By Han_Yuniee

2.4K 72 9

Taking a step out from my feelings who I've cooped,hid and fight with at the time from I tried to deny. Not a... More

①:✍︎ Commitments
③;✍︎ Home Sweet Home
④✍︎; Leaping Thrills
⑤;✍︎ Crumbled paper
⑥✍︎; Affection
⑧✍︎; Unusual Feeling
⑩✍️;That Missing puzzles
11; Threatened
16;Rushing?,Who knows Rush?
17; Banana Peel

②: Minimum Glance

210 7 1
By Han_Yuniee

I woke up,feeling that time passed so fast to the point it was the day. Sunoo helped me the most of what I needed, yet I was still deeply confused why the ones who was offering me this babysitting Job,paid so much including giving me a an own personal driver to catch up my train that they also paid with.

"Are you sure about this darling,it's not to late to back down"I lowered my head not going with the point she doesn't understand why I have to.

"Mom, how many times do I have to tell you it's for our own good. to have a breakfast that doesn't only contains a bread and rice but like chickens,soup,meat everything that can fill are stomachs totally."I told almost sounding muffled.

I saw, complete despair ness of emotion on mom's face. Knowing very well how she doesn't really trust me for leaving by myself.

"I'll go now,The car outside is waiting already"I hugged mom tightly more than ever like it was really the last time.

But all I knew was, it's only gonna took a litte while,since it's just a small job and the parents might be not that busy. So what's the rush of being this emotional,Besides when I come back I'll have enough cash to re arrange dad's Café as well help mom too.

"Stop crying~,cause if you did I'll also cry."I pouted,kissing her cheek before I sniffed loudly.

"Aish enough,Take care Honey!"

I turned around for the last time to my mom,waving me goodbye with her smiling widely. I tend to be really sensitive when it comes to emotional times and this was added.

I couldn't stay put about the fact I'm leaving my mom's arms for the first time,. I had been used with my mom since then just like I was koala clinging onto it's tree sleeping. But it's just me following my mom's step for a better future settings as far as she said.

"I promise,it'll just took a week then I'm back"She nodded,rubbing my shoulder as a habit of hers.

I chuckled,lastly giving her a hug before twisting the knob open to reveal such luxurious car Infront of me.

With me wiping my nose who was also tearing,I noticed the window slowly got down, probably checking who I was.

Before he elegantly stepped out from the car,and bowed.

Am I a princess to be treated this polite?.

"H-hi,"Was the only thing that came out from my mouth as I bowed back trying to actually avoid him out of feeling uneasy.

"Perhaps mister,have you seen any car park before you here?."I asked. Not aware why i bothered to ask him when I don't even knew who he was in the first place.

"Are you Haeyoon?"My eyes widen slightly, surprised about his response of knowing my name exactly.

Maybe this is some kidnapping. Who acts all polite like a butler just cause they had a clue of my job to a wealthy Family, including their dark, filthy,car that's for serious danger of dragging people inside.


What am I gonna say!?,do I tell him it is my name or not at all!.

Fvck this is a near death situation Infront of you Haeyoon!,think!!.

"Y- ye- yes!"I gulped hardly,knowing I already screwed it up. To the point it was at the end of my mouth.

The guy,gave an reassuring smile while he guided me close to the cars door as he pulled it open,still in an elegant way.

For a moment. I questioned how harmless he looked and I was clearly safe from his aura,well I still doubt it. Once the one who looks innocent and WHO acts Innocent,they are always the one who's really not what you thought of.

"Huh!,good try old man. I'm not falling for your stupidity of tricks,I'm not the one who you want to mess with!"I yelled, bringing my bag close to his face. Almost tempting to slap to his face right away.

For sure,I sensed he was not really harmless but a devil in disguise. This fools still have a backup and can snatch me at by moment's ticking.

"Come out!,or im gonna call the police!,Mo-"I felt a hand between my mouth. Looking forward to see someone familiar.

"Mr.Lim?"I asked startle by his sudden appearance.

He was the one who reached out to Sunoo and give me this job. I frowned my eyebrows wondering what he was doing here.

"Calm down dear,This is Mr.Jung our personal butler. He and me will be with you at the mean time since I runned some business here as well why not come to pick you up too"I hesitated to believe his kind actions,but gave a smile instead as I bowed.

"Come on let's get going,My son must be waiting already at the train waiting for us turtle's"He joked,chuckling as he guided me to sit near the window of the car.

I had a thought it might be his elder son,I don't know but I'm quite excited to meet them two,I still don't know their names but I can trust how them both are nice. Since their father is already kind.


Time skip-

"No no,I'll carry it."Mr.Jung,came snatching my luggage gently out from my hand,insisting for him to assist.

"Oh no no,I can do it on my own"I told,snatching it out from him softly. Not wanting to be harsh.

"Dear dear, it's my own pleasure to help, please let me" I blinked,somehow surpassed by not believing even words can be that elegant as him.

"H-here,thank you very much"I let my bags lay down the floor to let him go carry it just like what he said.

"OH!,i-its a bit heavy huh"He struggled trying to carry it all once so that it'll be thrown right away at the bus.

I chuckled loudly, seeing him put all of it back to the ground before trying to carry one. Although he was really struggling he mange to carry it,.

With me noticing how he was really sweating to the point I felt like it was too heavy. Before I finally took my other bag and brought it up to my shoulder.

"I'll carry this one,you can go ahead now"I told,for the first time having the right manners my mom taught me.

"How long have you've been Mr.Lim's butler Mr.Jung?"As I strike a conversation,He shifted his head towards me looking like he wasn't satisfied by what I called him."Something wrong?"

"Don't call me Mr.Jung,your making me sound so young although that what's most people like but-,yeah you can just call me Grandpa"I smiled widely,feeling so delight by just watching him make me comfortable as possible.

"So Grandpa,how long have you been serving Mr.Lim's family?"I tilted my head asking him curiously.

He seemed to be hesitant at first,but as he looked down floor I noticed something was kinda off.

"Well since ever,Litte Minhyung used to follow his dad. I had been along his side,taking care,serving,him,but as he grew up and had a family of his own it actually got so much complicated from back then"He uttered, fidgeting his fingers together.

My eyebrows met each other as I had gotten actually confused. Not that I'm tempted to know,but I'm somehow interested to know.

"Would you be glad if I hear his story-"My sentence ended there when I heard footsteps coming close to the back of mines.

I assumed it was them, although on how much I'm curious to know it's best to greet them first.

"This is Jay,My Steph son."As I turned around,I noticed an Guy around the same age as me, blankly stood next to Mr.Lim with his hands placed on his pockets.


"Are you sure she's the one to trust"I whispered while leaning towards Dad's ear. Examining her who was sitting quietly near the window of the train with her headphones on.

"Jay, please atleast have a good impression about her,not all are gonna go and ask you to marry them but take care of Jimyoon well including maybe you"His words was useless from what I was thinking. Knowing very well she was another one to debate with again.

"Well see"I let out a sigh,watching my Stepdad go to his seat as he looked at me confused.

"Aren't you gonna sit yet?"My gaze, followed to where he was gesturing me at,to only witness it was Infront of Her.

"You can go ahead dad,I'll be getting some coffee"I excused,moving my feet to get out from the scene I found obviously annoying.

"Jay stay here,Mr.Jung will get it for you"I heard him told from the back,making me roll my eyes and sat forcedly next to him,leading me to notice her again.

"Go say hi to her"I frowned,giving a disgusted expression. Not that I find her one I'd rather not be friendly once again.

"No thank you"I lastly uttered,putting my headphones as well to focus on sleeping.

"Aw!,Dad!!"with me groaning in pain due to him,slapping my lap harshly who echoed,he laughed loudly after it.

"Just go ahead, im not repeating myself again,or else I'm gonna throw you out of this train while it's still not moving"I pursed my lips, snatching my earphones away from my ear to tapping her lap lightly still deeply annoyed.

"Hm?,Oh H-hello"Her eyes flattered open,making me see her teary yet mesmerizing pupils.

I felt my stomach form something undetectable,but as I got completely blinded by her beauty she flashed a wide smile.

"S-sorry I suddenly fell asleep, Hi again I'm Haeyoon"She leaned her hand towards me now,asking for shake.

I stopped spacing out,and also leaned back to my seat, finally having the urge to judge as I flashed a forced smile.

"I know,you can go back to sleep again"With me giving a glare,she pulled back her hand back to where it was before bowing politely as she looked through the window trying to keep awake.

She can sleep all she wants,I'm not bothering to care at all and once mom,dad overseas I'll not let her slide to trying to seduce me,just like the other ones.

"Here's you coffee sir,"I saw Mr.Jung held my coffee Infront of me,wanting me to take it.

My gaze,landed to Haeyoon who stared at it. For sure she heard how I wanted the coffee while she was pretending to sleep,and most of girls like her would insist taking my coffee just cause it came from my hands.

"Thank you,"I held it towards my hands,wrapping it softly as I took a sip.

I saw her looking at it blankly,making have the courage to finally give it a try and see for myself.

"You want some?"My head tilted to the side,giving it to her with a smirk plastered on my face.

No let's see you true nature shall we?.

"Oh no thank you, although it helps me keep up I tend to avoid coffee just what mom told me to"My face dropped,seeing her deny it with sincerity.

No one has ever denied something i offered except for her,..

But that doesn't mean I'll give up. Let's start the debate then.

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