a girl. Yamato grew angry at this, just as a young Zoro did, but Kai calmed her down. Zoro explained that after they had spoken, they had formed a pact that one of them would be the greatest swordsman in the world. Yet tragically, she died the next day in an unexplained incident. But her death resonated with him, reminding him that even the toughest people he knew could die. Luffy, Kaiand Yamato both picked up on his meaning, and silently vowed to be more careful around stairs.

Yamato and Kai gave him the shortened, yet still important, story of thier childhood pre-East Blue. Who Yamato's father was, what he had done to them and Wano, and how they ended up being picked up by a marine ship in the middle of the ocean, led by Luffy's marine grandpa. Zoro was now even more at a loss to just how lucky and powerful they were or could be. He realized that he had better train harder, refusing to be less than the second strongest on this crew. Maybe when they had some space he'd challenge them to a spar to see their current gap in strength.

Strangely, for whatever reason, even though they were now a full-blown crew and would probably say everything about themselves, no one brought up Ace. Or that Luffy's grandpa was Garp. Or that the former Strongest Women in the world was Kai's mother. Maybe they forgot.

Scene Change

The second day was a little more of the same, but after some time they kinda just floated, making small talk about whatever came up. Weather, thoughts on their journey and the future, how they trained in their spare time. They were all becoming much more comfortable together as a team. During this time, Zoro started to really pick up on the other three's dynamic. They may have argued all the time, but they seemed to always know what the other was thinking, to a degree. And Kai and Yamato always seemed to gravitate to each other, even when asleep. Zoro noted this during his first watch alone, but decided this wasn't important. Their relationship in his head could be best summed up that they were like siblings with Kai and Yamato's being different. Probably due to their near ten years of history together.

Also, they were in a pain in the ass. They easily riled one another up, and although their bickering never seemed serious, their close proximity meant it was going to keep happening. Zoro silently prayed to whatever gods existed in the world that they would find a bigger ship soon.

Individually, Zoro found he actually liked them three  in their own weird ways. Luffy, for his grand ambitions, was a simple guy who loved to eat and be happy. When he wasn't causing a fuss or annoying the other two, he was looking outwards to the seas ahead of them, always on the lookout for a new adventure. Zoro knew he couldn't follow anybody, and he expected that this rubber man was not just somebody to be taken lightly. And his itch for more made Zoro just a little more excited about their futures, though he'd never verbalize this.

Yamato was also an interesting character. She was tough as nails, quick to respond in anger and seemed to smile almost as much as Luffy, though maybe not as expressive as him. From her short story alone, Zoro could tell she was much more impacted by her time in Wano than she let on, just by her tone. She and Kai must have been lonely, and from the way the two explained their meeting, Luffy's split-second decision must have been one of the greatest moments in thier life. So she laughed hard, fought hard, and experienced life to the fullest just like their Captains did, because she really was that happy.

Kai was the most interesting one of the three. He was just as goofy and carefree as Luffy. Yet he would get serious when he needs to be. Zoro could also tell that Kai was very protective of the both especially, Yamato. Especially, from what he saw Wano affected Kai as well just at it did Yamato. Kai is different as it looks like he carries a heave burden. Yet even though he has been through so much. He still fights on, lives on with a smile on his face. Zoro respect Kai as he could tell Kai will stop at nothing to achieve his dream and help other achieve there's. Though, Zoro may have been thinking too hard on this, so he simply stopped thinking. He decided to leave his train of thought on this alone for now, and just watch and listen.

Yamato's conclusion about Zoro was that he was a blockhead, just like their Captains. He always seemed to try and seem smart, but he was just as dumb as the three of them. He also tried to pretend he was not paying attention, but she knew he was watching and listening, even with his eyes closed, lounging back. She instantly knew Zoro would be fiercely protective of them from his demeanor and the look in his eyes, even if he wouldn't admit it, and her sixth sense told her that he was extremely powerful. Maybe he was destined to become as great as he dreamed. She decided that she liked him a lot, and was excited to see just how far he could go. And she would be there, just like Luffy and the rest of their future nakama, cheering the man on. She were glad he was their first nakama, because when the going inevitably gets tough, he would definitely be the most reliable one they would know.

Luffy liked Zoro. He seemed really strong and cool. That's about the extent he would "think" about his newest nakama on the matter.

Kai conclusion of Zoro they he would fit right in with them. He wasn't as smart as he out he was, however he had his moments. He would act like he was in his only little world, but he wasn't and was actually paying attention. He could tell Zoro would be very protective of them just like how ace was. Just like Ace though he acts like he doesn't care though. Though Kai's sense could see that Zoro was definitely strong. He knew Zoro would achieve his dream of being the strongest swordsman in the entire world. He couldn't wait to see what he would achieve. Kai could see the will Zoro has one that only certain people have. Kai can't wait to what crazy adventures they will go to and that is something he can't wait for.

Scene Change

The third day began much the same, though once Luffy began whining about food, he received a couple of smacks, one from each person. Face now bruised and cheek puffed out, Luffy fell backwards, and laid quietly for once. Kai looked around, until he spotted a bird slowly gliding almost a mile above them.

Kai:Hey a bird! I'm gonna catch it and eat it. I'm soooo hungry! Luffy now!

Luffy tretching his arm out, he grabbed the top of their miniature mast, intent on slingshotting Kai up.

Yamato: Let me help!

Yamato excitedly said, standing. She wound up, and  she intended to smash Luffy in the butt as he got prepared, calling out her move.

Kai:Wait Yamato!

Yamato: Thunderclap Bagua!

A weaker version than her father's. Luffy quickly got out the way. Her swing launched Kai upwards, with Kai yelling and screaming about how he was gonna kick her ass once he landed.

Zoro: You sure like hitting them.

Zoro stated, using a hand to block the sun while staring up at the dot that was their Captain.

Yamato: Thier fun to hit, cause they always bounces back. However that wasn't intended to hit, Kai.

Luffy: Dodge a bullet there.

She giggled. The three had been doing this back and forth for years, and no matter how many times she smacked him, he always came back cheekily and never seemed to stay mad. Must have been 'cause they established this right off the bat, no pun intended. And in all their years together, even after the mediator of their fights, Ace, left, the three never seemed to have a real verbal fight over this, or anything else for that matter. They just connected. She smiled.

Yamato: Besides I'm his girlfriend if he really wanted not to get hit he would've dodged.

Above them, Kai slammed into the bird's beak, head first. Both Yamato, Luffy and Zoro expected this to knock it out of the sky, but it didn't seem to react. In fact, it almost looked like Kai was stuck.

Kai: Guys…I think I'm stuck.

The bird continued to fly on, uncaring of its new guest currently held in its jaw.

Zoro:That idiot!

Grabbing two paddles from below his seat.

Zoro: Grab the other two Yamato, we gotta chase that moron before we lose sight!

Yamato:You can't tell me what to do!

Yamato shouted, but still reached for the spare paddles.

Yamato: I'm the First Mate!

Luffy:Just do it!

Zoro grunted at her, ignoring her plight, and continued paddling as fast as possible. Yamato followed suit, trying to keep an equal row speed so they wouldn't capsize.

In the distance, a trio of men seemed to be floating mindlessly in the open ocean. They must have noticed the boat, and began to yell out.

???: Hey! Stop! We need help!

Zoro: I can't stop now, just hop in!

???: What?!

Zoro and Yamato continued rowing at immense speeds, and the three pirates barely had enough reactions to grab ahold and hoist themselves up.

The new guests began breathing heavily, staring downwards, until they caught their breath. The one in the front made to draw his sword, as did his two compatriots, and they looked up.

???: Thanks for the pickup, now drop the paddles and, what the hell?

They realized two things in that moment. One: A giant 9-foot-tall woman(?) was glaring at them while rowing rapidly, club strapped to her back. And Two: the other individual was currently armed with three swords, meaning he could only be one person. The boy with the strawhat was stretching his limbs like it was casual.

Rather than even bothering to try anything, the three looked at one another, nodded, and leapt right back out into the ocean. Probably for the best. They'd maybe find another boat passing by.

Zoro: What was that about?

His head was turned still, trying to keep his eyes on the giant bird.

Luffy: What wierd guys.

Yamato: No idea. Doesn't matter, we gotta catch up with my moron/ our Co-Captain.

Yamato retorted. She swore to herself if the idiot fell over the ocean and drowned, she'd kill him! He wasn't allowed to die.

Scene Change

Meanwhile, about a mile over the ocean, Kai looked down, staring blankly, just playing with his fingers. At some point or another, maybe they'd get over an island and he could just fall. Benefits of being part dragon. No worries over these normally dangerous activities.

As fate would have it, an island did appear, and the bird quickly drew nearer to the coast. Kai began to struggle about, attempting to free his head. Something must have worked, and as they reached said coast, Kai fully dislodged himself and, and using the bird's massive beak as a ledge, launched himself downwards like a rocket. Hey! That might be a good name for a move. He'd have to try it later.

At his current speed, he'd have no ability to react before landing, so he let fate dictate wherever that may be. This just so happened to be right onto a group of thugs, who in a million years would not have anticipated a dragon boy to fall from the sky on their heads. The massive dust cloud that formed from Kai's landing quickly dissipated, and after extracting himself from a hole, he came face to face once again with that orange-haired girl, currently with her mouth agape in confusion.

Girl: Who are you?! How are you alive?!

She exclaimed, seeing him completely unhurt from the fall.

Kai simply brushed himself off, and looked her up and down, confused.

Kai: Didn't I tell you already? I'm Kai!

Realization dawned on the girl, recognizing him from that Alvida incident, but before she could respond, the goons that had been chasing her had finally started getting up. Rather than beg for help, she simply said

Girl: Thanks for the assist boss! I'll let you handle this one!

She quickly scampered off out of sight, and Kai heard noise behind him.

Man: So, you're the girl's boss huh? Guess we should kill you then!

Kai turned and stared at them, realized they were a group of weak-looking pirates, and quickly beat the crap outta 'em. No use talking to guys like that.

Kai: Sweet! Now it's 17-12-11. I should beat up more of these guys so Yamato and Luffy never catch up! Hahaha!

Girl: So, who really are you?

A girl's voice called from above. It was that same orange-haired girl who left him to fight.

Kai: Are you dumb? I already told you, I'm Kai.

She leapt down from the roof and landed in front of him.

Girl: Well Kai, you seem pretty tough. You beat those pirates like it was nothing!

Kai: Those guys.

Kai pointed over his shoulder.

Kai: They seemed pretty weak to me. Now, are gonna tell me your name finally?

Girl: The name's Nami! I'm a thief and a navigator. This here is a map to get to the Grand Line. I'm gonna use it to help me find more dumb pirates and rob 'em blind."

Kai: A navigator! Awesome! We need one of those!

Nami: Really? Wanna team up?

Nami was now smiling widely, recognizing she had a strong person who could do her bidding.

Kai: Sure! Welcome to the crew!

Kai happily replied, extending his hand.

Nami's smile instantly disappeared, and she smacked his hand away.

Nami: What? What do you mean crew?

She asked, a hint of aggravation creeping into her voice.

Kai: I'm a pirate. My friends crew is on the way, they'll be so excited to meet you! We got this one guy, his name is-

Nami cut him off.

Nami: Nope. Never mind. I'm not teaming up with pirates, I hate them! I only like money and mikans!

The glare she threw his way would have leveled most people, but Kai didn't seem to mind.

Kai: You hate pirates? Why?

Nami hesitated for a moment.

Nami: They took someone important from me.

Kai's eyes widened just a little bit more as he clenched his fist.

Kai: Who were they? The pirates and the person?

The look of concern on his face actually seemed legitimate. Nami's expression softened. The guy in front of her did not give her the airs of the evil and conniving pirates she knew. But he was a pirate, and could become just like those she hated. She internally put some walls back up, just to make sure she gave herself some emotional protection.

Nami: Does it matter? Look, you don't seem too awful, maybe we can help each other out, just for now. There's a pirate on this island I'm trying to rob, and I could use some assistance. I'm trying to collect 100 million beris to buy a certain island, and I know these pirates got a ton stashed. I'll even split the loot, 70-30!

Kai made to reply, but his stomach spoke first. A loud grumble echoed, and he grabbed at it, slumping down.

Kai: I'm hungry. Can I help after I eat something?

Nami blinked. She didn't expect him to comply so easily.

Nami: Sure? Umm, let's see.

She looked around, and realized that given the town was currently abandoned, she could probably break in somewhere.

Nami: Follow me, I'll make you something as thanks for earlier.

Kai: Sweet! I hope you make me twice the food, since I saved you twice!

Kai smiled cheekily.

Nami: Yeah yeah yeah, fine. But you better not mess up my plan!

Meanwhile,Luffy Zoro and Yamato could finally see land in the distance.

Zoro: You think he landed there?

Luffy: If I know Kai, then yeah. But I swear, if he's eating without us, I'm sending him through a building.

Yamato then looked around as she squint her eyes.

Luffy:Is something wrong Yamato?

Yamato: I feel like Kai is eating with our us and is with a girl.

Yamato clenched her hands and teeth.

Scene Change

Kai was eating. Quite a bit. Possibly enough for three. Something in the air told him he would get punished for this, but he wasn't sure why.

Nami and him had raided a couple fridges after he told her it had been a full day since he ate. She felt kinda bad, and figured she'd at least help him prep some food. At no point did she expect this human vacuum to consume three houses worth of food, but here they were.

A good 10 minutes later, he sat back in his seat at the table and relaxed. Nami sat adjacent to him, looking the boy over. How he could eat that much, and not be bloated or dead was beyond her, and she was kinda jealous. Who wouldn't want to be able to eat anything, in any amount, and still be fit and thin?

Nami: So Kai, are you finally ready for my plan?

Kai: Sure! I ate enough for now, I'm good. So what are we doing?

Nami: Well, there's a ton of those pirates all at the center of town at a bar. Their leader is a man known as Buggy the Clown, he's a bastard that attacks villages and raids all sorts of small islands.

Nami looked at Kai, waiting for some kind of hint he was paying attention, but he was fix.a scarf on his neck, looking off into space.

Nami: Would you cut that out! This is serious!

Nami yelled, grabbing his scarf and tossing it over her shoulder.

Kai: Hey! Don't touch my special scarf! It's my treasure!

Kai glared at her, and moved to grab it. The look he gave was the most serious she had seen him yet, and she felt kind of bad. Kai reached down, picked and dusted his scarf off, and placed it firmly around his neck. He made his way back to the table, before plopping down and crossing his arms.

Nami: Sorry, I didn't realize it meant that much to you. Why's it so important?

She watched him grabbed his scarf and stare at it intently, as though it held all the answers in the world.

Kai: This scarf is the only thing I have of my mother. I never meet her, but I've been told that she cared about me. It's something I always have on and I won't let it go until I reach my dream. Until that point comes I can't lose this, because I want to change the world just like she did.

The seriousness in his tone told more than just the statement. Nami realized just how deep this boy's ambitions went, and that he would do anything to reach them, regardless of how tough the road may be. He dropped it back around his neck, and looked at her again.

Kai: Now, just because I wasn't looking at you doesn't mean I wasn't paying attention. The leader is Buggy and they've been doing all type of horrible things. So, continue.

Nami: Anyways, this guy means business. But he has something I need, so I gotta trick him. That's where you come in. Ever been tied up before?

Luffy, Zoro and Yamato finally made landfall, and tied the small boat up, next to another slightly larger vessel, with a pirate mark on the sail. Looking around, they quickly noticed that no one seemed to be around. And a massive ship peeked around a corner of a nearby building, with a circus elephant mast head partially seen.

Zoro: Hmmm, this seems odd, don'tcha think?

Yamato nodded, before taking a deep breath in. For what it's worth, a Zoan has increased senses, and foxed have a strong sense of smell.

Yamato: I smell Kai, he's with someone else who smells of mikans. And… wait a minute…. I smell food! On him! That bastard DID eat without us! I'm gonna kick his ass!

Luffy: Traitor! We always eat together!

Yamato and Luffy made to run off, before Zoro grabbed the tow of them.

Zorr: Hold on there, monster girl and rubber boy. If he's with someone, that probably means that he's off to do something stupid, and might need help. We need to get to the bottom of this before we walk into a trap. This quiet town and that ship means there are pirates, and pirates mean fights.

Yamato: But Zooorooo. It's not faaaaair. I'm hungry too! I gotta eat something!

Zoro: Didn't you say Samurai don't get hungry while we were sailing?

Yamato stopped and held her thumb and index finger to her face for a moment, contemplating the question, before coming to her conclusion.

Yamato: Well, I'm not actually a samurai yet… sooooooo… bye!

Yamato and Luffy  pulled themself loose and raced off to who knows where. Either to find grub or beat their moron Captain. Maybe both.

Zoro sighed, and made his way into town. His mastery of directions meant he knew he'd find Kai immediately, even without Yamato's senses. Definitely. He just needed to go… right!

They were to the left.


When it comes to meeting the Waifus is Kai who meets them first. However I won't change Luffy's fights.

Quick question should the harem get some of Kai's Abilities? Should they join the Strawhats Crew? However, they will join near the end.


Captain: Luffy
Co-captain: Kai
First Mate: Yamato
Second Mate: Zoro
Navigator: Nami
Sniper: Usopp
Chef: Sanji
Doctor: Chopper
Politics/Negotiations: Vivi
Archeologist: Robin
Ship wright: Franky
Musician: Brook
Spy: Perona
Helsman: Jinbe
Info Gather: Noelle ??? (Joins in Wano)

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