⑤;✍︎ Crumbled paper

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I stood still,feeling my face suddenly heat up due to his hands wrapping around my waist softly,I glance over him and within a glimpse he was close to my lips.

"Is it your time of the month?"I froze just realizing and coming to senses when he come up to spoke about it.

I let go nervously as i faced him with embarrassment plastered in my face as I held Jimyoon who was still on my shoulder sleeping.

Then suddenly I saw him taking off his jacket releasing both of his arms as he handed it pointing it right at my face making me flinch.

How aggressive.

"Tha-thank you"I held the jacket in my hand as I stared it,. before trying to cover up the instant murder blood right to my back.

I struggled internally when I knew I cannot wake Jimyoon up when he is deeply asleep,Jay who was watching me snatched it out my head in a flash while he wrapped it my waist gently,giving me flutters inside.

"Stop blanking out and let's go it's raining"With forming a smile at the sides of my lips,He walked away completely leaving me dumfounded at the corner with a snoring Jimyoon.

I giggled looking at the cute view on my shoulder as I tried finding my bag that I for sure left earlier on the ground.

Not until,I saw him far away from me came to turn around with a mischievous smirk plastered at his face,before bringing my bag to his head,hiding himself from the rain as he runned.

My jaw dropped with my eyes twitching in annoyance,seeing how careless he is from not even bringing an umbrella but stole my bag just to turn it to one.

"How about us!?"

Next Day;

Heayoon's POV:

I carried my things while I sat towards the my desk. It was the last class of the day before going home,I myself as usual never got to meet new friends but here at the corner all stuffed up with how I hate socializing just to be honest.

A sigh left my mouth still, Wondering how mom or even Sunoo never got to contact me. I tilted my head in processing still gazing at the rain drops that slid from the window.

"Neh I'll just call them by myself" I shrugged,Getting my bag to sit in my lap as I digged to find it.

"Huh?,where did I put it"Panicking instantly,I threw my stuff out while I checked hoping to see it.

Notebook,pen and crumbled papers was the only thing inside my bag literally giving no signs of my phone, although phones aren't allowed in class some still bring it including me.

"Seriously early in the morning,"I stopped spacing out,When a pair of shoes came forward Infront of me.

But I refused to face whoever it was knowing who it was,as I continue to minding my business to clean up my stuff except for the crumbled paper that I held in my hands.

"Move"With the blank answer of Jay,I rolled my eyes in annoyance, before fulfilling his words of moving backwards so that he can go to his seat.

Did I forgot to mention he is also my seatmate just cause the teacher himself find it mesmerizing for a student like him to be with someone like me. A girl.

"Are you just gonna stand there?,Sir know it all is gonna come soon better sit down"Not being able to stand his bossy ness,I sat down with my blood boiling still in low heat,having the feeling he was smiling by his own actions.

Just cause I'm his brothers babysitter he doesn't need to treat me like a secretary neither someone who doesn't know what to do.

I heard the bell rang,Giving me the cue of how all the students runned inside as if it's to die for just to get in as early as possible.

After thinking deeply,A smirk slowly grew at the sides of my lips remembering that I was still holding the paper in my hands.

"Everyone,let's start shall we?"

"Psst,Jay"I called,Seeing him shift his head while furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"What-"without hesitation I stepped on his foot,nice and hard with his mouth widening in pain making it cue the entrance of the crumbled paper in my hands towards to shoving it to his mouth.

"Awhhhwwhh"He shouted in real pain still with the ball of paper on his mouth with his hands helding his toe.

"Oh,what seems to be the problem of Mr.Park here?"The teacher came in the scene, wiping his glasses as he stared both of me and Jay with a cold glare.

"Oh nothing,i just heard him randomly shout and after play along as if his foot was hurting,guessing he was trying to ruin your chemistry session that you were discussing sir"I shrugged giving the innocent card to play.

I noticed how Jay tried denying with his eyes in internal fear before attempting to take off the paper inside his mouth wich where my eyes sharpen.

"No you misunderstood-"with hitting his ankle this time,he wasn't able to spill a word but silenced in pain,as I shoved the paper back to his mouth, and faced our chemistry teacher.

"Sorry on behalf of his behavior,it won't happen again"I gave an reassuring smile,with the background of laughing like a maniac inside cause of reading the teachers expression of disappointment.

"I- are you his mother or what?, Nevermind Jay pack your stuff and enjoy going home"My smile dropped at the moment of hearing his words.

"As in back at home?"Jay uttered beside me with the usual smile I doubt was once guilty or despaired but tone of teasing.

"You kid,where else is your home ofcoures detention!"i lowered my head, following with turning around slowly to face.

"Good luck"I mouthed, before silently cheering with sticking my tongue out after.

He held his bag near his shoulder stubbornly,as he dragged his foot out of the class room while keeping the eye contact with me.

I swear to god I saw death...


After note updating for about two weeks,here's another chapter!. I hadn't been feeling really well due to personal problems but writing this was fun😂.

STREAM "ParadoXX invasion" teaser one everyone!.

They are slaying and Handsome as always🤧😭,huhu Jay is hitting real diff- these days!!.

𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑; 𝓟.𝓙𝓼 𝓕𝓯Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora